my solution to camping and tunneling



  • Mytea
    Mytea Member Posts: 92

    i play both sides so i'm not favoring any side. these perks should be basekit in my opinion to prevent what the title of this thread describes...camping and tunneling. survivors don't camp or tunnel and i have also given a very strong endgame option to be basekit as killer. no way out have got me many kills as killer already. you of course need at least 1 person dead and 1 other person should be hooked before no way out triggers, but even if just one person is dead you can combine this perk with many other perks like remember me, noed and rancor just to name three.

    in addition to that these perks being basekit wouldn't make survivors stronger, but rather protect them from unfair playstyle of killers. it's no fun hanging there being face camped 1st hook for 3 minutes straight without being able to do anything in that match or being tunneled off hook just to be hooked again repeatedly. if you can't imagine that you should try playing survivor and experiencing this at least's no fun at all.

    on killer side i can only think of one unfair thing and that's gen rushing survivors. that's nothing that could be addressed with many killer perks though. no way out is one perk to slow down "generators" or rather the endgame and therefore also gens in a way. corrupt intervention has already been nerfed by bhvr deactivating once you down a survivor. by the time you down a survivor this perks mostly runs off anyways though. the only change could be done by removing items and addons completely or leaving only brown items/addons as i have suggested once already or prove thyself could be nerfed though for prove thyself to work efficiently you need at least 2 survivors working on a gen and that's again rather a problem of swf in contrary to solo queue because swfs are way more coordinated that even 3 gens mostly aren't a problem, but for solo queue it is and that's why eruption got nerfed.

    in my opinion op addons like tombstone for myers, double range for nurse or 4x brand new parts are way worse on survivor side than perks. perks that speed up generators aren't as strong as regression perks from killers are, but survivor addons make it stronger and you are 1 killer vs 4 survivors. so if every survivor had a green toolbox with a brand new part and combine that with gen repair perks it really gets annoying. gen repair perks itself aren't as bad though. so items are definitely the big problem in my opinion here.

  • Mytea
    Mytea Member Posts: 92

    that's where you are wrong. my teammates almost never realize the situation because i don't play in a swf. that's the huge disadvantage of solo queue and the reason why eruption got nerfed for example because solo players can't coordinate like swfs can being even able to break generated 3 gens. there is nothing my team or other survivors can do if i'm getting tunneled or am deciding on tunneling just one person. if i want to be an ######### i will just tunnel you out no matter how hard the other survivors try. that of course doesn't work as good with weaker killers, but some killers are really good with it. the strong killers obviously can easily tunnel you out and shred through health states with ease. other killers like bubba can easily facecamp you and even down you with his chainsaw if you got protected by base bt or off the record. bubba will just hit you twice within a 5 seconds time span and you are hooked again. if you got ds you will go down soon again with no ds and then they can easily tunnel you out when you get unhooked again knowing you don't have ds anymore. i have experienced this situation way too many times already even without a hook camping bubba. the only perk that could prolong the time for me staying in the trial and gaining at least some hook struggle points is reassurance and kinship, but in order to secure i at least get some points this way i have to sacrifice two perk sluts and even a third if i want to take ds with me. if i also want to take off the record with me i would have to run without any exhaustion perk just to guarantee my time on hook is long enough in case i get tunneled and i can tell you that i get tunneled or face camped at least once every 2nd or 3rd match. it's no way near fun.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I didn't say that you only play one side

    Why make perks basekit... that's just going to make the "meta" stronger (you have 4 perk slots... pick wisely)... Also the perks you picked come from a licensed chapters (minus Kinship and Off The Record) and Off The Record wouldn't work with BT... DS just needs to be reverted and it will be used

    Survivors don't Camp and Tunnel Gens... Then say Gen rushing (make up your mind)

    Endgame perks do synergize well... but you have nothing for the start or middle of a match

    Survivors finish a Gen before Corrupt wears off (my experience)

