Please incentivize not killing yourself on hook when being facecamped.

This is mostly related to Bubba games but applies to facecamping in general. I've had too many matches were someone gets downed by a facecamping Bubba and just kills themself. I really can't blame them, the only reason for not killing yourself is to maybe try to not reward that kind of playstyle but that doesn't seem to be enough for a lot of players, especially if they're solo. Maybe it would be nice if you awarded BP for the hooked survivor if the killer is near the hook, call it perseverance or something.
I like what you are trying to do, but people are usually too tilted to care about bloodpoints.
The problem is the Self-unhook which can be used to get out of the game, it gets in the way really.
Post edited by Emeal on0 -
It is sad a lot of players don´t want to hang there as long as possible trying to protect the team.
I saved one from Bubbas hook and got to the dungeon for it.
He then stands there in his little corner watching while the other got on the gens.
Sadly one wanted to rescue me, which i could not prevent. The other escaped.
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This would definitely help. I've moved to PS5 fully now from the Switch, so I'm starting survivor again at low MMR, and I'd forgotten how everyone will just slowly walk around the area when you're being facecamped, instead of jumping on a gen and taking advantage of it lol I'm hanging on but it's going to waste. I can't wait to get out of this MMR hell lmao
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I've wanted them to add a feature where the person on the hook gains a percentage of the bloodpoints that his teammates gain as an incentive to give them more time.
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might be a hot take but self unhooking and struggle phase skill checks should be removed all together. killing yourself on hook is just a work around for dcing at this point
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Yes. For the umpteenth time.
Distraction Bloodpoint Scores
While in a chase, or while hanging on the hook, if the killer is within 32 meters, every time a generator is repaired or another survivor recovers a health state, you receive 50% of the BP score awarded for that action.
This would allow survivors who are tunnelled and camped, for whom the killer makes it impossible to score Objective/Altruism points, can still get some scores in those categories.
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I'm not sure how easy/difficult it would be to code in, but if unhook attempts are meant to be a last resort, and therefore not a penalty free DC, then allow the survivor in question attempt them only when everyone else is already downed, too far away to rescue on time (game reading 4m/s is not reaching a X m away hook that has X seconds left), if they have perks for it, etc.
Gotta say tho, I don't really blame those survivors either to be honest. Games are meant to be fun, being facecamped isn't, so it defeats the purpose of playing the game. Furthermore I don't understand why a killer would do it either because, like I said, they're effectively not playing the game, so what even is the point.