Collision Survivors With BT Needs to go

I am all for anti-tunneling being built into the game, but it's really annoying when it's endgame, I've basically lost, someone gets an unhook and the unhooked person just body blocks and there is nothing I can do. It's so lame and it punishes me for trying to go after someone else. It's just not fun. The unhooked survivor should not be able to be hit at all, and just shouldn't have collision with the killer or other survivors. They are supposed to be vulnerable, and I don't want to go for them, and yet they will stand in my face to block me from going after someone else. It's so insanely free most of the stuff survivors get (being able to cancel animations quickly, not having to deal with the jank of cancelling your power making you useless for 2-3 seconds at a time. There are so many annoying things that survivors just get that killers don't.
And before anyone goes and cries "Killer main"
- I mostly play survivor cuz it is just easier than killer. It takes way less skill and the only thing that really ever gets me killed is bad teammates
- Playing killer should be equally fun as survivor. The fact that there are so many built-in rules that make playing harder for killer is absurd. Vault windows slower, can't vault pallets, can't cancel animations, can only focus on one survivor at a time, can't tunnel because of basekit BT, gates can be 99'ed, hex totems can just be destroyed and you're down a perk slot, most perks are really bad/too niche, running just chase perks (STBFL, Superior Anatomy, Enduring, Spirit Fury, Bamboozle, etc) is just not viable. Survivors are now going to get basekit Unbreakable now too (Again, I am for this decision, slugging is boring an unfun for survivor)
My point is, losing collision after being unhooked doesn't make tunneling easier, it makes it easier to go after multiple people. The way the game is built currently, if I'm not playing like a scumbag, I lose. I play nice, I don't use OP perks or builds, and survivors just spit in my face. Make some killer perks basekit, give them some love. I don't even care if I end up dying more often, just make killer not such a terrible experience
You can thank tunneling for this.
If we couldn’t get hit immediately off hook, we wouldn’t have been downed after getting farmed off hook, or the killer coming back to hook to tunnel, leading BHVR to make basekit BT. Now that it is, people have found a way to use it to help their fellow survivors.
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For how long, the duration of the timer? What about OTR?
Also, because this is DBD, no collision doesn't mean aim assist won't target them. We learned that with OG Freddy.
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Borrowed Time exist before all this so why are you complaining now?
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people were complaining about BT being used to body block before then, too.
It's the sort of thing that, as a tactic, only punishes the people trying to not tunnel anyway.
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Just basekit BT not apply in end game, unless actual BT is being run. Problem solved.
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Body blocking with basekit BT after getting unhooked is practically suicide. Count to 10 (or to 11 or 12, if you count too fast), then down them and throw them back on the hook.
Odds are, they won't make back to hook because they will DC.
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You act like this hasn't been a thing long before basekit bt was a thing. Bodyblocking with your anti tunnel perk is the one way you will get me to tunnel you.
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Yeah, BT is there to help you get away from the hook after being saved.
I almost always will go to lengths to avoid tunneling, but if a surv decides they don't care about getting away, I will oblige them with an express ticket out of the match.
Being freshly unhooked is not a free pass. If you just got unhooked, gtfo or back on the hook you go.
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I don't think this is a problem at all. If you're hooking close enough to gate that a 10s BT becomes a problem then you've made a mistake.
Like mentioned, bodyblocking with basekit BT only is suicide. And OtR and DS don't work in endgame
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Honestly, I'd be fine with the timer being even longer on the unhooked survivor, cuz, again, I really don't want to go after them, but if I try and hit the survivor who unhooked and the survivor who I literally can't do anything against is blocking me, the unhooking survivor is just getting away free. It also punishes killers like Billy so much more.
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My problem with that is, that allows tunneling and basically makes it impossible to get out unless the killer swings too early on your unhook. Like I said, I don't want to make it easier to tunnel, I just don't want to be punished for not tunneling
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I want this to also be the case with teammates. I'm sick and tired of people body-blocking you.
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It does look and feel pretty dumb when people bodyblock with BT and OTR. I'm all for there being no collision when those are active.
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I'd like this because it makes it harder to wait out someone's endurance by body blocking them as well
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Well I didn't even want basekit bt so think about that. Just straight up being a ghost makes the that whole interaction fairly redundant. Sometimes you probably want that unhooked guy though.