Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

6.1.0 + 6.7.0 base chase and healing changes

Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,083
edited March 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I'm going to bullet point this so its easier to digest:

  1. STBFL with the base hit recovery changes enables the camping and tunneling playstyle
  2. Perks like Merciless Pain Resonance overlap with similliar like Pop goes the weasel and make it obselete (pop was healther for the game, didnt enable tunneling as encouraged you to pressure gens directly)
  3. Healing changes will enable the camping and Tunneling meta more and create a larger gap between solo and SWF
  4. Decisive Strikes absence in the meta has highlighted a huge issue in the base gameplay (how large an issue tunneling is without it)
  5. Gen Speed and Slowdown is the issue in balance and what causes 1-sided games.
  6. many perks which were nerfs disguised as buffs (Calm Spirit, Pharmacy). I'm sure there are some killer examples too I just can't think of them off the top of my head

Bugs and latency issues are rampant but we keep getting new killers and survivors, we need more health patches until you fix the game.

before you nerf make more m1 gameplay I'd at least fix the current state of the game and how unhealthy it is,

Post edited by Rokku_Rorru on


  • Ithiria
    Ithiria Member Posts: 236
    1. STBFL with the base hit recovery changes enables the camping and tunneling playstyle

    The basekit changes really didn't do much in regards to this, it's really marginal and didn't enable anything new imo. Nerfing STBFL would be absolutely brutal for weak killers as well. Best temporary thing to do would actually be to just remove healthy hook grabs, that way you can just run up and save someone, taking the trade, rather than risking getting grabbed and him camping two hooks instead.

    Hook grabs are a really badly written mechanic anyhow, since windows and lockers aren't cancellable actions grabs work well with those and are fun. But with hooks it's not fun.

    1. Perks like Merciless Pain Resonance overlap with similliar like Pop goes the weasel and make it obselete (pop was healther for the game, didnt enable tunneling as encouraged you to pressure gens directly)

    Sadly this is somewhat necessary to keep introducing new perks, there's only so many ways to affect the game that perks are going to end up competing in the same space. I do agree though on pop vs. pain res, one downside pop had over pain resonance is that it does actually require you to go use it, which often gave a chance to unhook and let someone get away. New pain res actually has some potential at least, should play a loud noise notification where it triggers if it's gonna be limited to one use per survivor imo.

    I wouldn't say merciless is poorly designed though, it actually synergizes with old perks pretty well giving more options. Tinkerer's was great with pop, but now tinkerers is also great with merciless.

    1. Decisive Strikes absence in the meta has highlighted a huge issue in the base gameplay (how large an issue tunneling is without it)

    I'm actually not sure if killers wouldn't tunnel if DS was still 5 seconds, they'd probably just eat it even if you do some insane stuff like buffing basekit BT to work like MoM (no deep wound) so that hitting someone with BT doesn't ruin OTR's anti-tunneling power. Killers tunnel because they feel it's more necessary nowadays and there aren't incentives like BBQ and Pipping to not do it (since you max out iri 1 quickly and don't have to "maintain your rank.")

    I mean that's what they do in comp for example, they never cared about DS, they just ran right through it to get people out of the game even with their teammates doing bodyblocks. It's always been the most powerful tactic and I wouldn't be surprised if BBQ was the most effective thing at suppressing it lol.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,083
    edited March 2023

    If hook grabs were removed, STBFL would come into the spotlight, so I don't agree. I'd already argue its more beneficial when running STBFL to go for the m1's instead. As a Nemesis player I have no reason to wait out the grab if i have stacks, and even in the other case Its an opportunity to build it or my infection meter... its a win win situation. Edit: I want to also add the reduced speed dash has buffed many killers powers also synergising with the perk furthermore, its harder to trade coz you can't gain distance playing altruistically.

    The new pain res is a step in the direction of discouraging tunneling with the perk, ofc its still going to happen but not to the perks encouragement at least

    DS gave people a fighting chance, and also caused killers to slug in casual play. I don't think it stops tunneling as per say but it does discourage it.

    I'm personally talking in a casual sense, I can't comment on a comp perspective as I dont play comp... but I do feel gen speed up and slowdown is the largest issue.