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Frustrating Skill Checks



  • Vhillain
    Vhillain Member Posts: 127
    edited March 2023

    Still yes, if it blows up it's a free 10% regression immediately before they have even kicked it. Does this matter on a gen with 15% progress? not so much. Does it matter on a gen with 85% progress? absolutely. Once again we're back to situations where the survivor wanted to make the right play and got punished by a game mechanic that wasn't in the control of the survivor or the killer. Hence why it is unhealthy game design.

    Edit: "the survivor" instead of "you"

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    It would be unhealthy if a Dev programmed it in. But it's random chance.

  • Vhillain
    Vhillain Member Posts: 127
    edited March 2023

    It's unhealthy because it's random chance though. That's the entire problem with it. You shouldn't have a random chance ever to have a situation suddenly out of your control. Especially a "skill check" not a "are you still on the interaction right now?" check. There's a difference between a survivor losing a 50/50 at a loop, and a survivor sticking to a generator until their teammate dies because their generator is 90% and they don't want it to explode when they leave to rescue. The devs have shown this can be fixed with us having overcharge skillchecks already in the game, and merciless storm allowing you to let go without it blowing up the generator. Why do killers have perks that wont guaranteeably blow up the generator, because survivors let go, but survivors have a random chance of blowing it up by letting go at any point in the game?

    Edit: Especially a "skill check" not a "are you still on the interaction right now?" check.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Because you don't like it doesn't make it unhealthy. Messing up repairing a generator to which these characters would have no experience doing is completely normal. Especially if a monster is breathing down your neck.

    The reason Overcharge stays on screen is because survivors would commonly tap a regressing gen before doing something else. Not having the chance to hit a insta skillcheck would have been seen as unfair.

  • Vhillain
    Vhillain Member Posts: 127
    edited March 2023

    I have given several reasons that are valid and anything but "I don't like it". The one here giving lackluster arguments at best here is you.

    "Messing up repairing a generator to which these characters would have no experience doing is completely normal. Especially if a monster is breathing down your neck." is not an acceptable defense for skilled survivors in a *player versus player* atmosphere to be punished for something they cannot do anything about in numerous situations. You cannot say that survivors messing up a generator randomly out of their control is fair and realistic but being given the chance to pass a *difficult to repair skill check* is not and would be seen as unfair if it worked that way. This doesn't even make sense by your own analogy. The survivors know they are getting an insta skillcheck, but they tap the gen anyways, why are they NOT punished for this?

    I'm not saying Overcharge should punish people for tapping gens, but I am saying that your argument falls flat in trying to defend the random skillchecks you cannot react to with "realism" and the overcharge skillchecks with "fairness". Guess what? A lot of us are seeing these random regressions as unfair.

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,026

    Am I not allowed to share my experience because it doesn't 100% match the OPs?

    Nobody here said anything against it, what makes you think that? Feel welcome to share your opinion my friend.

    Once again I'll ask, why do you have such an issue with discussing ways other people deal with it in its current state?

    Actually, I've already answered this, but I'll try to explain it again in a different way:

    People already suggested strategies "that does not solve the problem and that OP already knows and practices." Actually, the thread shouldn't deal with why "sticking to a gen" isn't a solution. OP has already explained in detail why neither "Technician" nor "sticking to a gen" is a solution in many situations. If people don't understand what OP is explaining here, unfortunately I can't change it either.

    Imagine you make a complaint thread about tunneling. You explain in detail why tunneling is a strategy that will lead to frustration on survivor side and will discourage people from playing. Now there are 9/10 comments telling you that tunneling isn't that bad and suggesting the following strategies:


    (2) JUsT rUn aWAy

    (3) DON't lEt THe kILler CAtcH yOu

    How would you feel?

    And, no just mentioning our strategies around it will not make the devs think there is no issue. If that was the case Eruption would have never been changed

    I'm pretty sure it has an impact on if devs consider a change. However, if 9 out of 10 people say that it is not a "huge issue" for them and continuously distract from the actual core problem, then this certainly reduces the likelihood that the skill check problem will be addressed in the near future. Eruption was changed because the devs were using numbers and stats that showed killers overperforming with eruption. The problem with the skill checks is difficult to prove with numbers. So, in my opinion, the most important thing here is the feedback from the players.

    So I find it a pity that some people don't read or understand what OP is trying to say and unfortunately don't provide constructive comments. At least that's my impression.

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,026

    I think most of us would agree with you that this is not DBD's biggest problem. I think it's still important to point out the small issues as well, like the OP did. That's why I'm happy about constructive threads like this one and support them.

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,026

    Ok, sorry, then ignore what I wrote. Just wanted to be polite and address your points/question. For me it would have stayed with my first comment if you hadn't reacted to it.

    I personally don't have anything to add to what OP or I already wrote.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Lets look at the elements that make this an uncomfortable outcome.

    I happens at random - fear the unknown.

    I has consequences you can't avoid - Fear the reprisal

    There are no positives about it - Fear the consequences.

    Nothing in this setting comes without risk making it a great survival horror experience.

    "Cancelling an interaction for the benefit of your team should not have an invisible risk attached to it"... Seriously I mean just re-read this in the context of what you are asking for. I want to do stuff risk free in a horror survival setting.

    Actions contain risk and that risk is healthy for the game given the theme.

    If you want a risk free happy experience then a horror environment might not be the setting for it.

    Its like going to see a scary movie with lots of gore and being upset that you felt uncomfortable when you were paranoid about being scared and seeing lots of gore.

    Its a perfectly positive mechanic in the context of this game's setting and induces the very emotions that a horror setting is meant to induce.

    Stop asking for the horror experienced to be watered down because you don't like the risk involved.

