This game has a serious problem

As a someone who has been playing survivor a little more than killer something has to be done about these cheap tactics that killers love to defend. If you have to tunnel you’re bad and need to get better. If you hold a three gen from the start you are bad, if you camp at 5 gens ur bad. Tunneling and camping are stale strategies and killers do it for easy wins but god forbid a swf gen rushes for "easy wins" Killers are hypocritical and i’m over it. The tunneling and camping is genuinely draining the fun out of games for survivors. I haven’t even mentioned the slugging for the 4k all of this is not fun. Before anyone says "bring anti tunneling perks" The anti tunneling perks we have are trash. Ds is a joke. Otr is useless especially if you’re being tunneled bc of basekit bt once they hit you otr is gone.
i mean.. you’re entitled to your opinion. But doing those things does not objectively make you bad at the game lol. Get better at chase and these become less of an issue.
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The reason they haven’t done anything about the “cheap tactics” is because it’s almost impossible to implement such measures without them being abused, especially against people who don’t tunnel/camp.
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Show us how to play killer and consistently win against coordinated SWF teams without tunneling, Mr Pro Killer
Post edited by Rizzo on27 -
I just played a game as plague and got a 4k without tunneling and camping. they were a swf so yeah y’all are just bad
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Well at least you didn't say "killer main here but gosh darn something has to be done about these filthy tactics, right fellow killer mains?"
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You didn't show us anything, all you did was say you won.
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Hate to say but without proof we can't just take your word on it. Also I highly doubt it was a SWF if you did
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It’s bait. I took it, though. If OP can show us some videos of his amazing killer skills I will shut up and work on gittin gud
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No, I'm sure he got a 4K, he just didn't specify what type of SWF and how the game played out.
I believe that they were a 2 SWF and 2 solos, when the first player went down, the two of them DCed. When he found the third player, he downed them and they killed themselves on hook. The hatch proceeded to spawn under him, and the solo player gave up.
Just my idea of how the intense game played out and how everyone else is just bad.
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I know, i´m probably beating a dead horse, but camping and tunneling won´t go away as long as you try to treat them for one side only.
When you encounter a regressing gen at 90% and the killer is nearby. Do you leave for a fresh one or do you wait until the killer leaves to finish it off?
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i play killer slightly more than survivor and i have to agree with u. I think certain tactics and play Styles need to be nerfed across the board. pre dropping, shift w, tunneling, and camping to be specific. These things take little to no skill yet are far more effective than things that actually take skill.
i think survivors need a stamina bar which will effect their speed if fully depleted. Dropping a pallet and running for a long time should drain the bar a decent amount. This will punish pre dropping mainly and shift w a little bit. This will force survivors to micromanage their stamina while looping.
killers needs restrictions by hooks and penalties for being around them to long. Also heavy penalties for hooking the same survivor twice.
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Strange, i thought you already uninstalled the game 2 week ago?
I guess you couldn't stay away for long. Despite the game being sooo baaaad right now.
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what Things actually take skill?
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You're one of those people that say:
Survivors tunneling generators is fine but it's not ok for killers to tunnel survivors.
What does a killer get for hooking three different players?
What does a killer get for hooking one player three times.
What does a survivor get for getting all 7 generators to 33% progress?
What does a survivor get for getting one generator to 100% progress.
If you want to address tunneling then you need to address BOTH sides.
It's nice to know that some people understand how this game actually works.
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lol. Thought you had a gotcha moment. I came back because of the new chapter…
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"tunneling generators" i think u been watching one to many truetalent videos kid.
"What does a killer get for hooking three different players"......the same thing u get from hooking 1 player! pressure.....
comparing tunneling a gen to tunneling out survivor is pretty silly.
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Bloodlust has to be a thing until they rework all the maps so that there's never, ever a situation where a Killer physically can't catch up if both players are running correctly.
Which is never happening.
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Survivors will have to think on their feet even more. I feel it will add a much needed degree of difficulty to some of these boring survivor playstyles.
