Can we please buff Reassurance

Ok before people say it’s one of the strongest perks in the game which I do agree on some level. The effect is strong but the requirements is to activate it is what drags the perk down I mainly talking about the distance (6m) you basically have to touch the survivor on hook and some killers you can literally go down in front of the hook depending on killer power/add ons and perks.basement it doesn’t even work from upstairs unless it’s the one hook closest to the stairs and if it’s leather face you are pretty much down if you try to get value
the buff should be
can be activated from 12m-15m
and maybe make the effects last 45s
and make it to were you can activate it with hook stages NOT instances
and maybe buff kinship time to 50s and to activate after hook animation scream like Reassurance
if you don’t camp you won’t even feel the effects of this perks and it gives more value for a soloq survivor who wants to bring this perk for a support build and before you say swf can abuse this once again if you don’t camp you won’t notice these perks if you camp at 5/4 gens then you will feel these perks and that’s if they are even in play
That my idea for buffs for Reassurance and perks like Reassurance
Reassurance is pretty good, maybe a slight range increase.
But i honestly think it's good as it is
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You also have take in to account perks like deadlock that can slow the game down passively and noed which basically encourages killer to tunnel and camps someone out and no way out that stalls for even more time people say do gens when a killer is camping but you can’t do gens and totems giving reassurance a extra 15s and range and changing it to hook stages won’t make this perk op
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A range increase and the ability to activate it once per hook state would be nice.
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You can have multiple reassurances per team, 30 seconds is already enough time for survivors to regroup and extra time.
I saved multiple games and people with this perk. It's really that good, saving someone from getting extra stages is massive
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Again if the killer is not camping at like 5/4 gens they won’t even notice this perk plus not all 4 survivors are gonna run this perk unless in a swf the extra 15s is mainly for solo who brings this perk especially if the other 2 are doing nothing . remember the the ptb the perk can be activated multiple times from 1 person after the cooldown was done the only reason why it got nerfed was a possible survivor holding another survivor hostage which is why it got nerfed
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A buff in reassurance would certainly discourage face camping. Which is one of the least fun strats in the game. Buff Range? yes, time? Might be too much.
It already makes a hook phase last 90secs (i think) which is enough for a single surv to repair one whole gen.
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- Keep the 6m range
- Double the range to 12m if the killer is within 24m of the hook
- Make Reassurance useable 10 seconds after a survivor has been hooked, so that the doubled range cannot be abused immediately after a hook
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Again we are not taking perks like deadlock into consideration and then if they have noed etc and a extra 15s won’t do anything to a killer that doesn’t camp remember reassurance from ptb and the only reason it got nerfed was was possible game held hostage for one survivor
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Still, buffing the range, i would be ok. It's kinda stupid that you can't reassure basement, but the timer is very dangerous.
Reassurance strength is in alleviating survivors pressure to go for an unhook, if the timer becomes too big, especially in a SWF with multiples, seems abusable.
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Why not make it 12m out right and how can you abuse reassurance
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We don't need to take them into consideration. The killer's slowdown perks are irrelevant. Deadlock doesnt makes much of a difference here it only affects one gen. It's still extra time the survs can use if the killer is determined to facecamp.
And the NOED example 15 secs is enough to cleanse the totem. Could make a huge difference in a noed hostage situation.
Regardless lengthening time on hook is something devs have to be extremely careful about.
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Again if you’re not camping the killer won’t notice this perk if they camp at 5/4 gens this perk will hit them hard and that if all 4 survivors bring this perk will 3 because you can’t reassurance yourself remember old ptb reassurance
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It just need a range buff. It doesn't need any other buffs.
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Reassurance is one of, if not the strongest perk in the entire game at high level play and the last thing it needs is a buff.
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Deadlock buys you 2 minutes 30X4=120 and noed unless noed spawns on top of survivors you won’t know about it until someone gets hit with it and if the somehow have a hook a hook or 2 NWO can possibly guarantee another slug and possible sacrifice
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Ok let us say a 4 man top mmr swf loaded into a match with 4 reassurance that lasted 45s (12m) compared to 30s (6m) what would happen
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Why not make Reassurance trigger by itself from any range as soon as anyone's hooked? Why not make it last 10 minutes?
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In most cases it will be a guaranteed 3-4 man out if the killer is not Nurse/Blight on a favourable map.
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so you can’t answer the question of how reassurance can be abused I’m assuming so went to straight out mocking my question
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The perk is already extremely good, it doesn't need changes.
