Killer mains, please stop doing this...

KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

When I'm the last survivor I'll do my best to escape but sometimes the killer finds and downs me first. At that point I don't try to wiggle. I let the killer decide to either hook me or take me to the hatch. Sometimes I get the hatch. Sometimes I get the hook. And sometimes I'll get my time wasted by a total jerk who instead of putting me on a hook decides to lead me on thinking they want me to find the hatch but decided to hook me anyway. I've had far too many matches where the killer will stand still and let me wiggle off just to chase me around and do it again, and again, and again just to then carry me to the hook nearest the hatch so they can hook me and close the hatch after. If you have no intent of letting me escape then don't waste my time making the match go on for far longer than it has to. There is no reason at all for you to be toxic like this. I don't care that I didn't escape. I care that you wasted my time long enough that I could be well into the next match instead of being dragged around by a toxic troll. I'll do absolutely nothing to deserve this from the killer the entire match and then be treated like I was the most toxic survivor ever. Just stop doing this. Its bad for the game. People don't want to deal with this. I wonder often how many survivor mains just close the game out after having something like this happen to them. The game just isn't worth playing when you have to deal with crap like this.



  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    A perfect example of why this kind of behavior from killers needs to stop. They're wasting other people's time and just being blatantly toxic to them for the sake of content. Why can't people just play the game? Sigh...

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792
    edited March 2023

    Other survivors (or other people in their life) hurt their feelings and they're going to take it out on you. People won't stop doing this until Bhvr makes it impossible. They did test the game auto ending when the last survivor gets put into the dying state, but I have no idea when or if that's coming out. Until then all we can do is let the killer enjoy their creepy/sad power trip or DC.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    Dunno, after seeing some DH/nurse nerf discussions over the last year i kinda feel there are more reasonable killer-"mains" than survivor-"mains".

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,952

    All of this would be resolved by the Mori Update.

  • Hi_Im_Chucky
    Hi_Im_Chucky Member Posts: 366

    Well I found the OP at fault when reading this, but that’s me personally as a Killer Main. I mean, you seem like your going to toss my opinion to the side and curb stomp it because it doesn’t fit your narrative but I’ll leave it anyway…

    That moment you made the choice to not wiggle, you gave up, conceded, and became at the mercy of the Killer. Why hand them over the power to be polite to you or harass you? I lose a lot of respect for survivors who don’t wiggle and if I pity them I’ll disapprovingly let them go, feeling questionable about my decision or let them bleed out or occasionally get a chase restart, if I already secured hatch, and let them get taken by the Entity.

    You should try and show the Killer that even if you are last man, even if you are down, even if the hook is 10m away…that if he so much as contemplates toying with you, you will be willing and possibly able to escape his grasp and escape the trail. Survivors have so many tricks of their sleeve, perks, keys and wiggle out to consider. The moment you are still fighting you put that thought it the back of his mind that it might be better to just kill this one now, just incase. Which he won’t have if you give up and wait for mercy.

    An you emphasize this time management hook up about getting to next game sooner…then why are you looking for mercy escapes? Trying to find hatch or getting to a door to open it or feeling like letting you go so you personally get to wander around for hatch or slowly open a door…? Ya know what’s faster? Wiggling to notify the Killer that he needs to kill you immediately, then he will, your in next game much easier…

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    If you can't discern the point of the post and the fact that this post is directly addressing the killer players who actually do this then that isn't my problem. If you're a killer main who doesn't do this then this has nothing to do with you. I don't care if you see this as some kind of us vs them argument. I don't care what happens in other situations that makes people think its Ok that things like this happen because something they think equally bad happened on the other side. Both sides just need to play the game normally. Close the hatch if you find it and stop wasting people's time.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    When I'm the only killer online I'll do my best to chase and play fair but sometimes the survivors bring perks and items that makes it impossible to hook them. At that point I don't try to chase. I let the survivors decide to either do gens or give me free kills. Sometimes I get a 4k. Sometimes I don't. And sometimes I get my time wasted by a bunch of swf jerks who instead of completing gens decides to lead me on thinking I'll get a 4k but decides to rush gens and leave anyway. I've had far too many matches where the survivors will stand still and let me hit them just to run around and do it again, and again, and again just to then complete the gen furthest from where I am so they can all wait by the powered 3 light gates so they can crouch and flashlight spam me after. If you have no intent of letting me hook you then don't waste my time making the match go on for longer than it has to. there is no reason at all for you to be toxic like this. i don't care that i didn't get a kill. I care that you wasted my time long enough that I could be well into the next match instead of being ran around by a toxic troll. I'll do absolutely nothing to deserve this from the survivors the entire match and then be treated like i was the most toxic killer ever. Just stop doing this. I wonder often how many killer mains just close the game out after having something like this happen to them. The game just isn't worth playing when you have to deal with crap like this.

