
Why is the teabag still not fixed? I mean, it has no other meaning than to attract attention or humiliate the killer. Literally, a feature whose only purpose is to make the game more toxic.

Moreover, the butt dance looks completely unrealistic. Can you squat with that frequency? I can't. Why not add a flashlight-like delay? This will be enough for a quick stealth or sprint from a crouch, so this change will not hurt the game.

So why is that still a thing?


    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I'm more concerned with the waiting in the gate every. Single. Game. It adds up and wastes minutes of my time.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I am absolutely not acquiescing to their ridiculous and childish demand to watch them leave. They won. That's fine, I truly do not mind. What I do mind is that huge swathes of survivors cannot win gracefully.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 746

    THIS... it is very annoying everytime I "lose the game" and they are camping at the exit gate, especially when all 4 of them are alive and sitting in the gates. And all they do is teabag or sometimes go to the nearest window or pallet or locker and noise spamm... I simply don't want to see them as I am farm BP of dropped pallets and snuff boons, anything I can farm ex BP from.

    Makes kinda wish for a Basekit Blood Warden, to deny access to the exit gates, for "afking" at the exit gates.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979
    edited February 2023

    Then deal with the extra minutes? You can force them out, but if you choose not to that's on you

    However I would prefer if there were emotes so it's at least funny (f13 style)

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Why should I have to? It's hostile to my experience and has no gameplay benefit or impact to either side. It's just disrespectful.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,173

    Until DBD gets emotes, I dont think tbagging will ever go away. Plus it's not even an issue to begin with. Since people literally moving up and down should not even make you upset to begin with.

    DBD does need emotes though, like imagine Bubba Insidious camping in the basement and hitting the Griddy. Or busting a move after a pallet stun. I wouldnt even be made since dumb stuff like that made FT13th made super fun.

  • Dark_Alex
    Dark_Alex Member Posts: 91

    What's stopping you? This refers to the delay between squatting and standing up. You could sit down quickly or stand up abruptly. (Otherwise, it would start to interfere with the game.) However, in order to return to the starting position, you will need a conditional 1 second of time. Just like in reality.

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619
    edited February 2023

    I have yet to hear someone convince me that this is my job somehow.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Tbagging is literally meant to be disrespectful, in pretty much every game ever made with a Crouch and uncrouch function unless done in response to a nice action

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Real problem is the fact killers can not teabag at them, that is just unfair and should be fixed quickly.

    Like even just waving hands will do the job.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,328

    Just thought of something, if BHVR could make their crouching stances more stealthy and add a second delay to it, it would fix this. Like say, if they're hiding behind a rock, why not have them crouch with one knee bent and hold onto the rock in front of them with their hands or whatever object it is in front of them?

  • JediWithASniper
    JediWithASniper Member Posts: 670

    Seriously?? Grow up! T-bagging is a healthy part of video games. If you any handle it, go cry in a corner.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    I like how people defend extremely kid alike act like this by telling others to grow up tbh, yeah maybe but there is literally no situation where this has done with non-malicious intention.

    It's not the act itself which makes it bad, it's the intention behind it.

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    I feel like toxicity has lost its meaning and is thrown around like a lot more than it should be,,,Tbag ? toxic,,,Killer nods after downing you with a mindgame ? Toxic,,,,survivors looping well ? toxic,,,Killer existing ? toxic,,,

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    By the same argument force killer to pick up survivor if he walks on and behind the survivor. That's also a gesture of disrespect that killers are doing. Let's intentionally forget that said killer could be faking pickup to make a survivor reveal himself (survivor trying to dodge some ability). It's BM most of the time so punish the other side for something that angers me because it's used for showing disrespect and so it angers me even if it literally does nothing really malicious.

    Also do that for anything else in a future that will take it's place - resulting in need to freeze both parties and not allowing them to play the game - because there will always be some kind of move to show disrespect (next up is freeze camera movement, because head nods on both sides are super toxic).

  • HardhatKrugerer
    HardhatKrugerer Member Posts: 117

    T-bagging should have been gone if devs would implemented same thing as Crytek implemented into the Hunt. If you crouch too many times its giving you movement penalization and you can´t even crouch as effective as possible. It requires time to recover from it. And here it should be the same. Do you want to be disrespectfull? Be punished for it. Its very easy how to rip out the t-bagging, but devs need it for improve toxicity between killers and survivors. It fit their narrative. They need these flame wars between survivors and killers. Look how many threads in Steam forum is untouched even if its obviously against rules. They are doing it on purpose. Thats the reason why T-bagging will be a thing. Or if they would implement sasme system like in Hunt or if you´re chased and t-bagg than it would give you exposed status for 3 minutes or give you exhousted for one minute. You would be able to do it outside terror radius or while not being chased. Simple. Very simple. Yet deevs want that kind of toxicity in the game. T-baggers are most of the time very insecure and game is the only sphere, where they have impact on something. Don´t mind them.

