Nerf of Delete The Shape

That's the post. Worst killer to play against. It's just miserable
Delete the killer, you say....
Good luck, saying that to the many to all Halloween fan players, especially the Survivors twitch streamer whom literally named their Steam profile "Myers love me" or something like that.
Or do you only hate the Shane's problematic addon which is Tombstone? And his ability to mori Amy Survivors in tier 3
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Is it miserable because you win with very little challenge and only engaging and difficult games make you happy?
Cuz it couldn't possibly be that he's difficult to play against or strong in any sense of the word. That'd be ridiculous.
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There are so many killers that are awful to play against.
Myers is not one of them.
Learn to look for him more.
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If hes the most miserable killer to go against for you, then ooooh boy!!!! you have it easy.
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he's not either spooky or fun.
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His ability to mori anyone is just absolute bullshit, and being exposed the entire game ia not fun, especially when he's super fast...
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He is spooky. For me at least. I think my biggest jumpscare was a Myers.
And i consider him way stronger than everybody tells you.
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Bro wut?..
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I do agree that the addons that allow him to Mori are overkill, but base kit Myers is a fairly weak killer. While the Expose can feel unfun to play against remember that he has to stalk you for a considerable amount of time, and in that time he most likely could of hit you once or even twice. He also only gets a limited amount of tier 3's and once he's drained everyone of their stalk points he no longer has a power.
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Yeah remove the reason why this game ever got off the ground lol.
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Yes he is.
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he does not violate the concept of the game as a nurse.
Who needs to be removed is the nurse, since she is unbalanced strong and she does not care about windows and pallets
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She is so easy to mindgame xD especially now with no exposed blink hits.
But yeah, she is miserable right now.
Mayers is not.
Halloween chapter was the one that make this game being so popular and not being a niche indie concept.
Also, Mayers is quite powerfull but not overpowered.
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Did I hit you with my PWYF/nemesis enduring surge and you disconnected?
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wrong post?
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Never went an against a no TR Myers huh? Able to walk up behind you without even a sound? Because that’s spooky and fun to go against.
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He's only slightly faster when he vaults. Otherwise, his speed stays consistent the whole round.
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Myers is actually really weak and needs a rework. His add-ons are what is miserable to play against. There is nothing worse than teammates feeding his power and you get moried for it. They should buff and change his base power and completely remove the tombstone add-on.
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no it's the right post :)
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Being exposed the whole game is not really "weak", but i agree that he needs a rework, especially to delete those insta mori addons that are bs
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You need an Add-On to expose survivors for the entire game.
At his absolute base kit He's not all that strong.
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Those both are addon reliant.. you want to nerf the addons, not the killer itself
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being exposed the whole game is an addon. base myers doesnt need a nerf
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I suppose the simplest way to do a nerf of Delete the Shape is "once deleted, it will reboot worse than before"
Once again I ask if people who say "Delete X" ever actually expect X to be deleted.
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Let me guess, got mori'd by a shape early game? Happens to the best of survivors, Micheal is a very weak killer on his own the only reason why everyone complains about him is because of his tombstone addon's. Most of his add-ons other than that are near useless, like the tacky earrings. His basekit needs an overhaul and his tombstone addon's need to be changed.
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I agree. He's so unfun to play against and like someone said earlier here, being exposed the entire game and when he is so fast as he is is really ridiculous lame.
It's a big MEH playing against him, especially SoloQ as a survivor....
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Lets put some more words on this:
Try using phrases like, When he does X it makes you feel Y.
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of course not actually delete the character. Delete the ######### addosn tho...
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yep, I get morid by michael every single time i face him in the first 2 minutes of the game before I even lose a single health state... And if it's not that I just get exposed, downed, and camped until death...