Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

DBD needs better accessibility options for motion sickness

Member Posts: 12
edited February 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I understand why killers have low FOVs, killers having limited vision is apart of the game design. However -- this means the game is less accessible to people, especially those with monitors (traditionally PC but also console players) as they sit close to their display, I suffer from motion sickness and legitimately can't play killer more than a match unless I use Shadowborn, much like how deaf players must waste a perk slot on Spinechill

And although its not OP for killer to have a higher FOV given Shadowborns effectiveness we can't just make it basekit without some caveats. So I've devisied ways to help make the game more accessible while still being balanced, they are the following (some of them like 1 & 2 are sort of "safe" options that help quite a bit but not completely, while 3 & 4 are more drastic)


Safe Partial Solutions

1 - The FOV of your arms/weapon as killer is very close to the screen, if you allow an FOV slider that keeps your FOV the same but zooms out your arms as if they're further away (like it does when you would increase your FOV) this would help people feel a bit less claustrophobic while not providing any advantage

2 - Buff Shadowborn to have additional benefits besides FOV, so that people who need it for accessibility reasons can feel less like they're wasting a perk slot



3 - Add an FOV slider but add a scratch mark penalty to it the more it is increased, like a basekit lightweight this way killers can choose between higher FOV and better scratch mark intel. (Shadowborn would just let you keep max FOV without the penalty)

4 - Add an FOV slider but survivors are invisible outside of the default FOV range, so you will only see extra environment not players or auras of anything. So you still have to look around as you normally would. (Shadowborn would just let you keep max FOV without the penalty)



I ask that BVHR please take this seriously, motion sickness is not a joke, it is very debilitating for me and others, it's why I switched to PC gaming yet this game doesn't offer it. One or a combination of these solutions would be ideal, and would go great along with the update that introduces accessibility options for the deaf

Post edited by Hybred on

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  • Member Posts: 4,285

    I would be ok with 1, and 2,. If you need it, 2, could be in a form of FOV slider that adjust the angle even a bit more then it currently does (or sure, add some brand new weak effect on top of it).

    3, and 4, feels like too much though

  • Member Posts: 12

    Why does 3 & 4 feel like too much? Too much to program? To OP?

  • Member Posts: 1,298

    i personally just find it funny that they removed flashlight clicking before adding a fob slider

  • Member Posts: 4,285

    yes 3 would feel like too OP.

    The reason for #3 being - that as a survivor you have no idea what you are playing against. As of now it's already very hard to successfully abuse killer's FOV (part of the design) - now it would become impossible if killer changed his settings somehow? Then say OK - I want to abuse new shorter scratchmarks and create techs for it (it will still be very hard to do) - well it doesn't work because that killer did not change FOV. And there's a very good possibility you would have middle ground where no FOV or scratchmark techs will ever work making it just pure nerf in options survivors have. Meaning you take very hard skillful interaction that makes quite rewarding skillful expression and outright nerf/delete it.

    for #4 - seeing environment is still strong benefit. Maybe if it was communicated on UI where your boundaries are, it would not be as problematic as the health issue. I think that I am changing my own stance about this one when I think about it more. Like sure this still helps killer (outside of health issues), but it does not really take away that much agency for survivors. I am probably OK with this change too

  • Member Posts: 12
    edited February 2023

    I don't think #3 would be OP considering how weak shadowborn is in the game and it has zero debuffs, while this does. If high FOV was OP it would be more used more often.

    However I do know it may make the game less fun for one side because a lot of FOV techs would be harder, and that is apart of the fun / game design. So although objectively it isn't OP and FOV techs dont win games I understand their has to be a compromise to raising the FOV as basekit, so I don't think even #3 would be that bad considering how weak shadowborn is

    Post edited by Hybred on
  • Member Posts: 2,573

    Most FOV "techs" don't do anything, they're just really damn annoying to watch and it's blatantly clear what's going on when it involves no collision. And I don't get motion sick, I can only imagine how much worse following the Survivor is if you do.

    Just let the damn FOV go up and see if it actually significantly changes anything (probably not).

  • Member Posts: 4,285

    This only means you don't play against better survivors. Window techs can bring a lot of time. This confusion would just not happen if killer had FOV as big as they want.

    Playing against oni in ability or blight requires you to hide mid-chase sometimes (at least if you are better survivor). This is one of the reason why sometimes especially best blights that have absolutely 0 health issues what-so-ever do bring this perk - even if they could bring say deadlock instead.

