Just delete it



  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013
    edited March 2023

    I love it when people claim there are X things that prove their point then refuse to elaborate, makes for a very strong argument. Pallets are the only reliable way to force deadhard. Vaults are too dicey vaulting takes too long and you take a hit. running at killer? Can easily be read and baited out. While bodyblocking? More reliable as killers will rush actions while carrying a surv but that is a hella risky tactic and often fails, all you've done is taken a deep wound, exhaustion and the person you were trying to help still gets hooked.

    And I've played M1 killers a fair bit, and i bait it out all of the time. It doesn't take 8 seconds. As soon as you're on the survs ass they will pop it, and if you do a basic attack without a lunge it's impossible for them to time it right reliably, they have to guess.

    If you stuggle agsinst dead hard and are losing games because you swing into it 6 or 7 times a game that is a skill issue. Plain and simple. Younjust need tonnot swing at the first available instant, hold for literally one second and then you get the down.

    I often play very sweaty SWF teams, and once I get a read on which players want me to chase them, it's so easy to predict who uses DH, counterplay and make them dab early just for me to hit them. I still swing into it occasionally. But hey that's the game. I definitely bait more than I swing into

  • TenTrillion
    TenTrillion Member Posts: 39

    your description lowerd my opinion of you. Wanna know something? I wait out when i have the chance, and ssit on the survivors ass. Now, either i'm facing a lot of cheaters, or some lucky ass people. cuz i click my mouse button, and 7/10 times they'll get the deadhard off. This is excluding the existence of a pallet or window, in a rough deadzone. You don't know you're facing a sweaty swf until you get demolished by one. Such as a survivor who is impossible to mindgame at shack, forcing all 3 window vaults and possibly the pallet dropped. Then taking you across the map to some more loops they'll be impossible to mindgame at because they know exactly how to perfectly loop everything. One thing i'll say is it can be very easy to see who is a deadhard user. Someone looking right back is a dead giveaway. But it still isn't just as simple as you're making it out to be. Wanna know the other situations? Any ranged killer using their power. Demo shredding when they're just about to go through a pallet, shredding on a tight corner, etc. Blight, Nurse can even be held back a recharge because of it, huntress easily loses a down to deadhard if she hasn't got a specific addon, trickster. See how its extending far beyond m1 killers here? Plague, pig with her dash, artist too. It's a menace.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 489
    edited March 2023

    Because you've been ignoring what I've written.

    And Eruption did need to get nerfed, but not in the typical BHVR fashion. Not sure if your logic is great here though, these two perks aren't the same. Eruption was more difficult to dodge in general than DH, off the top of my head.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 489
    edited March 2023

    Alright, have you considered... faking swings then? Because there are indeed people who time DHs based off of swings... but then you use that against them.

    And then, when they DH and drop the pallet, you later lunge at them because they will be slightly inclined to believe you might not do that again... I'm not even going into the full picture here.

    Do any of you play fighting games, at all? Because several core concepts of winning matches in those games work with DBD.

  • TenTrillion
    TenTrillion Member Posts: 39

    they don't. Trust me. I try many things vs many survivors. Moonwalking, swinging with a maybe 0.5s lunge, tapping, waiting, flicking up to bait, faking powers. Some survivors fall for nothing. At all. Some survivors are basically unable to be caught. ESPECIALLY with m1 killers.

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605
    edited March 2023

    in a world where the survivor can see the killer at all times due to holes in walls or small cars, there is no mind game anymore. the survivors sees what you are doing, if you fake swing your recovery is so long that they are already at the next pallet.

    I am not ignoring what anyone writes, my experience with the game simply leads me to disagree.

    as an Oni main I ditched the killer for now, I play knight and huntress and camp basement very very hard, this is how I get result by forcing survivors to do the 2-3 man rescue. its the only thing I know of that can force their hand and and believe me, they are salty about it.

    but honestly, I would much prefer play differently, it's just not effective and that's fact, agree to disagree but stop telling others to "use their brains" that is very disrespectful.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013
    edited March 2023

    I'm going by my experience in game. I bait it out a lot. I play a lot of survivors like that too and sometimes they do force a dead hard on pallets, and you know what? I just eat the pallet, they lose DH either way. But I can deal with that, can't end every chase quickly. But just as often they are forced to try and use it in the open and I get them. Good survivors are going to use it effectively. So I switch up my tactics. If you don't like being forced on pallets, play demo and shred them, or run spirit fury, or brutal strength endurance if that particular tactic irks you so much.

    And some killers directly counter it, can't DH a deathslinger when he spears you, legion makes it extremely hard to get off, with blight you'll hit the DH and he'll just come sprinting at you again in a few seconds. Tbh I'm fine with getting DHd as a huntress, blight, raging oni or demo etc. Because those powers are designed to shorten chases. So being able to pull that back a bit is good for balance.

    Edit: dead hard scripters do exist and definitely deserve bans for it. I've seen a few players I suspect of it as they hit like 6-7 DHs in a game even in the most insane situations where they had no chance to react. But they are rare.

    Post edited by HoodedWildKard on
  • TenTrillion
    TenTrillion Member Posts: 39

    The thing is, your power is there to extend chase because the game isn't physically possible vs any half decent survivors without it. Your solution of "run these 2/3 perks" doesn't work. It never works for anyone. I shouldn't be required to run any single perk to win. I should be able to run my own fun build. And you still haven't adressed the other plethora of things. And the one you have for blight, it still took away that initial down the blight earned.

