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Disappearing UI

Platform: Epic Games
Issue: I was about to get Tombstoned by a Myers, but I used Dead Hard to make it to a locker. Afterwards, my UI disappeared. I couldn't see my loadout or any Skill Checks that came my way when being carried or on 2nd hook.
Why is the game so bright?
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Colorblind mode
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It probably happened because Myers on his screen saw his killing animation starting, on your screen you dead harded. The server decided what actually happened during that 0.5 seconds and this is the result.
Your UI now disappears when someone uses a Mori.
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I figured it had something to do with the Dead Hard
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I just had a similar thing happen as Legion. Going to make a separate report, as it's a different situation, but same end result. David DCed during my Mori and this was the result the rest of the match (funny enough, I still got a 4K on the two remaining survivors.
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It looks dark actually not bright at all. It shouldn't be anywhere near that dark, that's not at all normal regardless of colorblind mode.
You can't even make out any details on Myers coveralls..