    When we are talking about higher elo, killer's limited FOV is a big deal.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    No, it's a tiny deal that barely ever comes into it. 95% of its usage throughout the game is 'be annoying' and an overconfident amount of trying to sneak through windows. The remaining 5% is the shocking revelation that Killers that move really fast in a straight line like having peripheral vision to aim. In the long list of things in the game that make an impact, FOV techs are way down near the bottom in frequency.

    Is this enough of a reason to continue having Killer be an accessibility-unfriendly mess where daft solutions are proposed that aren't the one that nearly every modern game has of 'make an FOV slider'? Not really. Shuffling it off to a single perk with a fixed FOV adjustment is just clunkiness for the sake of an overrated gameplay mechanic.

  • Member Posts: 4,285

    Absolutely disagree. The game is designed around FOV. There are very few things survivor can do against stronger killers. One of those very few options is actually abuse their FOV. It's VERY VERY important. Sure not for a low or mid MMR. In those MMR's survivors are just unable to abuse it. But in higher MMR, it's essential to be unpredictable. And this one IS one of the tools.

  • Member Posts: 236

    Remove the billy headbob too, it makes me feel sick playing him tbh

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    What is so super frustrating about it is that you want a "tech" to be kept that makes playing killer incredible hard for some and impossible for others and while I don't suffer from it every time a survivor trys a window tech I just feel like my poor susie just got a super stiff neck cause why the hell can't I look left or right while jumping through a window I'm not made of stone

  • Member Posts: 3,271

    The game also was designed around survivors having no information. Just saying this argument isnt good anymore.

  • Member Posts: 4,285
    edited February 2023

    Yes. But you forgot a lot of crucial other information. Like the game was designed for shack to have 2 winodows, many more pallets, only slow and fast vaults (all mid-vaults were fast-vaults), no bloodlust, permanent hook sabotages, trapper traps could be permanently sabotaged, bigger darker maps, infinite vaulting single window, infinite loops etc.

    The times changes. Killers were tremendously buffed compared to what the game provided at the very beginning of it's life. Be happy about it. Survivors were very much OP back then - even much more then killers are right now (61% kill rate in higher MMR).

    of course I want those techs to stay in the game. It's the only chance survivors have. Maybe I have to repeat myself, but 61% kill rate. And you want to take away some remaining things survivors can do.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    If 'something' one side can do comes at the expense of the other side even being playable to many people, then it's not a real loss. Especially when the exact thing you're talking about is really, really minor compared to every other technical skill or piece of game knowledge, no matter how much you want to exaggerate it.

  • Member Posts: 4,285

    Yes sure. So long as killer is playable survivor does not need to be. Cool. Then wonder why people only genrush or leave the game. What a surprise

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    Given the planned addition of visual cues for terror radius as an accessibility option (and it's much easier for most people to follow visual cues and detect minor changes, so I expect lots of people are going to run it for the advantage), it's not like it won't cut the other way, either.

    The game should be playable for as many people as possible without outright hampering them because of artificial constraints.

  • Member Posts: 1,145

    i do experience motion sickness from time to time. my main complaint is that i wish they'd remove the fov changes on monitor and abuse or whatever doctor's perk is called. i want to use it for the terror radius effects, but even just completing the adept doctor challenge made me nauseous.

    but that's probably a side effect of playing on like 140 fov on some games.

  • Member Posts: 4,285

    Sure by the same logic remove all the bloods and killers should not try to kill but it should be a game of tag. So that 7yo can play it too...

    Once you remove important parts of the game, the game stops being interesting. This is actually what you are asking for in my eyes

  • Member Posts: 619

    I'm sorry, are you actually comparing people who actually get sick from the awful FoV to "I don't like that this thing relevant to the genre is in this, GET RID OF IT"?

    Even Plastic Man can't make that massive of a stretch.

  • Member Posts: 755

    I like FOV Sliders for be basekit for either side, and Reworked Shadowborn to do something else entirely; if it was up to me; it would be nice if Shadowborn reveals survivors aura in white when within 8 meters, so that it makes hiding in the corner, bushes, and even blending in with a generator less relevant. Of course, if yoy are good at tracking survivors, you won't need it; but it helps with detecting survivors hiding in dark and shadow areas and their clothed blend in with the dark.

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