    Deadlock kinda sorta stops Gen rushing... as does Corrupt and TT


    Basekit Survivors: 1.0-2.2 charges per second... Prove Thyself make it 1.0-3.19 charges per second

    Basekit Killers: .25 charges per second... Perks increase this... Call Of Brine makes Gen regression .50 charges per second for 60 seconds... Pop takes off 17.98 charges, PR takes off 13.485 charges, Eruption takes off 8.99 charges, Jolt takes off 7.192 charges

    So how can you say the Gen regression is stronger then progression

    No Way Out only works when the Gens are done... No slowdown

    Instead of removing Items and nerfing perks... just adjust base Gen regression and progression

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619

    I literally cannot read that. Learn how to make paragraphs please.

    I'm not trying to be an #########, I just attempted to read through it and lost my place no less than three times before I gave up.

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    I say they should nerf the ability of survivors to do gens and heal!

    Why you ask?

    Because it's more fun for killer of course!

    I also believe that all survivors should start the match broken and incapacitated for 10 min...

    If they think it's too overpowered, just throw in there built-in noed and no escape.

    Also, all killers should be able to blink like nurse, that would be pretty dope.

    This is my iteration of what the original post said, I feel like I should have asked for more tho...

    Tunneling and camping is just a playstyle for killer, get over it... because it's here to stay.

  • Mytea
    Mytea Member Posts: 92

    i'm stating all this because camping and tunneling is something killers do and not survivors. this discussion is not about evening out both parties. that's a whole different story. this discussion is about perks that help survivors with unfavorable situations. reassurance, kinship, off the record, ds as basekit would all prevent face camping and/or tunneling. they have got nothing to do with gen speed. they just ensure that you are not force to hang on a hook for 3 minutes without being able to do anything besides that because the killer stands right in front of you. they ensure that you don't get chased right after you got unhooked. basekit bt and even taking ds as a perk of the 4 perk slots doesn't ensure you don't get tunneled. especially strong killers will shred through your health states even if you have these two "securities". in addition to that ds and the protection of off the record wear off if you perform a conspicuous action which is almost everything in the game. so having them basekit wouldn't make survivors stronger at all. the ONLY situation they would survivors stronger is by toxic swfs taking hits aggressively just to ######### you up and interrupt your chase of another survivor, BUT these toxic swfs will do that nonetheless. if these perks are basekit or not...they will still try to annoy killers.

    giving no way out basekit was a compensation of good will in case killers might say all these perks basekit is too much and once again these perks don't give survivors an advantage. they are purely existing to ensure you don't get camped or tunneled, but as i have already said multiple times you still get camped or tunneled IF you have these perks equipped. so having them equipped is NOT enough! that's why they should be basekit to make killers fear these perks because the ds nerf (even if it was just to weaken meta perks) made it kinda useless and i'm running ds and off the record almost every game btw. they aren't enough!

    again this discussion isn't about gen repair speed or gen regression speed. i know myself that mostly survivors repair gens way faster than survivors can regress them. that's why i have stated that i play both sides. i know the experience of gen rushing survivors while playing killer and also being camped/tunneled as survivor. both situations are annoying. erruption, corrupt and pop got nerfed. there is nothing we can do about it though. especially not in this discussion though you still have to remember they were nerfed except for erruption due to being a meta perk that every killer used just like ds, iron will, dh etc. on survivor side. so ultimately these nerfs have nothing to do with the initial topic of my discussion.

    i want to reduce the incidents of annoying gameplay where one person gets face camped all game long or tunneled out of the game right after being unhooked. i don't take dumb decisions of survivors into consideration like unhooking right in front of the killer for example because this has nothing to do with the actual problem of survivors getting face camped for 3 minutes or being tunneled all game long.