  • HardhatKrugerer
    HardhatKrugerer Member Posts: 117

    So failing to mind game from your side is killer´s fault and can be considered as BM? :D How is that? Since when is t-bagging something tactical? Its giving you more bloodpoints? Its causing faster gen progress, when killer see you while t-bagging? If you force killer to pick survivor what has been taken down, then flashlight saves will be hell. Because survivors will know exactly that killer can´t take them or go after them so they have free flashlight. Really "good idea".

  • Tantamountain
    Tantamountain Member Posts: 38

    Grow a thicker skin.

    Nearly the entire playerbase needs to do this any way.

    I've never once been bothered by a teabag. If they're doing that, they're not gaining distance or doing something productive.

    Easier for me in the long run.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    OTOH It allows me to dodge huntress/trickster. Force oni to run over me, causes blight/billy to not hit me, helps me mindgame spirit w her sounds. If I thought about it a little more I can find more examples.

    Sometimes it needs to be done in quick successions (especially huntress).

    Meaning there are plenty of reasons when you tbag without any bm or intend to communicate anything

  • llamal
    llamal Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    that's why they added the time to escape bar, once the doors are opened, back in the days a match could long for ever lol. Tbagging is just something unimportant, if it makes you angry, the problem is yours and not the survivors'.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    youre exactly right. why doesn't right d-pad have an actual butt-dance emote?

    where are the fortnite dances? surely behavior can cobble up some extra emotes to earn and purchase for when i win as killer and survivor?

    i'm tired of having to point, beckon, crouch spam, and wag my head camera to let the other players know i'm dominating them.

    i want to be able to do the moonwalk and running man while twerking.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,641

    I agree that this is a major issue.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,328

    Oh gosh, I'd all but forgotten about Killers that do that, gave some really unfun flashbacks to Demo's... yikes. IDK honestly, I've said my piece already. We'll see if BHVR does something about it or not. I know that I'm just going to zone the F out when stuff like that happens and ignore it xD cus at the end of the day, stuff like that says a lot about that person and nothing about you.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687
  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    That's only possible when survivors are hooked, also survivors have hand tapping to respond against that.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    If you can't hook the survivor who is tea bagging you, that sounds like a skill issue to me.

  • MrKrabsArgArgArg
    MrKrabsArgArgArg Member Posts: 75

    There’s a knockoff of Dead by Daylight where you get inflicted with exposed and I think exit gate blocked, that problem was solved right away

    Adding something to blood warden where if the survivors all alive just sit in the exit gates are eventually just blocked from leaving would be pretty funny

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619

    It's not even the tea bagging alone, it's the fact that Survivors will do it for the entirety of the EGC every. Single. Time.

    There has not been a single game for months where at least one survivor got into a gate when I wasn't letting them go because of an early DC that my time wasn't wasted for at least 30 seconds.

    Literal hours has been spent waiting for the next game because the term "Graceful Winner" doesn't mean a ######### thing.

    Stop defending behavior where people are being pricks.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    If it happens every single time, then maybe think about stopping nodding at survivors? Or stop hitting them on hook? I do play killers and while sure it happens to me too, it's VERY FAR from happening to me EVERY. SINGLE. GAME. I would estimate it to about 5-10% of games. So maybe think why those survivors have such an inexcusable need to tbag specifically you and not have that need for other killers.

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619

    It's funny that you accuse me of being the prick first.

    I play one game a day per side because it gets ridiculous how stupid this is.

    Today I played Doctor on Garden of Joy. Everyone escaped. The one person in their exit gate left shortly after I chased them to it. The three in the other was waiting for me to check on them for the ass dance.

    Yesterday I played Nemesis on Cow Shed. I got two kills. The other two were waiting in the exit gate. Take a guess why.

    The day before I played Legion on the Chapel. 4k.

    The day before I played Wesker on Cornfield. I got one kill because of poor play at the EGC. The three left wasted as much of my time as possible with their ass dance, and in the chat told me to kill myself.

    Please tell me what I could have possibly done to justify being told "You know what would make a good necklace? A nice, tight rope."

  • Dark_Alex
    Dark_Alex Member Posts: 91

    Some people are just awful. I'm sorry you had to cross paths with them. I have been through similar things in my time and took each dance very personally.

    The chat can be safely ignored, but something needs to be done with the game.

    I suggested the easy way.

    However, you can also go the hard way: make the game killer based and make survs suffer, as normal killers do.