    "I'm not scared when I'm trying to 99 a team mates heal" ok great you aren't scared... but you are trying to 99 a mechanic and want to be able to do that without any form of risk or repercussion,

    "I want 0 chance of failure when I'm trying to do something." Doesn't sound like a good change to me. The game doesn't have to adapt to your inability to handle failure. And yes being annoyed at what happens (as you describe yourself) is a you problem not a game problem.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,291

    DBD is not a horror game. It uses horror for its setting, worldbuilding and aesthetics, but it's not a horror game.

    "I want 0 chance of failure when I'm trying to do something."

    That is not at all what's being argued. A better summary would be 'I want zero chance of failure when I'm not doing anything wrong'.

  • Vhillain
    Vhillain Member Posts: 127

    This is positive in a horror perspective yes, but negative in a player versus player experience. This game is not balanced around horror, it's balanced around PVP. These situations impact the PVP experience 100% negatively and should be addressed. Perhaps you should take another perspective before telling someone else to.

  • Vhillain
    Vhillain Member Posts: 127

    Thank you for pointing this out, never once did I say or imply anywhere on this thread I want 0 chance of failure when trying to do something. It's okay to lose sometimes. That comes with pvp games, but you shouldn't lose when doing the right thing by something you or the killer don't actually influence

  • Hi_Im_Chucky
    Hi_Im_Chucky Member Posts: 366

    I disagree. Killer main but I play survivor to 70/30. As a survivor, I’m a Gen Jockey for sure, I’d rather enjoy watching others play around with the Killer while I pop gens, specifically since earning BP is less important to me. So, I enjoy the level of tension the RNG skill checks give and the decision to gamble on a play decision is exciting. Sometimes you roll the dice and lose but that’s the spice of life and I laugh it off.

    In fact having other Survivors mess up on a Gen is probably the highlight of my survivor experience, it’s hella funny and a tiny f-up that could snowball out of control. What’s not to love? We gotta deal with bad RNG out of our control all the time in this game. It’s what keeps it interesting, you guys are really trying to create perfect maps, perfect RNG for windows and pallets, perfect skill check fail safes. It’s not a E-Sport, it’s a Party game lol.

    Guess I’m the odd-ball but you guys sound crazy to me. Anyway, hope you guys fail hard on getting this change, but totally respect your right to voice your opinion and no hard feelings about sharing a different opinion~

  • Vhillain
    Vhillain Member Posts: 127

    Thank you for your opinion. I'm glad you have found a way to enjoy this, but sadly not all of us can have fun and laugh when this mechanic hits at the worst times. This is the only thing I have ever asked the devs to change in this game seriously, I find many things annoying but when you say "you guys are really trying to create perfect maps, perfect RNG for windows and pallets, perfect skill check fail safes. It’s not a E-Sport, it’s a Party game lol." I want you to know you are not talking about me. I don't expect any of these, nor do I ask for them. Rarely do I ever even so much as mention them.

    "We gotta deal with bad RNG out of our control all the time in this game." Yes, as I have said many times sometimes you just get screwed by things and not everything is in your control - but it was in control of one side or the other and how they played it. This mechanic can be completely out of the control of either side. I have said many times I am okay with losing, it is part of the game, but not when there's nothing you did wrong. Letting go of an interaction isn't, and should never be viewed by a game mechanic as, a mistake worthy of punishment. See again, overcharge and merciless storm, which are actual killer perks that provide benefits or no negative influence to letting go during a skillcheck. So why does random chance provide a negative?

    Why pray for our failure in getting a change that is actually beneficial to the gameplay experience? If this change goes through nobody will be upset that it's gone, but those who suffer from the negatives will definitely be happy. Like I have said many times, this is "skill checks" we are talking about, your "skill" should not be rated by whether you were still interacting or not, fundamentally this mechanic does not even make sense, and we are not asking for some out of this world fix. We still want to have to do the skill check, we just want to actually have the chance to pass it in situations where we had to let go. Letting go and losing 10% progress instantly is not fun for everyone, even if it is for you.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,327

    This is a "mechanic" the Devs don't seem to care about at all. It has been in the game for as long as I can remember. Sometimes you won't even see the skill-check animation just a sound and obviously miss it.

    Otzdarva has calculated the chances of this happening, as best as he could, and there is almost always a 7% chance of this happening whenever a survivor lets go of a gen; he has even made a video on it. This sometimes makes gens regress more than some of the killer perks lmao, but what do the devs care about fixing these sort of "mechanics"?! 🤷

  • Vhillain
    Vhillain Member Posts: 127

    Yeah I actually posted the Otzdarva video on this earlier in this thread! Someone else said this is a "wanted" feature and that's why the devs aren't changing it, but I can assure you it is absolutely an "unwanted" feature by many and should be reconsidered.

  • LismJack
    LismJack Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 15

    One time i was injured (can't heal )and do the gens with a Feng , we are doing the gens to 90% , then the killer is coming , I want to leave soon because I'm injured, so I let out the gen , it end up a skill check and boom .

    Feng can't finish the gen by herself because of that stupid skill check , imagine if that gen is important like the last gen and that is the only chance you can repair it to 100% .

    Although it is a rare situation , but when it happen , it is so damn Frustrating and I will just quit the game after the match .

  • Vhillain
    Vhillain Member Posts: 127

    Thank you for another example of this annoying mechanic - in the days following this post I have seen a minimum of 10 situations in my own games where this one mechanic has singlehandedly changed the outcome, or at least had a major impact on the game.. I'm tired of it.

  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,161

    I really hope BHVR is addressing these unfair skill checks in the upcoming Midchapter. Yesterday I got them in at least few matches, and it sucked. A streamer got it right as a gen was about to be done, and they went to unhook someone and let the other person finish the gen. -10% progress...

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904
    edited March 2023

    Why should you have perfect result when “not doing anything wrong” as you put it.

    A little RNG keeps things exciting and adds risk to even good decisions. Taking that away makes the game more bland and predictable. Which is a bad thing.

    Furthermore the rationale for taking it away here is I don’t like missing the skill check when I choose to 99 something rather than finish it, get rid of it so I don’t t have to worry about it.

