Idea for side mission: Crafting weapons

In Dead By Daylights lore The Entity powers it’s killers to be unstoppable monsters that do it’s bidding so we can assume they are more powerful/durable. What if survivors had a side mission where they can find parts of a weapon spread throughout the map and they can bring these parts to a randomly generated crafting table. Since the killers are powered by The Entity these weapons would only stun the killer, but it would be super effective since these weapons could stun the killer more than once. The survivors could craft axes, shanks or even more powerful creations like sawed off shotguns and revolvers.
What is everyone’s thought on this?
This isn't vhs
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Nah. It would make playing killer feel much weaker and less fun since you’re not the unstoppable slasher and you’re being beaten up by the survivors.
This happened in F13th until they had to add a band aid fix in the rage mode. VHS has this bu5 the whole game was designed from the groun up with it in mind (An seven then it has issues)
A secondary objective should be something that involves traversing the map or interacting with the killer but not in an offensive way
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That's VHS like someone else said and that's why no one wants to play the monster. Once your hit by the weapon your stun locked and die quickly.
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A another perk like Headon to stun a killer would be nice, I don't know about video horror society tho
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Fun idea, but it doesn't really fit DBD and VHS already has that mechanic and they're pretty similar in terms of gameplay
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I’m not saying my idea isn’t good but to be fare the survivors are able to scare with you with pallets to stun you.
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Interesting, is that a big critique in VHS that made a lot of people stop playing or get angry?
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Do you have any ideas on what types of new objectives could be made?
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Yea it is it's a prime example of what happens when you make the many stronger then the few in a Asymmetric game
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i was gonna send a steam link to that game lol.
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We dont need more perks like head on
Its bad enough bully squads get that, no more toys for them