    furthermore by removing items/addons (yes not just survivor items, but also killer addons) balancing the game (yes also gen regression and progression speeds) will be much easier just like balancing killers all together. the gap between strong and weak killers could be closed way easier because items or addons wouldn't play a role anymore in all the statistics of a killer. there wouldn't be a huge gap between double range nurse compared to no range nurse. there wouldn't be a huge gap between tombstone myers and a normal myers. myers for example could easily be made stronger if there were strong addons like tombstone rewarding for doing nothing that whole match. no strong items on survivors side would mean no more 4x brand new parts = no extreme gen rushing especially in combination with gen repair perks. also i didn't even think removing all items/addons would be necessary. bhvr could keep a base version of every item/addon with low impact on the game, but still creating a bit of variety like keeping all brown toolboxes, medkits, flashlights etc. all this would also play into a more fair match not only for survivors, but also for killers.

    everybody who disagrees with that doesn't seek a fairer gameplay in dbd.

  • Mytea
    Mytea Member Posts: 92

    despite that being a rather you problem than a me problem this isn't the topic of this discussion to begin with. if there is nothing to separate paragraphs are of no use.

  • Mytea
    Mytea Member Posts: 92

    if you want to act like a kid and not take this serious then please don't write anything in this thread. this topic is for matured ppl who are really interested in making this game better for everybody. comments like this are the reason important topics like these aren't discusses enough and properly. if you want to act like a kid then do that somewhere else. i don't have time for that.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    So you haven't seen a Survivor stay on a Gen until it's finished?

    Apparently this discussion is about adding more perks basekit not about fixing the game... (-.-)

    Yes this is about Gen progression VS Gen regression... why would a even thinking Killer Camp and Tunnel?

    Giving all of those perks will screw over those Killer that don't tunnel... Survivors have already gotten used to having OTR

    Getting rid of Items will not be a good decision... just saying

    If progression and regression were to be more even then the only Camping and Tunneling would only be toxic (not saying it lightly)

    We need to stop asking for perks to become basekit... it only will further "meta" perks

    Also Tunneling does come from healing speed...

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619

    What do you mean nothing to separate, I see no less than 14 sentences.

  • NerfDeadHardPLZ
    NerfDeadHardPLZ Member Posts: 70

    I agree if following happens:

    1. Gens taking 140 seconds
    2. Corrupt Intervention basekit and returned to pre nerf value
    3. Deadlock basekit
    4. Shattered Hope basekit
    5. Dead Hard nerfed to be used once per game
    6. No way out basekit
    7. Pallet/gen kicking increased by 10% more
    8. Recover from missed swing or hit swing increased 30% more
    9. Killer speed increased by 0.1 m/s on every killer
    10. Hex totems get undying basekit ( all of them ), undyinig adding 3rd effect
  • Wexton
    Wexton Member Posts: 496
    edited March 2023

    Survivors don't need 4 perks to be basekit lol, you're living off in fantasy land.

  • Mytea
    Mytea Member Posts: 92

    it seems you don't read properly. since i have said i play both roles i have of course seen survivors stay on a gen the whole time until it's finished. if the killer doesn't interrupt them then what else should they do? stand around doing nothing? this thread is about fixing the game towards a fair gameplay and not just about one part of it. i'm not taking sides on this one. i will not just support killers so they can camp and tunnel even more.

    camping and tunneling just has something to do with gen progression or regression in 1 of 10 cases. in all other 9 cases killers camp for whatever reason because they have fun to annoy survivors, because they had a bad day, because they think survivors are favored generally, because they weren't good enough, because they play bubba and just want to abuse their killer etc. there are all kinds of reasons why killers face camp/tunnel and i can speak from experience that it has almost never to do with gen speed.

    when i get face camped at 5 gens it has nothing to do with gen speed. if i get tunneled right off the hook at 5 gens it has nothing to do with gen speed. so how does this have to do with gen regression or progression? exactly! it's not connected to it! gen regression and progression is a whole different topic in dbd. this is about fairness. killers aren't treated unfair if the gens fly by. you can take gen protection or regression perks with you just the way ppl say survivors should take tunnel/camp perks with them, BUT there aren't any strong gen repair perks on survivor side except for prove thyself and again this perk only works when multiple survivors work on a generator. there is not a single other good gen repair perk for survivors except prove thyself and that's a limited perk. if you run discordance you can counter that perk.

