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Do You Care About Other Players?

Member Posts: 777

When you play do you care about other player's experience or do you just go for yourself? I'm amazed at the number of players who play in a truly selfish manner. Am I the oddball for trying to make sure others have fun? Does dbd breed selfish players?

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  • Member Posts: 1,993

    They made a perk called Sole Survivor. It is easily put into a 'screw my team' build. I run SS, Adrenaline, Wake up, and Dead Hard when my last game's team screwed me.

    The fog doesn't care about anyone's fun. It cares that you satisfy the Entity. We should all be so thankful. Praise be!

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    Not that I "care", but just don't play scummy. Also almost always let last one go if I win.

  • Member Posts: 5,211

    I do my very best to make the game fun for everyone. I'll go for probably foolish saves to help a teammate, I won't tunnel, I won't BM, ec etc

    That being said though, I have no problem returning energy given if it comes down to it. If you want to try to bully squad me, I'll leave you all on the ground for four minutes to think about what you've done...

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    I do care about others fun. As killer I don’t tunnel or camp and as survivor I’ll seek out totems or chests if we’re clearly winning

    I find it more fun to play that way and it generally gives more points per game

  • Member Posts: 263

    I do. Whoever says it's not a universal responsibility to try and be nice to each other is a worm.

    I bet my old co-worker plays facecamp Bubba and tbags as Nea 24/7 😆

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    I play the game the way it's meant to be played, but if I notice that the other side is having a rough go of it, then I'll usually throw them a bone. For example if I'm the killer and I notice that a survivor has given up or is clearly inexperienced, I'll usually walk past them and go after someone else so that way they can keep playing. As a survivor, if I see that the killer is having a rough go of it, I'll usually let them get a hook or two at EGC. If I die then that's okay.

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    It all depends on how the other team (survivors) play. While I will play sweaty and play to win, I won’t BM and I’ll avoid tunneling/slugging. If they BM or play toxic, I’ll just tunnel one out of the game and ensure I get a 4k.

    If they play clean, I’ll avoid tunneling and slugging as I see fit until it’s necessary to 3k, and I’ll typically let the best looper have hatch. Most of the time, the survivors I encounter enjoy playing against a sweaty blight.

  • Member Posts: 952


  • Member Posts: 5,449

    I don’t prioritize someone’s fun over my own. If I feel I need to do something to win, I’ll do it, whether it’s hiding, rushing gens, using a strong loop, tunneling or proxy camping.

    I just won’t be a scumbag and t-bag or slug with the intention of letting someone bleed out for 4 minutes.

  • Member Posts: 658

    I used to try to make sure survivors have fun when I play killer but after a while, I stop caring as much. The amount of "gg ez", "gg baby killer" or teabags at the gate just got to me and just made me play more for myself instead of others. Now my mindset is "Why should I care about others' fun when no one cares about my own fun as a killer?"

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    This is an odd topic because what you define as considerate play may be the opposite of what someone else considers considerate play.

    Just because someone else plays in a manner that you don't enjoy doesn't make them inherently selfish.

    Making sweeping generalizations about the player base based on the forums really can really skew your view too, this is where people come to complain so you have a disproportionate representation of the complainers here.

    Defining what steps you take to make the game fun for others is a good start because you may find what's fun for you, may be quite bland or unfun for others.

    Selfishly not caring about the experience of others is not the same thing as prioritizing you own game experience.

    What could be defined as truly selfish is expecting other players to change how they play in order to fit your expectation of fun and being upset when they don't. Which is what I see a lot of on the forums.

  • Member Posts: 2,065
    edited March 2023

    I try to be mindful of other players. When I play Killer I don't tunnel as it's the one thing I hate encountering as Survivor. I try not to use builds I know cause a lot of complaining, most recently favoring totem defense over 3-gen defense on Skull Merchant.

    I tend to treat Survivor games more seriously than Killer, I think because I don't wanna be the one who screws it up for the team. I'm not much of a flashlight user outside of rift challenges or occasional whims, I don't teabag, and I don't go out of my way to harass a Killer unless they're being a tunnelboi or I have a reason such as distracting from a death hook teammate.

    Nontheless,I do play the game with intent to win. I'm not going to throw the game because killing a survivor might upset them. At most I might let survivors go if there's an immediate hook suicide or DC, or if there's party streamers or equivalent in play, or give a killer who got completely rolled a kill. Basically try and make sure they get something for their time and trouble.

    My general mindset is "I am not responsible for other players' fun, but I'm also not going to intentionally ruin it."

  • Member Posts: 2,412

    "Their fun is not my problem"

    Isnt this what people who tunnels, camp and bm say?

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    I'm not toxic to other players, i have all messages blocked, i don't hit on hook and i always kill as fast as possible, i try to make the game as non-personal as possible, so i am considerate of that.

