Giving up at a higher rate?

Lately survivors have been just giving up at a much higher rate lately. Anybody else experiencing this?
I’d say 65ish percent of the time, the first person I hook just drops themselves, causing a domino effect of quitters.
I even changed killers from blight to see if that was the issue; and nope, survivors still giving up and quitting. I’ve started slugging anybody who tries to give up early on as a way to discourage it. Why even Que up if you’re just going to quit on your team?
Props to the survivors that put up a fight regardless of the situation.
As a survivor, I haven't seen any noticeable change. If you are just talking about the first survivor down, maybe one in five games.
I’ve started slugging anybody who tries to give up early on as a way to discourage it
I doubt that will work. If you've given up on the game it's not like you're staring at the screen, you've either alt-tabbed or are doing something else. If anything you're just keeping yourself in the game longer than necessary.
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It probably won’t work, but it’s what I can control. I just go chase the other survivors while they sit on the ground.
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Nah, I've been getting DDoSed more often though. Every 1/3-1/5 games it happens when the survivors are losing. I think they gave up on giving up an decided to take action, at least on my end.
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I have not seen any increase, except that people still give up against Skull Merchant pretty early. (Which I cannot blame them, she is still way too good at 3-genning. Maybe with the upcoming Patch it can become better)
But against other Killer, I have not seen a change.
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There are a lot of reasons a Survivor will instantly give up, but most of them stem from a lack of patience.
Either they're always impatient, or they've already played out some games against scummy Killers, and their patience has run thin.
Do you typically roam close to hook looking for any nearby Survivors, or just outright proxy camp?
No one loads up DBD to sit on hook for 2 minutes, or to be run down off hook before they have a chance to establish a safe loop. If you're slow to leave an area, a Survivor is going to assume you'll come right back to hook when they get saved.
And personally, I've come to feel as though hook trading is just as insufferable to deal with as tunneling--if not more. I'm seeing so many killers slap on Deadlock and Pain Res, then camp and/or tunnel. Not only is it no fun to be the Survivor who goes down without a chase, because the Killer wants a free trade, but it's boring af to be the Survivor who works on one gen for 3 minutes, because of Pain Res.
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Yeah I see it a lot in my games, I play solo survivor 90% of the time and it's extremely frustrating. The odds already aren't in your favour in solo.
It's usually either the first person hooked or if they get tunnelled. It's definitely a rage quit thing.
In a way I wish we could just DC for free if another teammate disconnects at 5 gens because it's just hopeless at that point.
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justifiably if you're abusing exploits with blight. other than that it's just survivors being survivors
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You can't see what the survivor sees when they go down or are on hook. Maybe instead of seeing teammates on gens they are in the basement teabagging and pointing at eachother wasting time. Maybe they have a teammate instantly screw them over at the start of the match. Maybe they have a specific archive challenge they're working on and can tell this isn't the match they'll be able to do it. Maybe you hung out by the hook instead of leaving and they figured you were just going to camp them. There's alot of reasons why a survivor may instantly give up.
Slugging them to "punish" them isn't going to make them change their mind. Either it's going to make them go "knew this match would be bad/waste of time" and they'll go play on their phone waiting to die OR the next match they play they'll take it out on the next set of random teammates who save them from hook and find ways to screw them over so they aren't slugged by killer for giving up. Just kill the survivor and move on instead of thinking you need to "punish" them.
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There's too much of it, there always is. I'm an established proponent of ramping up penalties for chronic disconnectors. Some people just can't bring themselves to consider the other 4 players in the match if doing so inconveniences them in the slightest.
But now it's nearly not as bad is it was immediately post 6.1.0, which was the worst period for survs giving up I've ever seen.
It was absolutely out of control for a couple months there, but it passed. Things will change, people will have a hissy fit and quit (or talk loudly about quitting but not follow through), DC en masse for a while, and then they'll get over it or be replaced by new players.
It's the circle of life.
As a killer, I don't do anything. I will often avoid killing them if they obviously want out, but no slugging or anything. That's pointless. If I ignore them, many times they'll start actually playing, or they'll DC. If it's the latter, it's not something I have control over anyway.
It bothers me much, much more as a surv. I will go out of my way to unhook someone trying to kill themselves, and usually drop some bags for good measure.
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I'm thinking there shouldn't be a free leave button in a game like this when I see someone start giving up. Half the time the other survivors clearly agree with me.
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No, I’m just a sweaty, good blight and survivors don’t like that. Lol
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Maybe instead of seeing teammates on gens they are in the basement teabagging and pointing at eachother wasting time
Of the times a Killer is completely clueless as to why a Survivor gives up, I'm willing to bet this (and some variation of it) makes up at least 75% of the reasons a Survivor chooses to end it. People cannot be bothered to help a team that doesn't want to help itself.
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I don't condone it but God do I understand, nothing fun about playing a pinhead for example who knows all box locations. Or playing a bubba who just camps.
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what do you mean “team”? I don’t know these ppl or owe them anything. I’ll DC or die on first hook as I see fit and if it suits me.
it’s a video game. This ain’t work.
