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Killer perks - opinions

Hello, I'm mainly surv, but lately I start play killer more and I wanted to see ur opinion about good killer perks. Here are the perks which I use and tbh I find em very good, bcz they require some playstyle (not only stay and camp or wait until the end with Noed totem) and I wanted to see opinion of more ppl who play killer. According to me for example, noed is not good perk if u want to be good killer because force u to wait until end if u failed to chase and kill survs (no bad feelings for ppl who use it). But some ppl msg me that my perks are toxic, I don't think so since they force me to play in dif situations, unlike noed for example. What do you think?


  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,063
    edited February 2023

    A lot of it depends on what you're going for. While it's one of his perks I'm not sure about Starstruck since only Basic Attacks benefit from Exposed and, between the Trickster's ranged attacks and slower speed, you're not going to be relying on M1s for your downs. Same with Make Your Choice and Hubris. Iron Maiden gives you the benefits of faster reloading and information so the Exposed is not as big of an issue there.

    I'm not knowledgeable enough about Trickster in particular to offer a substitute build but, for all it's a survivor's bane right now, if you have it I'd recommend using Eruption. This is because its effect can be triggered by any down, which incentivizes getting downs using your power.

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828
    edited February 2023

    Hubris is horrible without at least enduring ,by the time you recover for the stun survivor has reached another tile ( trickster is 110 speed as well)

    Starstruck is also horrible because you have smaller TR as trickster (24m) slow move (110) with no good way of capitalizing on the exposed effect

    Make your choice suffers from the same reasons ,starstruck + Make your choice could have been great on killers with good mobility like pre nerf nurse

    Iron maiden is huge Quality of life for killers that need to reload ,

    Lastly your perks aren't toxic (there's nothing toxic about perks,just salty people ) at the end of the day remember you play however you have fun

    If i may suggest a build it would be : Deadlock from pinhead (great all around slowdown) darkness revealed from dredge which pairs well with reloading killers , Hex blood favor from blight is also decent on trickster and maybe undying to protect it a bit or even scourge hook pain resonance hook from artist

  • FMG15
    FMG15 Member Posts: 456

    There is nothing toxic about perks, it's the playstyle (not accusing you of playing toxic) that can be viewed as toxic. But I also don't think that your build is good for trickster. You are a killer that has a slower movement speed than most killers and exposed only works for M1s so better don't use them (except Iron Maiden for reloads). A good perk is Pain Resonance as you don't need to walk towards a gen to kick it. Deadlock is also very strong basically it prevents survivor from being fully efficient on gens. Other slowdowns like Gift of Pain is good. It can keep survivors injured due to the mangled effect and if they heal they get a repair penalty which takes away some pressure. No Way Out also can be a gamechanger because it stalls them from opening the exit gates. Fearmonger (formerly known as Mindbreaker) is also good for him since it counters Sprint Burst which is a strong exhaustion perk against trickster.

    But ultimately play what you want and however you want. Let no one tell you how you are supposed to play if you have fun playing the game.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,063

    I hadn't even thought about Trickster's smaller Terror Radius but yeah that's a factor too.

    My issue with Hubris is it relies on being stunned by a healthy Survivor, which is less likely than being stunned by an injured one, since they'll be more prone to drop pallets.

    I've actually tried Hubris on Wraith, since Lightburn counts, though the one time I got value from it was, ironically, a pallet stun that let me interrupt a Key escape

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    I'm not exaggerating when i say "the only time i got hit with hubris was from a dedicated enduring / fury / hubris combo " but the issue is A you give 3 slots B once survivor finds out you have 1 perk left to work with ,survivors will just predrop and you are left blue balled

  • FMG15
    FMG15 Member Posts: 456

    It's a combination that banks on the survivors playing soloQ and not paying enough attention.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,063

    Yeah. A good general tip might be "always assume you're up against a SWF". Maybe not one at Seal Team Six level but enough that anything you do to one Survivor will get called out to the others.

    If I recall correctly one of Trickster's big weaknesses is map pressure, sir to being slow moving and having no slowdown inherent to his power. So aura perks to find people quickly may be the best route with assume gen slowdown from things more Deadlock or Eruption.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,063

    That's why I went with Wraith. You wanna burn me with that flashlight? Go right ahead. Any pallet stun value is a bonus.

  • _RupTurE_
    _RupTurE_ Member Posts: 112

    A couple of my favorite killer perks are Dark Devotion and Blood Warden. Mainly, I like perks that can be used tactically vs. perks that require little tactics. It just depends on what you find fun. I value fun in getting use out of my perks and chasing survivors, I don't focus on the end result. If my tactics get me a solid end result that's just icing on the cake.

  • DreadRabbit
    DreadRabbit Member Posts: 10

    Neither perks nor playstyles are toxic, dont buy into those opinions, besides there will always be people who dont like your build, it shouldnt matter, its YOUR build, it should only cater to your playstyle (goes for killer and surv).

    That said if you like this build, havin fun with it, then use it, I regularly change my builds as killer and surv to test out new stuff/playstyles and not get bored.

    There are no wrong builds or playstyles imho, just play and try out different things and youll get a build that works well for you.

    The whole thing with Noed imho is if you solely rely on it to win, you wont improve, same with DH btw. those perks should be used as safety nets but not to carry the whole game.