    As for it not being a horror game last time I checked Texas chainsaw massacre, Halloween and nightmare on elm street weren’t romantic comedies.

    ”It had a horror setting but it’s not a horror game” I’m pretty sure a game where the goal is to not get slaughtered by a homicidal maniac could be called a horror game. Just because it’s devolved into a Scooby doo loopy chase farce over the years doesn’t mean it isn’t still in the horror genre. The only thing that makes dbd less of a horror game is the loss consequences for survivors when playing thus reducing game tension.

    The more tense the survivor experience the more interesting the game. The RNG adds to that tension and is a good thing.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I still disagree, even from a pvp perspective. Not every element in a pvp game has to be due to player interaction.

    If you never had any negative impact on your game outside of interaction with the killer then basically if not interacting with the killer you are guaranteed success in what you’re doing. That doesn’t sound very balanced or interesting does it?

    There is an element of failure even when not interacting with the killer. Skill checks are going to pop up at random. Doesn’t matter if your goal is to finish the objective or 99 it, when you release you may get that bad outcome and that’s ok.

    That lil bit of RNG keeps things exciting. You are making the right choice but still have to risk a bad outcome when doing so. Just because you make what you feel is the right choice doesn’t mean you should be guaranteed success.

    In this case it’s even more appropriate given the theme of the game. I have considered your perspective and I’ve found it lacking in validity. By your own admission you described it as annoying, which is an emotional reaction.

    So I say again it’s a good mechanic that keeps things exciting maybe lowering your expectation of always being rewarded when you feel you are right might make the game less annoying for you. It shouldn’t be annoying it should be fun and a bit of RNG unpredictability is part of the fun.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904
    edited March 2023

    Why is it so frustrating that it makes you quit? that’s completely ridiculous.

    There is an old saying that if you rage at dice rolls you probably shouldn’t play games with dice.

    Most games have a lil RNG involved and it can sometimes swing a win or a loss. That’s not a bad thing though. It stops every scenario being in your favour and makes for interesting and varied outcomes.

    It also rare enough to only have an impact some of the time, thus it’s not really game breaking but always a considered risk. Making it a pretty good mechanic.

    EDIT: Don't get me wrong if you feel frustrated by the game then its a good idea to walk away from it for a bit, but it just seems kinda silly to get frustrated over something so trivial in game terms.

    Post edited by pseudechis on
  • Vhillain
    Vhillain Member Posts: 127

    It's not exciting to let go of a generator to avoid pain resonance/DMS and the gen double explode to lose 26% progress. But we can agree to disagree. I'll say one final time, it's a skill check. "skill" being the key word. It's not "rewarding" to still have to hit a skill check, but it's not punishing automatically, which is the entire point, there are no situations where this random skillcheck you cannot react to is positive to gameplay, RNG is supposed to go either way, not be purely negative. If we cannot agree on this then I am done talking to you as this is going in circles and utterly pointless, you find my points lacking in validity, I find yours. Lets drop it.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    So the tension and paranoia you described at having to worry about whether you'll get this skill check failure isn't exciting?

    "this game has this constant state of paranoia that you don't WANT to let go because if you get one of those badly timed 7% chance skill checks you will automatically miss no matter what because the game said so, and then whatever plan you had is immediately backfired." From your OP.

    One could make the argument in this setting that risk = excitement.

    My point is that guaranteed success is less exciting than the RNG provided by the thrill of potential failure.

    This RNG does go either way, you either get the skill check or you don't that's the RNG. When you don't get it you automatically succeed and when you do you fail but the latter is far less likely than the former (7%) making it relatively balanced.

    If you re-read our exchanges we haven't really gone in circles I've addressed each point directly as you've brought it up. I accept where you are coming from but I don't think you've really thought it through.

    To sum up

    • A heightened state of tension is appropriate for the setting
    • The RNG nature of the autofail skill check creates this tension
    • It happens rarely enough to not be a common occurrence but is persistent enough of a threat to make it an ongoing concern/consideration helping maintain thematic game tension
    • If it doesn't occur you auto succeed making auto success the more common outcome, this makes viable positive and negative outcomes for the RNG. The action in this case is choosing to stop an interaction
    • Even if stopping an interaction is the right choice it ensures that all choices have some inherent risk making the game exciting and challenging
    • You can get this challenging experience even if you aren't currently interacting with the killer making even the solo game interesting

    All of these points seem positive to me and make for a better game.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,291

    Why should you have perfect result when “not doing anything wrong” as you put it.

    A 'perfect result' would be hitting the great skillcheck. We're talking about not getting punished for not failing something.

    A little RNG keeps things exciting and adds risk to even good decisions. Taking that away makes the game more bland and predictable. Which is a bad thing.

    How would you feel if we applied this logic everywhere? Whenever the killer swings, there's a 4% chance they drop their weapon instead. Whenever you try to drop a pallet, there's a chance you accidentally down yourself. Whenever you pick a hex perk, there's a 5% chance it just fails to spawn.

    Furthermore the rationale for taking it away here is I don’t like missing the skill check when I choose to 99 something rather than finish it, get rid of it so I don’t t have to worry about it.

    That's not at all what's being argued here! Practically no one 99s gens or heals. People 99 the exit gate, but guess what? That thing doesn't get skill checks!

    As for it not being a horror game last time I checked Texas chainsaw massacre, Halloween and nightmare on elm street weren’t romantic comedies.

    That's part of the 'horror setting, not horror game'.

    ”It had a horror setting but it’s not a horror game” I’m pretty sure a game where the goal is to not get slaughtered by a homicidal maniac could be called a horror game. Just because it’s devolved into a Scooby doo loopy chase farce over the years doesn’t mean it isn’t still in the horror genre. The only thing that makes dbd less of a horror game is the loss consequences for survivors when playing thus reducing game tension.

