Community's Thoughts on This Potential Change to Both Pain Resonance and Dead Hard?

Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229
edited March 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I'm mostly okay with the nerf to PR. I like that it encourages hooking different Survivors instead of tunneling. However, I feel that the effect no longer warrants it being a Scourge Hook perk. It should be changed to simply be a token-based perk, without the extra pre-requisite of finding a Scourge Hook. This will make the perk more consistent and will continue to encourage going after new people.

If BHVR is insistent on keeping it a Scourge Hook, remove the token-based system and have it activate whenever a fresh Survivor is hooked. This, once again, encourages going after new Survivors instead of tunneling out one in particular.

The point is that PR cannot have both a token-based pre-requisite and an RNG-based pre-requisite.

Next up is Dead Hard. I'm less okay with the nerf to DH. I think adding an activation condition is fine, but having it be a Safe Unhook leaves a lot to be desired. I like that the perk will, hypothetically, be available when Survivors need it the most, during the mid to late game. However, the activation condition being Safe Unhooks presents issues.

This perk MASSIVELY encourages camping and tunneling. It punishes Killers who play nicely. It also pits Survivors against each other in a competition for safe unhooks.

In order to both de-incentivize camping and tunneling, as well as unhook fighting, Dead Hard should be activated upon taking a Protection Hit for another injured Survivor. This incentivizes Survivor teamwork, Killer-Survivor interaction, pulls Survivors off of gens, gives the Killer pressure by injuring another Survivor AND is thematically accurate to David's character while still preventing DH from being used during the early-game.

Thoughts on these changes?


  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    I personally like dh to activate after unhooked so it pusnishes killers who tunnel. But overall I think it should get other nerfs as well you should be unable to vault window or drop pallet after using it for few secs. Maybe the sprint burst should be shorter as well.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,018

    I guess protection hits activating Dead Hard suits David just as fine as unhooks. It does mean every survivor you bop while carrying a survivor will have Dead Hard activated by it, so bodyblocking will be just as annoying as ever if not more so in the event of survivors descending on you like locusts to get hits for their DH. That sounds ridiculous, I know, but people can be ridiculous. Encouraging protection hits mid-chase is fine though.

    However, the downside of switching from unhooks to protection hits is that unhooks have a hard cap, protection hits don't, and I prefer there being a hard limit to the number of Dead Hards in a match. It also means Adept David will be borderline impossible because you'll be taking protection hits with a single health state. That ain't gonna work.

    As for Pain Res, I agree that the upcoming update will weaken it to the point it no longer warrants being a Scourge Hook perk. Either remove the Scourge Hook requirement, or revert its earlier nerfs and bring back its information function by revealing screaming survivors now that it can only happen 4 times a match. This will encourage leaving the hook to attack the generator with the most progress, but will be much less oppressive with a hard limit of 4.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    No other Exhaustion perk, other than Smash Hit and Adrenaline, have a hard cap on their amount of uses. I do not believe that should be a limiting factor for DH. You would already be giving up a health state in a meta where healing is going to be very difficult.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,018

    We disagree on that then. I'll also mention that Mettle of Man is already a perk that negates hits in exchange for protection hits, having both perks working off protection hits would be highly redundant. Would synergize really well though.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,169

    The condition is safe unhooks, on purpose, to place a hard cap on the number of uses. The condition should never be protection hits, or anything else that could potentially be unlimited.

    This is supposed to be a major perk nerf. Why it is ok for killer stuff to get nerfed into the ground, but whenever survivor stuff is targeted, people try to turn it into a negotiation phase?

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960

    DH needed a nerf or a rework. This nerf doesn't kill the perk. Instead it makes the perk unhealthy for the reasons you stated above. Not a great plan. I can only hope nobody will run it anymore so this becomes insignificant. A rework would have been the better option but here we are. Though, if it activated upon taking a protection hit wouldn't this incentivise tunneling as well? Protection hits only happen when a killer is already tunneling. If DH activated on a survivor that took a protection hit I would still go after the other (from a logical perspective).

    Pain Res, CoB and Overcharge are all getting killed. Jolt will be the new king of regression perks. Wow. That hits hard. Though, as I understand it Pain Res will only work for each individual survivor's first hook stage. So it doens't really reward tunneling. Camping, yeah because an exchange will still trigger it but tunneling? No.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081

    I was ok with both perks. They were popular but not broken and encouraged fun gameplay. Survivors get to extend chases which is fun for the survivor and PR rewards killers with regression after a hook which is fun for the killer.

