Decisive Strike change

Just for reference, this is an idea that I heard from Otzdarva on the I'm All Ears podcast. I wanted to post about it here so more people can hear about it, and it can hopefully gain some traction. Here's the suggested change:

Decisive Strike will do exactly what is does currently. However, when the killer is stunned by a survivor using Decisive Strike, the killer will lose the ability to use their power for 10 seconds.

This will hopefully make it so Decisive Strike will affect killers the same across the board. What I mean by this is that the Decisive Strike change will stop the issue of Nurse from being able to blink on top of you 1 second later or Blight being able to pinball his way over to down you, while a basic M1 killer such as Trapper has nothing to help him catch up to you after being stunned by Decisive Strike. Instead, a killer such as Nurse or Blight will be forced to hold forward and chase you normally just like a basic M1 killer for 10 seconds after being stunned by Decisive Strike.

Let me know if you would change anything about the Decisive Strike change I suggested!


  • bunnyfengenthusiast
    bunnyfengenthusiast Member Posts: 471

    Decent idea but knowing BHVR, it will glitch out and block power for the rest of the game for the first week after patch.

  • mr_Beast_Artist
    mr_Beast_Artist Member Posts: 327

    Even the world's top killer agreed that the DS is complete garbage at the moment.

    I saw someone suggest to make a DS in the base for every survivor since tunneling and camping have grown to the maximum limit.

    At first I thought it was crazy but then I remembered that he only has 3 seconds where 1 second is lost during the jump from the shoulder and ds no longer works at the end of the match which made him complete garbage, and I think that this would not affect me and other killers since it won't affect normal/strong killers and would only punish toxic tunnelers and campers

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,242

    The change doesn't need to be made to Decisive Strike. It needs to be made to the killer's power, on a case-by-case basis.

    There's more than just DS that's ineffective against Nurse and Blight, every method of stun is just as pointless.

    Keep DS at 3 seconds, or maybe buff to 3.5 or 4 seconds. But then you address killer powers and implement a stun penalty on their power use and recharge.

    Nurse: Upon being stunned loses all her charges and her recharge becomes 5s per charge instead of 3s.

    Blight: Upon being stunned loses all his tokens and his recharge becomes 3s per token instead of 2s.

    Spirit: Upon being stunned loses all her charges. (it already takes 15s anyway)

    Not only does this increase the value of DS against these killers, but it also increases the value of pallet stuns and Head On.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081

    Honestly, i feel like some of killers that are the biggest offenders could get that added as a base kit change for their power.

    There is no reason pallet stunning a nurse to not give the survivor any reward, you are honestly probably better leaving her be by how much she doesn't care

  • bunnyfengenthusiast
    bunnyfengenthusiast Member Posts: 471

    The world's top killer? Who might that be?

    DS is garbage? Is that why it's used in every comp game? I wouldn't mind seeing the timer go up to 5s but if you can't get value from DS, you really need to get better.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,967
    edited March 2023

    If you thought losing the ability to play Survivor for 25 seconds with incapacitated was annoying, Then try having your power disabled for 10 seconds because you played the game the right way. If anything was to be learned from the Nerf of Eruption was that making players unable to use their abilities is a bad idea. So why would we ever think taking away Killer's Power is a good idea.

    I am extremely against this idea because:

    1. DS is not a get out of Power Free Card.
    2. Run to a pallet.
    3. Its okay if a Killer counters a perk of yours or feels minimal effects of it.
    4. When used together with multiple people you can use it block a Killers Power for 40 seconds.

    DS was nerfed cause it was used offensively and used with Head On to stun-lock the killer for a long time.

    It is now an Anti-Tunnel Perk but it still requires some skill to use, and that is perfectly fine. There are no get out of Jail Free Cards.

  • yeeeitsdustin
    yeeeitsdustin Member Posts: 36

    I see what you're getting at with referencing Eruption. However, with Eruption, the survivor literally couldn't do anything but unhook. With Decisive, it would only take away the power from the killer, and for only 10 seconds. The killer could still down a survivor and hook them. There's a difference between what Eruption did and what I think should be changed about Decisive. Also, I know that Decisive is still a decent perk. However, it could be alot better than it is while also not being overpowered.

  • roundpitt
    roundpitt Member Posts: 578

    Spirit has an addon that instantly recharges her power when she is stunned.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,967
    edited March 2023

    Survivors could still run to another Gen for 25seconds. So its the same as Eruption.

    Overall. I think what they are suggesting here is giving too much on one perk. DS was already meta once, We don't need it again.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,242

    Which is pretty busted, and should probably be changed to "only loses 50% of her charges" or something.

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619

    Do you know the number of times I've been hit with DS and I just walked up to them 20 seconds later and smacked them again?

    It should be how it was before Pre-Nerf EXCEPT it shouldn't activate once EGC is active.

    That's all it needs.

    None of this "Killers can't use their power" nonsense.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,125

    I disagree as it was one of the only perks which discouraged the current tunnel meta which isn't fun for either side. You took the risk of picking up the survivor to eat the stun, that risk should still be present but it's not because the perk is garbo.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    DS is already in a fine place. It has the potential to be powerful or not based on where you go down and how your team responds to you using the perk.

    What it sounds like you want is a "free escape". That's exactly what the perk was before and that is why the perk got nerfed.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,967

    Im fine with eating a 3 second stun, im not fine with eating a10 sec power stun.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    sure it is for killer main. The perk is dead so "it's fine"