    If that is all it takes to be a horror game, literally every MOBA is a horror game. Camazotz, Urgot, Pudge and Azmodan would make SMITE, LoL, DotA and HotS into horror games. Are they? Are they really?

    Yes, it is in the horror genre. But it is not a horror game. The gameplay does not revolve around horror. Ask anyone who's played this for more than two hours how scary the game is and they'll rate it around a 3 out of 10.

    The more tense the survivor experience the more interesting the game. The RNG adds to that tension and is a good thing.

    RNG might, but not this. This just adds frustration and imbalance to a competitive PvP game.

    But you know what? You can have what you want.

    Just make an opt-in toggle for random events to screw you over, so you can get your RNG horror, and everyone else can just play the game.

  • Vhillain
    Vhillain Member Posts: 127

    "So the tension and paranoia you described at having to worry about whether you'll get this skill check failure isn't exciting?" I have already clarified what I meant by tension and paranoia. No, it is not exciting, it is irritating and out of the control of the players in many cases.

    "One could make the argument in this setting that risk = excitement." One could make that argument, one could also disagree with that argument and say that it is frustrating for a pvp atmosphere. You did not provide examples from other games that you claim have RNG involved that can swing a win or loss, I'd ask you to back up this claim. As it is extremely doubtful that other balanced pvp games have RNG of this level that there isn't something you can actually do about it. Finding a bad gun in a chest in Escape From Tarkov is bad RNG sure but a skilled player can still use the gun for some headshots. No good DBD survivor player can use this skillcheck to gain an advantage of some sort, it's a net negative.

    "My point is that guaranteed success is less exciting than the RNG provided by the thrill of potential failure." There's no guaranteed success. You still have to pass the skill check. Stop ignoring this point. We don't want an AUTOMATIC failure in letting go, we want to have the chance of success, you have this completely backwards and are telling me that I have the wrong perspective on it.

    "If you re-read our exchanges we haven't really gone in circles I've addressed each point directly as you've brought it up. I accept where you are coming from but I don't think you've really thought it through." We are going in circles, you have brought up this "excitement" or "it's a horror game so it needs this" on a few different occasions now and I am tired of arguing how this feature does not make the game scarier or more fun, or even exciting, it just makes common interactions have a random punishment when you decide to cancel and it has a bigger impact than actual killer PERKS in this game in their entirety, but not once have you addressed this point.

    You are not "auto succeeding" by letting go, you are just choosing to cancel, this has no benefit to the interaction at all, it is a net neutral. The fix we are asking for that I have made blatantly clear is that skillchecks function like overcharge so you still *have to pass it* for the generator to not explode. You argue as if we just want to let go to avoid skillchecks, this is not true. Nobody is asking for an auto pass, we are asking for the auto fail to be removed. Not wanting a potential failure is not the same as wanting an automatic win.

  • Vhillain
    Vhillain Member Posts: 127

    "How would you feel if we applied this logic everywhere? Whenever the killer swings, there's a 4% chance they drop their weapon instead. Whenever you try to drop a pallet, there's a chance you accidentally down yourself. Whenever you pick a hex perk, there's a 5% chance it just fails to spawn."

    Thank you, I was thinking of arguing something along these lines myself, very well said. If survivors can get punished for attempting to make the right play in their objectives, I guess we should just add a random punishment to everything because it's "exciting" and "horrifying". Imagine if killers were carrying someone to a hook, and the hook got sabotaged, even though they carried for 4 seconds and the base wiggle timer is 16 seconds, if the killer chooses to drop the survivor to chase the friend the survivor has a 7% chance to instantly struggle free and recover from the dying state. Imagine the outrage of killer players? Their objective would be set back, their character would be stunned, and all they attempted to do was make the right play given circumstance - cancel their objective temporarily to change targets in the meantime.

    It certainly sounds quite ridiculous when we put the same kind of circumstances to different objectives.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Ah the ol how would you feel if they implemented this extreme hyperbolic scenario argument.

    The reality is if the mechanic makes sense functionally and thematically almost any RNG can add a lil flavour to the game. One good example would be if you had a chance to trip when performing fast vaults that prevented you from getting the speed boost. Running full speed and jumping through a window is risky business and a small chance of failure would keep it interesting.

    For your killer swing example, aim dressing does this to some extent, when you are amongst a bunch of trash or bushes there is a change your swing will autotune you to smack a barrel or a tree. This is appropriate as swinging around a weapon amongst a heap of obstacles should grant a chance of failure not present when swinging at someone in the open.

    I don't need to rely on extreme examples to make my point just logical ones.

    In the specific case being discussed here the 7% chance for an auto failing skill check when stopping a task. Maybe your objection stems from the fact that a skill check spawns. Perhaps just having a 7% chance of gen exploding or heal failing when stopping early representing the chances you fumble when stopping abruptly.

    That way people wouldn't interpret it as an auto failing skill check and feel helpless when it happens, rather its just a thematic risk to stopping an action early. Which mixes up gameplay and is mechanically and thematically appropriate.

    None of this really answers the points made. Re-read it please and try again or not I don't mind either way, basically you are going in circles and I've answered all the counter points you made already so unless you can offer further rational for them then there's not much point really.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,291

    The reality is if the mechanic makes sense functionally and thematically

    This is the part that you don't get: This does not make any sense functionally or thematically.

    Thematically, because DBD is not a horror game. And even if it were, this doesn't 'add tension'. When a gen blows up when I let go of it, I'm not feeling any kind of scary tension. I just get annoyed. Scary would be good, but this is just annoying. No one is getting scared over their gen blowing up on its own when they let it go.

    And functionally, because this kind of game design is liked by probably less than 1% of the playerbase. Random chance to lose has always been a terrible element in any game that implements it, which is why no one does implement it. The only other instance I can think of was the tripping mechanic in Smash Bros Brawl, which people -loathed-, and it was removed in following instalments in the series.

