Killers are leaving...

New patch:
Everyone supposed that bhvr will finally nerf survivors, especially efficient SWF but it turns out that killers are being hardly nerfed.
DH got buffed- everyone was hoping that this perk will be out of the game for good... no.
Basekit Healing - maybe good that it's not a 24 seconds, current is okay
CoH - this perk was super opressive and increasing it's healing speed will decrease healing time to 8 seconds... Welcome to instaheal again in SWF.
CoB, Overcharge - too overnerfed, killer doesn't need slowdown because survivors can just sipmly take Brand New Parts, toolboxes and rush. Especially ruin got nerfed, POP got nerfed, everything gets only more nerfs...
Pain Resonance: Maybe good that this perk got nerfed but I don't think killers will run it anymore... although they have nothing else to run but deadlock.
Medkits are okay... for now.
I'd love to see Pop Goes The Weasel buffs...
Literally BASE HEALING WAS AN ISSUE in this patch and that was why it was so bad...
Not CoB, overcharge, DH or CoH...
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they also complained about how useless COH was now and expressed concern about almost everything, including how DH was an incentive to tunneling else.
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CoH had it's time to shine but it should not grant survivors huge advantage... ability to instaheal... survivors are supposed to fear the killer or sth ? Nah not until this perk exists
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I can't... lol
Do you think the game is more unfair now for the killer compared January?
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Yeah, DH still in the game, they just nerfed killer's perks
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And they nerfed DH
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lmao DH got buffed???
The delusion is incredible
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DH is stronger now than the old "DH for distance" because you get sprint burst distance on demand.
DH should give endurance but no movement speed buff. The problem is that it has always given better distance than both Lithe and Sprint Burst and as a result lets you waste more time.
Look at what happened to Eruption - the core effect that made it worth using got obliterated.
DH should get an equal treatment to where it goes down to 1-5% usage among top players.
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I tried, but I really can't lol
they'll believe whatever they want either way
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Yeah, you're trolling me.
DH now is not stronger than DH for distance. I'm putting my foot down on that one.
That's completely and blatantly untrue. You should be ashamed for even attempting to spread that #########.
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How pray tell do you get SB distance if they failed? How do they get it on first chase without SB itself? How do they get it if legion frenzy stabs them?
How the ever loving hell are people going nuts against this?
We get you want to kill the perk but the nuclear option isn't an answer for balance.
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I'm a killer main who is disappointed about todays announcement.
However I'm staying and enjoying learning The Mastermind. Anyone have any tips :)
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You cant be serious.
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What bugs me the most is the fact that nerfed Overcharge. The perk wansnt's even good, what made it usable was the fact that it could stack with Call of Brine to get 300% regression, but by itself it wasn't even worth using. Since Call of Brine was nerfed, I don't see why nerf Overcharge as well.
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Be patient with his power. You don't lose that much distance on his cooldown.
I enjoy running the Gloves and Tendril. Makes you move faster and makes your cooldown faster.
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So what should it do? Waste 14 seconds and then give the survivors nothing? What is this genre of 'yeah, this perk is waaaay more conditional than X, but that doesn't mean it should get to do marginally more than X when its conditions are met' complaints?
DH doesn't give movement speed.
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Are the killers leaving the ones that camp and tunnel? I see this patch as a buff to how I play killer. Med-kits, DH, and COH all getting nerfs while PR being better in the early game.
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I agree, Dead Hard wasn't nerfed back then. It was more difficult to use but it gave you WAY more value if you got usage out of it. In that sense it is better on some situations and weaker on other, not a bit like Ruin and PGTW nerf which basically just nuked the perks.
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DH makes killer literally stop and do the recovery animation while survivor can continue to run which is pretty much the same as giving the speed to survivor upon being hit without killer doing the weapon clean-up animation.
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-"DH doesn't give movement speed."
When you gain the endurance effect from using DH you get a speed boost.
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I'll believe it when I get the first queue that makes me think "huh, this is taking a while" since the incentives were added.
