How to fix Overzealous.

Behavior you have tried buffing this perk now 2 times to get it into the meta but look at your numbers and I promise you NO ONE is going to run this perk. Even after this next buff no one is going to run it.
There's to much risk compared to reward. One hit and all the effort to activate the perk is gone. Plus it's not time effective to do a totem when you can straight up just do a generator.
If you want this perk to see more use remove the downside. Don't let the perk deactivate if you lose a health state, get downed, or get hooked. Once you activate the perk it stays active the whole game. Remove the extra speed from cleansing a hex and the buff from booning a totem...just let the survivor keep the benefits of their perk once they take the time to activate it.
Thank you for all you guys do. ❤️
I agree that the perk turning off when hit makes it weak, but it being active for the whole game sounds too convenient. Maybe it could be active for 120 seconds, or it could be active for 80 seconds, but only activate after you get on a gen after cleansing the bones, so that you do not lose time while running to a gen from some bones
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The buff from overzealous is far too small for the investment, even with two buffs to the perk.
It takes 14 seconds to cleanse (or bless now) a totem, which doesn't count any travel time or time finding a totem. For your trouble, you get a 10% gen buff.
That 10% saves you 8.2 seconds if you complete a single gen from 0 to 100%.
In order to make up the time you spent on the totem, just to break even and not counting travel/hunt time, you have to complete one gen entirely and 70% of a second gen. Only after 153 seconds of uninjured gen repair do you break even.
If you get hit during any of that time the buff is gone and you've literally just wasted time and a perk slot. You'd have made more gen progress holding m1 on generators and never touching a totem.
Overzealous is never worth it to run, especially when resilience is 9% and takes no setup time.
Edit: spelling
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I disagree. For the perk to be useful now you only need to pair it with CoH and you would become the "support" of your team. Not only you bring healing buffs, you would get generators done faster. And if it got deactivated, you only need to bless a totem again.
CoH + Overzealus + PT + Toolbox or Medkit and you have a pretty good base to multiple "support" builds centered more in healing or gen progression.
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Bro...I'll just run resilience then or prove thyself or just bring a toolbox. The perk needs to be worth it. It would be " too convenient" to just ignore the totem and do a generator. That's how unnecessary this perks power is. It's faster to do a gen without the perk.
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You're asking a lot for the casual player base...
That's not going to happen. That's why no one is running the perk and no one will run this perk. The blessing buff is insignificant compared to taking one hit from a killer or getting fully infected by a plague, wasting time setting it up, and just to lose all benefit.
There isn't a net positive in time saved by running the perk.
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Finally some logic. Thank you!
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Then the problem is the "casual player base", not the perk.
And there is a net positive if you play to not get hit for multiple gens. If what you want is being the cool kid and try to loop the killer for 5 gen (and fail trying) then yeah, obviously this perk is not for you. If you want to do gens and play more stealthy, then this perk would be pretty useful as it stacks with other progression perks and by itself shaves off 8.2 seconds from a generator.
And now you can have more benefits by pairing it with CoH to activate it, as you would be blessing a totem anyway.
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How often do you run the perk if it's that good then?
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LOL someone should search "Tu Quoque" in google.
But just for fun, the build I said earlier is one that I want to try when the changes are live and here is a solo genrushing build with Overzealous that can do a gen in 32 seconds:
If you don't know how to argue against something, just stop answering. Don't go for the fallacies.
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I can basically guarantee you I am definitely going to run Overzealous after this buff. I already liked the perk as a concept, but couldn't justify bringing it due to multiple issues that plagued it.
Firstly, it was removing totems that me or my team could use for boons. This is no longer an issue.
Secondly, you could only use this 5 times max (this number goes down if your teammates cleanse totems for whatever reason), with varying effectiveness depending on the time between you getting it and you being hit. This issue has also been fixed.
Thirdly, there is a chance for you to get no value out of this perk, for reasons listed in the previous issue.
This buff fixes basically all these issues. And hey, if you're going to be setting up a boon anyways, it'd be nice to get a bonus to gen speed to make up for the time you spent blessing that totem.
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Your 8.2 seconds 'saved' is a net loss. You spent 14 seconds on the totem in the first place. You lost ~6 seconds total.
If I start a gen at the same time you play with a totem and immediately do a gen with overzealous, I finish first by about 6 seconds.
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Thanks for telling everyone that you don't run the perk. Plus only 0.45% of survivors run the perk. People run perks that are actually good.
"Tu Quoque" ? Really? So what you say is "good" and what you actually do doesn't matter. Judging what someone says and what they actually do is the right method.
Swarm runs a BNP, best toolbox in the game, deja vu, potential energy, resilience and overzealous. The BNP and tool box made the build good. Everything else was a net loss in time compared to just doing a generator.
Do the math.
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Then run it with a perk that helps you find totems faster (small game) and other perks that reward you for cleansing totems (inner healing, clairvoyance). There, you reduced the time it would take for you to find generators, totems and the exit gate. You've also reduced the time it takes to do gens and heal (or find other people to heal you), and all you had to do was cleanse a single totem. I don't think this perk was ever meant to be good on it's own, but rather a perk to complement other builds.
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Those numbers ignore the 'finding the totem' time completely. Even if you instantly travel from a totem, to generator, to second generator, you have to complete 1.7 gens to break even.
The totem finding perks do nothing to mitigate that number. The only perks that would help are counterforce (which requires breaking more than one totem first, making the return even worse), or resilience. If you're injured with resilience, you don't need overzealous anyway.
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I didn't said it is good now, I said it would be useful when the changes come. And even if that wasn't the case yes, "Tu Quoque", as me not using the perk doesn't mean that what I said isn't right. If you want to prove me wrong do it with arguments, not fallacies.
And whatever you say, even in the build of the video it is still up to 16% repair speed bonus, which means almost 13 seconds of the gen done just thanks to Overzealous. And with the change it would not be a net loss activating it with a boon as you would already invest that time doing it in the first place.
Post edited by Gcarrara on0 -
If you activate it by blessing a totem with a boon like CoH, it won't be a net loss as you would already invest that time blessing a totem in the first place.
You would gain another benefit for something that you would do anyway. It is really so hard to understand?
Post edited by Gcarrara on0 -
You're the one who thinks he's logical who I guarantee isn't running the perk...and won't run it even after the buff. You show a video of Swarm a 10,000 hour DBD player as your justification to this perk being good as if he's the normal average player?
That's not anywhere close to logical. Plus you don't actually do the correct math in any of your examples BTW. The BNP and toolbox throw off all the actual time benefits and make the build "look good."
0.45% of players actually run it because it's NOT WORTH THE PERK SLOT. That's less than half of 1%.
Post edited by Gcarrara on1 -
Taking aside all the fallacies and rants... "you don't actually do the correct math in any of your examples"? Oh, boy:
- 1 c/s base repair for one survivor repairing a gen. 90 charges per gen.
- Overzealous min bonus (Dull, Boon): 10% increase on repair = 1.10 c/s | 90 / 1.10 = 81.82 | 90 - 81.82 = 8.18
- Overzealous max bonus (Hex): 16% increase on repair = 1.16 c/s | 90 / 1.16 = 77.58 | 90 - 77.58 = 12.41
So, one survivor with Overzealous would shave off from 8.18 seconds (I said 8.2 to round up) to 12.41 seconds (I said "almost 13" to, again, round up) from repairing time.
Post edited by Gcarrara on0 -
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