    Additionally, invasive RNG like that runs counter to the value of the game. Your example of a chance of fumbling a fast vault would directly reduce player agency. You can practice your looping and you can master a specific cell and know how to run it against every killer. But all that skill expression gets tossed out of the window when the game randomly dictates that you lose, through no fault of your own.

    This component of the game is just plain awful and should be fixed.

  • Vhillain
    Vhillain Member Posts: 127

    "Extreme hyperbolic scenario"? Sorry I thought it was "spice of life that keeps things interesting" and "RNG keeps things exciting" , but I guess it can't work both ways can it? Suddenly another situation that is a similar scenario on the other side is a ridiculous comparison.

    "One good example would be if you had a chance to trip when performing fast vaults that prevented you from getting the speed boost." So we can't give examples to fit our point, but you can? What makes this not an "extreme hyperbolic scenario"? You realize in my example the reason it is similar is because the killer could choose to cancel their objective and be punished for cancelling by random chance. It's a direct comparison to the core issue, your example is "people should always have a chance to miss out regardless of what they do" how is this a good argument? It completely misses the mark. It impacts the pvp experience. When you lose to RNG it feels #########, when you win because of someone else's bad RNG it feels dirty, or unrewarding/unshowing of your actual skill as a player, at least it does for me. I don't like being handed wins, personally.

    "For your killer swing example, aim dressing does this to some extent" And guess what? People want to opt out of aim dressing too, it's another thing in this game that bothers me amongst many other players substantially. Losing due to factors that are out of your control.

    "That way people wouldn't interpret it as an auto failing skill check and feel helpless when it happens, rather its just a thematic risk to stopping an action early. Which mixes up gameplay and is mechanically and thematically appropriate." Well unfortunately it IS an auto failing skillcheck, and no change in perspective can sway from the raw facts. You've mentioned arguing from emotions before, but I see a lot more "meh I don't care I like RNG" coming from you while I put down plenty of examples, references, as well as questions still left unanswered, see: "You did not provide examples from other games that you claim have RNG involved that can swing a win or loss, I'd ask you to back up this claim" or "Why does Overcharge and Merciless Storm which are actual killer perks not punish you for letting go, but random chance does?" (Paraphrased)

    You also still have yet to mention how any of your points are beneficial to a pvp gameplay experience. You keep bringing up horror as if that's anything and everything this game is about. Something being "interesting" for your gameplay doesn't mean it is balanced for a pvp experience, if keeping things interesting was always the intention the Finishing Mori and Basekit Unbreakable would have already been passed through, but maybe things being interesting isn't all that it's about is it? This game has plenty of fun to be had without needing these random skillchecks to add supposed "flavor".

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    If a single one of these RNG events are enough to win or lose you the game then its was either snow balling for or against you to begin with.

    You and a lot of the posters giving examples that you have praised have placed far to much emphasis on the impact of these events.

    Lets just analyze one of your scenarios eh "if the killer chooses to drop the survivor to chase the friend the survivor has a 7% chance to instantly struggle free and recover from the dying state." That is pretty impactful beyond even the small ratio chance of it occurring and really is a bit of a silly example. So yeah making extreme examples to make you point seem more relevant without any real logical or rational point to it other than "imagine this then!" is a really weak way to argue a point.

    There isn't a trip mechanic but if the chances were small enough it probably wouldn't be that game breaking to stall a chase from time to time. Just as its not that game breaking to whiff a hit due to aim dressing from time to time these are not extreme examples whereas yours is basically a mechanic that just undoes all benefits gained and why is here's why RNG is bad because of crazy beyond ridiculous example. Couldn't you tell the lack of logic here in you own point.

    Almost all game have an RNG element even PVP ones that add some form on increase or decrease to outcome success. About the only fixed variable game out there is chess and game like it. A lot of these are as simple as variable spawn point, map or item iteration.

    Because overcharge and merciless storm don't work like that read their perk descriptions.

    "You also still have yet to mention how any of your points are beneficial to a pvp gameplay experience."

    Here is my post on PVP and general game fun and how RNG element is beneficial even if the game is PVP.

    • You can get this challenging experience even if you aren't currently interacting with the killer making even the solo game interesting - first point applicable to PVP setting.

    I think you hyperfocus on the concept that player has to be the sole input in a PVP setting. It usually isn't and when it is it often leads to very formulaic game design.

    Still all this is for naught because at the very heart of this discussion is your rational for the removal of said mechanic which is... it annoys you... frankly that isn't enough of a reason to rework how the game works.

    Furthermore what you've provided in all this highly verbose back and forth amounts to not much more than "hey it still annoys you" So I go back to my original point, which you were very quick to jump on,...

    Perhaps a change of perspective is in order, here are some rational ways to change that perspective and not be annoyed by something that kinda works thematically and has minimal impact practically.

    Now we've truly come full circle, your options are to be annoyed or not, reconsider what I've already said or remain annoyed it makes no difference to me, I'm not annoyed by it for the reasons outlined.

  • Vhillain
    Vhillain Member Posts: 127

    "And functionally, because this kind of game design is liked by probably less than 1% of the playerbase. Random chance to lose has always been a terrible element in any game that implements it, which is why no one does implement it. The only other instance I can think of was the tripping mechanic in Smash Bros Brawl, which people -loathed-, and it was removed in following instalments in the series."

    This is a great point, because even if something does make sense thematically, that does not mean that it is functionally healthy for the game. DBD is not an "E-sport" as was pointed out, but that doesn't mean the game is not competitive and does not have competitive play. Literally the ENTIRE game is Player Versus Player in Ranked matches, we don't even have the choice to play non-ranked. Tripping in Smash Bros makes sense due to arenas, sweat, character exhaustion etc but at the end of the day the random chance for failure, no matter how realistic it is, at it's core an awful mechanic that is negatively impacting an experience that neither side can control and would impact matches, hence it's removal from the series.

