Bit of a Rant



  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869
    edited March 2023

    You just don't get it and that's OK.

    I know. You're the heroic type, a lot of people like to be play being the noble hero. I like to as well, sometimes, but there is also those who like to play the villain. There is a reason why the villains are often among the most popular characters in fiction works, sometimes even more than the heroic protagonists.

    Like I said, I do believe that, in the example you gave, that was quite a bit much and I have very little doubt that the killer player was indeed trying to be a toxic AH, personally I wouldn't have gone that far, but nevertheless I find the sanctimoniousity and self-righteousness often displayed in forum posts not entirely unlike this one laughable.

    I believe the root issue is people has trouble separating real life social interactions from social video game interaction. Chill out. Enjoy the ride. Laugh at the killer tripping over and letting you escape. Laugh at you messing up and ending up in the killers cruel hands.

    Anyway, I like DBD too so at the very least I can understand your point of view, even if I don't quite share it.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,298

    yea there's been a huge uptick in players who play like this for me too. It's gotten to the point where i just play killer now since at least then i much more control over the experience of the match

  • TheWheelOfCheese
    TheWheelOfCheese Member Posts: 710
    edited March 2023

    I'd expect the uptick trend to continue as killers who want to play fun, balanced matches leave because that's not possible by and large in the current meta. All DBD will be left with are the killers who tunnel at 5 gens and bleed people out for "fun."

    The uptick in encountering these kinds of killers is just a symptom of how badly the game has been mismanaged.

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,075

    Let's try to keep the discussion civil, thank you.

  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 810

    Would making it so that your bleed out timer doesn't stop while being carried, picked up, and put down help to accelerate the time that people have to endure this without it being abusable in some way?

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,156

    I would be cool with that.

    There might be pushback from other people though. I’ve seen streamers try to give a survivor hatch, and spend like 5 minutes with the survivor on their shoulder, as they desperately try to find which obscure part of the map the hatch spawned at. But to be honest, they really don’t need to slowly carry the survivor around the entire map like a backpack.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,956

    Damn, that's rough. I hope your matches will get better soon. That is not what this game should come down to.

    There are such extremes on both sides. It's honestly sad to see how many people despise their opponents when it's just a video game.

  • MrPsych
    MrPsych Member Posts: 265

    I can sympathize with people who use dirty tactics clearly because they're outmatched and are about to lose, but slugging and letting people bleed out at 5 gens is the work of a scumbag. I swear that chashing survivors is fun and should be repeatedly done!

    I can't say I'm surprised that the community of a game where killers must sacrifice innocent survivors lack empathy in general. If you play like a shithead and it never dawns on you that your playing style literally hurt players, maybe it's time for self reflection. Survivors can hurt the game by clowning on the killer and giving them BM, but I'd argue that killer can deal the most damage to a game if they just keep survivors down for the count and don't even let play the game. Is it a valid tactic? Yes. Does it suck to go against? Absolutely, considering no one can even play the game to begin with.

    Sadly the game design is not without fault here because it does make that situation possible and encourages it. Basekit Unbreakable could help, I'd say make recovery take longer without the perk but make healing survivors in the dying state more efficient to counteract that.

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    Yes, yes of course. I've said my piece and evidently it doesn't fit with the official narrative sanctioned by the forum concensus, so I'll leave you all to your thing.

    See. You in the fog.

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    You are using things favored by bully squads. The association is strong. Flashlights and Head On are not necessarily toxic on their own but they attract toxicity. I, like you, enjoy using Head On as insurance for hiding in lockers. Honestly, I have never been camped or tunneled after stunning with it. Probably because I was clearly using it defensively and not to antagonize.

    Every Killer has likely had multiple bad experiences with toxic Survivors and honestly, 4 mins is not a huge deal. You can go afk against toxic Survivors, come back 20 mins later, and they are STILL trying to antagonize you.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    Sadly I bet most of the killers who do this aren't killer or survivor mains. These types when they play survivor they likely run in bully swf squads. When they play killer do they do this crap. These types of players version of fun is to make everyone miserable.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,411

    Have experienced this as well, the game seems to be in a genuinely bad spot at the moment due to a couple of bad apples ruining it for everyone else on whatever side :/

    What I personally do after games like this is hop on as killer and play the type of killer I'd like to face, even put on some BPS and just chill/meme as Ghosty with the goofiest perks possible. And if the games after that are still against people who or set on ruining other people's day, then whatever I'll play Cyberpunk or any other game that is actually FUN.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    This raises a really good point and its often the point I'm trying to convey.

    Another player isn't immediately a terrible person just because they really get into a game, even a PVP game.

    Most of the posts bemoaning this are making pretty negative assumptions about the other player.

    i.e. To play like this you must be...

    • Angry
    • out to ruin other peoples fun
    • just out of a bad game and wanting revenge
    • a bully
    • a bad person

    You don't know anything about your opponent so why assume.

    To equate a bad game experience with real world bullying just does a disservice to people who've suffered from real world bullying.

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    Well, it's nice to see someone who shares my POV. It means I'm the only one crazy. I mean.

