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Cannibal should be a very simple Killer in general, but when we want talk about his movement speed during a Chainsaw Sweep we can notice a problem.
I think, Bubba's movement speed in base kit is bugged and it's not working correct.
Revving movement speed 0 - 0.3 seconds = 109.25%
Revving movement speed 0.3 - 1 second (or more) = 86.25%
It's very simple and it working correct I think.
But, now, when he starts a Chainsaw Sweep we can notice a problem.
Bubba should starts at 86.25% or 115% movement speed? And when he should reach maximum Chainsaw Sweep movement speed?
Informations from Dead By Daylight Wiki.
It says that Cannibal should reach 5.29 m/s (aka 132.25%) at 0.6 seconds Chainsaw Sweep.
Bubba since TWINS DLC is very bugged and BHVR can not fix him.
I mean his movement speed during a Chainsaw Sweep. I remember Bubba before Twins DLC and for me (as a Bubba Main) Bubba was faster and just better than his "bugged" version after Twins DLC.
Now, you can feel a massive slowdown with addons like:
∙ Award Winning Chili & Chili - with these addons, first charge is very very slow.
Playing this combo together is garbage. Okay, you can get a very long distance, but for what?
Survivor will reach a loop, because you are very slow.
∙ Carburetor Tunning Guide
This addon is horrible, because this addon is bugged, and I think that this addon is bugged, because Bubba's movement speed during a Chainsaw Sweep in base kit is bugged.
With this addon your movement speed is decreased tremendously - you are slower than Survivor.
Fun fact about Carburetor Tunning Guide. If you use Chainsaw when you have just 1 Chainsaw Charge, your movement speed during a Chainsaw Sweep is normal. But, with 2 or 3 Charges movement speed is garbage.
I uploaded video, to proof that Carburetor Tunning Guide is bugged.
Carburetor Tunning Guide & Depth Gauge Rake should have the same movement speed penalty.
But on video, clearly we can see a difference and movement speed with Carburetor Tunning Guide is horrible.
I don't know that Informations from Wiki are true, but BHVR should post these things on specific killers (about movement speed etc etc.).
As a Bubba Main I have a lot of experience, and in my opinion before TWINS DLC, Bubba was working correct (he was reaching maximum movement speed very fast and his addons were working correctly as well).
What you think? Write your opinion.
BHVR, please fix this killer (or at least his addons).
Yeah, this addon has been broken for over a year now. Tuning Guide is in an awful state and just straight up nerfs your power.
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With Carburetor Tunning Guide Cannibal is slower than Survivor during a Chainsaw Sweep, it's horrible.
This addon in correct version wasn't very strong, but was very fun with other Ultra Rare combination.
I hope, they will fix that someday.
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If People Watch Carburettor Tuning Guide In PTB.. Or In General They Will Understand The Comparison With Today's Carburetor Tuning Guide. I Hope It Gets Fixed
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Hey, person who recently re-vamped the "Movement Speeds" page on the wiki here. (MathUnsolver)
First and foremost, the wiki screenshot is slightly outdated, and is corrected now. I had incorrectly assumed the code was using "time" as an actual face-value number, and not a percentage, as it actually is.
Second, I just wanted to comment about Carburetor Tuning Guide because I can explain exactly why it's bugged.
The code that handles Bubba's movement speed while he's Chainsaw Sweeping works by attempting to reach certain speeds at certain percentages of the first Chainsaw Sweep Charge.
On an Add-on-less Bubba the short-hand pseudo code looks like this:
- By 0% of 2 seconds, reach 75% of player's base movement speed (4.6 meters/second).
- By 60% of 2 seconds, reach 115% of player's base movement speed (4.6 meters/second).
- Continue to maintain 115% of player's base movement speed (4.6 meters/second) as long as player is still in the "Chainsaw Sweep" state
And obviously, this works fine with those base numbers.
The issue is, when Carburetor Tuning Guide "combines" all of Bubba's Chainsaw Sweep Charges, it uses that entire final number as a reference point when the movement speed code asks "how long is the first charge?"
And since Carburetor Tuning Guide adds 0.5 seconds to each charge on top of all this, the code now uses "7.5 seconds" rather than "2 seconds" when calculating the movement speed.
This means Bubba won't reach max speed until 60% of 7.5, or in other words, until after 4.5 seconds of Chainsawing.
