Is there any point to boons now?

CoH needed a slight nerf sure but this the nerf to itself and healing general it pretty much got completely demolished. If that goes through is it safe to say BHVR has given up on boons entirely? Shadowstep is the only decent one but I can't imagine anyone bringing just shadowstep, you'd only run it if you were already running CoH and it was a nice bonus.
I wouldn't surprised if people stopped bringing boons entirely which kinda sucks that an entire mechanic is being scrapped.
My prediction is that boons are dead in the water until they introduce a boon totem that gives 5% gen repair speed to generators in their range.
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The healing nerf alone would have been enough to make CoH not a problem anymore. Its the one perk nerf I hope they revert.
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Unless CoH is still good enough, just to make altruism actually worth it.
Boons are dead.
But on bright side Inner healing is pretty good now
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Only to be nerfed shortly afterward to make it only bonus repair speed if the killer is in chase with you.
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Boons have needed a rework for a while. They’re not well designed and their core design holds back the strength of individual boon perks because they can’t be made any stronger without being overpowered. CoH was busted, it’s getting nerfed down to the strength of the others, so now they’re all just in a really awkward spot.
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f boons honestly
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I don't think any Boon is worth running after this update.
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Shadow Step will likely be the best boon now. It has uses aggressively at hiding scratch marks in strong tiles forcing the killer to have to snuff the boon out. Or defensively as to block the aura so you can heal or finish a gen without being revealed.
That said, boons being overall bad is just an outcome of boons being poorly designed from the start. AoE infinite use perks were going to have to be made weak in order for them to be fair.
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Nope! Please don't use them.
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Nope. Boons are a failed concept.
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Rather than Self Care in a bottle, it's Botany Knowledge in a bottle. Sucks for the selfish players, likely still meta for SWF. One CoH is worth more than 4 Botany Knowledges.
Shadowstep was always a great boon perk btw.
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Still a very good perk, just not busted like before. I still imagine we'll seen one CoH in most SWF groups.
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That was a good one.
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If you have to ask with CoH being the only one changed, there was no point to boons to begin with.
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"I wouldn't surprised if people stopped bringing boons entirely which kinda sucks that an entire mechanic is being scrapped."
- Hex perks as a whole have had this problem for be longest time, and I really think it sucks. Its always stated that hexes are "high risk, high reward", but with most spawns known to survivors and lit totems often spawning well in the open, its more like "high risk, mehr reward".
BHVR really has not a golden touch for handling this kinda systems.
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Honestly the healing nerfs would be fine if they kept COH the same. The changes would directly nerf COH.
There's no point of boons anymore, unless you bring Shadow Step which is the only decent boon left standing.
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I think folks are forgetting it’s also a very localised Empathy. If planted in very central locations, you can effectively tell where the killer is chasing someone.
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Maybe shadow step
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If a single Perk was the reason for "Boons" being viable, then it wasn't boons in general having a point, just Circle of Healing.
Never liked the long setup time for them, or that their zone is a sphere instead of a cone (here's hoping they use the tech from The Skull Merchant), or that the Killer is unable to break the Totem and can only snuff out the candle.
Hopefully Boons get their Bless time reduced, use the cone from Skull Merchants Drones, maybe even use the same interaction time to Bless them.
And then make it so that Breaking the Totem is basekit for Killers and Shattered Hope reveals the Auras of Boons within a radius (to replace the break effect which is now basekit).
Then introduce a Boon Perk that allows you to rummage through Chests to gain a Token in order to rebuild (rekindle) a Dull Totem into a Boon again. (leveraging map elements and offerings as "catalysts" for your occult shenanigans)
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CoH already got the nerfs it needed.
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I would suicide on hook if a teammate spend 16sec of Booning to save 4.5sec of Gen time
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There was never a point to boons, the whole mechanic needs a rework. Due to the nature of being easily replaceable you can't give them strong effects otherwise they are overpowered (which was the case of CoH, especially in the first interaction of the perk). Imo boons should be gone after the killer snuffs them once, and then you can buff the perks into the stratosphere.
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hey blueberry. remember our conversation about med-kits like 1 months ago? It seems that your vision of weakening healing came true. I remember you saying that this meta will be really fun for survivor and I argued that weakening healing will make survivors heal less and rush gens more making the game a lot less fun for survivor. I guess we are about to see whether the game is more fun or less fun for survivor. I suspect boon circle of healing is dead perk and new meta will be 4 med-kit+build to last. I wonder if I am right about my prediction that less healing makes the game less fun for survivor.
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Agree - boons are dead, along with hexes. CoH was the only boon worth running and is now pretty useless.
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If Survivors heal less the Killer will likely get more downs (applying more pressure from Hook rescues) which should balance it out (but also highlight camping/tunneling more), or Survivors will start using more Pallets earlier, which may bring the discussion to Pallet volume, which in turn might be a non-issue if the more frequently dropped pallets means Killers are able to get more downs later in the game.