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well for one! playing around a loop with a short end and a long end. This make it difficult to pre drop and allow the killers to mind game even without anti loop. The long side clearly favor the survivor and short side the killer. In my opinion these type of loops are the best for mind gaming and the most fair. The more skill player will win this loop unless the killer anti loop just force u to leave the area like the artist or knight.
Huntress and Billy take a good amount skill also
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I was asking for their specific definition, but I won’t say everything you said is wrong… Except that loops inherently favor the most skilled player(tbf you did mention a specific type of loop, but it still stands considering what loop you specified). As a general concept the killer can only ever react to whatever the survivor does at a loop, so unless the loop favors killer (aka unsafe loop/pallet) it is almost always the failure of the survivor to maintain composure that leads to victory here as the survivor can react to whatever the killer attempts or in worst case, just leave the loop for another (not factoring things like perks and killer powers). Also keeping in mind that as a general, the killer is always meant to be able to eventually catch and down whoever they set their mind to (which is why something like bloodlust even exists)
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Win vs a 10k hour swf without camping, tunnelling, 3genning or slugging
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Why? The game and MMR is lit based and balanced on kills and escapes at this point. Gens and kills are the main objectives, BHVR made this clear. As killer i would love to go for 12 hooks every game and still win. But we just don't have enough time against good survs as their objective can be done much quicker. And if we can, they'll still complain about gen defense perks anyway. Also it's not our job to make sure survs have fun. Most of them don't care about killers fun either.
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-""tunneling generators" i think u been watching one to many truetalent videos."
I've been saying it long before he ever did.
Both sides tunnel their objective when you consider efficient play. That needs to change for both sides if we are going to change the game. Tunneling for all or for no one.
"What does a killer get for hooking three different players"......the same thing u get from hooking 1 player! pressure....."
No sorry - you're wrong. One player dead means generators can now at most never be worked at 100% speed. Also the game dynamic is immediately changed because if one player is on the hook and another is being chased you have to stop what you are doing to attend to the hook. That is pressure.
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agree to disagree i guess.
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this is a bad take, why is employing strategies to win considered 'bad'? does that mean splittin up on gens and breaking 3 gens makes you bad as well?
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anyone can 4k in pub matches, that doesnt carry much merit or value unless you run into knightlight
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There is no logic at all behind your "if you do this you are bad"
Bad killers can tunnel and camp, and the best killers in the game can tunnel and camp. So something is very wrong with your statement.
Usain Bolt is not fast because I don't like his running technique. Ok..
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What's so bad about realizing that the Killer is going to try everything to kill the survivors
Why are you complaining about Camping and Tunneling when Survivors do the same things
Plus the 1.0-2.2 base Gen progression helps out the "Gen rush" even more then 4 Gen regression builds that start at .25 base Gen regression.... So I don't know why you don't mention that as well...
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DBD, one of the only games in the world where people who clearly don’t have experience on a particular role have the heaviest critiques and ideas for how said role is “supposed” to be. Amazing
According to rookies like this, there’s no good players in the world because they’ve all tunneled/slugged/camped before. It’s honestly just cringe whenever one-sided Survivors or Killers cope with their lack of skill/experience by projecting all these hypocritical standards to gatekeep others from getting credit
If I had a dollar for every time I heard a DBD rookie say “I played with ____ against ___ and __K’d without ____” I’d already have a asymm game of my own
The people who use those lines NEVER show screenshots/video because it would immediately expose them for being in baby territory
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I can probably say "yes, you're right"... But you forgot one thing
Trapper need to hold a three gen to be dangerous
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If you need more than 2 health states you're bad and need to get better. If you have to group up with friends in a SWF from the start you are bad. If you gen rush and no one's been hooked yet ur bad.
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1.) Why should the killer care about the fun of the survivors? Do the survivors care the opposite way?
