Is it time to remove the starting penalty from Autodidact?

Bad enough that this perk favors the killer, on average, but with the Circle of Healing meta, it's very hard to get tokens from injured survivors.
Remove the first 2 tokens/penalties. Make it start with the weakest (positive) bonus and earn tokens from there.
I'd tweak the numbers somewhat. I'd start it at -5% and give you +10% for each token. So progression would be like this:
0 Tokens = -5%
1 Token = +5%
2 Tokens = +15%
3 Tokens = +25%
4 Tokens = +35%
5 Tokens = +45%
It's slightly less strong at max tokens, but it has much less of a start-up to begin receiving benefits. It's less extreme on both ends, and the inconsistency of RNG skillchecks should still keep it from becoming overpowered.
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Sure, but make it so all healing skill checks are high difficulty ones now.
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Nah. Keep the difficulty the same for healing others and make the self heal skill checks high difficulty but can also grant tokens.
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I'm fine with this
Self care + autodidact let's gooo
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Equip Empathy and go to anything yellow that's not being chased.
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Nah, to much an advantage for not any kind of balancing sacrifice. Unless you are super distracted anyone can do a normal skill check. If you are going to gain the 50% progress of total healing by doing just one of them without any kind of penalty or other condition they should be high difficulty to balance it. That's why the perk start with a -25% right now and you only need two of them to start gaining benefits.
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The perk's unbalanced right now. It favors the killer because of the penalty it starts with.
The RNG is bad.
Others just run to the Circle of Healing and point away, telling you to do gens instead while they heal.
If they do let you heal them, the increased heal speed from CoH means less time (chances) to get skillchecks.
On average, I end the game with maybe 3 tokens if I'm lucky. Which means that all the perk did was regress heal progress the majority of the time.
The "ez" skill checks are the only way to counter obnoxious Coulrophobia/Sloppy builds, and no one runs the perk anyway.
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It is a token perk because it's only condition is doing something that you would already do in the first place, and that something is as easy as just good skill checks. Imagine if it didn't depend on RNGesus blessing you. And by the way, 3 of them means a free +20% of current progress to the healing, it's not even added speed.
And you want to not only remove the penalty for being basically a free healing perk with a light dependency in RNG, but not add any kind of condition or difficulty to it to balance... yeah, what about no?
Funny enough, CoH is a direct counter to Coulrophobia as it add the 50% of healing speed that Coulrophobia removes, and if the killer is not running that build (Coulrophobia has 1.63% usage according to both CoH and Autodidact are a huge advantage. Also, Coulrophobia has the condition of the survivor having to be inside the terror radius for it to be effective, which is a more demanding one that just doing good skill check.
Sorry, but the only thing you want is to unbalance a pretty powerful high risk, high reward perk.
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Sorry, but I want a perk to be a PERK, not a BURDEN.
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What if Autodidact was just a series skill check (like merciless or the yellow glyphs) and hitting each one gives a speed boost to the heals. (Remove the token aspect entirely, and if you fail a skill check it reverts some progress and you get a normal heal) go from a 16 second heal to 8-9 seconds if you hit the entire series of skill checks, but failing one deactivates the perk until you've finished a health state on a survivor (similar to renewal)
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Funny, that is what I think everytime I use an Hex perk.
But no, it is obvious that you want an useful perk to be an overpowered perk. And the best part is that you want to do it so you can counter not one, but two killer perks.
I guess that killer perks don't need to be PERKS and give killers an advantage if survivors can't completely nullify them, eh?
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Autodidact is not a hex or boon perk. It is a killer perk.
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Hello, yes, daily Autodidact user here.
Ya'll are overestimating how bad it is.
You bring Empathy and go to anyone glowing yellow that's nearby and not being chased, and you heal.
You get 5 stacks, and healing takes like 5 seconds unless the game doesn't want to give you a skill check.
It needs some build up but it's terrifying when it's ready.
It does not need a buff.
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No pls dont buff this perk
it will become even more busted than it already is /s
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BHVR, this powerful perk is balanced and needs for me to work it out by simply doing what I was going to do anyways even if I didn't use it... What gives? How you dare to make me have to work to gain an advantage in the game? What am I, a killer player!?
By the Holy Survivor's Morals Rulebook, I command you to overpower this undercover killer perk so I can counter any health speed debuff effect without any effort!
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"It is a token perk because it's only condition is doing something that you would already do in the first place." @Batusalen
Glad you brought this up.
Save the Best for Last is a token system that gets tokens from something the killer already does in the first place.
That means that the devs should either remove the starting penalty from Autodidact, or they should make the successful hit recovery slower than the baseline until the killer has a couple tokens of STBFL.
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Yeah, because it is totally comparable gaining a 30% reduction in cooldown when you would also be slowed down and the survivor would be speed up in a successful hit, to heal 50% of a health state by doing a simple skill check that even someone with 5 minutes of total gameplay can do. Exactly the same thing, without any doubt!
Also, STBFL has an extra condition and you can lose up to half of your tokens if you decide to down the obsession, so you have to build it up again. How many tokens do you lose when you miss an skill check with Autodidact? Oh, that's right! None! Not that you would miss an skill check in the first place, but yeah.
And what other condition Autodidact has? Right, the answer is none again. Come on, dude.
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This perk is what I would call pretty fair risk reward. Saying : boons work better so this perk needs to get buffed is not a good argument. Why? Because boons are "OP".
Killers should be able to kick a boon base kit and destroy the bones. That creates adequate risk for using a boon perk. So let's make bone kicking by the killer a base part of the game and then Autodidact is buffed by proxy.
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I don’t understand why some kind of perk should punish you if you took it. Decrease the reward and remove negative values.
Everything is logical and it will be easier for new players to understand how it works.
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"Decrease the reward". Proceeds to give the same reward with the exact same low effort and conditions...
The problem isn't the "+15%" on skillcheck done, the problem is the perk gives you up to 50% of insta-healing by just doing normal skillcheck. That's why it "punish" you by starting negative, because it is insane strong the moment you level it up. You want the "punishment" out? The perk should be balanced in any other way.
I don't know how this is so hard to understand.