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So you’re the type aye? Lol thanks for letting us know. I guess?… 😂
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Wow, just wow. Players like you have deleted a quarter of the player base. Your lucky there is no penalty for first hook giving up and a lackluster initial dc penalty for a day.
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You've been unlucky from other killers but with blight yes, have to admit he's one of the killers I hate playing against because as soon as the killer hits a certain skill level with him there's almost nothing you can do unless you're a good SWF team so 9 times out 10 yes I prefer to just move onto the next game in the back of my mind.
He's almost as bad as nurse to play against .... it's not that he's easy to play it's once you've put the time into him you have to really try hard not to get a 4k.... there's a reason certain streamers afk until there's 1 gen with blight .... and it's not because they're gods gift to blight its because they're the only ones that put that much time into him to learn all the bumps.
If you slug them they'll just be tabbed out waiting for the next game 🤷♂️ if you want a good game don't play sweaty blight
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I've seen people quit before they'd even get hooked. And that was by playing with huntress of all killers.
On the plus side, the last time I streamed the game this week, which was all killer gameplay, not a single survivor quit prematurely or suicided on hook. I never felt more proud.
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Probably because the match isn't fair. 95% of survivors are not equipped to deal with a sweaty blight. I'm assuming you also use alch ring whenever possible? An addon so ridiculous that even comp DBD bans it. It's almost impossible for a sufficiently skilled blight with a busted build to lose against randoms.
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It’s not fair because people don’t want to learn to counter blight? Considering I’ve got 1,xxx alch rings; I could run one every game comfortably if I wanted to. But I don’t, I run meme builds or perkless / addonless, and they still give up nonetheless.
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Maybe they do tab out, but atleast I’m keeping them from giving up in the next match for a couple more minutes. That’s enough for me! Lol
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It's... a Blight. You can run completely with no perks and no add ons and a "show me the basement at the start of the game" offering, and people would still not wanna deal with it.
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I do feel like quitting has gotten much more lately. I feel like just about every game has a player DC or intentionally die on hook right away regardless of which side I play on.
I had a game yesterday where 3 players DCed after one was about to get a second hook.
Please punish DCing more
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At least for me it doesn't feel that way, honestly feels like it has gone down a little bit over the last few weeks which is a welcome change. Anecdotal of course!
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Yes, same, and then they come to forum with a serious face and write "HAVE YOU SEEN KILLERS WIN RATE?!!!1!!!1!" Yes, of course, it will be like this if in every second match some players give up in an early game.
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When did BHVR lessen the d/c penalty?
During all the errors yesterday, I was kicked from a game and had a 45s matchmaking cooldown. I don't remember it ever being that low. Depending on the escalation process, that's an easy 2-3 d/c's a day for one survivor.
I'd expect that would contribute quite a lot to the problem.
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Dude people DC just because they got downed.
Anyway if you condone DC for other reasons then by rights a killer should DC when getting gen rushed!
When I play soloq and someone DC it makes me more angry than any killer could ever make me.
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Dude people DC just because they got downed.
It's not that straight forward. People can cope with going down and being on a hook.
CSGO is the most popular PvP game rn, and it has people doing nothing for upwards of 1.5min several times over in a single game, without disconnecting.
Killers do d/c when they get gen rushed. They also d/c when you loop them for 3 gens, and they haven't even managed to take a healthstate.
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Survivors DC more in my experience. They are entitled little babies the ones that do and they spoil the game for other survivors.
What killers have to deal with is often rage inducing if you let it so it's somewhat understandable sometimes.
It's not like boo hoo I don't like this killer so I DC.
I have seen plenty DC just because they were downed. It's a fairly recent thing for me that I think SM brought about. I have never even used them yet. I don't remember it happening much a year ago for example.
i dunno I play for the team as survivor and if the killer wants to waste time camping me etc.. that's fine by me. If I DC then that time is wasted altogether.
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But that’s why I’m referring to. I’ve had a solid increase in survivors killing themselves first hook for going down first, or too fast.
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^ This. Dear god, this.
It's really not uncommon for survivors to give up if they see that no one is working on gens. It's not just going down and not seeing anyone because they're all hanging out in lockers. With the HUD, there's now no question about whether or not your teammates are working on gens: you know.
On a somewhat-related side note, I keep saying that killers should stop ignoring or slugging AFK survivors. This is part of the reason for that. If you down a different survivor and put them on the hook, they can see that they have an AFK teammate. That survivor and any others you go after are so much more likely to quit. All the survivors see is a useless teammate who isn't going to help and may never come back, and it looks the killer is using them to ensure they can get an easy 4k with no threat of the hatch spawning. If you want to encourage survivors to quit so you can move on quickly, then ignore the AFKer; otherwise, they belong on a hook.
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Like it or not, some of that is down to your killer of choice. Nurse and Blight are disproportionately strong killers. If the killer player really knows how to use them (which would be indicated by a lightning quick first down), you have a good idea of how the match is going to go.
Now I am a fervent opponent of DCing for any reason (other than a glitch or hacker), but for many players, they just decide to opt out of what they see as a near guaranteed loss.