    When we play a game that involves PvP we do not want to be playing with fire, I want to know that when I push the jump button, that my character will jump, I don't want to worry that there is a small chance that instead of jumping my character will instead stumble and be free hits for the enemy, I just want to jump. Just like when I want to cancel an interaction, I want to cancel the interaction, not suffer from a hidden penalty because of WHEN I chose to let go. There's even certain perks in this game that encourage letting go to either avoid negatives or gain benefits.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    "I just get annoyed" that's a you problem not a reason to change the game.

    "liked by 1% of the player base" That's an assumption a very weak argument to make. People often over estimate opinions that agree with them and underestimate the reverse, there is a lot of good research on why and how we do this. Its worth reading.

    I'm not saying all RNG is good but in this case the specific item being discussed isn't as impactful and game breaking and people like to bemoan and if it results in game loss then things were likely not going your way to begin with, so again a very weak premise you have here.

    I still maintain that for an RNG element this one isn't that bad and it kinda makes sense in game terms so it's an acceptable thing. Which has been my point all along and what I clearly rationally explained.

    "RNG runs counter to the value of the game, why because it represents a loss of player agency or license" Lets dissect this one objectively. Loss of license (or player agency) is one of the core mechanics in DBD, you spend time on the ground or hanging on a hook unable to engage in your objective, which is a complete loss of player agency.

    One side's entire goal is to remove the agency of the opponent, so how does a minor mechanic that removes player agency run counter to the "value" of the game. Especially when the entire premise of the game is to impose, or avoid, loss of player agency.

    By that logic the entire game's premise is flawed and needs to be fixed which begs the question why do you play it if you dislike it so much at its core?

    This is what I mean when I say weak arguments, it's really poorly thought out and often hard to logically justify. I'm happy to entertain a differing opinion but make it a rational one. Take more time to think between posts if you need would be my advice.

    In any case the point has been made on this one. I'd say its time to move on.

  • Vhillain
    Vhillain Member Posts: 127

    "If a single one of these RNG events are enough to win or lose you the game then its was either snow balling for or against you to begin with." Situation last night - 2 gens left, teammate on death hook and injured, comes up to me for healing, i let go, generator explodes, killer is now alerted to our position and immediately comes (he wasn't that far away), happily taking their free kill, ignoring me attempting to bodyblock, and the game becoming a 3v1 which snowballed into a loss because of a 7%. We were in a winnable position until this happened. These kind of situations are a lot more common than you may think, they are definitely impactful.

    "You and a lot of the posters giving examples that you have praised have placed far to much emphasis on the impact of these events." Because the event and it's impact is important to proving the point. These aren't feelings, these aren't hypotheticals, these are facts, but when I provide facts and examples it's "too much emphasis".

    "There isn't a trip mechanic but if the chances were small enough it probably wouldn't be that game breaking to stall a chase from time to time. Just as its not that game breaking to whiff a hit due to aim dressing from time to time these are not extreme examples whereas yours is basically a mechanic that just undoes all benefits gained and why is here's why RNG is bad because of crazy beyond ridiculous example. Couldn't you tell the lack of logic here in you own point." Just because something doesn't completely break the game does not mean it isn't worth addressing and changing. Sometimes people don't get their Adept achievements due to a bug, this bug does not functionally change the game at all, but was addressed, because it was an issue. Issues get changed because people talk about them and make them known. The steam achievements didn't matter to me because I completed every achievement in the game when they were working on a fix, but I am happy they did fix it nonetheless. You know why? Because I support changes to the game that will make people happy and enjoy it more, even if it has no impact on my own game or that I don't care about. Is this perspective wrong?

    "Almost all game have an RNG element even PVP ones that add some form on increase or decrease to outcome success. About the only fixed variable game out there is chess and game like it. A lot of these are as simple as variable spawn point, map or item iteration" Yes, but these examples you pointed out can be positive or negative and it's a gamble that even DBD has regardless of which side you choose, it's also ACCEPTABLE RNG. In most cases the RNG you provide as an example does not purely negatively impact the players as it gets balanced out by the positives: "I got The Game on GhostFace and hate my life" is then "I got Midwich on Sadako and life is good". There is never a situation where these random automatic fail skillchecks are positive, they only happen in situations where it will hinder your gameplay as a survivor. You only let go of interactions to do something else that is more important at the moment.

    "You can get this challenging experience even if you aren't currently interacting with the killer making even the solo game interesting" It's not challenging though, it's an automatic fail that harms the gameplay experience, there's nothing "challenging" about letting go of an interaction.

    "Still all this is for naught because at the very heart of this discussion is your rational for the removal of said mechanic which is... it annoys you... frankly that isn't enough of a reason to rework how the game works." The annoyance is a factor that comes from the core problem of being punished by a random chance that is not in the influence of either side by attempting to make the most optimal play for your team, but sure, keep saying it's ALL emotional and that this invalidates any argument I could make. Whatever makes you feel like you have the high ground. I'm not asking them to rework the game at all, I'm asking for a single mechanic to not auto fail, this is not too much to ask for, and still you argue as if your opinion is the only one that matters, that we are all just silly little guys who don't want to be scared in scary game.

    "Now we've truly come full circle, your options are to be annoyed or not, reconsider what I've already said or remain annoyed it makes no difference to me, I'm not annoyed by it for the reasons outlined." This is a very narrow minded choice, there are more than two options. We can also come here and ask the developers directly to reconsider the mechanic. I'm not annoyed by this mechanic most of the time that it comes up, because you are right that it isn't impactful all of the time, but that doesn't mean there aren't situations where this mechanic does have an influence, and this influence does need to be addressed. Will it negatively impact your gameplay experience if they removed the auto skillcheck fail? Or will it genuinely not matter? If you aren't annoyed by it, I would hope you choose the latter and leave us alone, so it can be changed for the people that it actually does matter to.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    You’ve countered your own points again.

    try and keep some consistency. It’s hard to follow what you are saying anymore.

    I am annoyed but I’m not annoyed ok sure.

