Potential buff suggestion for Technician.

Technician prevents generator explosions from missed skill checks, but what if it prevented generator explosions entirely. It would prevent Jolt, Eruption, Pain Resonance, etc. Would be a quite powerful tool, and might be a nice counter to meta's that revolve around these perks.
I would suggest a removal of the 3% additional regen however regardless of whether Technician is buffed or not. The possibility that my own perk would do me such harm, when all I'm really trying to do is reduce the sounds of my repairs is not a very reasonable tradeoff.
Are you saying the explosion or the regression that accompanies the explosion?
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I think technician is mostly fine. Keyword; mostly.
What I would change is changing the additional 4% progress loss to 4% progress loss reduction. (10% becomes 6% or 5.4 seconds)
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Remove all its current nonsense.
Just make it flat working on gens is silent, period, regardless of how many survivors are on it. This allows stealth working on gens as most killers do a drive by and listen for its progress without actually directly looking at it. This would be low key very strong.
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You see gen from higher distance then you actually hear it. Your version of perk would be absolutely useless. Also sound will never tell you how far along the gen is (if 1 piston is barely moving, there's very good chance survivor just left and will never come back. If 4 pistons are moving all of them about same speed, The survivor is 99% still there). No noise would be helpful in very special and very rare circumstances (basically only if the gen is behind some obstacle and hard to get to - meaning it's on different floor like in RPD. midwitch, the game, etc).
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"You see gen from higher distance then you actually hear it."
Wrong. Lots of the time you are hearing it long before seeing it.
"Also sound will never tell you how far along the gen is"
That's literally just factually not true. You can quite literally tell how far along it is by sound...
You're massively underestimating how often you hear a gen before seeing it and how often killers turn based on that. You can hear exactly how far along a gen is and the sound of if it's currently being worked on.
If we really want to buff it more we can even make it silent the survivor while working on it as well, so it will be effective while injured now as well basically.
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Now if you silence also survivor, I would consider it a good perk. That would change everything
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I'm curious how that makes it a good perk for you now?
I do think it makes it much better, but only in the scenarios that I already thought made it a good perk previously that you didn't think were situations in the first place. IE drive by listening to gens. If those situations realistically didn't exist in most cases, as you made the point for earlier, then this injured change would be meaningless. I guess I'm saying that if you think this change would make it good then it would contradict your previous statement.
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It does not. I agree that silencing gens gives some value. But silencing grunts of pain give more value - because you can be injured doing gen near chase (situations like these do happen - especially around 3gen scenario) with lessening the risk of being caught. That is one big opportunity. That's why I said that this one would change everything.
Now that I think about it - it would be more value if it does not silence gen, but just yourself
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Well gens near chase they can see the pistons moving so they know you're on it. This would mean the injured silence doesn't matter.
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yes it does. But there are 2 types of stealth.
a, Hiding to be never seen being in the other corner of the map as killer (for this playstyle, muffling all generator sounds makes sense).
b, Being close to killer and doing all the objectives that are possible (be it flashlight saves, sabotages, breaking risky 3gens, etc). For this type of stealth fully muffling generator is just about as bad as the design of skull merchant. Killer will notice, that some sound is suddenly missing - so muffling survivor makes perfect sense, but muffling generator is counterproductive.
I would like B-type perks. Your buff goes that direction - that's why I would consider such a perk good (even if not meta).
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That's all good and dandy and valid points but none of that responds to my point being made.
For situation B whether you are personally silenced or just the gen is silenced is irrelevant since the killer can see the pistons and know you're there either way.
My point is that whether you are personally silenced is irrelevant for point B.
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No it doesn't. You are still thinking of case A where you want to hide your presence completely. I am talking about situation where killer knows survivors are somewhere around him (like anywhere in 40m radius), but such killer can think you are in different gen right now (wasting a few seconds which can be crucial if you are fighting for 3gen).
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What would make him think you're on a different gen with our hypothetical perk change?
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In my opinion, this is the worst perk since it also adds 3% why???? I like your idea and this perk would find its connoisseurs. It was also possible to make it drown out the generator by 100% and at least some benefit appeared in it
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Sorry. I read that wrong. I ignored the first word. So again:
Because he would not hear him (even though he would see he's injured). As killer would be occupied - he can't just go and look at the gen (because he's fighting survivors for 3gen) - so it usually means he relies on the fact if the gen is regressing (which can be tapped quickly) and on sounds (generator repairing sound and moans of pain). If there was perk that muffled both sounds, then that one would be very good in this niche case (that happens quite often).
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Yes, remove the additional penalty for missed skillchecks.
Use Bite the Bullet's effect and reduce the penalty for missed skillchecks to 1%
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There shouldn't be any penalty! I take a perk to strengthen myself and not to weaken