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But how tho how will it guarantee a 3-4 man out the same can be said about boon:COH UB DH Adrenaline prove thy self deliverance
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And another thing the only way to 3-4 man out is if you as a killer chose to proxy / face camp at 5/4 gens and if you got one 1 hook at 5 gens more then likely you were possibly gonna get 0-1 kill anyways if you still choosing to camp at this point and they just straight up leave their teammate
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Sometimes the killer needs to secure second stage/kill and this scenario forces at least 2 survivors to get off gens and go save their teammate. With Reassurance one survivor can just come and just tap it and return to gens and the survivors can cycle it 3 times on a hook(if all of them have the perk). Your buff suggestion also won't punish facecamping bubbas for example because that survivor is dead anyway no matter if he can be held on hook for extra 90 seconds or 135 seconds. So the buff would just make organized teams stronger and won't address the actual facecamping issue.
Also having strong perks doesn't justify another strong perk getting a buff.
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I put the exact reason IN THE COMMENT to begin with! You chose to ignore it...
Let me try again:
Make Reassurance useable 10 seconds after a survivor has been hooked, so that the doubled range cannot be abused immediately after a hook
This stops a survivor from using Reassurance from 12m away immediately after the killer hooked. 10 seconds buys the killer time to move away from the hook. If they're still within 24m after 10 seconds THEN Reassurance can be used from double the range.
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We are talking about a theoretical "4 man top swf" so proxying will most likely happen at some point as you can't just mindlessly get in any chase and get any decent result with that.
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Yes it will punish bubbas for face camping because it gives the survivors extra time to do the gens yes that survivor will die but the other 3 will have a much better chance of survival and if you have chosen to still camp with reassurance that just a bad play on your part as killer whether it 30s-45s even if they just had 1 reassurance that’s still a bad play
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I only brought it up because you said at high level play (which I assume mmr)and I rarely face a 4 man comp swf anyways i can see them using in a tournament if they literally a comp swf because killers tend to camp in them anyways
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2 minutes if the survs sit tight and don't do anything else useful. It only affects one gen at a time. Survs can work on a different gen, and deadlock doesn't cause it to regress. If you theoretically triggered reassurance on the maximum 8 hook phases you buy 4 minutes on hook. Even triggering it on half of the hook states in the game timewise equals the slowdown of deadlock.
And NOED really isn't something that's that relevant to reassurance timewise. If you get close enough to trigger reassursnce you're really risking a down. distance is the thing against NOED Nd i agree the distance should be buffed. It's already very good against NOED buys lots of time to find and cleanse the totem.
At the end of the day it's not really a number balance issue. You don't need to sit down and compare slowdowns. Even if you do, Deadlock is the only perk you could use as slowdown while hardcore facecamping. And at 30 secs per trigger reassurance can definitely outpace it. I think it should be easier to trigger so killer is forced to move put and actually play the game. But does it need to last longer? Absolutely not, it's already enough of a deterrant to facecamping.
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But if I have the 12m range right away and able to activate it right away how can it be abused if they camp I use the perk and they get punished for it if they leave the hook I unhook where in that scenario is reassurance abusable compared to your suggestion if you can answer that
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If survivors have 3 Reassurances, they would definitely have time to do gens and open the gates while Bubba is camping a hook, no matter if it is 3x 30 seconds or 3x 45 seconds. They would actually be fine even with 1 person with the perk tapping it on both hook stages.
As for proxying against Reassurance let's imagine a scenario: Killer hooked a survivor and left to harass a gen and then came back 40 seconds later. The hooked survivor is still there so the killer decides to secure a stage so the survivors are forced to double save or give a second stage/kill. 15 seconds later a survivor comes, taps Reassurance and runs away as 2 gens are done and the 3rd one is hot. What should the killer do? Chase a survivor that reassured a hook or continue securing a stage? The answer is none. It's a lose lose for killer as both scenarios will lead to a massive time sink into nothing. Again, it's a theoretical "top tier 4 man" so the chases also wouldn't be short and the gens will be done fast. At this point the game is already lost for a killer and the only hope is the survivors' excessive altruism which shouldn't happen if they are trying to win.
And for weaker and unorganized teams Reassurance does nothing no matter if it's 30 seconds or 45.
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Let’s just agree to disagree we both agree that the range should be buff
but have different opinions on the time it stays active
i can come with another defense about why it should be buff to 45 and you can come up with defense on why it should stay 30 seconds
I do respect your opinion I just don’t agree with it
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Let’s just agree to disagree we both agree that the range should be buffed
we can’t agree on how long the perk should stay active we both can up with defense for both our ideas about this perk
I do respect your opinion I just don’t agree with it
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It could get a range buff if it could only be used once per survivor or at least once per stage so 3 survivors can't pop it 3 times on one stage.