    Honestly the dbd community has always struck me as strange.

    I have played my fair share of online games that are somewhat infamous for their toxic community and taking the game too seriously, such as LOL and WOW, but dbd stands out.

    It's not that there are toxic players, you can find those essentially in any online game, except lotro, and DBD doesn’t seem to me to have such a big toxicity problem.

    Rather is the community's negativity. I mean even in other games people will just call others names or wish them harm or even be idiots in the match, but nobody gets their day ruined for it or suffers anxiety and calls out bullying. They just trash one another and move on. Like drivers honking at each other on the street. Sure you have your extreme cases, but not like this.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I don't know maybe the horror genre is more prone to attracting the antisocial and/or emotionally unstable given its generally more unsettling content and themes.

    I don't think that really explains it though, because for such a brutal premise, the players who indulge in it can have paper thin skins.

    Largely it shouldn't matter what happens in game providing everyone can GG and move on without any animosity afterwards, its only a game after all.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,225

    But let's play devil's advocate a little here, you could at least appreciate the slasher film nature of a game like that.

    I mean its thematically on point

    Let me play reverse devil's advocate on theme which I think is critically important to the game.

    The thought of being chased by a knife wielding maniac is scary, so is the thought of getting cancer. The similarities end after scary. The first is fantastic and exciting, the latter realistic and depressing.

    DbD and horror movies go for the first because they bring excitement and tension. Those are feelings people enjoy having. Part of the problem with the BM that killers can do is how much it kills theme. Facecamping isn't scary or tense, just boring - bleedouts aren't scary when the killer is standing over you, they are annoying.

    One of the best pieces of advice I got early about enjoying DbD is be prepared to alt-tab/do something else if the opponent BMs. Left to bleed out, go get a sandwich, etc. While that improves the game from the player perspective, BHVR should be aghast at the concept. Horror games are supposed to have people on the edge of their seat, whenever there are elements where players are frequently like 'I got bored and did something else even though the game was still technically playing' is not a good sign.

    It often fits the theme, a killer trying to murder me in the most brutal way kinda works because, for example I wouldn't expect leatherface as a character to be thinking of my feelings.

    Sure, but I'd like them to think/play like the killers of the movies. No horror movie would work if the killer got the first person, and then just sat there while the rest of the characters got away.

    Whereas jerk survivor behaviour, it typically involves mob mentality which is usually unpleasant, it's generally out of character thematically

    If we're just talking theme-wise I think this makes more sense. Frequently in horror movies the non-killers have their moment when they turn the tables / decide to take the fight to the killer. And while situations where they can do it infinitely should be stopped (and over time are much less common than they used to be), but a 'we're taking the fight to the killer' doesn't break the theme (as long as at least one survivor is getting gens done).

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    I rather take bully squad which actually makes me able to play the game. If you're decent as killer they are not too hard to counter I usually whipe the floor with them. But what really is worser as killer is gen rush squad who does all gens in minutes so you won't be even able to play the game.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    You 100% can.

    I had a game last night on the Borgo playing Sharp Hand Joe. I won, but only after almost 20 minutes of the most grueling beamer squading, Flashbanging, double Head-On coordinated stun gameplay I've ever had to suffer through.

    Just because they cared more about making me miserable than their win condition doesn't mean it was not absolutely bullying.

  • rinnai
    rinnai Member Posts: 50
    edited March 2023

    That is so bull #########, I've never come across a "bully SWF" in my entire time playing this game.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617
    edited March 2023

    Then you haven't played Killer very long.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904
    edited March 2023

    Yeah but a bad game of DBD is far from equivalent to a positive cancer diagnosis so lets leave that shall we.

    If some of the game elements are creating that level of emotional response then not even BHVR can fix that, that is a player's personal emotional issue.

    Yeah there are some dull moments but avoiding this is what makes the game so intense. Think how bland the game would be if you just died and respawned all the time. BHVR have largely already addressed this issue as these so called boring things have a timer. Is the timer too long I don't think so but others may disagree.

    Yeah a camping game isn't the most interesting but it can be if people go for trades and saves but the ideal play is to smash out the gens and leave because why risk your personal MMR/Rank/BP's. The problem isn't camping its how the game records and rewards outcome. That's a BHVR problem.

    Lastly on theme, that is a very good point.

    A game where survivors are trying to flee from the killer is different from a game where experienced players are trying to distract the killer and waste their time.

    There is nothing wrong with the latter, its still a legit game of DBD, but I just find it more underwhelming of an experience than the former.

    But you do make a very good point its not out of character to "fight back" against the killer as it were.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah but you have to remember your solitary experience doesn't encompass the experience of all other players.

    You are one data point in a sea of data points.

    When we consider this, then using your sole personal experience is a really weak premise to base an argument on.

    Just a lil thing to think of next time you want to refute someone's point.

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    @Pulsar Moments like this are why I have Spotify on my ps4. I switch to my playlist and ignore people's weird power trip activity. Somehow the song of BlackOut makes me feel powerful and hot