2.) "If u tunnel and camp you are bad". No, maybe your MMR is much lower than you can imagine. There is a reason even the best killers like Zaka tunnel every single game and this reason is not being bad or a bad person or whatever, they just havr accepted what the game is.
I will speak for myself: I play every single match for the win, I play competetive. Its not my fault the best strategy to win most of your matches is Gen-Tunneling on survivor- and Fast Kill on killer-side. I cant complain why survivors dont interact with chests and totems, why should they? Useless Objects who dont give u any progress to win. On the other side, I cant complain about killer which tunnel the weakling out asap for the same reason. You dont get the win for playing for 12 hooks, you win with kills.
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This exactly.....until they give a buff to actually doing a hook spread then the best action for the most efficient way to play is sadly Camping and Tunneling.
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A very original thread. I have never seen a survivor scream about how unfun camping/tunneling/slugging/3genning is. First time. I certainly don't see 5 of these threads a day.
These things won't leave because the only way to deal with them is to give killers a better option. Something even more effective. The survivor idea of "JUST PUNISH THEM" never works. Fails every time something is put in and meant to discourage a playstyle.
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Don't be delusional please, it's a blatant fact that 3 survivors are a lot more manageable than 4 survivors with 3 of them being hooked once (even if you loose some generators in the meantime). it's like saying that survivors have more advantage to do all the generators on the map at the same % of progress than focusing on certain gens in order to get them done quickly and divide the map in 2 sides at the same time in order to make the killer's job more difficult. They are somewhat comparable because both are goals to do for each side, both require to end their goal as fast as you can in order to escape/kill and both will make the other side frustrated (a survivor being camped/tunneled will be probably upset, same when you as a killer see 3 generators go in a single chase despite you did't committed any mistake), the only difference between those 2 goals is that survivors are players, so they'll probably whine whenever they got a bad match/experience they'll be more inclined to insult the killer for doing his job.
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These kind of posts definitely bring the community closer together. /s
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Even if you punish Tunneling so badly like if one surv is dead the others get a plus 100% gen speed. Killers will still tunnel, because its just the best strategy for Killer. Some games you can go for more hooks, but other games you are happy to get on kill. You dont know what the next game you play will be like. Some time ago the devs tryed a system, where the killer gets reworded for hooking mutible people in therms of game slowdown. Gues how complaind about this system? The survivors complaind, so badly, that the system doesnt get implemented. So the only think survivor mains asking about is nerf killer so hard every game is a nearly 100% win for them. Playing Killer today is still much more harder then playing survivor.
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The dead hard post are very original as well. Definitely don’t see that every time I read the forums. I definitely don’t see killers complaining about how unfun it is 5 times a day.
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True. I think mostly survivors should think about the situation at the other prospektiv. Its not tunneling, if all 4 survs are alive and there is only one gen left. A Killer holding a 3 gen isnt the fault of the Killer the survivors just do the gens wrong. Maybe killers shouldnt be upset about bodyblocking, but I nearly never see killers complaining about that. An other fakt maybe, that DH is fine IF the Killer you play is very strong.
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If you have to tunnel you’re bad and need to get better. If you hold a three gen from the start you are bad, if you camp at 5 gens ur bad.
"If you play in a way I don't like, you are bad."
I'm all for shaming my teammates into playing better because we're on the same side, but shaming my opponent when they used an allowed tactic is pretty transparent. I don't enjoy being tunneled and camped, but this is on BHVR for designing DbD in such a way that those tactics work. My opponent taking advantage of it is to be expected.
Tunneling and camping are stale strategies and killers do it for easy wins but god forbid a swf gen rushes for "easy wins" Killers are hypocritical and i’m over it
I'm not sure what the point of this is. Turn the first sentence around and you get a statement we also see regularly: "Gen rushing is a stale strategy and SWF do it for easy wins but god forbid a killer tunnels and camps for 'easy wins.'" Both sides make the same kinds of arguments. All it means is that both sides are unhappy with the game's current state and the stale gameplay loop.
The tunneling and camping is genuinely draining the fun out of games for survivors.