    • based on a true story. inspired by Katemain86's post.
  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Sorry your last match was so bad you had to take it out on someone who didn't deserve it in the next one.

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    This is more entertaining than playing the game.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    Would have been resolved for the survivor, sure.

    Killer can still have the game taken hostage if the survivors don't repair the last gen. At least it can only last an hour 😴

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,952

    this is why we need bHVR to add a max trial time, I think 30min should be okay.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,618
    edited March 2023

    Let me ask you something... Is Fair that you PRETEND that a killer will play like you want (same for Survivors)? He bought the game just like you and he's playing how he want without breaking any rules from the devs (MIND YOU THAT I'M NOT EXCUSING THAT KIND OF BEHAVIOR), so as far as we know only the devs can do something about toxic behavior from both sides... Personally i HATE any kind of toxicity, but you won't resolve anything to ask something like that in the forum... quite the contrary, those kind of people that you don't tolerate will see this thread and they will feel rewarded for their efforts to make you angry about it

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    Baffling. Like, ignoring the kind of cretins who'd actually lap this stuff up, I can't imagine tormenting a player who's clearly AFK makes for good content.

    But yeah, that's really the only thing you can do when you run into one of these sad individuals - go limp and wait for them to get bored. This is the main reason I think a voluntary suicide button at a certain point of the bleedout bar would be a good addition to the game.

    And for anyone defending this behavior, it's deliberate time-wasting for the sake of griefing. There's no gameplay merit to it at all.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    I mean I would never do that unless the survivor has been really really annoying/BMing all the time. Be sure that if you BM me during a match I will wait until your blood is over in the ground before I hook you. You reap what you sow after all.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Yea... and if I do those things to the killer then by all means they can return the favor. But I didn't. And that is the problem. I did nothing to deserve this and yet the killer found it in them to waste my time and be a complete jerk in the process. I don't care what other survivors are doing to piss killers off. Stop punishing a stranger for what someone else did to you.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,582

    You know the player who did it to you probably isn't here to read your complaints, right?

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Is it too much to ask for people to just play the game normally and not be jerks to each other? I'm not exactly asking for much here.

    Yep! Absolutely. If anything is unsportsmanlike in this game, its being thrown around by the killer when the match is clearly over just so they can grief and waste your time.

    They can. But I didn't. If someone else on my team did I can't do anything about that. Don't take it out on me. I always try to be the model survivor but it isn't easy when you're constantly being treated like the most toxic one.

    A better community starts with you, but I guess you don't want that. May they all give you hell before you do the same to them.

  • Ardrillin
    Ardrillin Member Posts: 28

    As a killer main it depends 100% on how my survs play me. If they are toxic, salty, and love the bully tatics then sure I'll down you and juggle you then hook you right by the hatch but IMO you deserve it. If you play to have fun I have fun I am always up for giving the final surv the hatch TBH often times if I find it on a killer that I can I let you know where it is with signals then give it to you. It's really all about giving what we get as killers.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    That you have at least option push the survivors out. I think situation what OP is decribing is lot more disgusting behaviour. That is probably done by people with problems in real life and they take it on game. I could never do that it's just toxic and killers only do it to make you to feel bad. The gate situations yes is annoying but that just wastes time I usually just go take a break and they can keep waiting or I push them out. I don't either wait at gate as survivor unless my teammates are still there needing help so ofcourse I take hit for them if I can.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,164

    The behaviour you descripe is quite scummy, I give you that. I especially cringe so hard when the killer carries me to the hatch, drops me down and closes it in front of me, nodding and then hooking me, I can only imagine them being 12 and this being the hight of edgy "yeah I got you" to them, so I just move on and it doesn't happen THAT often.