    This thing happened once and swung the game ignoring all the times it had no real effect. It’s 7% But I’m not overstating it’s importance. Uh ok.

    I’m paranoid about stopping an action as it breaks the game but it’s not challenging to the gameplay. Ok it seems to challenge you.

    I’m not emotional but easily and quickly get agitated making me a lil irrational and defensive. No that’s fine.

    I’m not scared because it’s not a horror game but I’m paranoid about stopping an action because of this. The aversion and paranoia is a part of your fight or flight response which is born of fear so I’d wager you are more afraid of it than you admit to yourself.

    I’ve got a lot of opinions and have collected the opinions of others but I agree with those opinions so they must be fact. Ooh the great fallacy of mistaking your opinion for fact.

    All I offered was an alternative rationale for not being annoyed by this mechanic and you fought tooth and nail to deny that I may have a point.

    I want this mechanic removed… why because it annoying.

    I hope they don’t remove it because I think it’s fine and if it annoys people and tilts them into playing poorly to the point they lose entire games over it than more power to it. Does the RNG lose games or does your overreaction to it lose games. Because the impact of the RNG is minimal at best out side of some very specific examples that from a gameplay perspective seem just fine to me.

  • Vhillain
    Vhillain Member Posts: 127

    Okay fine, I'll be consistent. Leave if it doesn't bother you.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,291

    "I just get annoyed" that's a you problem not a reason to change the game.

    You're changing the subject. You try to argue that this failing of skillchecks you never get adds tension in a horror-appropriate way. I point out that it doesn't, and that it just frustrates and annoys. It's not thematically appropriate.

    "liked by 1% of the player base" That's an assumption a very weak argument to make. People often over estimate opinions that agree with them and underestimate the reverse, there is a lot of good research on why and how we do this. Its worth reading.

    I'm still pretty confident that you are part of a very diminutive portion of the playerbase that is actually positive about this mechanic, because humanly, it doesn't make sense.

    The only ones I can imagine would be on board with it would be killer mains who never play survivor and don't care what edge they get, as long as it helps them win. They'll probably be positive about it.

    I'm not saying all RNG is good but in this case the specific item being discussed isn't as impactful and game breaking and people like to bemoan and if it results in game loss then things were likely not going your way to begin with, so again a very weak premise you have here.

    Swinging a close, fair, and thrilling match on complete RNG is even more antithetical to good game design. Yes, it won't turn a stomp around, but it will specifically devalue the best kind of match more than anything else, which, to me, makes it worse.

    That's also underestimating the impact as well. As I mentioned earlier in the thread, it can happen multiple times in succession, which can have an enormous impact, especially if it's a hotly contested gen. Imagine trying to break a 3-gen but getting set back extra, for no reason. That's going to drag the game out and quite likely make you lose.

    Also also, there's entire killer perks that have less impact.

    "RNG runs counter to the value of the game, why because it represents a loss of player agency or license" Lets dissect this one objectively. Loss of license (or player agency) is one of the core mechanics in DBD, you spend time on the ground or hanging on a hook unable to engage in your objective, which is a complete loss of player agency.

    Except in this case, it is a failstate concluding an exercise in player agency, meant to enhance the stakes of the preceding chase. It's also building up the teamwork aspect of the game as it creates situations for other players to go for rescues and heals.

    The RNG we're discussing is not that. It has no meat on its bones, it's just a randomised set-back for no reason and through no fault or influence of the survivor. There is no interaction, no engagement. It just happens and the survivor gets annoyed. It doesn't create new gameplay or enhance any other gameplay.

    This is what I mean when I say weak arguments, it's really poorly thought out and often hard to logically justify. I'm happy to entertain a differing opinion but make it a rational one. Take more time to think between posts if you need would be my advice.

    Well, we're running into a bit of a problem here...

    I hope they don’t remove it because I think it’s fine and if it annoys people and tilts them into playing poorly to the point they lose entire games over it than more power to it.

    And that is that you are literally rolling like a troll and you flat-out say you -want- to frustrate players.

    From a game design perspective, you can't rationalise that. It's legitimately just making the game worse. You may get a kick out of it, but no one else does.

  • Vhillain
    Vhillain Member Posts: 127

    I've already identified this guy as a troll based on his weak responses, constant repetition even when the arguments were debunked or further information requested, refusal to directly acknowledge points and fall back on "well you guys said it's annoying and this is a horror game so that's the only points I'll talk about" and making things personal, yet pointing the finger at us for that aspect. I'm done engaging with him, in anything other than asking him to leave if this doesn't matter to him, lest this fall into an even further pointless circle.

    Thank you for all of your reasonable (not just because we agree!) feedback on this thread and the attempts to shed light and reason on the topic. Regardless of what he said we are allowed to agree with each other without it being "mistaking your opinion for fact.", at the end of the day we can support each other in what we wish to happen in this game, regardless of the opinions of someone who seeks nothing more than a rise out of people.

    "I don't find this a problem so neither should you", is an argument that could be made about literally anything, but is historically proven unhealthy, as this is a manipulative mentality and stance to have. Sure some people on this forum are ridiculous with their requests and are absolutely crybabies, but our request is genuinely reasonable and the solution already exists in the game. If we don't talk about what we find a problem, we all become sheep or a hivemind, and that is not a real humane community. We are allowed to disagree and that should never be challenged with a "I don't care though" if he didn't care, he would have been gone long ago. Him not caring does not mean we should not care too, his first comment on this thread ended with a "change your perspective" and his current last comment ended with a "I hope they don't change it because I think it's fine", as if he needed any more ways to say "My opinion is the only one that matters" That attitude needs to look itself in the mirror before telling others that they are mistaking opinion for fact.

    Today BHVR announced the coming changes to the bloodweb people have asked for for ages, I guarantee this is something a small percentage of people "didn't see as an issue", but the majority definitely wanted the change, and this wasn't even something that actually impacts you inside the game at all. If nobody mentioned it, or those who did mention it were met with "well I don't care so neither should you" at every turn, this great change would not be coming soon. BHVR has been making great changes to this game over the last year that I've been playing.