    no...having these perks basekit won't screw over killers who don't tunnel because you don't lose anything as a killer if you don't tunnel. if you never tunnel and go for different survivors even if it swap between survivor a and survivor b the whole time these perks will make no difference at all. ds and off the record only work until you perform a conspicuous action and if you want to help your team then you have to perform conspicuous actions. furthermore they are deactivated in the endgame and ds is most likely used beforehand anyways and can only have been used if you as a killer tunneled that person. so it's your own fault. reassurance only works in close proximity to a hook and the survivor running that perk has to stop whatever they are doing to activate this perk on the hook. while you are camping you could have done many other productive things like chasing the other survivors off their generators, regress said generators, protect said generators and if the hooked person gets unhooked you can go back and chase the unhooker instead. after you downed them you can go for the previously hooked person again if you want to. that wouldn't be tunneling and you wouldn't have to deal with off the record or ds, too. kinship works only in struggle phase and only when another survivor is in close proximity to the hook. this perk also only gives you value if the killer is face camping you and that's not something a killer should aim for. if you played the game normally you would always get at least a black pip in a match as killer. if you are face camped 1st hook and die 1st hook as survivor though you will definitely get a depip. if you get tunneled out of the game as the only person being chased you will definitely lose a pip. so how is this fair for this survivor? do you think they have fun dying on 1st hook because nobody can rescue them or because they got tunneled out of the game early on? if you think this is fun then you should play survivor and see for yourself.

    getting rid of 4x brand new parts, styptic or syringe wouldn't be a good thing? you complain about gen regression being too low, but the real threat comes from these items actually. if you got a swf team that completes a gen in literally 5 seconds with 4 brand new parts it's no fun as killer. if you have to shred through 4, 5 or even 6 health states as killer it's no fun. if the survivor had mettle of man, syringe + styptic, dead hard, the usual 2 health states and maybe even a well time adrenaline to the end you are screwed for. that's no fun at all and not even nurse or blight can do much about it. they can shred through health states quickly, but if they are hit by all these items, addons and perks there is not much that even they can do. i have seen this in action too many time as killer. so i know what i'm speaking of. it's no fun at all having to deal with this. furthermore balancing killers would be way easier if they had just base addons. you could easily increase the movement speed of a killer, improve their power etc. if no addons are in play. if addons are in play you always have to take these into consideration. if you had a double range nurse you couldn't increase the base range of nurses blinks for example because killers with double range would have a huge advantage. you wouldn't be able to increase the base movement speed of huntress because her iri addon would screw this over. you wouldn't be able to increase the movement speed of plague because her iri addon would screw things over. you can't make myers stronger base because tombstone is in play and if myers was way stronger generally tombstone myers would most likely be much stronger than even nurse or blight. so yes removing addons/items would make balancing waaaaay easier!

    so again face camping and tunneling has nothing to do with perks, items or addons. it has to do with how bhvr designed their game initially. if nobody in your team has reassurance or you don't run kinship and you get face camped you can do nothing except for either giving up (dcing), killing yourself on hook or buying your team time to escape while they can do generators. though this is still no pleasant experience for the face camped survivor at all. that's one reason why there are so many dcs nowadays in dbd. in pretty much 9 of my 10 matches while i'm playing either side i see at least 1 dc in the match. is it fun as a killer to wait for 10 to 30 minutes for a match to just see all survivors dc? would that be fun for you as a killer because ultimately survivors should do that if the killer is face camping or tunneling. if all survivors constantly dc'd when a killer face camped or tunneled there would not be a single normal match and you would sit in the queue constantly. is that what you wish for as a killer? is that fun to you?

