Buff Brutal Strength?

I feel the abundance of pallets in the more recent maps like "Shattered Square" and older maps like "The Game" I think those maps highlight the issue of Brutal Strength not making much of a difference in chase when it comes to stopping a survivor reaching the next loop or catching up to them fast enough to really impact a chase. Dead by Daylight also has a variety of killers that have pallet breaking abilities baked into their kit having no need to run this perk.

I suggest that Brutal Strength has it's numbers bumped to 35% to give M1 killers with no pallet breaking abilities in their kit a much better time dealing with pallets and make a bigger impact in chase while giving killers with pallet breaking capabilities a cool option select on whether to use their power or commit to the break animation.


  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    I posted this somewhere else the other day, but it belongs in here honestly...

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Buff it to 40% and give it the ability to affect pickup, dropping and hooking speeds too

    Then give fire up a mega buff too

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    It used to be that you could get a couple pallets out of a survivor and drop chase, creating a dead zone. Chasing near that zone meant you didnt have to deal with all the pallets. But the Hit & Run playstyles brought about Circle of Healing. Dropping chase is more punishing, and committing means seeing more pallets. 🤷‍♂️

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Buff Brutal strength :

    In addition to what it does add - every 60 seconds you can break one pallet with a lunge attack.


  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,286
    edited March 2023

    default pallet breaking is 2.34 seconds. 2.5 seconds gives survivors 10 meters. 2.34 is roughly 9 meters. Brutal strength reduces pallet break time by 20%. a reduction 20% would amount to 1.88 break time. this is roughly 7.5 meters. a 35% increase brutal strength would be 1.54 break time. This is roughly 6 meters of distance gained.

    For a killer to cover 9 meters of distance, killer that move at 115% m/s move 0.6 m/s faster than survivor. It means to cover 9 meters of ground, you will spend 5.4 seconds to catch-up to the survivor. in 5.4 seconds, you will cover a total of 25 meters of distance. . This is why 10% brutal strength had very little impact to killer's base-kit. there is nearly always a pallet 25 meters away from next pallet broken. You could argue killer also argue that killer have a 6 meter lunge reducing total distance to 19 meters... but you also have to remember that survivor are rarely right next to the pallet as it is being broken. they are often further away then pointblank near the pallet. As a result the lunge distance can often be disregarded by the distance that survivor is away from pallet.

    I am going fastforward this explanation about brutal strength. it takes 4.5 second to catch-up the survivor and this amounts to 20.4 meters of distance. Between 25 meters and 20 meters, 5 meter difference is unlikely to help. there is just always a pallet within 20 meters of each other.

    At brutal strength valued at 35%, it takes 3.6 seconds to catch-up and total distance you get is 16.5. This is starting to get closer to a value where breaking pallet results in the survivor not getting to next loop. I still think that on Gideon's, 16.5 meters is plenty of distance to get next pallet. I think in order for m1 killer to benefit from pallet breaking, they need to break pallets in like 1.25 second which is roughly 50% total pallet breaking for pallet breaking anti-loop to be relevant. I personally dislike pallet breaking as concept in dbd because it encourages pallet zoning. Zoning gameplay is not as interesting as winning mindgames. In my opinion, I do not think pallet zoning should be the default way to play killer. If anything pallet breaking is suppose to be unrewarding because the killer is actively *giving up* on the loop.

    Ideally the pallets should not be completely safe. They should instead be unsafe and be used more as a way to induce mindgames where the survivor has opportunity to avoid the hit and the killer has opportunity to get a hit. I would like it more that survivor is more about looping dropped pallets and the killer is more about guessing the pallet slide. The problem with dbd pallet loops is that the pallet is either worthless for survivor that the killer is near guaranteed to get the hit or completely safe to the point that killer has to break the pallet to proceed the chase. Due to these extremes, many of pallet are designed to safely in mind that leads the killer to fall under the pallet-break simulator mentality. This is why Windows with mindgames are a lot more interesting because windows cannot be broken so your forced to try to mindgame them as killer.

    Post edited by Devil_hit11 on
  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    You could buff brutal strength all you want...

    But if the pallets keeps being so numerous and adjacent to one another the way they currently are... it won't do anything... just saying.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,592

    I remember seeing 2 pallets on Ormond that were 5 meters away from each other. You could drop one, run less than 10 steps, and drop another. These maps are busted.

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    Meanwhile, survivors cries:

    "The knight and Skull merchant 3 gen us and stall the game, refuses to chase us!"

    Yeah, well... you asked the devs to balance the maps around The nurse and Blight and also, specifically to not make killers like wesker that emulate those ability...

    It was bound to happen since they listened lol

  • NaughtButWurms
    NaughtButWurms Member Posts: 6

    I mean making an almost useless perk useful is fine. At this point there is just about always a better perk for the slot, I think this applies even in this kick gen, 3 gen meta (I don't play it that often so maybe I'm wrong. Maybe Brutal is now the best for boring game play styles). Ofc other things would have to be addressed at the same time before just buffing more kicking stuff. You mentioned one or two of those things in the quote....

    Also who in there right mind asked the devs to balance the maps around Nurse and Blight? It's a rhetorical question. I don't actually want to know because it doesn't matter. Anyone saying that rubbish should be insta ignored. Anyone listening to that rubbish shouldn't be developing the game (no offense).

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited March 2023

    Plus, this doesn't account for the width of the pallet. If you're on one side of the pallet and they're on the other, you already have 1 meter distance between you two, so add 1 meter to the 9m / 7.5m

    They can't keep increasing the break speed. It gets to a point where the animation just looks silly. This is partly why Fire Up can't get buffed too high. They would have to go through every killer and give them another pallet-break animation for a fast break, and use the fast animation if their pallet break speed exceeds a certain threshold.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 482

    Which is why you force more pallets out of Survivors while defending gens, no?

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited March 2023

    Defending gens is illegal, sir (or maddam)

    The devs did increase the time it takes to repair gens, so you get a bit of wiggle room to get more pallets out of the way, sure.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,592

    I remember a video where Legion's gen-kick speed got so high that the animation seemed to break and they barely moved to kick the gen at all before it was done. It was hilarious. Don't know if it's still possible, I think it was Frank's Mixtape plus Brutal Strength plus Fired Up, and maybe something else that might not exist anymore.

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    can't say if the comment regarding defending gens is genuine or not, however, according to some, just about anything the killer does is.

    I mean no disrespect but I also have to be blunt, killers do what killers wants. there is no "rules" per say, perks exists that support any given playstyle, be my guest if you want to hate on my personnal picks.

    I am a fan of dragging out the games for as long as possible because it often means that survivors throw the towel before I do, those skilled enough just play their cards right and get away no matter what, feels fair to me.

    I think it's rather entertaining when people try to impose their made up rules on other, but eh, maybe that's just me.