Knight map still extremely survivor sided since original release

As the title says, this map is downright disgusting to play on as a killer. Several pallets are next to each other with vaults sprinkled in between. I still cannot comprehend why this map wasn't reworked so far, the only "change" this map has ever experienced was the removal of a pallet spawn related bug but that's about it. The map needs to be either killswitched or revamped.
It's literally impossible to win as a M1 killer on this map, simply impossible. I'm seriously considering closing the game once I spawn into that wretched realm, it's not worth losing my time or dignity to be the jester for survivors who are so fortunate to have maps like this one to exploit.
BHVR wants maps to be survivor-sided, hope that helps
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It is ridiculous. Way too large, too many pallets and most of the loops are extremely safe and forced pallet breaks. Also very few LoS blockers incentivizing everyone’s least favorite game play of hold w since you can see the killer coming a mile away. It’s the epitome of everything in bad design. Since this is the newest map released it makes me think after all these years we haven’t learned anything from past mistakes. How are we supposed to fix all the badly designed old maps if we’re still releasing new ones even more messed up?
When I queue into this map as survivor unless it’s one of the more top tier killers I fully expect them to be tunneling the first person they down asap as that’s their only chance of winning unless me or my team is playing really, really badly. I can’t really blame them.
As killer this map makes me want to dc on load in since I don’t like having to tunnel someone out.
Not nearly as important as the other things but in general I think most people find the map aesthetically unappealing as well.
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I personally dislike the map as well, same as the raccoon city maps. I just try the best I can lol hoping match is over real fast
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literally. The loops keep getting bigger. Red forest has bigger loops now as well, and fast vaults at the main building! (mothers dwelling, the vault leading outside on the bottom floor near basement or the stairs to f2). It's all slowly becoming more survivor sided, as well as having more little inconveniences for killers like demo, huntress, trickster, wesker and the like to have to walk around to hit, or just blatantly being to jittery to use their powers at all.
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After their pitiful Eyrie rework, I’ve just given up entirely on them ever fixing the horse crap maps in this game. Map designers should be fired.
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You pretty much hit the nail on its head. It's unfathomable how they haven't learned a thing about map design after all this time, every single rework seems to make things worse while the new releases still carry over the same twisted map design philosophy. Even the smaller maps are compensated with abnormal amounts of pallets to make life as miserable as possible for the killer.
It's literally possible to loop a killer for 5 gens by simply predropping every single pallet on the map, that's how busted this game is.
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What’s worse is that the best killers on the map are top tier ones because they thrive with the lack of LOS blockers
Plus the map is the same colour as scratch marks which is fun :)