    I don't play the community rulebooks though cause at that point the game stops being fun for me. If people are not having fun against me i suggest they just play a different game, because if they don't have fun against people who play the game as it is intended and without breaking any official rules the game is not for them, it's as simple as that.

  • Member Posts: 614

    As a killer I don't play in ways I don't find fun if I were in the other side generally - I don't intentionally 3 gen, I don't use perks I hate to see as survivor, etc. I prioritize me escaping over my team in solo q but if I'm in my swf I try to carry them so they escape cause my swf sucks. I think you need to be mindful of the other side and see things from their perspective cause one side won't exist without the other. That being said, everything in the confines of the rules are valid, so do whatever you want and however you want.

  • Member Posts: 2,014

    I always try my best to play in a way that isn't frustrating for the other side.

  • Member Posts: 519

    depends. if you wont let me have fun, wont let me enjoy the game, neither will you. garden of joy or other map offerings=camping and tunneling and slugging. i dont get fun, neither do you

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    As survivor I avoid bringing things like DH and BnP's. I don't tbag or vault spam. I generally just try to play a normal game and not be rude towards the killer.

    As killer I don't tunnel or camp. The only exception being if you try to BT body block me. I don't hit on hook aside from one hit to stop the scream, especially since I still get those extra long screams. I just generally try to avoid being toxic or rude.

  • Member Posts: 96


  • Member Posts: 21,210

    I'll do whatever I need to do to win, but I will never go out of my way to make people feel miserable for the purpose of making them feel bad.

    So, basically, play hard as ######### in game; always be courteous and understanding once the game is over.

  • Member Posts: 288

    It really depends.

    1. What challenge do I got, do I need to do something in particulair that makes me play a bit more for myself
    2. How other people play. When I get sabo squads or people who use their basekit BT offensively instead of getting away, I will try and get you again
  • Member Posts: 4,184

    This ∆

    I played for the fun of survivor, partially because it feels good to be nice and partially because of all the "only campers, tunnelers, etc. everywhere" on these forums, to be the breath of fresh air.

    Wasn't met with much positiv feedback and worse a bunch of the stuff mentioned by BlueRose and in the end lost the motivation.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    If I see a Killer have a hard time I will let myself die in the end

    If I see Survivors having a hard time... I will allow then to reset and go the Gens

  • Member Posts: 3,448

    I do care about other people's experience, but when faced with having to choose between someone else's or my own, I will usually choose my own.

  • Member Posts: 45

    I like to play fairly. As killer it kind of depends on the team. Sometimes I run into really well-coordinated teams who are clearly playing hard for the win, and I might be a little meaner with them, but usually they expect that playstyle so it isn't a problem. Other times I'll run into what's clearly a baby/uncoordinated solo team, or they have someone DC at 5 gens, and I'll ease up just to give them a chance to let them reset, do a couple gens, have some chases, etc. Not straight farming but going into easy mode just so we can all actually play the game out.

    As survivor I tend to play altruistically to a fault but I also don't really care if I die most of the time, even if I get camped or tunneled or whatever. Maybe it's just because I'm blessed with good queue times, it never feels like a big deal to me so I never take it personally.

    Honestly toxicity to me is just how people respond in chat, and I see far more "ggs" than people actually getting tilted. The poor sports just stand out more and it's usually because they're saying something wild, like accusing you of hacking for using Agitation or something. Someone teabagging at a pallet or giving me the nopers after I fail a Dead Hard is mostly just funny.

  • Member Posts: 2,475
    edited March 2023

    It's not realistic to expect someone to care about the other side in a pvp video game. You know nothing about the people on the other team, you'll likely never bump into them ever again, plus in games like this, when one side does well, often it's at the other side's expense. One side having fun usually means the other side isn't having much fun, and this is common in many pvp video games.

    Add onto that the fact that even if you DO play in a 'nice' way, you're still likely to get flamed in endgame chat for doing something wrong and not playing in the exact way that person wanted.

    Add onto THAT the fact the other side rarely ever cares about -your- fun either, so why bother caring about theirs?

    There are a multitude of reasons to not factor in the amount of enjoyment that complete strangers on the internet are having, and because everyone's idea of how -you- should play varies wildly between person to person, the only thing you can really control is your own fun, so focus on that.

  • Member Posts: 1,700

    Depends on the situations.

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    Empathy is a perk, not basekit.

  • Member Posts: 2,441

    People would rather go against a killer that plays fair than a fair killer if that makes sense. Plus camping and tunneling is rather boring.

  • Member Posts: 8,601
    edited March 2023

    I care about other players as much as they care about me. If they sweat, I sweat. If they're chill, I'll probably give hatch. My default state is going for hooks. But I'll bring out the omega sweat if I feel like it's warranted.

  • Member Posts: 273

    I have more fun in matches where it seems like everyone is having fun.

  • Member Posts: 6,135

    I do. I don't care if I die getting everyone else out. It's just a game. It doesn't impact my real life at all.