  • Mytea
    Mytea Member Posts: 92

    you seperate a comment if it has different statements in it, but my comment didn't have different statements. it was all about one single topic.

  • Mytea
    Mytea Member Posts: 92
    1. would be possible
    2. doesn't do too much most of the time anyways instead of the initial slow down so why not
    3. that would probably be way too powerful
    4. also probably way too powerful - would mean brining a boon perk would be totally useless and self-care would have to be 100 % self-healing then to make up for it
    5. are you joking? dead hard rarely even works in most matches and if you play a certain killer like legion or deathslinger dead hard never even works a single time. furthermore you can't make it a one time use because running exhaustion perks all together would be senseless if they were a one time use. you would have to be limited to one chance of hitting a survivor then. if you miss you have to let them go. that would be ridiculous just like making dh a one time use.
    6. i have already suggested that in my first comment
    7. kicking all together is already increased by 10 % - so no doesn't have to increased any further
    8. that would totally break the game if a killer runs mad grit and/or save the best for last.
    9. not a bad thing at all, but would mostly favor the strong killers again anyways
    10. that would probably be way to powerful. having to cleanse devour hope 3x or having to deal with 3x haunted ground would be ridiculous. so no that would not be a good thing.

    all in all these changes would make killers even stronger, but the perks i have mentioned don't make survivors stronger at all. they just prevent unfair gameplay. if you would improve killers like that you would have to improve survivor perks, too. this would balance out the game. if you made all these changes you would have to make changes to killers, too. for example myers would only be able to tier up once to t3 the whole match or plague only gets one corrupt fountain or oni can only activate his power once per match. as you can see this would be ridiculous, but it would be the same as improving killers even further AND face camping and tunneling would be even easier for killers and that's exactly what this thread should prevent. i don't want killers to be even better at face camping or tunneling, but remove this all together. there should nobody die 1st hook and have to hang on a hook for 3 minutes straight without being able to do anything at all. there should nobody be tunneled right off the hook constantly without the killer going for any other survivor at all. if kicking speed and missed hits would be improved for example it would be a LOT easier for me to tunnel and chase after an unhooked person because i can easily shred through pallets and it doesn't matter if i miss or hit a survivor because i can literally hit them two times at once. that's just stupid!

  • Mytea
    Mytea Member Posts: 92

    you seem to live in fantasy land if you think survivors don't need these perks basekit to prevent unfair matches.

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619

    Look man, if you want to make your paragraphs illegible by refusing to use capital letters and basic paragraphs, then why should I be bothered to put in the effort to try to read it?

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    No I did read it properly.... you are saying that Survivors don't Tunnel... but you have seen it happening (so it does happen on both sides)

    So the Killer can't do the same thing?

    Also the thing about Camping and Tunneling it is related to Gen progression and Gen regression... The Killer will Camp and Tunneling at 5 Gens means that they don't want to deal with Gens popping quickly and Gen regression doesn't do much even with 4 Gen perks

    So it's more like 9 out of 10 times the Killer decides to Camp and Tunnel (but you play both sides so it should've been more clear

    Yes it does... Being Camped/Tunneled at 5 Gens mean the Killer doesn't have to worry about chasing 1 and having 3 others on 1-3 Gens (so the team loses 1.0 charges per second, 16 second heals, safe unhooks)

    No the game was made for hide and seek... but then it evolved to what it is now

    There are more reasons for DC's then just Camping and Tunneling (It could be the Killer played, Map played, Getting caught first, not wanting to be killed first and specifically not wanting to die to an RBT)

    Camping and Tunneling is because of Perks, Items and addons being used

    Survivors bodyblock after being unhooked... forcing the Killer to hit that Survivor and/or Chasing that Survivor... Survivors that bring BNP's can only do one Gen fast but the rest of them go slower then that (so it's up to the Survivor in how they want to use their BNP)

    Prove Thyself is being used cause of the 10 charges added to Gens...