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Oh no I wasn’t saying 1 survivor pop it 3 times on 1st stage I do think it should be hook stages and not instance so basically 1 survivor with this perk can use it 2 times once on 1st hook stage and another on 2nd hook stage
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Because Reassurance is supposed to punish camping, and the definition of camping is not simply the killer existing immediately after they hook.
Give the killer some time to NOT camp
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The only change I would suggest would be that the perk get disabled after all gens are powered
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I'm fine with anything that dissuades camping as a playstyle. Buff all the perks that punish camping.
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Yeah but a smart survivor is not gonna try to force value and a smart killer would capitalize on a dumb survivor going immediately to the Hook to reassure a survivor so either way I still don’t get the point of a 10 second delay and depending on which killer you are you can probably down the survivor with the perk if they do go in right away so now you have a hook survivor and a slug
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That is a horrible idea. In my opinion assuming the killer doesn’t camp at 5 gens end game is really, when this perk starts to shine plus DS and off the record are already deactivated and also take advantage of the 5th perk altruism because endgame altruism can lead to a 3k maybe even a 4K if the survivor screw up somehow
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absolutely ######### not... it's already annoying when they'll use it aganist you despite you aren't camping, if they ever buff that cursed perk i'll probably went full bubba facecamp as a protest...
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I dont think bHVR will increase the range as the low range is supposed to expose you visually to the Killer, starting a chase.
This seems to be the point of the perk.
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The killer carries a survivor down into the basement. A survivor upstairs reassures immediately after the hook (through the floor with the increased range) and runs off. Now, when the killer leaves, whether the killer finds the survivor who reassured or not, the survivor on the hook has 90 seconds before the next stage. The killer DID NOT CAMP, and yet is still punished for it.
The other survivors have 90 seconds to unhook instead of 60, buying them more time to do gens before they have to hop off the gen to rescue. That's where the abuse comes in. Worse if the hooked survivor has Deliverance ready and waits until the 89th second.
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But if you aren’t camping how is this perk hurting you?
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If the killer is not camping why not just unhook if anything doesn’t that benefit the killer because if you chase another survivor after basement then for let’s say next 75s the extra 15s to go unhook you only have 2 people doing gens instead of 3 because survivors chose not to unhook and if you down the the other survivor and chose to go back the the basement to force 2nd stage or a swap and if the have 2nd reassurance they reassure them again because they been hooked for longer then 10s and you went back the basement so they get the 12m range now
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Yes, an increase in the activation range or duration of its effect would be necessary.
Those who object are those who place their face in front of the hook without moving a muscle
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The other survivors not being chased have less pressure to get the unhook. They can sit on gens longer.
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-"people say it’s one of the strongest perks in the game which I do agree on some level"
So you realize it's already incredibly strong but that's not enough?
Reassurance should only be usable once every time you are hooked. Cycling it multiple times is not fair to the killer because it denies any sense of urgency for the rescue.
Reassurance might be "ok" if we had some kind of base mechanic where when only one survivor is on the hook the generator with the most progress is blocked as long as the killer is 16m away from the hook. Furthermore while that generator is blocked it will regress as if the killer had kicked it (activating any perks that modify gen regression speeds but not perks like dragons grip).
-"Now, when the killer leaves, whether the killer finds the survivor who reassured or not, the survivor on the hook has 90 seconds before the next stage. The killer DID NOT CAMP, and yet is still punished for it."
And this is a clear explanation of why the perk is too strong.
Where is the killer version of Reassurance?
The killer should have a perk that reads : after kicking a generator survivors cannot touch that generator until 30 seconds have passed. The perk has no cooldown but is limited by how fast the killer can move around the map.
Explain to me why you need more time on the hook? You already got that for free years ago. Hook stages used to be 45 seconds. The result of giving survivors +15 seconds meant they could hold m1 on generators for 14 seconds longer than normal.
Did the killer get any compesnation for hook stages being longer? No.
Survivors recently got free borrowed time for 10 seconds as part of their base kit. The killer got nothing to prevent survivors from tunneling generators but survivors got free base kit tunnel protection. That's not right.
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So basically a anti-camp perk works by exposing yourself to the killer by hook which gives the them reason to camp seems kinda counterproductive if you ask me
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no, because if those were to happen survivors would use it to greed gens,,,a minor range increase it all it could use
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That's why I suggested doubling the range. You can reassure from a safer distance, but only if the killer IS camping and HAS BEEN camping for at least 10 seconds after the hook.