New Killer Negativity



  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,573
    edited February 2023

    I mean, yeah, but I'm getting very tired of the vast majority of the complaints being nonsensical, hypocritical, completely false or just made-up.

    Even if they reused Nemmy's animation, that's still a frankly stupid complaint. Almost every killer released upto Nemesis himself reuses breaking animations. It's a non-issue. They look weird, yes, but that's a different issue.

    The people saying they reused Trickster's face are on something, 'cause that's a yikes.

    Some say she looks bad because she looks like a comic book villain. Her lore literally states she's reenacting a killer from her father's manga.

    Yeah, the connection with Predator is easily made. But how are drones related to Predator? Wraith, of all killers, does the Predator schtick way more accurately. It's just her weapon and colour scheme. That's it. And it's not like we don't have original killers that are homages to IP's. The OG trio, Legion, Spirit to a lesser degree.

    Yeah, she's weak. Not a single soul is claiming she isn't. But can we please stop pretending like we already know every trick in the book regarding how to use hers? It hasn't even been a week.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    It hasn't been a week, but for all the implementation complexity, the utilisation complexity is very low. Her drones are low number, have a big cooldown, can't be close, are highly visible, and have a massive delay on activation (and this, the delay before stealth starts, and the visibility, really neuter its utility). Furthermore, she's not introducing anything on a gameplay front that isn't familiar with experience with existing Killers.

    All it boils down to is: can you get LoS with the drone for 10s by dropping it? If not, it's info, and her addons don't really add much except giving her a little speed bump or actual aura reading. If you can't use this to mindgame the loop, then it does nothing. If the Survivor's not pinched in, they'll just go to the next tile. if they're injured, it does nothing..

    And as area denial, 'info on where Survivors are' is not a new concept. You just put it where they're going to go to find that out, and hope they're daft enough to get exposed.

    Yeah, the connection with Predator is easily made. But how are drones related to Predator? Wraith, of all killers, does the Predator schtick way more accurately. It's just her weapon and colour scheme. That's it. And it's not like we don't have original killers that are homages to IP's. The OG trio, Legion, Spirit to a lesser degree.

    She utilises high tech toys (including advanced stealth) in order to hunt down human game and kills them by shanking 'em with a wrist-mounted claw. Also has a mask, her background places her in a jungle setting, and her mori is exactly appropriate for a 7' tall alien stealth monster.

    The similarities are quite notable, even if the implementation wouldn't be identical.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,573

    See this is fair criticism. I take no issue with this, and I agree with all of this except the last bit (leaving the bit below the quote for now). Doc gets pings, Merchant gets perfect info, as limited as it is. Nevertheless, I've seen some people on twitter already making creative plays with her, which tells me there's plenty to be discovered about her.

    I'm not saying there aren't similarities, but tell me why she can't just be BHVR's take on Predator? What's the crime in her not being the Predator?

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573
    edited February 2023

    Perfect info that slows you down, and gets advertised to Survivors for some truly bonkers reason. It can't be used around tiles and obstructs your view, in which regard only her aura-reading add-on is great, and the claw traps are completely potato. And, really, the problem in contrast with Doctor is that whilst he mostly gets info, he can also deny some actions and get some slowdown. SM has stealth tied to standing in a freaking light show, and the least practical Killer power for applying Exposed.

    People can and will make creative plays, but it all loops round to being too passive and clunky. It's also a Killer power that bizarrely declines in utility as your game awareness goes up--because you have to set up your info gathering early, you already need to guess where people are going to be. <_>

    I'm not saying there aren't similarities, but tell me why she can't just be BHVR's take on Predator? What's the crime in her not being the Predator?

    I mean, if she's BHVR's take on Predator, it feels like it misses a lot of what made that appealing. The brutality, the sheer feeling of unstoppability, the presence and inhumanity of it. And the very active danger when it's using its tech.

    She's a rich psychopath with a sexy walk animation, whose last kill before being yoinked to the Entity's realm was nearly foiled by a guy flying a kite (or arguably was foiled, given how things turned out).

  • AJStyIez
    AJStyIez Member Posts: 419

    Make it based on reality? The reality is that 99% of people feel the same way about this chapter lol. That’s not an opinion either, look around the forums you’re on and look around the internet. Look at the literal hundreds of long term customers/players/fans stating publicly that they won’t be spending their money on this chapter for the same reasons you claim aren’t a part of reality and the thousands of people upvoting those same takes confirming their support. People sponsored by BHVR and others that make their living off of this game (With the most incentive to click-bait/hype something) even agree, that should tell you something considering they usually never go this hard on content even when it’s been mediocre in the past

    The reality is that you guys come off as very salty that you’re in the minority this time around for Tools of Torment. Like I said before, I find it interesting how when a new chapter comes out nobody ever gatekeeps the positive feedback, only the negative

    i see very few ever telling people “Hey, you can’t randomly claim this upcoming chapter is amazing and one of the best based off random quirks and biased fandom. Stop promoting overly-optimistic talking points and sexualizing the characters on the internet to show BHVR your support! Make it based on reality and not nitpicking”

    But a lot are conveniently around to do damage control and debate with people who aren’t fans of the content though. God forbid somebody does the same exact thing as others (providing their feedback based off their own preferences combined with the consensus across all corners of the community) but it’s not blind praise, we’re expected to provide a dissertation to prove ourselves

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,573
    edited February 2023

    Ok so to start off, I was rather frustrated when I responded to you. My reponse was unnecessarily hostile because of that, so my apologies for that.

    Criticism is and always has been fine. However, your aesthetic list contained some blatant falsehoods that rubbed me wrong, and still do:

    Your first point is completely made-up, and the parts that aren't have already been covered plenty by others. The chapter being a Predator "rip-off" is not criticism, it's an insult.

    Reused animations is not an issue. Why even bring this up? This comes off as bashing the devs for the sake of it. Every video game reuses assets in some way.

    She doesn't look like Trickster. At all. The fact you even brought this up is not a good look. The pixie hair is obviously made from the ground up as well. Yes it's similar to Nea's, but crucially, Merchant has it by default.

    As for your subjective points:

    Her walk cycle looks a bit off, I'll give you that. But even when corrected, it's still not out of place. She fulfills an archetype that we don't have yet. Unbridled feminine confidence. Yeah, her lore was a bit sloppily written, but it still works if you accept the fact she's living out a fantasy. Also, of all things, her name isn't bland.

    The TR could do with a longer loop, I agree there. GF's original chase was far worse, though. I know too little of music theory to say whether it was "low-effort", but I highly doubt that it wasn't made with effort.

    The mori I agree on. Getting real tired of you using "lazy" as a go-to insult, though. The drones should play a bigger part. I saw someone on twitter use the drone as a distraction to the survivor before the blades go in, and it looked cool.

    Your 99% here is also outright false. Yes I'm in the minority, but I'm nowhere near the only one. Nor is that even an argument in itself.

    I am "salty" because the overwhelming majority of criticisms given this PTB were knee-jerk reactions or simply false. Nobody benefits from that. I'm nowhere near clever enough to make proper calls regarding balance, so I don't. And I don't really care for the survivors either way. I read that people are generally happy with them, so I am happy for them.

    Of course nobody gatekeeps positive feedback. If you have nothing to complain about, why would you??

    I am interested in being fair to the people who face endless negativity as it is. It is perfectly fine to dislike a chapter, but please, for everyone's sake, don't base your opinion on falsehoods, knee-jerk reactions or the ever-present "we hate BHVR" bandwagon.

  • yauniqua
    yauniqua Member Posts: 151

    we need to remove the ability for killers to see items.