    BUT when I am the killer and you are the last survivor, I down you, pick you up, pass several hooks that I look at but pass, only to stand still in a corner for you to wiggle off, I at least want you to acknowledge the fact and let us have a cute killer-survivor-connection moment. If its a Dwight in default cloth, thats probably just a new player who doesn't know, but everyone in event skins etc should have the courtesy to look at me and point or nod or something, not just run off like mad, predropping any palette they can get their grubby little fingers on, as if it was sheer luck that they could wriggle off in a corner and I just forgot to hook them. Smh. If I catch such a survivor again, its hooking time for them, thats for sure.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,164

    With some modifications. I was really surprised when the mori updates WIP was some strange sudden death mechanic. I had thought that the mori would start playing the instance the survivors had no conceivable way of winning, ie everyone slugged and no one got any unbreakables anymore or 1st hook stages left, so that the killer couldn't just keep them slugged for 4min. But the free unbreakable for everyone was way, way too stressful for the killer imho to be a real future option.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,283

    Would it have been more constructive to say "people who play killer" instead of "killer mains"? - Sure. - Or even more diplomatically to definitely avoid making people feel addressed who aren't even addressed: "To those killer players who do this: please, just stop [doing it]." --- Is it worth trying to turn it into some "gotcha" moment and going on and on and on and on about it with a side of whatabout-ism? - No.

    This happens. And this scenario, where the killer unnecessarily draws the match out or does some kind of equally unnecessary bait-game, is something only killers can do. This is an instance of things that make the game unfun and is, in my book, toxic behaviour.

    Does this mean there are no other instances of toxic behvaiour? No. Does this mean only killers can exhibit toxic behaviour? No. - Does that in turn mean every post addressing/recounting an instance of toxic behaviour of one category also has to address every other category of toxic behaviour? - Also no.

  • Wylrin
    Wylrin Member Posts: 98

    I'm seeing some interesting perspectives here that I hadn't really considered before. The one I'd like to touch on and offer my own take on is when a survivor is the last one left alive.

    I've seen a couple of comments expressing anger at killers who toy around with the last survivor before sacrificing them. I agree with the sentiment that this can definitely be a waste of time for everyone involved under certain circumstances. Smacking someone down and leaving them on the floor to bleed out is an absolute waste of time with no benefits to either party involved beyond the killer being satisfied with tormenting that survivor. So scenarios like that I whole-heartedly agree that they're malicious and serve no other purpose than to induce an angered reaction.

    That being said, I do think there are some scenarios that aren't inherently malicious, but a few comments have been made that seem just as frustrated by the following scenario as the one I described above.

    This scenario being, plainly, a killer allowing the last survivor to get more points than they would have gotten normally, but still sacrificing them in the end.

    In my opinion, if you're not wiggling as the last survivor, the reason you're not wiggling is to signal to the killer that you're at their mercy and you'd like the option of some sort of nice or merciful gesture. This can equate to getting the hatch or being let out of the exit gate, but what about a killer who's giving the survivor more points, but ultimately, at the end of the day, that survivor's getting sacrificed? I'm not sure I understand why this merciful gesture is being frowned upon more than what I assume to be the desired mercy of a free escape, or even just an outright sacrifice.

    In my mind, extending mercy is about allowing those involved to get more points than they would have otherwise. If you're wiggling off the killer's shoulder a few times, that's a good amount of points you got right there that you wouldn't have gotten otherwise without the killer's cooperation. But it seems that, unless escape for the survivor is the outcome of a killer's mercy, then any mercy given is being malicious, instead, and I'm not sure I understand this outlook.

    I suppose it could be disheartening just running around with a friendly killer in the endgame only to be slapped down and hooked, but if you're the last survivor and you were in a position that the killer could have easily and quickly ended it (and is choosing not to for the purpose of more points for both sides) why is getting more points worse than not having that opportunity at all? It sounds comparable to a person who wants a double scoop ice cream cone, someone gives them a one scoop ice cream cone, and the person receiving the cone is outraged that they didn't get exactly what they wanted, despite having still been given something good.

    But I don't know, maybe there's an angle I'm not looking at it from. What do you guys think? :)

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    That kind of reminds me of this game back when I was new and a hag main. I dropped the last survivor who was a Jake 5 feet from the hatch, took a few steps back and alt tabbed. Tabbed back in like 30 seconds later and still didn't go in, I waited 15 seconds more while hitting the hatch and finally hooked him. I asked why he didn't take the hatch and he said I was going to close it in his face.