Buildin slowdown for each Killer

I have a thought for along time that giving all Killers their unique build-in slowdown/soft counter. When PTB shows all Gen slowdown nerf + Flashlight nerf. It builds hope in me that build-in slowdown/soft counter for all killers will be a thing in the future.
Hag's removing her traps is an example, but I feel her traps should do something more since survivors can just quick disable traps by running pass by when knowing Hag is in chase.
I kinda feel like 'interacting with the killer' is built in slow down for a number of killers. Anyone lurking for a flashlight save, or like you said, disarming traps, means they aren't working on gens. It's a form of free slow down for quite a few killers, although arguably for killers like trapper the setup time isn't worth the time savings.
It's one of the reasons I'm not a huge fan of the flashlight nerfs from the ptb. I can understand that it could be frustrating for, say, a wraith to get burned. But removing them completely just means that survivors are on gens instead. Try increasing the time investment, spend more flashlight charges. You can nerf it without deleting it completely (and making it take more survivor investment away from just gens).
But then again, I'm also not one to run lightborn as killer. If you want to give up distance to blind me as I break a pallet, by all means go for it. I'll track you with my headset and let you give up your temporary advantage for a cheeky blind.
It feels like the ptb is saying that interacting with the killer is bad. With the side objective of boons being effectively removed, the message is very clear that survivors should never even consider doing anything other than gens. Do gens fast and leave.
I'm not convinced that's a healthy message to send. I'd much rather have interactions with the killer and their power be meaningful alternatives to just doing gens.
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Yes, thats what I think, Trapper does have his own build-in slow down, the disarming doesnt make up the time he has to re-set the trap, but getting randomly trapped and then wasting 16sec to heal surely does.
For those that affected by flashlight like Wraith, Nurse, Spirit, Artist... I really think there should be a unique chest (like Nemesis/Wesker) to get a unique item to do it instead, certainly the number of use should be balanced. I do have a few ideas (just idea, not mean to balance):
- Wraith: perhaps there are 2 Bells spawn at the opposite side of the map, each has 1 time use. Survivors ring a Bell cause Wraith to be uncloaked and unable to cloak for 30sec.
- Huntress: survivors can interact with lockers to remove hatchet. The next time Huntress reload on the affected locker, she gets 1 less hatchet than she should, then that locker stop affected and survivors have to interact with that locker again
something like that.
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When you down a survivor with clown, all generators that are above 30% progress reset back to zero.
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the base-kit slowdown is healing. If survivor refuse to heal and just gen-rush while injured entire game then killer is forced to slug because he's not getting any slowdown from healing and needs find slowdown in other places.
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Imo interacting with the other side should be more rewarded,fun and engaging. Since chases are the most fun part of DBD. And we will see what they will change in the PTB as well when it goes live in a few weeks. I just wish there was not such a big gap between killers strength and their interaction with Survivors.
ALSO sidenote i love seeing ur drawings around here :)
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Im not talking about balancing aspect, I hope there will be build-in slowdown for each Killer to make the game more interactive. They already do with the Hag
I still think Cenobite has the best killer design. Not strong chase power, but has strong slowdown to not make Gens flying. Long chase for survivors and long Gens for killers, both side happy.
I post alot of drawings on Twit, if you like them, feel free to visit : D
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Yeah, I am also a fan of Killers having a weakness or counter which Survivors can interact with.
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April fools was 2 days ago buddy
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There is built in slowdown. It's called healing, and it just got a hell of a buff. I wanna see the changes on live first before making any further plans in this kind of matter.
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They weren't "nerfing" flashlights (though this is a nerf), they're simply bringing older killers in line with the new design philosophy. Having killers that could be directly countered by an item made sense when there were only a handful of killers. and the game was slower and focused on run and hiding rather than looping and chasing.