(Spoiler: This won't happen)
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Don't forget Pain Resonance. Making the perk work 4 times per game needs to have the effect be extreme with a value closer to 40% reduction on a generator or it isn't worth using.
Many of the best killer perks have been essentially deleted. Most of the survivor changes end up not happening or end up being minor.
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What percentage of DH's do you think land?
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No you don't.
Are you talking about the on-hit sprint? Because that's not unique to DH. People who use SB or Lithe will get that too when they become injured.
Either you use SB/Lithe and get one on-hit sprint, or you use DS and you get two on-hit sprints. You are trading SB/Lithe for an on-hit sprint.
Except DH is hard to land.
Then bring STBFL if it bothers you that much. You can't expect DH to give the exact same value result as Lithe and Sprint Burst when the latter two are infinitely easier to use and far more consistent. (And now DH also costs a hook state to use)
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Then don't hit the survivor. So many people using Dead Hard telegraph their use of the perk by literally ramming in you.
Personally I always fall for it because I'm super trigger happy, but that ain't the survivor's fault now... or is it? Use quick attacks against DH users, these are far harder to anticipate.
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Good. Maybe the DBD-Community can be more mature then.
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Saying to bring STBFL to ''benefit'' from DH doesn't actually do much unless it's the 8th stack that you've gained from that hit. Also not many killers need STBFL in the first place where DH is a solid choice for all survivors once they learn to press the button in time.
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I run this build at soft cap and do just fine without the current survivor nerfs. This build is... getting buffed? I feel that new PR is better than old one since going for hooks gives massive regression, and that is more valuable early on.
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12 procs? Maybe.
How many of those will be meaningful? If you don't tunnel, at most 9. If you do, it could be as low as 4.
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lol, they don't know what nerf and buff means, that's all we can get from this
take a look in the other thread a guy saying Pain Res. didn't get buffed even tho the patch says it got 10% MORE regression.
In their minds: "it's not enough, so it isn't a buff"
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And when will you learn how to avoid hitting them on their super safe 0,5 seconds invincibility?
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They hardly look at top-player numbers at all, mostly usages in the middle grouping of players
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Pain resonance is a joke now, and it seems devs want to make fun of us. Why should I use a perk that work only 4 times in a match and doesn't give me ANY value? A perk that has a limit to how much it can be used needs MORE value than this, because if it was like 50% (I say a high number to give an idea) it was like "Oh, if I don't tunnel I get immediatly high value from this perk". 25% does not encourage mixed hooks, indeed it encourages not to use the perk since it is limited to a maximum of 4 uses.
CoH needed at least 75% bonus healing, 100% maybe is too much in my opinion but it was overnerfed.
DH... Ok, now it's still nerfed, is a good thing... But Devs doesn't understand that killers will do the same thing that they've done with otr: hit the guy in the hook immediatly after he's saved, so you trigger bk endurance and you don't have to worry about anything. DH before was a problem, now it seems fine to me. The real problem is that Devs keep pushing tunneling for killers and genrush for survs. About this...
Killers don't have gen defence anymore, what they have? Thana? What a joke. Devs doesn't understand that after this patch tunneling and proxy camping will increase exponentially. The sad thing is, as always, Devs revert things for survs but not for killers. But hey this game isn't surv side right? Devs didn't nerfed ALL gen regression perks without touching toolboxes, prove, bnp, etc, right? (Sarcasm)
I hope devs wake up and think that now it's time to put an end to both genrush and tunneling. Fix genrush, reward killers for mixed hook instead of punishing them for tunneling, and you will see that finally all the worthless dross in this game will be purged. Unskilled survs who are good only in doing gens will finally be punished because they aren't able to keep the killer in chase for more than 20 seconds.
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New PR is 6.66. I would say after 7 procs I don't need the perk. Any game where it is hard to win will make this a buff imo. The only time where this is going to be weaker than current is when you are already going to stomp.
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DBD players say this after every. single. update. You will still play the game-- quit your complaining! If you think the game is biased towards one side, you're free to play that side which you believe is busted OP too strong pls nerf. Sometimes patches have to be "killer sided," sometimes patches have to be "survivor sided." That's called balance!