  • Dark_Alex
    Dark_Alex Member Posts: 91

    It is. I play as a killer to attack, not to be attacked.

    Plus, in any situation I try to adhere to some norms of gaming decency. Maybe this habit came from TF2, where community members believe in the power of friendship and value every player, but would it be bad if all communities were kind?

    Think of teabagging ban as the only rule in the Killer's Rulebook for Survivor.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    I am absolutely not excusing BM. If somebody behaves bad, it speaks about them. And some people don't need any reason to be mean.

    What strikes me as weird though is, that you said survivors tbag you every single game. This means you are either very unlucky for particularly horrific people, or it means that you are doing something that encourages BM towards you.

    I don't believe in consistent bad luck. So my explenations are a, you are toxic at them too b, you play in a very unfun way which probably triggers people way more (perhaps you like insidious basement bubba?) c, you play on server where this is culturally more acceptable d, you overstate how often it happens e, something else I did not realize.

    Take anything you want from it. Basically my point was, that even though I do experience the same, it is by huge margin not as bad as it is for you. So maybe you yourself can do something to reduce it (reduce does not mean fully wipe out) if it bothers you.

  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649

    People really out here crying about someone pressing the L2 button multiple times... lmao

    MW2 lobbies were 1000000x worse.

  • Bombaclatt
    Bombaclatt Member Posts: 32

    people get offended about everything now days😓 nothing you can do about it. I never understood why you should mald over someone pressing a button fast many times in a game

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016
    edited February 2023

    People are still mad about tbagging? it already got slowed down. its fine

    and compared to flashlights, the ranged killers need frequent crouching so it would make it harder to face them.

    also "its not realistic" argument is actual fing stupid.

    people cant use magic, lets get rid of boons. why cant a survivor pick up pallets without a perk, lets make it base kit. why are monstrous killers getting stunned by wood, lets make pallet stuns worthless against 75% of the killer roster. how does every survivor know how to do gens right away, you know have to spend the first 20 minutes of a match finding and reading repair manuals.

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619

    It really seems like you're defending it because you just assume I initiate the bad behavior first.

    I won't deny the possibility of exaggeration, but it happens often enough that literal hours of my time has been wasted over the need to snap a carrot over a ######### video game.

    As for things I do to reduce it? I just disconnect because I'm not tolerating it anymore.

  • Dark_Alex
    Dark_Alex Member Posts: 91
    edited February 2023

    Tunneling and camping are also a kind of fast pressing of certain buttons. As well as writing the most racist and inhuman insults in the chat.

    And yet, here we are.

    The killers are offended by groups of SWFs who set themselves the goal of mentally injuring the maniac, after which the maniac dead in the eyes tunnels and camps the whole world at 5 gens, from which the rest of the community of survivors suffers, who, if they escape, make sure to teabag the sh*t out of killer because the toxicity balance needs to be restored. It's just fair from a one player standpoint.

    However, all players are involved in the toxic cascade little by little, either as a catalyst or as a mitigator.

    If you don't nerf your godlike Ctrl, this game needs a stress reliever. Don't get me wrong, the idea would work if the cascade was interrupted by killers, but since the killers just start playing the game effectively and/or hit the hooked... There's not much you can do about that without damaging the fragile balance.

    Plus, some SWFs are real bastards. It would be a shame if it didn't hurt them.

  • Dark_Alex
    Dark_Alex Member Posts: 91

  • Bombaclatt
    Bombaclatt Member Posts: 32

    I didn’t say anything about tunneling or camping. I just don’t get why people get offended over something so little + tunneling and camping will ruin the match for a survivor not because the said survivor that are experiencing tunneling and camping will start crying but because they literally can’t do anything about it. I think the killer hitting a survivor on hook would be closer to teabagging in that regard, but then again I don’t see why you should cry if the killer hits you on the hook.

    Putting camping and tunneling in the same category as racist slurs is kind of meh. Racial slurs and other slurs are way worse then a mechanic in the game where it is literally stated you won’t get in any trouble. Altho you might have just mentioned it for the purpose of giving examples of toxicity idk

    Now swf queing up for a game to only be meanies is toxic yes and that I can see why people get frusterated about. But I was talking more about just regular soloq survivors that teabag at the exit gate or at a pallet.

    You can go ahead and cry when someone teabags you or hits you on the hook for all I care. I just don’t see any reason to cry about it.

    also sorry for bed englis I’m bad englis

  • Bombaclatt
    Bombaclatt Member Posts: 32

    It was meant for all the people who cry about teabagging not you🤭

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619

    Literally hours wasted because people want to snap their carrots instead of getting on to the next game.

    Why waste the time of another person for the sole purpose of rubbing your win in their face.