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Did they just nerf Scream Perks?



  • Member Posts: 2,087

    This is such a weird change to make. Like, if they just made screams 3d it would've been fine, but nerfing notifications and a useless 19m radius is just...

    Why tho?

  • Member Posts: 1,700

    The killer-perk-roaster worth running is continuing decreasing. 10 perks left. Lets see whats left after next midchapter.

  • Member Posts: 55

    Double agree

  • Member Posts: 6

    Sometimes it isn't what survivors are complaining about. It is how well the perks are performing in their data.

    Maybe 90% of all players are running a perk that include screaming, and they want people to use crows more often.

    Don't get me wrong, I think the change is ridiculously unneeded and a slap in the face to killers because it is a fun and useful playstyle that survivors enjoy as well, but I bet these perks are being over used in their eyes. They are trying to encourage variety.

  • Member Posts: 3,017

    At this point, I'm considering giving up killer completely and becoming a survivor main, because playing killer is becoming more and more unappealing if changes like these are being implemented. Killer is stressful enough already, now even the silly screaming perks are being taken away and made nonfunctional?

  • Member Posts: 333

    Total clown world. This is one of two things and both of them make the dev team come across as clueless. Either they did this because they wanted to nerf this stuff which makes them CLUELESS when it comes to balance because the scream related stuff was actually well balanced. Or the second is they didn't even intend to nerf these perks and add ons but had absolutely no idea how this stuff interacts with other things which again makes them CLUELESS. What a ######### show.

  • Member Posts: 288

    Lol so now killers are encourage to once again only run meta perks. And also without the long range audio perks they are encouraged to stay near survivors and use meta perks ergo camp

    not really sure what else to say.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    No one asked for wasn't in the PTB from what I can tell and they just snuck it in the patch notes making it seem like a minor change.....

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    I know you just popped in quickly Mandy and might not respond right away and that's fine I just wanted to try and understand why this was implemented so suddenly with out a proper PTB to see how things were working......

    I also get BHVR wanted to bring screams and Survivor sounds to be about equal all across the board and I'm all for that it's just this sudden change without warning is what is making folks kinda upset and worried about the choices being made to better the game. I can't imagine how hard it is to balance the game and try to appease the masses....if the forums are any indication that is ummm yea lol.....

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    They wanted to nerf Eruption just a liiiiiitle bit more and this was the only way they could mess with it without anyone noticing.

    The perfect crime!

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