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Skill check right when about to leave the generator

Senaxu Member Posts: 200
edited July 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hello there,

I think each of us has experienced it before:

  • You repair a generator
  • The killer approaches / a new target arises
  • You let go of the generator and get a skill check that fails immediately

Since the audible notification of the skill check happens at the same time as the release, you have no chance to react here and the skill check fails. This is very annoying and there should be an option to avoid it.

One idea would be that it works similar to when the killer uses the "overcharge" perk. Here you get the skill check afterwards and thus have the chance to complete it successfully.

I understand that this is a disadvantage for killers if survivor no longer get these impossible skill checks when leaving the generator and thus reveal less information (location). So for that an option would be to leave these skill checks as difficult as with Overcharge, but at least there should be a way and it would represent a quality of life upgrade.

What do you think about that? Do you have any ideas how to approach this problem?

Thank you!


Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Bot_Salvo88
    Bot_Salvo88 Member Posts: 1,230

    As killer I like to see it like the Survivors got scared and their generator exploded in front of their face

  • SuperMunchkin95
    SuperMunchkin95 Member Posts: 136

    I see your point but then again, it's only 10% and if I'm not mistaken it doesn't continue regressing the generator

  • Vhillain
    Vhillain Member Posts: 127

    It doesn't, but I'm sure we have all had those times in soloQ where a teammate on death hook and injured comes up to you on the generator and teabags for their heal. If you dont let go they DC, if you do the gen instantly explodes because of RNG and the killer rushes over to take their free kill. In general the mechanic doesn't do much, but in some cases it completely changes the game, even if it doesn't do much to the actual generator.

  • Vhillain
    Vhillain Member Posts: 127

    I absolutely agree with this honestly, if a normal skillcheck will randomly explode the generator, then so should overcharge. Because you actually know overcharge is coming, but you dont know a random skillcheck is coming, but to be punished for RNG mechanic over an actual killer perk that guarantees there to be something wrong with the generator. So either all skillchecks should work like overcharge, or overcharge should work the same way other skillchecks do.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    It's extremely frustrating and happens much too often, at this point it's basically a base kit slowdown for killer.

    It's ever stupider when you let go and it explodes, so you go back immediately to tap it, and it explodes again. Or if your teammate lets go because they got startled by your explosion and they they explode and now 20% of the gen is gone.

    However, I have to say that recently, I've been getting less of these (thankfully !). There have been more than a few instances instead where I let go of the gen, only seeing the skillcheck pop up after I let go of M1, and the skillcheck just disappearing without an explosion as my character leaves the gen.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    I was under the impression they did something about this already?

    In the last month, I've probably hopped off a gen 5-6 different times in which I promptly received the skill check audio queue. A skill check never appeared on screen and nothing happened to the gen. On one occassion, I even felt as though I hopped off the gen several fractions of a second after the skill check sounded, and I still had no issues.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,582

    I also have had moments where I let go of the generator the moment the notification sound came up, but nothing happened.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    Luckily this is a video game and doesn’t need to follow real world logic. (Otherwise the survs wouldn’t be able to repair the gens like that to begin with… and skillchecks wouldn’t make sense either)

    it’s a frustrating game mechanic. And if it is an intentional game mechanic that is here to stay then the devs can address this as it’s often being criticized and maybe buff Technician to prevent these phantom skillchecks

  • Utilitarian_Belt
    Utilitarian_Belt Member Posts: 16
    edited April 2023

    I only let go of generators immediately after a skill check. Any other time is too risky, unless the killer is approaching, in which case I'm more worried about staying alive then a 10% pop.

  • Vhillain
    Vhillain Member Posts: 127

    There are many situations where it isn't possible though to wait.

    Hear terror radius and want to hide? Too bad, gen explodes and now the killer knows for sure someone is in the area.

    Someone is about to get hooked and proc Pain Resonance? Too bad, gen will now explode twice losing 26% instead of just 16.

    Your friend wants their heal 99d to get value out of their Resilience? Too bad, skill check at 95% and now you have to choose between giving a noise notification and healing longer with the killer headed right in your direction, or just finishing the heal, which you likely now have to do anyway.

    You want to let go of the last 80% gen to go prep by the exit gate while your teammate finishes it? Too bad, gen is now 70% and your teammate gets quickly harassed off the gen they would have otherwise finished.

    There are several more examples of where this can be a problem, and the whole "wait for a skillcheck" is a part of what I was talking about as purely unconstructive on my own post. It promotes unhealthy gameplay and automatically fails what should be a "skill check" instead of "wait for the interaction check"

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