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Killers are always leaving and so are survivors. But since we also always get new players this is not a problem.
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This forum is full of insane people. I'm convinced at this point. Either that or they're just extremely dedicated trolls. Even reddit has more reasonable takes. They've nerfed everything killer mains cried about and they're still begging for more.
- DS = dead
- Iron Will = dead
- Circle of Healing = dead
- Dead Hard = dead
- Self healing = heavily nerfed
- Medkits = heavily nerfed
- Basekit killer buffs across the board
- Longer gen times
- Extremely oppressive killers like blight and nurse still not nerfed in spite of their main counterplay like dead hard being nerfed.
I'm not even sure what these people want anymore.
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Maybe when DH gets a proper animation and people stop using auto DH tools?
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-"Are you talking about the on-hit sprint? Because that's not unique to DH."
Name another exhaustion perk where you get sprint burst from the killer hitting you twice. Oh right - there isn't one. This is where the "third health state" problem comes from.
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-"Then don't hit the survivor."
Lol right... great advice.
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-"We get you want to kill the perk but the nuclear option isn't an answer for balance."
So it's ok to obliterate perks like Eruption and Pain Res but the sky will fall if DH gets an equal treatment to the point where : NO ONE WILL USE IT.
That's the definition of an unfair game where one side gets preferential treatment. Killer perks get obliterated and survivor perks get a slap on the wrist.
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What would make PR obliterated next patch? You don't always get a scourge hook on each down, regression is larger making the times where you get the scourge hook to have a higher chance for it to be impactful, and the raw value of this perk only really goes down when you get 12 procs of PR in a game. Isn't the change only gut it if you camp and tunnel with it?
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Pop used to give me 6-9 uses per game which made the survivor objective 2-3 minutes longer.
PR already has a RNG element where it was strong some games and did nothing other games. Limiting it to once per player per game will make nobody use it.
They could have just said : DH is usable once per game and nobody would use it anymore.
DH gives multiple players massive time wasting potential. Killer perks that do the same thing get obliterated.
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that perk has such a stranglehold on some killer players they can't even hear the words "dead" or "hard" without having a breakdown. just assume every change to DH is a buff. comical
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But pop also had the downside of making your chase weaker since the survivor would leave and you had to either make your chase longer or forgo the kick.
I don't find myself getting really unlucky with PR. Games once in a blue moon will have really bad hook spawns on maps like swamp, but in general I can usually get a handful of hooks normally. This changed version would actually be buffed in those scenarios since getting even 3 different survivors on a scourge hook is equal to 5 in the current version. I've also experienced games with old pop where I just wouldn't get much value from the perk.
Not being able to use an exhaustion on your first chase is a pretty big downside. If you don't see them use an exhaustion then that also tells you they most likely have DH. Feels like a fairly large nerf. Is there any reason to ever use the perk over Lithe or SB?
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There is a reason why the forums are often mocked, because often those kinds of people are seen as the face of it. Most of us killer mains who've played for a long time and actually understand both the micro and macro gameplay aren't widespread complaining. We recognized that the basekit healing changes were completely unreasonable and that the gen kicking meta wasn't healthy either. That being said, you do need some form of regression at higher mmr games but those whining, crying and proclaiming the game will die aren't of that caliber. Those are the kinds of people who were bruteforcing their way to victory by mindlessly stacking slowdowns and are upset that option is no longer viable. They'll have to learn to get better at chases and decision making like the rest of us.
The changes from the PTB are good and address the main problems, namely COH, DH and self healing. Some tweaks to some of the more problematic maps, a few addon passes for some killers and the game will be in a great spot. Not all of us are as deluded as some of the most biased people that live on the forums.
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I love the little dance we go through before, seemingly, every update here. We get some survivor nerfs which they aren't happy about. Killers make fun of them complaining, tell them to wait and give it time, let it go live etc. Then things don't go their way and they flood the forums whinging themselves. The irony is never lost on me given how killer sided this forum is most of the time.