I never DC, but if there is a super quick down at the beginning of a match and the killer is a Nurse or Blight, most of the time I pretty much tune out.
I think any variance you're seeing now is probably just down to sample size and fluctuation. I don't think people are DCing or suiciding on hook any more now than any other time I can remember.
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exactly this, but this guy isn't getting the point... it's pretty much "i've spent thousands of hours playing Blight so regardless if his tool box is too strong I should still win most of my games"
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You are playing blight and playing sweaty on top of it... what did you expect? Especially if you play against solo queue. I know I would probably do the same if I faced you. It's just not worth the frustration
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Where have I said that? Now you’re simply putting words in my mouth. Don’t do that.
Results were identical with other killers.
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"So blight needs to be nerfed because I put 1600 hours into him to be good? GTFO.
“this killer requires me to actively think and use smart decisions to counter so I want him nerfed.”
Get over yourself."
In another post you literally said that because you've put thousands of hours into him you don't think he needs to be changed... just because in hour head it's complete skill you've got a way above average win ratio doesn't mean that its actually true. The only reason that they don't nrf nurse and blight more is because a good portion of the players playing them are newer so end up losing and keep the overall win ratios down
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So you’re saying to nerf killers based on the performance of the top individuals playing that killer? What sense does that make? Where is the logic in that? You literally just said that people lose with him all the time. The stats show. Should we nerf onryo because she has a higher kill rate than blight?
Come on dude, make it make sense. You’re heavily contradicting yourself right now.
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The issue with high-skill Killers in DBD is that Survivors do not have an equivalent. Every Survivor shares the same skill ceiling, and if the game is to be balanced, their ceiling should match that of the high-skill Killers.
So in theory, yes, Killers should be nerfed according to the performance of top individuals, if it becomes clear that their skill ceiling is higher than that of the Survivors'.
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I mean...solo que has been given the shaft over and over just because of the top/swf players so.....? Also I don't have a dog in this fight since I don't really dc and like looping blight but the logic here is exactly the parrot of darn near every killer on this board when solos complain about nerfs just because of the top players.
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I strongly disagree. Their skill ceiling should be nowhere near the killers, because the killer is SUPPOSED to dominate in chase. If the survivors could match the skill ceiling of, say blight, survivors would have ZERO challenge.
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where has solo q received nerfs because of SWF? They have received buffs lately.
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Notice I said SURVIVORS'
In DBD, 4 = 1. When talking about the SURVIVORS' skill ceiling, I am talking about what they're cumulatively capable of. They share one skill ceiling.
You don't disagree with me, you misread. Unless you don't think that 4 Survivors should equal 1 Killer, in which case you would disagree. I think the devs disagree with me--at least it appears that way, with their target kill rate. They want the Killers to be slightly stronger than Survivors, so that on average there are more 4ks than 0ks.
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Well, i just give up as survivor if the killer successfull manages to tunnel one guy out at 4 gens left. No reason to keep playing just for the killer experience. Just go and try to find a decent match.
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I always want someone who says something ignorant like slugging as a way to discourage it to give a logic decision chart on how they came to the conclusion that that's going to have any positive effect whatsoever. If the person gave up, they're done. Doesn't matter what state they're in in-game. They're not going to do anything but try to get out of the trial asap. If that's not a option, they'll load up their preferred streaming service and watch something enjoyable, or read through some websites. They're not there anymore to suffer, or whatever it is you think you're accomplishing.
Typically, slugging just means you're looking for them to DC right away instead of suicide out, giving you even less points.
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That’s fair enough. I apologize for misreading. I would agree they should be able to, and they absolutely can. We’ve all faced / played with that team that just rock it. I’ve gotten rockstar solo q teammates and it ended up being a tremendously easy 4 man out. I’ve played against solo teams who absolutely killed it and gave me a really good game, even with blight.
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I can keep them out of screwing over their next team for a couple more minutes. :)
I HOPE they DC. Maybe they do it a lot and get a 24 hour + ban. I’m at a point in the game where I could care less for points lol.
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It's been worse more recently, and I'm not sure why. Some days are better than others, and I've had a couple days where I just log out after two or three non-games in a row.
I'm sure it's a different excuse every time, but if I see someone giving up on hook as survivor I'll go unhook them. They might throw pallets in a tantrum, but a lot of people just stand there and wait to be rehooked for whatever reason.
A warm body is worth more to me than a broken hook, and I'll take anything I can get for what's likely a losing game at that point.
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It's the go to tactic for salty players and has been proven to sway the devs for changes.
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Yea, it’s strange. I haven’t been playing as much because of it. It’s almost every single game a survivor gives up really early on. I tried some survivor, same thing. Somebody insta dc’s or drops themselves on hook.
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Gotta play during swf hours.
Actually, not even that. I had a 4 man bring Garden offering, and 4 BNP commodius. They dc'd one by one as I hooked them before they died.
I've said this before and I'll say it again. DCing needs to escalate to a perm ban if done too frequently. A DC ruins the game for both the killer and survs.