If killers in such a bad spot, how come that on EU the +100% survivor incentesives almost always on?

Switched to be killer main and the only time killers have bonus incentives are evenings and night, I would hate to think how would queues look after even more killer buffs.
Simply put I don't think it's worth to play if there isnt +100% bp bonus, now add to the fact when too many killers playing the MMR is turned off and you will get the first four survivor in the line, which will either result destroying them easily or you will be destroyed by them, the games are extremely unbalanced when MMR isnt working.
Now in the past few days, the killer bonus would only come play after 20:00, and if you have job you can't really afford to play too long into night, even if you are free isnt worth messing up sleeping schedule.
I tried to look on days when I have no work, but then there is only survivor queue bonus from early morning to evening, 6:00-19/20:00
The point is the role already very popular, and for most part the only time people playing survivor when they can do it with friends, because ultimately if you are playing to win and you are solo then killer is the only choice in dbd.
It just swings. During the day, most people are at work, so it's harder to get a swiffer together. Solo queue is awful to play, so there's very few survivors actually queueing up.
Then at night, when people are back home and have some free time, the swiffers come out, and then there's enough survivors.
It's basically in a balanced spot right now.
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Eu server has swf playing at night, the afternoon is just people playing soloq, that's another reason MMR isn't working, you get boosted the afternoon by playing with people that are alone or casual, but as soon as u try killer at night you instantly get destroyed or can't keep up enough pressure of 4 coordinated ppl, which ends up in a sh1tshow.
I don't even touch killer anymore at night, only play it for challenges, and when i do is the afternoon against noobs
Survivor on the other hand, i rarely play soloq, and when i do, i already know will be a lost game
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It's been weeks since I saw the incentive on the survivor side. (EU-West)
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So you don´t want killer buffs because most people play after school/work?
Also, yesterday the bonus for killer was at 100% at 17:30.
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For a moment yes but later fallen back to 50%, and eventually no side had bonus, only around 19:00-20:00 got back to 100% for killer.
And yes I fear that there will be too many killer and isnt enough survivor, and I am not fan of playing till midnight or after midnight to get bonus, I would love to have it as soon as possible.
But anyway thanks for the hint, I will check more often for the incentesives, sooner.
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They're not always on either side for me at least, it follows the usual "it varies based on time of day" rhytm as it always has, but I see more non 100% incentives (25% and 50%) than before the last patch. Guess that implies it sticks closer to the desired player ratio? Sure feels that way as queues are quick and matchmaking seems slightly less likely to completely give up and put someone with 27 hours in a lobby where everyone else's average is 2500 at least. (Not claiming hours is the ultimate skill indicator but the numbers mentioned there is a lobby I saw last week and that's completely wacky tier)
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Incentive is always survivor in the morning and killer at night for me. Been this way since it was introduced and no changes or balance has changed this
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Survivor queues have been shorter during the day and longer during the evening/night since the game launched. I´d say its just that most of the playerbase doesn´t play during office hours.
Survivors having a 100% bonus in the evening after the 6.1.0 patch seemed more like a anomaly then the new norm.
But we´ll see with the new chapter.
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Please include your regions in the future for any meaningful comparable discussion, like the others.
You might know each other's region but it makes comparison with one's own experience basicly impossible.
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We are talking about EU
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Bro since when did they add swiffers to the game, and why do they only come out at night? Must be a regional thing, since I can go to any walmart and get a swiffer pretty much any time of day.
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We´re both talking about EU.
Spain in my case.
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Killer is strongest it has ever been.
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I'm in the EU and most of the time there's a killer incentive. Fairly early in the day (morning/early afternoon) there's usually a survivor incentive, 50% usually but sometimes 100%. Late afternoon it varies quite a bit, sometimes I log on and survivor has a 25% incentive but most of the time it's a killer incentive, ranging from 50% to 100%. From the evening and into the night it's almost always a 100% killer incentive.
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What's funny is it's still much quicker to que up as killer even with 100% survivor incentives, system is a mess at times.
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For me it is always 100% survivor on days but on evenings it is 100-50% usually on killer but sometimes it switches between both roles.
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Still +25% on survivors on right now, even though its almost night
However I had few good hours on killer +100%, so I guess better than nothing
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i would argue that it's flawed to assume balance is based on play rate. or that there's a causation factor there. there might be a correlation factor, but causation is almost impossible to determine based on play rate and location
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Before the 6.1 patch, one had to wait 15+ minutes for a survivor game, at evenings.
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like i said - there can be a correlation, but that doesn't necessarily signify a causal relationship.