    And again adding more perks to basekit will only further the "meta"... cause of this BHVR will have to make even more changes to the game

  • Mytea
    Mytea Member Posts: 92

    well 5 seconds or 3 seconds doesn't make a difference. it doesn't matter if a blight or nurse get stunned for 3 or 5 seconds. they will catch up to you within a blink of an eye anyways. so this change means nothing. furthermore what does ds do about camping? when i get face camped 1st hook for 3 minutes straight. what does ds do for me in that situation? for that exact reason and the reason you have mentioned yourself - the fear of being hit by ds - these perks have to become basekit. when unbreakable and mori become basekit nobody will let you bleed out on the floor because everybody could pick themselves up. at the current state you have to make a guess if that person might have unbreakable or not. most killers don't slug even now because of that fear.

    when i would have to fear that the 29 seconds a survivor hung there in 1st phase on the hook to then be saved by a reassurance all my camping and the 29 seconds would have been a waste. you can't generate this fear by not having this perk basekit. if i always have to run this perk just to make sure a survivor isn't face camped because most killers are toxic and the devs allow camping i'm wasting a perk slot just to ensure that this is not happening. face camping and tunneling shouldn't have happened to begin with, but happens because there is no valid protection against it.

    if every survivor had reassurance and kinship then not a single killer would face camp anymore because it would have been a total waste of time to stand there doing nothing waiting for the survivor to finally die on hook. if ds and off the record were basekit even with just the 3 seconds every killer would at least respect these perk and tunnel less because survivors would have 2 more perks that could help in chase to get away from said tunneling killer like resilience, distortion, windows of opportunity, quick and quiet, light weight etc. all these perks can't be taken if i'm forced to run ds, off the record, reassurance AND kinship just to ensure somebody isn't tunneled nor face camped to death. i wouldn't even be able to run an exhaustion perk to help me in chase if i had to run these four perks to protect myself or my teammates. the 3 seconds from ds and even off the record aren't enough protection.

  • Mytea
    Mytea Member Posts: 92

    look man...i don't care if you bother to read my comment. if you don't want to read it then that's fine. it's your own choice and i won't force you to read it.

  • Mytea
    Mytea Member Posts: 92

    did you even read your own first sentence for yourself? how can survivors tunnel? survivors aren't chasing the killer nor killing them. do you even understand the concept of this game? so no...tunneling doesn't happen on both sides. it only happens on the killer side because some toxic person decides to go for just one person alone.

    i can understand a killer who has to deal with toxic survivors who want to simply annoy the killer and nothing else. tunneling in this case is acceptable in my opinion. you just fight fire with fire or poison with poison. if you tunnel without any reason though that's inacceptable.

    you're saying that camping and tunneling has to do with gen progression or regression simply because the killer fears that gens pop quickly one after another, but how can this killer know that? can you look into the future? maybe the survivors you are facing are beginners, inexperienced, badly-coordinated, not a swf or do bad mistakes. how can you know that multiple gens will pop quickly after each other? correct! you can't know that!

    if i run corrupt intervention, deadlock and no way out i can delay the game long enough to get at least one kill even against the sweatiest and most toxic swf groups out there in dbd. you can also run an endgame build if you don't want to deal with generators all together. then you can just ignore them and work towards endgame. you will get at least 1 kill and don't have to deal with gens nor have to face camp or tunnel. just by running rancor and noed for example (if you don't play as a one-shot killer) you can simply secure at least one kill at the end of the game. a second kill is pretty likely if you run no way out for example. so what do you care about generators. even if the balance between regression and progression is bad you could still get 1 or 2 kills in a match you are totally screwed over without even having to face camp or tunnel a single time.

    these perks (reassurance, kinship, deceisive strike and off the record) are simply there to prevent unfair matches and by unfair matches in this context i mean killers face camping one single survivor or tunneling just one survivor out of the game early on. this player doesn't have fun at all in that match and if you really think you are treated unfair due to way too quick generator repairs then you treat this one survivor exactly the way you feel in that match. how is that fair? do you really think if you treat one single survivor badly you will feel better for being gen rushed? i highly doubt that this is the case!