  • TenTrillion
    TenTrillion Member Posts: 39

    this persons initial 2 lines are beyond true. It's near impossible.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    So what you're saying is you want to run subpar but fun builds and still perform? And the game isn't impossible for killers against "halfway decent" survs. Playing both roles as I do, killer is by far the easier of the two roles. And who cares if the blight didn't get the initial down? It costs blight scant seconds, he's one of the killers that DH is necessary against because of how he circumvents the whole gaining distance aspect of a chase. 3 health states against a blight is kinda necessary.

    Don't get me wrong, sweaty SWFs are a nightmare. But the majority of survs simply cannot play to that standard. And it doesn't take many mistakes or quick downs for a game to spiral out of control for the surv side. DH or no.

    Simply put, DH is a great perk. And survs NEED a strong perk. But it has counterplay, requires damn good timing to use and isn't effective in every single situation. The way you talk about it makes it sound like it breaks the game and is capable of carrying teams that wouldn't ever win otherwise which is simply not true.

    Having never seen you play I suppose I can't realistically comment on your skill with any accuracy. But if DH annoys you this much I can only assume either that you aren't good at anticipating or countering it, or it's an attitude thing and you just hate not getting the down when you feel you should.

    It's a powerful but reasonable perk.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,731
    edited March 2023

    Don't delete it, nerf it reasonably. Reduce speedboost from 1.8s to 1.5s, instant M1 attacks (non-lunges) ignore Dead Hard completely, letting you hit without worries if you manage to get close to a survivor.

    You can still DH at pallet, but it's not gonna give you as much speedboost. If you get mindgamed and the killer hits you without lunging, you're dead. No more "waiting it out" when you've caught up to the survivor, because instant attacks counter the perk, as it should, since the chase is over.

    That would leave it a strong perk, but not quite as annoying or oppressive.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 489

    So then, those are the excellent Survivors in the game where M1s just struggle in general. And you want a popular perk nerfed because of top 0.1% and one specific usage where it's extremely difficult to deal with.

    There are plenty of people who do actually make mistakes and fall for those baits, and that is kinda the issue here.

    Maybe you're just running into the limits of true M1 Killers? Like, their weaknesses are there and it's documented playing as those Killers is basically acknowledging that you're going to deal with these top Survivors. Like, you're dealing with meta strategies and not all Killers are made equal. Hag, Wraith, etc. That is literally the nature of DBD. You can say "I shouldn't HAVE to switch Killers/perks/add-ons to deal with the best strategies!" except... if it's a M1 Killer issue, you kinda do. It is baked into DBD itself that certain Killers need certain perks like Franklin's.

    Not to mention that I kinda doubt nothing works, I've run into strong Survivors themselves and I still find some small weaknesses in them when I apply my usual pressure for a small amount of time. If that is genuinely the case then it's possible that they're just having a good day and you're running into Survivors who are just "in the zone" unfortunately (which is a thing in PVP games). You aren't going to win every game in DBD, especially against Survivors who are cracked.

    You've given me something to think about (aka how to more easily shut that down), but this is focused around one specific scenario with M1 Killers and how you can't easily counter it against cracked Survivors. When that's kinda expected because... they're cracked.

    And rest assured, "but that's why I want DH nerfed!" isn't going to matter, they're still going to beat you because they're cracked and you're playing true M1, and therefore you're still going to lose without massive mistakes from them. That is DBD's long-standing meta.

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 744

    Dead Hard does break the game.

    Every time it's elaborated upon, you just call it ignorance.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    I don't call it ignorance. I call it overreaction. DH is the most actively annoying perk for killers. So killer mains want it removed.

    But a broken perk is one that is unfair. With killrates at 60% (realistically more than that since games with DCs don't count and those are always essentially 4ks) killers clearly have the advantage still. That's with DH being so prevalent, it proves DH is fine and tbh kind of essential. And probably the only thing prevent killrates sky rocketing to 70-80%

    It has counter play. 4 dh users doesnt guarentee an auto win. It require skill to use. It is a GOOD perk, but doesn't fit the definition of a broken one.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 489

    If every single person who elaborates makes arguments with holes in them, it kinda should be called ignorance... or something.

    I don't understand, do you all think that because someone types in a calm tone, uses perfect English and writes paragraphs means that they're right or that what they have to say is automatically valuable? Ignorance isn't just for the loud and angry.

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 744

    Right, because asking that M1 killers NOT be screwed out of having a fair game is somehow ignorant.

  • ShroudedGhostFace
    ShroudedGhostFace Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 135

    DH will never be a fair or balanced perk that is healthy in DBD gameplay. It needs to be nerfed into complete irrelevance to the point where people forget the perk even exists.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284

    Then there comes the need to balance it out. Because killers overperfomed (as said - over 60%kr not counting DC's). So maybe make all killers base 3% slower?

  • ShroudedGhostFace
    ShroudedGhostFace Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 135

    No it just cause a meta shakeup and more people would use lithe, SB, and balanced landing to replace DH.

    Also, you’re seriously saying that ALL killers need to be nerfed because this ONE survivor perk is so powerful that it is single handedly keeping the kill rates from exceeding 60%? One perk nerfed so all killers nerfed?

    Your statement literally proves that DH is absolutely busted and needs to be nerfed.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284

    It's the perk that helps the most against strongest killers. So generally speaking YES. But let's say that there could be a few exceptions to the rule - say Freddy does not need any more punishment.

  • ShroudedGhostFace
    ShroudedGhostFace Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 135

    You’re definitely just trolling. DH hurts M1 killers and lower tier killers the most. The strongest killers in the game are barely affected by it.

    You sound like you need to play a few matches as Clown or Pig and then come back to this thread and tell me that DH is not much of a problem for weaker M1 killers

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284

    Sure. Nurse and blight don't notice the perk at all. Like their abilities can absolutely wait it out on every occasion. On the other hand both clown and pig can't effort to wait 0,5s before they swing ever /s

    Talking about trolling and responding with THAT!