  • Member Posts: 245

    A little. Like I wont go out of my way to tunnel but if you hop right back on a gen I'm patrolling I'm not going to ignore you even if you were rescued a few seconds ago.

    I'll also let you do the glyph.

    I wont BM except if you're a super good looper I may hit you once on hook as a high five. Let you know you did a good job.

  • Member Posts: 223

    I play half survivor and half bubba.

    As survivor, i dont care.

    As Bubba, i like making friends and standing around the flaming barrel.

  • Member Posts: 188

    I'd say yes, but creating fun for others makes fun for me, so i'm an egoist in the end.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    I do not care about other people's fun in a game where we go head to head in a directly competitive fashion.

    That said, I do not go out of my way to make you miserable.

  • Member Posts: 2,336

    I try to make sure new or inexperienced players have a good time but if you blatantly know what you're doing or have a good amount of hours on you then you're on your own.

    If I end up in a game where everyone is chill or blatantly doing challenges I try to be lax in what ever role I'm doing but most of the time in my games everyone is sweating either for a full victory or battlepass challenges.

  • Member Posts: 2,367
    edited March 2023

    Depending on the vibes. If they nodding their head right when u get to a tile than they usually wanna loop instead of shift w. I like them type of players and will most likely let everyone go if they just don't out right win. If the survivors are bming i might play a bit more aggressive. I win most of my games like every killer main seem to (lol) so i can afford to play nicer when playing the role. As survivor I don't bm. barely win 40% of my survivor games so i don't exactly have the luxury of gifting free kills. Overall i kinda care about my opponent experience but only if they playing in a way i deem fair.

  • Member Posts: 410

    as survivor its hard to make it so the killer has fun, but wat I do as survivor I dont bring any meta perks and if my team has many items I put my item away. As killer i play nice if I can, but if the survs play to wheel I cant care about there fun anymore

  • Member Posts: 1

    We have dillema, i am doing 2-3 gens per game, unhooking, healing, taking protection hits, taunting killer to chase me instead of others, do gens even if have 2 hooks already - all of that is considered caring for team. What i get in return? Lose! At the same time teammates get hit every 15 seconds, get downed 2 at once, not unhooking me, not taking protection hits even if they have 0 hooks, not going into chases if they have 0 hooks and i have 2, hiding around unless killer chases me, not using freaking pallets for magical reasons and, most importantly, THEY SIMPLY NOT DOING GENS. By the time i finish first gen, that is the moment someone starts doing totem, chest or a gen. Game after game, after game. It is not some sort of rare occasion or unlucky lose streak, it is EVERY GAME.

    I do everything right and lose, team does everything wrong and escapes or gets free hatch. So here is dillema - should i care about team and lose? What is a point of playing then?

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    I do play primarily for my enjoyment, but the way I like to play the game nudges me in a direction where I play in a reasonably fun way anyway. And I'm not weird enough to consider the side effect of others probably thinking I'm at least alright to play against to be a downside, it's certainly a nice bonus.

    What do I mean? I find stuff like going giga gens before friends 4man or "bully squad" boring to do, so I don't do it. I find camping/tunneling from the get go or pitching a tent in a 3gen from the first nanosecond of the game boring to do, so I don't do it. As survivor I just want to do a bit of everything, as killer I just want to chase and hook. So that's what I try to do, and I seem to do alright and it makes me enjoy the game.

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    I treat players as they treat me. My default setting is friendly. I often let 2 survs go as killer.Long as they don't bm. And I'll obvs try to help my team as surv and won't bm killer unless they are toxic. But if they do BM me you better be sure imma bag at the exit gate or nod them to the sky.

    I think a lot of players mistake skill for toxicity. If a surv runs a good chase or blinds me I don't see that as BM. Unless they teaag or clicky click. One exception is the insistence on bodyblocking and flashlight save when you're 2 gens down and don't have many or any hooks. Preventing the other side from progressing at all is not fun.

    If it's down to last 2 survs i have a silent rule. If I go on hook I will suicide to give the other guy chance at hatch, like wise I won't try to unhook the other unless I specifically see killer clear a lot of distance.

  • Member Posts: 24


  • Member Posts: 163

    No, but I do believe in teamwork.

  • Member Posts: 280

    It depends on how the match is going.

    I try to never tunnel/camp, even if my match is going sour. Always go for unhooker if possible, this goes out the window if the unhooked bodyblocks with BT.

    If I've won before they repair more than 1 generator and two are already dead I tend to meme a bit, try to get Victor in places he shouldn't be. I typically give last surv hatch if I don't let them both go. If the match prolongs until endgame/1 gen remain I just kill them all to make it end a little faster.

    I try to kill survs who BM, then i'll let up on the others

  • Member Posts: 777

    I'm thinking of AFKs and dc's after first down. Right now maybe half the games I play have 4 survivors actively playing. The majority of games have someone dc before one gen is done. Half of my teammates who do play are not team players or they are just rubbish.

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