    They feel like nerfs because of popularity and outrage more than deserved nerfs.

    But i hate so many other changes in the update that DH and PR are low on my priority of things that i don't like about the patch.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    Protection hits happen whenever you take a hit for an injured survivor. It still doesn't encourage you to tunnel, but it doesn't incentivize you TO tunnel like the current DH does.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960

    If that happened all that often MoM would be one of the best perks in the game.

    A more healthy option would be to activate DH when taking a protection hit but giving the survivor you took the hit for benefit of your exhaustion. That would make it a decent but sitational anti-tunnel perk.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229


    I literally just addressed PR in my post. Did you not see that part?

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,018

    It doesn't encourage tunneling any more than it already does now. It can't get worse.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,245

    While I like the direction they went with Pain Res and encouraging healthy killer gameplay, it's definitely a pretty harsh nerf. I’d be interested to know how many times on average the perk activates per match in its current form, just to put it into perspective since now you'll never get more than 4 uses per match. I might keep some data on this in my own matches over the next few weeks prior to the nerf.

    As for DH, there was no good fix imo. It should’ve just been reworked entirely.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    It does?

    Why would you go after a Survivor with 3 health states over a Survivor with 1?

    If you want the perk dead, just say that. I don't want to waste time arguing over something if one of us doesn't want the perk to be remotely useable.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,018

    Why would you go after a Survivor with 3 health states over a Survivor with 1?

    Why would you do it now? Everything you're saying is applicable to right now. This is already a game where you can ignore the unhooker because "they might have 3 health states." It is the exact same thing. Nothing changes.

    If you want the perk dead, just say that. I don't want to waste time arguing over something if one of us doesn't want the perk to be remotely useable.

    Is unhooking a survivor so rare and difficult that Dead Hard will never function again? Don't be melodramatic.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229
    edited March 2023

    Yeah, it is actually.

    You still have to actually land the DH, which depends on how the server is feeling and how nice the Killer's internet is. I've been counting over my last 10 matches, how many failed DH's do you think I saw? I'm counting both "the server rolled back the DH" and the very obvious failed DH. You can tell if the server denies the DH a lot of the time.

    The perk is going to go the way of Deliverance. Strong theoretically but almost useless in a live game without the assistance of SWF.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,018

    You still have to actually land the DH, which depends on how the server is feeling and how nice the Killer's internet is.

    So... still the same as it is now?

    Exactly the same as it is now.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    With the added pre-requisite of safely unhooking another Survivor, which entirely depends on the Killer, again.

    Again, I wish you'd say what you want. I'm trying to keep the pre-requisite but balance it out. What do you want from this

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,018

    With the added pre-requisite of safely unhooking another Survivor, which entirely depends on the Killer, again.

    Which is something you should be doing anyway, Dead Hard or not.

    Again, I wish you'd say what you want. I'm trying to keep the pre-requisite but balance it out. What do you want from this

    To quote my earlier post: "I prefer there being a hard limit to the number of Dead Hards in a match." Unhooks being the condition solves that because there can be, at most, 8 unhooks per match. That equals to 8 successful Dead Hards at peak survivor efficiency, which is plenty. No Dead Hards at the start of the match, but probably a lot of them at the end of the match. Fine. I don't like protection hits as an alternative because they are unlimited, and again, would make Adept David impossible. I know No Mither is a joke but we don't need to make David's perks completely invalidate each other and become even more self-sabotaging.

  • HastuneMiku
    HastuneMiku Applicant Posts: 49

    I made a thread about Dead Hard.

    But I think Pain Resonance should have its numbers buffed. Since it can only activate 4 times per game. I think 50% of total gen progression would be a good way to do it. It's only useable four times per match, and you have to hook four different survivors for it to work four times. This would make it a good perk. A little risky (since you might not get a scourge hook when you need one) but also a strong (but not oppressive) effect.

  • HastuneMiku
    HastuneMiku Applicant Posts: 49
    edited March 2023

    Not when it can only be used 4x per match, and it could easily hit a generator that's only got 20% progress for 10%. Or even a gen with 10% progress for just 5%.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,504

    No other exhaustion perk is as frustrating to go against as Dead Hard is for the majority of people. I think the change is perfect honestly, especially since it ensures that killers won't have to deal with it before they get their first hook, which is when they are the weakest. It's a very clever nerf if you ask me.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,394
    edited March 2023

    Arguably the PR suggestion increases the effectiveness of proxy-camping, if you can simply just slap the Unhooker on the Hook, any Hook (which technically is still a problem all Scourge Hooks have sans the RNG).

