We Need Voice Comms

philward1953 Member Posts: 208
edited March 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Okay, so I've played within the "middle ground" in terms of the voice comm debate for a while now. But honestly, I am really starting to slip to the "YES we need them" side.

Firstly, it seems like with the new update, camping might become more and more easy and prominent (I reserve my own take because I have my reservations). Due to this, I think I've been pushed to one side (that was the lynchpin).

There is a sheer lack of communication or communication abilities between survivors. Yes we just got the UI, but that can only do so much in offering information to teammates. The keyword is "information". That, the UI offers. But, in situations where a team needs "coordination" the UI is lacking.

I see a lot of people come up with reasons to why DBD should not have voice comms, and I'm honestly finding them to be pretty null, as non are DBD-centric. A few of them include, but are not limited to:

  •  Language Barriers (This argument is difficult to support when nearly every other online game on the market has built in voice chat and also connects people across Europe. Also it matters when a game isn't balanced, designed or optimised for people using outside communication. In all other games this also becomes a non factor since both sides are always equal and not using said third party comms is most often a choice. Not so in asymmetrical games.)
  • Opportunities for Toxicity (I do believe that if survivors in solo-q were given the tools necessary to assist their teammates, then there would be less toxicity. I really do. Yes, I know that someone might get a match with some dumb screeching kid, but my question is why shouldn't DBD specifically not have voice comms because of this factor? Personally, I feel like the idea of not introducing a voice chat because of "increased toxicity" is cope, as the game's community has already set a toxic image. How would DBD be any more toxic than other multiplayer team-based games? I know if a solo-que survivor could actually have the chance to coordinate with their teammates, then that would mean SOMETHING. They could do SOMETHING. Right now, solo-q survivors are regulated to watching their teammates make dumb decisions that are endlessly infuriating when you know what they could have done better.)
  • Balancing (I can't believe people use this as a reason not to have voice comms. Obviously, killers would have to be buffed accordingly if voice comms were to be added. This is also just cope on the killer end of things.)

These are just some arguments at I find to get weaker and weaker every day every single survivor match I play (I probably play 40% killer 60% survivor at this point, used to be 10/90% like a year ago.)

I also see a lot of people say this would be too hard for BHVR, and I think that's pathetic. Yes, DBD is pumped full of spaghetti code, but BHVR has known this for AGES now and has been working to fix it more and more. Some talk about BHVR having to change the infrastructure of the game as if they had to remake it to create voice comms.

There are other ways that BHVR should allow solo-q survivors to gain info such as seeing the perk loadouts/items/addons in the lobby, but I ask again: How will this help players "coordinate"? It will help a little bit, with perks like Deliverance, the Dead Hard rework, Adrenaline, etc. But it will NEVER match the specificity of voice comms.

Just to close, obviously voice comms should not be mandated if they were added, and players should be able to turn them on and off on both sides.

I'm sorry for the rant, but I'm just sick of using the middle ground.

Voice comms would be a really tough add, and it'd take a lot of work, but personally this is one of my most wishlisted features right now. Do I think it'll happen? No, the devs and the community are too scared.

I'm out, gonna go watch my teammate get in a locker.

Edit: It's crazy to see so many survivor mains begging for BHVR to buff Solo-Q so they can have a better time balancing the game and so Solo-Q players can have a better experience actually playing the game, only to freak out when the one thing that would forever bridge the gap is suggested. A UI won't ever be precise enough. I love looking at the weird, contradictory demands of the community.

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