We gotta bring back Feral Slash cutting mend time by a chunk

This discussion is now void as with these new changes, Legion will be brought up to at least B-tier thanks to the healing nerfs.
The reason why this was boring was because it was during a time where mend was tied to when you were in chase only. Now that we've come to the point for many years that it was tied to stopping when mending or running, I think it's time we bring that part of Legion back. It would give people a reason to stay on a person after hitting them with frenzy if they felt like it, making getting hit first with frenzy potentially less boring and it would also be a fun counterplay thanks to the array of ways we have to stun and blind, being counters to the killer.
Tell me if this is a good idea or a ludicrous one. I'll be sure to take a look as long as you provide reason to why it wouldn't be a good idea.
Theres an add-on to do this already
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Really? Where? I don't remember that being a thing.
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Nah, they reworked Frank's Mix Tape to cause gen and wall kicks to be faster in Frenzy.
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You're thinking of pre rework Frank's Mixtape. It doesn't do that anymore.
On topic, no. Definitely not.
Here's the thing. Legion in Frenzy is not loopable. They essentially have 3 stacks of PWYF, a permanent version of Wesker's vault speed perk, and can vault pallets too. That's why Legion's power is *largely* non lethal. Giving Legion lethality is a terrible plan. Unless it's like their current lethality where it is super unlikely to happen.
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That's good enough for me. I just want an excuse to constantly run. That or have them remove the split second you lose collision when exiting frenzy. That has screwed me out of SO many downs.
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Though I was more thinking it being -7 but mend time doesn't get reset in exchange. Both sides can have a bit of fun. You can mend in front of their face if you're certain you can get it off and we can punish that if you do it too early! :>
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I definitely wouldn’t mind adding in the older legion with being able to down survivors by decreasing the timer of mending but with a negative effect of each time he vaults a pallets or over a number of times he loses his feral frenzy. This way even if the survivor drops a pallet they have the surviving chance of getting away. This can also make franks mixtape to break pallets once vaulted a more powerful add on
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I would not like to get stunned every time I vault something, thank you.
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Legion wasn't nerfed because nobody liked Mend and Moonwalking was abused. Legion was nerfed because survivors had zero counterplay and it made them feel awful to go against. Vault a window? Legion vaults it, drop a pallet? Legion vaults it, try to outrun them? Legion is faster than you.
Sure it was weak and Legion spent a lot of time waiting for their power to recharge to decrease you Mend bar, but it wasn't fun or interactive to go against, because you had no options, because Legion could ignore them.
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Yeah I recommended a change but honestly I’ve played legion even a little bit now and he seems fine as is, you actually have to work as legion to get a down