    Perhaps instead tweak the Scourge Hook system to the following:

    The First time a Survivor is Hooked, you create a Scourge Hook. (If this is on an existing Scourge Hook, the Survivor will not create a Scourge Hook if Hooked again on a non-Scourge Hook)

    With this criteria the location of the Scourge Hook is no longer RNG, but is controllable by both the Killer, AND the Survivor (they can choose where they take the chase to)

    Edit: But this may just make 3-Gens even more effective if planned out from the start. Maybe allow Scourge Hooks to be cleansed with a time-investment akin to a Hex?

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,018

    I feel that would make it feel even worse to use than the planned update would. It either does too much or too little with only a rare in-between.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,878

    I agree that PR shouldn't be a Scourge Hook perk if you only get four tokens. If for no other reason than that the point of a Scourge Hook perk is that something happens when you hook people on the Scourge Hook. With the new PR, you'll get to a point where nothing will happen, and a Scourge Hook will be like any other hook.

    For Dead Hard, I agree that it sounds like it's useless now, but my fear of having it activate from protection hits is playing matches where the problematic survivors constantly swarm you with Dead Hard, Mettle of Man, one of those syringes that makes you invincible, etc. Personally, I don't want them to have more incentive to go for cheesy body blocks.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229
  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 747

    What if we saved all the feedback/criticism for after we've actually tried the update?

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    Because I won't be able to play the PTB since they never added it to console

  • AnchorTea
    AnchorTea Member Posts: 1,023

    Dead Hard and Pain Res usage rates will drop.

    People asked for this.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    PR is the only slow down I will ever use but I don't mind the nerf.

    DH should just get a full rework, regardless of anything else about the perk I simply just don't want to wait out dh anymore. I think waiting it out is simply bad design in dbd. To me it just disrupts the natural flow of the chase, like how dumb is it to stand behind a survivor until they press e or in my case brush past 99% of survivors with blight. The change itself seems to be just to lower it's pick rate and it may accomplish that for a bit, but I suspect the usage rate will eventually rise back up to 15-20% because it's not actually losing anything in chase once you have it.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,169

    Pointing out a double standard is valid.

    Dead Hard deserves a heavy nerf, and you're trying to completely undo it, by allowing survivors to easily force a dead hard activation. The whole purpose of this meta shift, is to encourage killers to chase more, and that requires dead hard to go away, because dead hard is a massive demotivator for chasing survivors.

    This is so sad, that here I am hoping BHVR can reach their goal of making chases more valuable, and a bunch of other people want to completely sabotage that goal, because they don't want survivor to be nerfed. A chase motivated meta is healthy for the game, and people should want this to happen. Do people actually like it when killers just park themselves in an area, and refuse to move? Really, no one wants to see if this meta can work? You all just want to complain to BHVR that the entire burden of the meta shift should be on killers, and survivors should just get what they want with minimum inconvenience?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    You...understand that I play almost exclusively Killer, right?

    All of my changes are coming from a "Killer-main" point of view.

    No, I really DON'T want 2018 DBD back and ESPECIALLY not with today's competitive mindsets.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,169

    Your posts are very survivor sided. I don't care what side you actually main.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    Yeah, because the game has shifted way too far into the Killer's favor, imo.

    I'd like a challenge in my games, I'd like to feel like I'm improving, not continually stomping.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129
    edited March 2023

    Pain Resonance getting the BBQ token treatment guts the perk. If devs wanted to limit it, they could have added a 6-7 token system with one token consumed for each survivor hooked.

    While not having to deal with Dead Hard first chase is great, I think the only issue was Survivors using it at a pallet or window. Adding a buffer before dropping a pallet or vaulting after using Dead Hard would have been enough.

    Post edited by appleas on
  • Desteriaa
    Desteriaa Member Posts: 118

    Really sad about both because they’re both apart of my main builds and I definitely won’t be using either after this update. They nuked Pain res.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    -"PR cannot have both a token-based pre-requisite and an RNG-based pre-requisite."

    Nobody is going to use a perk that gives a 1 time event per enemy player that reduces one generator by 15% progress so it really doesn't matter.

    Nobody is going to use Overcharge or CoB either. Those perks basically just got deleted. Sloppy Butcher however is now basically base kit. What killer would not bother bringing it?