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Play vs Legion and Plague. Nobody heals vs Legion and Plague. you play super safe with pallets and you rush generarors in early game vs the killer. If they get a hook and start camping it, then you need heal vs legion to do hook-trades. Its same for plague. it is not a very fun gameplay loop but maybe I am wrong and Blueberry is right. You will be having this gameplay vs every killer with new healing changes. Rushing generator will be prominent then ever. anyways, we had this conversation long ago.
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We'll see if every Killer has the same amount of pressure as Plague and Legion with the 50% decreased healing speed, but I don't think it will be that severe. Remains to be seen if Hemorrhage overperforms, or if any Coulrophobia/TR increasing builds become viable.
It is interesting that they're bringing both Healing speed reductions and Med-kit charge reductions at the same time. Wonder if that will compound the effects of each change.
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This just highlights how busted CoH was though.
These base healing nerfs are not okay in the slightest. Medkits and CoH were issues, they nerfed them. That's great. They didn't need to add a massive nerf to base healing on top of that.
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Boon's were never good, to begin with. CoH was an exception bc one can set and forget on a safe part of the map, basically making the team self-sufficient.
To benefit from SS, Exp, and DT, both survivor AND killer need to be inside their radius, making them particularly vulnerable to being snuffed. Their radius is way too small, and there is always a better selfish alternative:
SS? Distortion is better and it also gives info whenever it triggers. Lucky Break also hides blood pools on the ground.
Exp? Unbreakable is much more reliable.
DT? the buff is negligeble.
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What are you talking about? It wasn't busted. The only issue it had was stacking with medkits. Once the update hits it will be utter trash tier.
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In no way is it worth 4 BK.
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It made self-healing too efficient and too easy to access, and provided far more value to the entire survivor team than 1 perk slot should ever be able to.
Team healing should be encouraged instead, which is part of why the base healing nerf is a terrible idea.
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Ah I agree, these nerfs are a bit too much. I've found myself playing less and less due to getting frustrated with how healing goes in soloq, now it might be even more difficult 🤕
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In what universe is a BK you spend time placing a good perk? BK post nerf was already pretty weak. CoH will just be an even weaker BK.
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Funny you say that because the new perks "teamwork" is a new mechanic of perks they are trying but nobody uses it. Its like they are limiting and making all their hardwork of new interactions much weaker that nobody will use it
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Well ideally this will make hits matter more and slow the game down naturally if the killer plays better while simultaneously nerfing gen regression perks which seems to be the route they’re going. Only additional change I would do is some kind of incentive to make them heal and discourage just staying injured and rushing gens. This may seem annoying but remember we’d be simultaneously nerfing the gen slow downs as well. So yeah we will see, but this isn’t entirely my scenario.
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This is being extremely disingenuous. First of all it is not a BK you have to spend time placing. It takes one perk slot instead of 4 which is huge in itself and it shows all injured survivors in the radius as well. This is way better than BK. It’s a team perk, not a you perk.
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COH needed a big nerf but removing self-healing from it is a pretty bad idea
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you mean like thanotophobia? I think that is too harsh. For me personally, I find this change very unfun but I am always willing to give it a try. I just think that an arm race for healing speed vs debuff healing speed is almost worse then regression vs second chances. I think improving killer chases and making the killer able to punish misplays by speeding up the game for them would been a better direction. We shall see over time. For reference, I love this playstyle as killer but hate going against this play-style as survivor.
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Exponential continues to be an under rated perk.
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Which makes it situational at best.
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The proper response to something being strong is not to nerf it. It's to buff something to bring it to parody.
You need commonality, when you add to one you add to other. If it gets to the point where it causes more damage to add to one, what you remove from one, you remove from the other.
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If they do away with our boons they need to do away with all 13 of the killer hexes
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i hope they'll boost the healing % instead of giving the selfcare back imo
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COH needed a slight nerf? Sorry, it's been massively overpowered since release and the two subsequent "nerfs" have been infinitesimal.
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It’s not situational whatsoever. You are all going to be getting injured every single game. That is the polar opposite of situational.
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You can still relit your boons most of the time.
COH lost it's most abused mechanic in a form of self heal. It can now be used to heal others with medkits faster which will still help save time. With certain perks medkits can be refilled or new ones can be found in the chests. The perk is not dead, it got repurposed instead.
Other boons are still here and can still do their job just fine.
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Survivors can't have anything in this game outside of absolutely basic gameplay loop and toolset. Boons became another dead mechanics to plenty of others survivors already have - luck, items, chests, sabo, wiggling, keys/hatch
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I don’t see slugging that often but when I do I find Unbreakable is way more versatile. And hardly anyone runs that. I can’t see people getting much value out of Exponential. I rarely do, personally.
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Nah see now if you're in solo queue you can just go stand in the boon area and wait for who knows how long in the hopes that someone will run across the map to give you a heal (jk it's dead)