Why this looks like M1 hits are validated on killer side?

rankore Member Posts: 17

Killer used VPN to be literally on other side of the planet

Best Answer


  • rankore
    rankore Member Posts: 17

    I'm not an old player in this game but as I googled and heard they supposed to switch to server client model since 2020 but I think either it is not or it is still partially peer to peer

  • rankore
    rankore Member Posts: 17

    It is understandable that this is very tricky mechanic but in case you encounter killer from far away it looks totally unfair and not counterable. Are there any plans on region / latency issue?

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857
    edited March 2023

    Ever wonder why BHVR didn't fix the IP address leak that has been common knowledge since the Artist came out? The Killer is still pretty much the host, dedicated servers just act as arbiters between matches rather than actual servers. Significantly cheaper that way with one hundredth the traffic per match. But can't fix the IP leaking, since everyone needs to connect to the killer.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    Killers with high ping would be dodged every game and wouldn't be able to play at all.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev Posts: 7,555

    As far as regions go, it's never off the table to expand into more areas. The bigger question is if those regions could support it. Without enough players using that server as their "home" (best connection), wait times and match quality would suffer.

    Latency is a much more difficult topic. It will always be there, we cannot get rid of it because it takes time for data to physically travel around the world to everyone else in your match. Servers help a lot with this as they're typically able to receive data and send it back out to other players much faster than a typical PC or console, and we also do some magic to visually reduce the discrepancy both sides see (e.g. projecting players in their predicted position based on how they're moving).

    But ultimately, there's no way to remove it entirely. Given the nature of the game where one person is running away from another, the Killer is always going to see themselves closer to the Survivor than the Survivor will on their screen. Given that, the server will step in and reject hits if someone is way too far away, but it needs to be a little generous, otherwise completely ordinary looking hits could be wrongfully rejected.

    Long story short: It's possible there will be more improvements made to visually reduce the differences both people see, but realistically it will never be completely gone. Technology's got a long way to go before that's possible.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    Regarding the second paragraph: did you consider, I don't know, to code better your own game? Literally the own game in the entire world where hit validation awards the player with the worst ping

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    The video shared by OP is tame compared to most games I play, and they're far from "unplayable".

    But no, lets exclude huge swaths of the playerbase from playing the game. Lets just blacklist hundreds of thousands of players because they don't live next door to the servers. DBD is an exclusive service that only exists in a few cities. You need to move to London or Frankfurt to play DBD. Forget playing for Playstation Plus, you need to fork out for a visa and a new apartment.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081

    Are this issues more common with crossplay?

    Sometimes i ask myself if the problems i see are because of the console, the killer's connection or EU servers.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    That's fine they're using unfair advantage so no-one should have to play agains't them.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev Posts: 7,555

    Strictly speaking, no. There are some things that could affect it (e.g. wired vs. wireless connection) that could be more common on some platforms than others, but crossplay alone will not make it more prevalent.

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,298

    they tried making the hit val not biased and killers were not happy from having to deal with something that survivor had to deal with for straight years

  • Saiph
    Saiph Member Posts: 433

    I don't know how you play DBD, but the balance of the game is designed around loops, especially on a map like Gideon where you can't hold W, this tile showed in the clip is supposed to be a loopable tile, but just because the killer uses a VPN it suddenly becomes a completely unsafe, un-mindgame-able tile where you'll take a hit regardless of what you do.

    You will 100% lose a game like this as survivor and learn absolutely nothing from it - you are right though, strictly speaking you can still play the game. But, using your same logic I don't see what's the problem with dodging high ping killers either. They too, can still play the game (they will just have longer queues).

    You don't need to live next to a server to get <100ms ping, stop exagerating. I live in the countryside of France in a completely isolated town with 250 people, and my ping is ~25 ms. In fact, my ping to St Petersburg in RUSSIA, at the opposite of the continent, is 75 ms.

    No one is saying it's your fault for having a high ping. But it's not the 4 other players' fault either.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    It shouldn't be possible to play if your internet is perma 150+.

  • Nirgendwohin
    Nirgendwohin Member Posts: 1,251

    to summarize it. the only adjustment there is is how high the killer ping can be. currently the limit seems to be over 1000ms (2000 irc) at which a killer can start a game. a red symbol is displayed from a ping of 300ms. however, this is already practically unplayable for all survivors.

    So the question again, why are killers allowed to start a game with a ping of over 300ms although it is obvious that their internet connection is not sufficient for this game. furthermore, four other people are punished for the killer not having adequate internet connection. let's say the killer plays 4 games a day. that's 16 people he's making miserable just because his internet connection is bad.

  • rankore
    rankore Member Posts: 17

    @Peanits is stun validated on killer side too?

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    …additionally, neither Overwatch nor Valorant ‘reward’ or validate the actions of players with unusually high ping. It’s important to point out that this is like an exclusively DBD thing, at least in my experience with online games.

  • PrincessCalla
    PrincessCalla Member Posts: 139

    My ping is always 20ms and I always die so far from the vault. I also am unable to pull down palettes in chase.

  • Paternalpark
    Paternalpark Member Posts: 663

    Being from Southern Africa I can tell you it ruins the game.

    I can't play as the game intended because I will be hit vaulting a window when my feet land or 2 steps thereafter.

    Having 185ms lag + my reaction time makes it impossible to loop without resilience. So upset they removed SC vault speed bonus!

    Many of those whom have high ping will lean towards killer as survivor is too difficult.

    Either hold w as survivor or get free hits as killer. Both being boring.

    Please just add more servers, ther are so many smaller indie games with servers in Africa. Peer to peer were better times.

  • jinx3d
    jinx3d Member Posts: 519

    i wouldnt say having high ping is an unfair advantage, its hard asf to play with high ping

  • jinx3d
    jinx3d Member Posts: 519

    thats because overwatch and valorant are 5v5, not 4v1. if the 1 cant do anything, whats the point in playing?

  • Nirgendwohin
    Nirgendwohin Member Posts: 1,251

    I just had a match with a lag switching survivor. Every time he was in chase his ping got red and the killer was not be able to hit him.

    This is an exploit that should be fixed too.

  • DudelPuma
    DudelPuma Member Posts: 329

    the hit validation is a long story and it will probably never be solved as long as there are people at bhvr at work who had several years to fix it so that a killer who has a high ping is not rewarded (unrealistic hits, ie often Igories, etc.) everything that has to do with hits is killer sided, except for the pallet validation, I'm surprised that it still works so smoothly to this day, EVERY GAME can do it except dbd-BHVR, it's enough! I have no hope there is a lot going wrong in dbd and the only hope I still have how it can be solved is if dbd is bought up by competent developers or what is more unlikely bhvr throws out the people who can't manage it and gets people in who can fix it, because how can dbd be the only game with this pointless problem? as a killer: high ping = be rewarded (hit from a distance which people cannot react to, DHs are ignored etc.), good ping = be punished (you really have to hit, you have to respect all DHs etc.)

    I think I also know that in csgo if someone is lying then he hits me even though I've already disappeared behind the wall (sarcasm, of course it's not like that!) or when I play LoL I get unrealistic hits all the time (sarcasm) but now seriously, why isn't it like that with them? general with NO GAME is it like that! simply because EVERYTHING is server controlled and because the server really controls everything and doesn't spread lies and false hopes (hit validation) like in BHVR