    -"I think adding an activation condition is fine, but having it be a Safe Unhook leaves a lot to be desired."

    Let's talk about this a second.... how do you not get a safe unhook in the age of base kit BT?

    Basically they are saying don't farm someone recklessly and you get one use of DH. Nobody is going to try and get a down in 12 seconds to prevent you from getting one use of DH.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    I feel like there's an easy and obvious solution to Dead Hard.

    Move No Mither's permanent broken effect from it to Dead Hard. After that, you could probably even buff Dead Hard and increase the duration of the endurance effect.

    That fixes basically all of DH's issues. Having a 3rd health state is unfair against most killers, well now it's your second. DH warps every chase around the possibility of it existing, but now it can't because it announces it's presence.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,504

    No the activation needs to come after unhook, cause that's the time you can use it protect someone.

    This perk MASSIVELY encourages camping and tunneling. It punishes Killers who play nicely. It also pits Survivors against each other in a competition for safe unhooks.

    I dont really see how this massively encourages camping or tunneling, and I should know a bit about that. What's the reason?

    With the added pre-requisite of safely unhooking another Survivor, which entirely depends on the Killer, again.

    You go in, take a hit, unhook, get Dead Hard Active, DH the swing and you both escape.

    Unless the Killer grabs you.

    I still don't see how that encourages camping or tunneling still, like how??

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited March 2023

    pain res is dead because tunneling is meta. pain res is something like grim embrace now. low rewards for spreading hooks.

    dead hard will still get used. on average, each survivor would get to use it 2-3 times per hook-state. Now you get to use once per game on average. Tunneling the first person counters DH. I wouldn't be surprised if the perk get nerfed again to only work on death door similar to bloodrush where it can only be used on death hook. TBA on DH. I don't think the perk will be number 1 but I do think the perk will be semi-popular. Just not as popular as it is now.

    Post edited by Devil_hit11 on
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited March 2023

    PR was completely gutted and will never be seen again after these changes. Which if they stick with the healing nerfs I’m okay with as we’re moving around where the gen slow down is coming from. I like the concept they’re going for in rewarding killers who play fair except the reward is supposed to match the extra difficulty of playing fair and this misses it by a mile.

    DH won’t be ran nearly as much but will still be seen quite a bit, definitely not dead. A fair nerf.

  • jinx3d
    jinx3d Member Posts: 519

    love both changes

    the new dh will have no way to counter survivors getting it (aside from slugging, which it promotes). if its protection hit based, the killer can choose to hit them and maybe give them dh, or dont

  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 968

    For Pain ress I'd prefer more uses out of it or at least a way to get tokens back. Perhaps start with a token , then downing the obsession generates an additional token and another can't be gained until the current obsession is hooked, Upon hook rescue, unhooker becomes the new obsession when the killer is 32m from the hook and after 6-8 seconds have elapsed after the unhook animation, a bit how MYC or Devour works in theory but with ample time for the survivor to do something about it. This way also promotes more synergy with other perks.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited March 2023

    Pain Res:

    I've kinda come around to the idea of this "only on first scourge hook" mechanism. Instead, I think it should keep this and get a buff to the amount of regression, maybe 20% or even 25%.

    By making it only on first scourge hook per survivor, you not only encourage spreading hooks among survivors and disuading tunneling, but you also introduce an element of choice.

    Maybe you've downed a survivor, but you know there's no gen with more than 20% progress, so you opt for a regular hook instead. The next time you down that survivor, you know you've got a gen somewhere that's probably nearly finished, so you choose the scourge hook and reap your 20% regression.

    Considering that this change is potentially nerfing PR by about 50% or more (assuming for an average of 8 PR hooks per game currently, down to a maximum of 4), then a 30% buff to regression (15% regression to 20% regression) doesn't seem to unreasonable. That's still less overal regression than it currently is.

    Dead Hard:

    I don't think is this as bad as some think. But that's coming from someone who routinely uses niche builds, particularly my unhook build with Renewal/Deliverance, We'll Make It, and Empathy.

    I'm use to earning my perks through specific actions like unhooking, or totems for an Inner Healing/Overzealous build. Earning Dead Hard actually makes it more interesting to me.

    There's 8 potential unhooks per game. 8 potential Dead Hards isn't insignificant.

    I've repeatedly said that what DH needs is some kind of telegraph, so the killer isn't playing a game of chicken with every single injured survivor. This actually fulfils that, as the killer can attempt to keep tabs on who has unhooked and who hasn't.