    He's arguing just for the sake of arguing, regardless of whether we agree with some of his points or not, and claims that to be a consistency issue. I don't think it's inconsistent at all to say, "Hey this is irritating to me when it absolutely changed the outcome of my game, but if there's times where the gen explodes and nothing comes out of it I really don't care that much about it in those moments", it's just admitting there is some of his claims I can agree with, even if we don't agree fully.

    But I digress, it was made quite clear in his last reply to me what he seeks from us, and I'm done feeding the troll.

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,026
    edited March 2023

    Wise words my friends, but honestly, arguing with such people is a waste of time. That's one of the reasons why I ignore a lot of the comments here.

    I don't know why some people have to torpedo constructive threads like this one. Some just want to troll. Others are biased or don't get the point of the thread. I also sometimes wonder what the motivation behind certain comments is. There are definitely some reasons... attention seeking? Pushing comment count? Hoping for Vote Ups? Idk

    Nonetheless, I'm happy to see that there are still people on the forums who aren't one-sided biased and who are actively trying to improve the game. Even if it's just a small change. That's why I continue to support your idea in the hope that the devs will take notice.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    You do realize all I did was offer another perspective about why its not that bad and nothing to get annoyed by and they both reacted like I asked them to murder their grandmother.

    If you read a lot of the replies too they really are just rambling and counter intuitive, but I guess when you point this out its just being trollish.

    There are ways to play this game without getting annoyed at it even if you don't think a particular mechanic is very good. I think the player interaction in game would be a lot more pleasant if people just stopped being so angry over the game and accepted a few things aren't as bad as they seem.

    But that's a different discussion from the topic at hand and the current discussion derailed long ago.

    I have been nothing but consistent and logical in my point, even as the topic devolved and that hasn't changed here either.

    The other point even if the topic devolves I don't harbor any real animosity toward anyone is this thread or any other thread because its only a game and not really that important.

    Feel free to demonize me and my perspective as you see fit though, we are all just anonymous people on a gaming forum and it really isn't that important. If sensibilities are harmed due to this exchange then well... have a coke and a smoke and move on.

  • Nirgendwohin
    Nirgendwohin Member Posts: 1,251

    I just had a game where I had this random skillcheck six times when I let go a gen. so i want to say to the developer responsible for this: please change it, thanks!

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I don't know what everyone's argueing about and at this point I'm afraid to ask.

    Those skillchecks ARE very frustrating, and they SHOULD be cancelled or given the Overcharge treatment.

    That being said !

    I don't know if it's got something to do with ping, or something else, but recently, such cases have been rarer in my games. I've had more than a few instances of letting go of the gen just at the moment the skillcheck sound appears, and the gen does not explode. I noticed because every time I had that cringing like "oh ######### it's gonna explode I hate this game" and then surprise as nothing happened.

    So there is some sort of logic behind the gen exploding as you're letting go, it's just... apparently a little inconsistent !

  • Vhillain
    Vhillain Member Posts: 127

    I've noticed this too, recently it will make the sound and not instantly explode in more situations, but it definitely isn't always the case. I have had a couple times where I let go of the gen as it makes the sound and kaboom, and others where nothing happens. Although I do believe that it should be consistent.

    I think the only logical reasoning behind it blowing up upon letting go immediately after the sound is so people dont hear the sound and cheese it by letting go without needing to pass the skillcheck, which is completely fair and valid, but if this is the case what's preventing us from actually having to do the skillcheck anyway? I'm sure if new players abusing a "basekit technician" like that would be an issue, they can implement a system that will force the skillcheck with 100% consistency along with the sound queue, but if we let go we will still have to press the button at the right time to pass it. This way new players can't cheese skip skillchecks, and experienced players wont be punished for wanting to refocus their attention elsewhere at what the game deems to be the incorrect time!

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I think the way it works might be that there's a window of like, .5 second during which if you let go the game assumes you couldn't have known a skillcheck was coming and so it doesn't explode.

    Which is honestly a good compromise if it worked consistently ! That way it prevents the problematic explosions but makes it nearly impossible to cheese.

  • Slurpin
    Slurpin Member Posts: 107

    Unsure I'd qualify them as a Troll, they've posted too much on this forum for it to be the case. Likely more of a case that they want to haggle as many advantages as possible for their gameplay no matter how it affects others. It's abundantly common in anything asymmetrical. Especially in a game where you can get very high win rates by adopting specific playstyles, the notion of losing becomes very unpleasant and every benefit to your cause becomes righteous to avoid the dreaded losses.

    That said they're entitled to those opinions even if they argue terribly.

    On the subject of this thread, yeah totally agree, it's incredibly dumb. It feels like a 'win more' thing when I play killer. Must be unbelievably frustrating for the players.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,726

    i think all skill checks should be like overcharge - skill check still goes on after you let go. it's so frustrating

  • Vhillain
    Vhillain Member Posts: 127

    You make a good point, and yes everyone absolutely is entitled to their opinion and I will stand by this whole-heartedly until said opinion is the downfall of reasonable requests, that's where I draw the line personally. If someone posts a request anyone is welcome to agree, disagree, provide facts, argue, discuss, and of course share their opinion, but when it hits the point where it's gone from talking about changes being good or bad for the game into a "well I hope you guys fail" it becomes more hostile. The folks on this thread haven't been asking for something way out of left field, it wont ruin the killer experience if this change goes through, but it will certainly make survivor feel less clunky and your choices to stay on an objective or let go will be more realistic, as opposed to sitting around and waiting for a chance that may or may not ever come.

    I think with this mechanic the biggest issue is the randomness of skillcheck occurrences, if they were more frequent then it actually wouldn't be as big of a deal, and being punished for leaving would be more understandable.