Killers aren't NPCs, nor do killer players get paid to entertain survivors. Survivors don't play in such a way as to ensure the killer has fun, either.
In general, players don't care about their opponent's fun. It's on the game designers to design the game in such a way that both sides can have fun at the same time.
I haven’t even mentioned the slugging for the 4k all of this is not fun.
Again, this is BHVR's fault. They even recently made it worse: they updated Adepts so that a 4k is required. I used to be able to farm out a double-pip so that it didn't matter if the last survivor got the hatch, but that's not even an option anymore.
BHVR also buffed wiggling and super buffed Boil Over against console players. Any survivor who brings Boil Over: either crawl to a hook or I leave you slugged. I'm not picking you up just so I can be stuck in place while you wiggle off my shoulder.
Ds is a joke.
This is true. Decreasing the stun time killed DS. If I see a survivor use it they almost always go right back down within seconds. And DS still has the difficult skill check attached to it, which stops some players from being able to use it at all because console performance problems can really really make those things impossible to hit.
Anyway, starting off your post by insulting players who use tactics you don't enjoy doesn't bring strength to your argument. It just looks like you're trying to shame your opponent into playing in a way that's easier for you to counter. The majority of people who you're playing against aren't even on these forums, they're not going to see your post, and even if they did see it they wouldn't care. Players aren't going to change their behavior just because they were insulted. The developers are the ones who have to make changes. Of course, those same developers just released a killer whose strongest strat is 3-genning, so the future looks bleak.
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i’m not reading all that 😂
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okey i dont like camping and tunneling too lets get rid of it.....
but since killers are hypocritical when they complain about swf while camping or tunneling this would mean swf is just as cheap so we get rid of that too right? or does that only goes for killers
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question-how often do killers lose when they go all tunnel bunny? not very often, huh?
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so... that makes sense?
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I mean tbf you shouldn’t shame other survivors for playing in ways you dislike either. They aren’t puppets or AI props. Lol. They’re tools in a sense that they help your escape become easier (which is why survivors are rewarded individually, not as a team). But that’s all, really. Tbh the way BHVR intended this game, you should be able to survive the trial alone.
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Yeah I'm a killer main, but @TragicSolitude wrote a really good post breaking down your post of you whining because you lack the skill to counter these tactics.
You obviously never played against a SWF team that's toxic and makes you want to pull your hair out. Or every single game that you lose in this 1v4 very totally fair game you get mocked and tbagged at the gate while they sit there gesturing at you and spinning in circles.
You get what's coming to you if you act toxic. I try my hardest not to play with tunneling. Sometimes that means I play several games down to a 3 gen because not tunneling results in me getting gen rushed. But if I have a game where the first body I pick up, they have boil over, their teamsters double body block me and a third flashlight saves, then you know for sure I'm tunneling this team down.
Body blocking is fine, flashlight saves are fine. But when then entire enemy team dedicates themselves to preventing the first or second hook them I'm going to start tunneling and camping hooks to do trades or catch them going for rescue.
Granted, I want to say that I have been beat even when I start tunneling or camping. Because people are better than me. So if they can do it, quit your whining and you can too.
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another question-does chronic tunneling result in more killer nerfs?
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If i play optimally (proxy camp, tunnel, forcing 3 gens), im bad, and if i dont, im not playing optimally -> poorly.
When are killers good? Only when its nurse, who can commit to chases other killers dream of and finish in 10 secs?
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I mean if a killer needs to tunnel in order to win surely they -don't- need to get better because they can just tunnel and tunnelling isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
I agree tunnelling is a big issue in DBD but there's not much that can be done to 'fix' it without completely changing the way hooks/kills work, which BHVR doesn't wanna do because they risk losing players.
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New killers imitate experienced ones, and experienced killers always try to cut through as many "chances" as possible to counter swf. I have to assume every killer goes in preparing for a swf and offering any mercy/opportunity to survivors is done at the killer's expense.