    IF you decide to face camp a single survivor and these survivors don't have reassurance or kinship you will at best get only one kill. how is that a win on your part? standing there face camping one single survivor the whole game makes you feel as if you did something special as if you played very well? if that's good gameplay for you then you really have to switch the game because this is a competitive alike game and standing around doing nothing has nothing to do with being good in that game. it's like somebody would have given you a trophy for 1st place in a marathon even though you didn't even walk 1 meter. do you really think you would have earned that trophy? is that your idea of fairness? i hope not!

    you think multiple generators popping at once is unfair and therefore you face camp a survivor, but prove thyself or 4x bnps is okay for you? do you even listen to yourself? the only reason generators pop so rapidly is due to these items and perks! face camping or tunneling one survivor won't slow down this repair progress nor will it give you more kills. the only time you will get more kill than the face camped survivor is when the other survivors try to unhook this camped survivor and end up being slugged and/or hooked, too. if all other 3 survivors did generators while you were busy playing with your balls in front of the hooked survivor then you would never get more than 1 kill especially not if the survivors run reassurance and kinship.

    i don't want to be forced to run these perks though just because there some dumb idiots out there who want to ruin the complete gameplay experience of other ppl by simply face camping or tunneling them. it really feels like i'm the only normal person playing this game having the foresight of seeing the crucial problem of this game.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Survivor Tunneling is staying on a Gen until finished... this game is asym not symmetric stop thinking of what one side does and equate that to what the other side does

    Killers don't know what Survivors are doing... but they will base it on previous experience... just like Survivors

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,284

    dude no just make ds not have a timer and im a killer main saying that

  • Mytea
    Mytea Member Posts: 92

    the following is the perfect example why reassurance has to be basekit or at least have a much bigger range:

  • m4x1m_000
    m4x1m_000 Member Posts: 103
    edited April 2023

    You can trigger Knight’s guard, tap hooked survivor and the guard will disappear. You welcome.

    And there’s no problem with OTR + DS + DH combo for you as I can see. The irony. More second chances the better.

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619

    This is the first time I've heard of "Survivors tunneling" and I didn't think I would hear of such a concept being used in any way that isn't sarcasm.

    If survivors are "tunneling gens" then you aren't pressuring them. And maybe it's something you can't help, but what do you expect survivors to do?

    "her der I brought the gen up to 33%, time to work on a different get for a little bit."

    This isn't the board game!

  • Mytea
    Mytea Member Posts: 92
    edited April 2023

    i think you got the situation wrong. the knight was face camping and was just waiting for somebody to get close to first the guard hits them and then the knight himself. this knight has done this multiple time throughout the trial and i know i could trigger the guard, but this knight just constantly refreshed the guard. the more important part of this picture was the range of the guard though. this should symbolize that if a killer was face camping there was no way i could use my reassurance to prevent this face camping without risking do go down as well in the process. the range is way too low and reassurance should be basekit.

    besides that otr, ds and dh are needed to protect me from getting tunneled and face camped every game though i still get face camped and tunneled every game despite having these perks. even though i had these perks i died in the end btw. because the killer was...surprise...face camping and tunneling all game long! i have rescued meg in this match btw., but she went down infront of the gate somehow and died. only the jeff could escape in that match. jeff and i were protecting the other survivors constantly and trying to win this match. at least jeff got out of this match...

    the fact that i still died, got face camped and tunneled despite having these perks to prevent face camping and tunneling just proves my point that these perks have to be basekit. especially when the next update gets released and dh gets useless combined with longer healing. i generally like the idea of longer healing, but that will also most likely make killers camp and tunnel even more.