Tunneling Suggestion



  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    not sure what you mean by "winning with monitor turned off"

    the only group of people I've seen win with an AFK member are Survivors, there is no way to win as killer if you go afk since, you know, no one is going to carry you to victory while you throw a tantrum in a closet.

    not saying that you do, just pointing out the general fact that killers always earn any victory they get as opposed to some survivors who may just have had a very talented partner do the heavy lifting for them.

  • SaltiestChip
    SaltiestChip Member Posts: 30

    I'm sorry but as a newer to the game player and a killer main, I'm probably going to tunnel a little because I want to learn how to chase better. If I run into someone who is way better than me, I'm going to try to learn from you or catch you off guard. It's like a little victory I get to enjoy for learning and doing better. Doesn't mean I don't break chase to try to defend gens when I'm close to one.

    To be honest the "tunneling" complaint always just comes across as you got caught out after getting off hook and your upset that you got caught out of your dead hard/borrowed time/off the record window of opportunity to get hit. Even if the killer did wait out these perks you people would still being complaining about people trying to get certain people out of the game.

    I have 2 options when I chase you:

    1: Commit to the chase if I think I can get a down and risk other survivors completing gens.

    2: Ignore you because you'll be mad if I chase you again.

    What do you want from us? This all leads down the same road of killers getting more and more hate mail from our fans like you when we are just trying to play the damn game. if you get killed first, congrats, you now get to get into another game faster than all the rest of the survivors in the game. Tunneling isn't broken, tunneling isn't unfair, your just upset you lost.

    Every single player be it on survivor side or on killer side has to deal with some form of toxicity. I'm not gonna play the whataboutism game because at this point we've all hear the reasons from both sides.

    How about giving us killer mains a break. We are trying to win, earn blood points, and have fun too. If you wanna flame the face camping bubba in the basement go right ahead, but leave the rest of us out of it. I'm so tired of getting hate messages because all this community seems to breed is entitled survivors who call me slurs in end game chat or over steam because they didn't win and get to say "GG EZ SHITE KILLER" in the end game chat.

    if it upsets you that deeply to lose as survivor, then play killer and enjoy the hellscape that we have to deal with from you people on a day to day basis.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284

    The complaint about tunneling should really not go to killer players. As you said - you are just trying to win and I fully get it. It's the most optimal way to victory.

    But sure there's a lot to complain about here - just not to you as a killer. It's developers who should care about their game and listen to their community. From survivor's POW when you are tunneling you are immediately abusing 2 things at once - 1 less health state making the chase half as long (and no, perks like OTR don't work, because survivors can VERY easily be hit before they can start to loop in any way) and you accelerate removing someone from game giving you much more time to do all the other chases.

    So in the end you are abusing shortcomings of this game (which you have full right to do). Of course survivors will not like it and blame you for it (but the blame should go to developers - for making it the best tactics possible). And even though tunneling is more interactive then being facecamped by Bubba - it's still not very enjoyable by most people - so again it makes sense people will complain.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Again, this doesn't help at all if you are the one being facecamped, it's completely reliant on your team bringing it (which is rare)

    Plus, if it's in the basement against a Bubba, using the Reassurance will only get you hooked because it has such a short range to activate

  • philward1953
    philward1953 Member Posts: 208

    I love how you've said that learning to loop better helps you not go down. What an obvious, nothing claim. I'll say what I said before, because what you've said doesn't even begin to nullify it: learning to loop better will not stop killers from attempting to tunnel.

    I argue that tunneling at 5 gens doesn't promote skillful gameplay because I think the game should ENCOURAGE skillful gameplay. Players should not be forced to play a specific way, but there should probably be measures taken to promote learning anyways. Its not a player problem, its a problem with the game.

    I'm not saying anyone has something to prove or anything.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    -"this doesn't help at all if you are the one being facecamped,"

    Explain to me how the survivors are allowed to extend one player's hook timer by 30 seconds per player? Using Pop that many times is an entire game's worth of uses.

    And you're saying : oh it wont work that way because not all survivors bring that perk.

    Reassurance when stacked on a team is one of the biggest ways you can waste the killer's time.

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 707

    I like how it's bad for killers to complain that survivors can repair same gen together thus reducing it's 90 second repair time down to 45 or even below but it's ok for survivors to complain that killer tries to get one of them out asap because an average chase can be much longer than those 45 seconds and in some cases take too much time to be worth it. #TotallyNotBiased.

    As many stated already - don't punish people for trying to play in the most efficient way they can. Instead, offer them other efficient ways to play so they can have an alternative.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    "When stacked on a team"

    See, that's the issue right there, you just said you would need a SWF, not everyone has a squad they can get together every match

  • Desteriaa
    Desteriaa Member Posts: 118

    No amount of time you put into the game as a survivor no amount of looping is gonna stop you from being tunneled😂. Bringing up skill in regards to tunneling is just hilarious bc the one who has skill issue clearly is the killer. Basekit Bt absolutely does nothing & expecting a survivor not to help their teammates is so stupid.

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619

    How's the game supposed to tell the difference between me tunneling someone and me punishing someone for being a human shield for their rescuer?

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    This is simply not true. If you have a really good team on a survivor sided map (which you can select) then you can absolutely punish a killer tunneling. Alternatively you could just punish by gen rushing. Most maps are extremely punishing to defend if you break the killer's 3 gen setup.