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They changed it literally 1 or 2 days ago or something like that. (on Wiki)
So, Cannibal should reach maximum movement speed 132.25% after 60% of first Chainsaw Sweep (default 2 seconds * 60% = 1.2 seconds).
After 1.2 seconds default addonless Bubba should reach 132.25%, right?
But, in game I think something is working wrong, he needs more time than 1.2 or 1.5 (purple chili) seconds to reach maximum (especially with Chili addons and of course Tunning Guide) or I don't feel movement speed correctly (but I have a lot of experience with Bubba, I'm Bubba Main and that's why I'm fighting with his bugs 2 years now).
And finally someone said about Carburetor Tunning Guide and now I know the problem. Thanks for that!
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Wow. It got acknowledged. Are we finally getting somewhere?
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I hope, they will fix this... already.
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Yes, I was the person who changed it on the wiki a few days ago.
and yes, Bubba does reach max speed at 60% of the first chainsaw charge, which does mean that both chili add-ons also increase how long it takes for Bubba to reach max speed, albeit not hardly as much as Carburetor Tuning Guide.
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Additionally, all that information on the wiki is true, I and many others have programs that allow viewing of DBD's source code.
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As A Bubba Main, thanks for these Informations!
And also I hope that they will fix Carburetor in the next patch! (in 6.2.1 they didn't :(
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yeah rip, i hope they do really soon, carburettor tuning guide iridescent addon is the only bubba addon that changes overall his playstyle by a lot
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Patch 6.2.2 and Bubba isn't fixed yet...
BHVR, please fix that already!
How long we need to wait?
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how is it possible to leave a character in your game bugged for years????
spirit also has a bug with her power that hasn't been dealt with and god knows what other killers have bugged powers and addons.
bhvr's decision makers are so focused on releasing new content that they're willing to leave their game in a buggy state for such a long time.
i swear bhvr don't deserve their own game this is embarrassing.
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What is the spirit bug you're referring to, if you don't mind me asking?
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if i remember correctly when she starts phasing she's slow at the start of it and doesn't benefit from the full speed until after a couple seconds and to avoid this you have to swing immediately after you gain control of her at the beginning of the game otherwise your phasing will be slower the whole match.
and there are some bug reports about it here on the forums like this https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/278963/spirit-phasing-bug
and appearntly hag is bugged too according to a hag thread that's going on rn.
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Her phase speed is messed up at the start; it has like a startup curve when you start phasing where your speed is slower than intended initially.
If you M1 at the start of the match it fixes it for some reason. It's stupid.
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Huh, that's interesting. I did notice that Spirit had weird acceleration when phasing, but I had thought that was just an engine quirk. I'll look into seeing if I can figure out what's going wrong in her code.
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I read PTB Buf Fixes and still is nothing about Carburetor on Bubba. It's sad... Almost 2 years.
Post edited by ays12151 on1 -
Since the bug is aknowledged I really hope the aknowledgement won'be be forgotten and it will be fixed soon, because it's a really trash ultra rare.
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Someone from Devs should tell why they can not fix this addon... Give the reason or something...
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Mid Chapter 6.3.0 and still Carburetor is not working correct...
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6.4.0 and still not working correct
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At least they fixed Mother-Daughter Ring, as well as Spirit's bugged acceleration, which has been bugged for YEARS longer than CTG has. Bubba's acceleration & bugged add-ons are likely next on their list.
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Mother-Daughter Ring was stronger than it should be, right?
I hope they will fix Carburetor or change some of his addons (including Carburetor)
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Yes it gave the Spirit approximately 246% movement speed when it should be 220. It was fixed on the most recent PTB.
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Patch 6.4.0 and still this addons on Bubba is bugged....
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Patch 6.4.3 and still... BHVR pleaseeee
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This bug is acknowledged since 8 months and still this bug isn't fixed yet...
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Patch 6.5.1 and it's not fixed yet... Pleaseee
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Wowsers i hope this gets fixed.
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Damn the developers really don't care about the killers
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It's acknowledged since August 2022 and still his movement speed isn't fixed. How long Bubba need to wait?
BHVR, please give answer to us!
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They perfectly know, it's that they don't have time, as with many things they wish they could do. And I mean for real, they actually DON'T have time.
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Bubba needs just a small change in his acceleration code, that's all.
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Can someone fix Bubba? After 2 years?