Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

COH tweak

I just read the latest Dev Update on Steam, and it looks to be a decent one.

Honestly, I can get on board with a lot of these changes. But the COH no longer allowing to Self Heal is a bit of an extreme nerf. Especially in a SoloQ, or when running together with Boon Exponential.

Meaning you're able to get up while in the circle, but then you have to wait for someone to come and heal you? Might as well leave Exponential behind and let someone heal me completely.

With that nerf, you essentially throw away the use of another perk altogether, which is a bit of a shame.

While I get wanting to change those.

I'd say have the 24 second rule for Self Healing be part of COH as well then. If you want to nerf it that badly. In addition to the speed up perks for people healing you.

I definitely hope that this change will be taken into consideration for the final update.

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  • Member Posts: 3,130

    They're literally planning to buff it back to 100% heal speed. 8 second heals even altruistic ones are still VERY powerful with being able to reset an entire team in less than 15 seconds while all regression is nerfed besides pain res which even with 25% its still limited to 4 uses so still not really that good.

  • Member Posts: 1,352
    edited April 2023

    Do you really expect for survivors to have enough even after changes that would just unbalance the game and was made only because of their cries? Nah man, bring self healing back to CoH and revert the changes to DH. Not to make it like before this PTB, but to the old DH.

    And even then, this game would be killer sided and the only thing BHVR do is making them more OP in every patch.

  • Member Posts: 11

    Buffing the healing speed up to 100% doesn't really matter much if your teammates are either choosing to ignore you or simply cannot help you. (Too far away, killer nearby. You name it.)

    Say you're on the ground and healing yourself back up with Exponential, and then needing help to heal yourself up to full health feels rather backwards in my opinion. So I'd suggest the 24 second self healing speed as they're doing with the Medkits. I'd say that is a fair trade off.

    Or make Boons be limited use just like Hexes. Which could then possibly introduce a new perk that is basically the Survivor version of Hex: Pentimento. Which I think could also be interesting.

    As for the DH, I feel it isn't that bad with that change. Makes you feel like you earned it a bit more. It's already tricky for sure. But eh, I don't use it all that often myself anyway.

    I dislike the Pain Res nerf, but I can live with it. There are others that work better with my own personal play style as killer but I agree it is something that I feel would've been better off as it currently is. (As in: before PTB changes.)

  • Member Posts: 619
    edited April 2023

    CoH getting rid of every survivor gets self care at the price of one persons perk slot was absolutely necessary.

    I'm tired of games where I have to protect a 3 gen and the game goes on forever because "I hit one person, now they and they alone can't do anything for 20 seconds, whoop dee doo".

    It's the biggest culprit contributing to the "Two Fortress" playstyle that's devolved from peoples obsession with bringing metas and having to win the game, alongside the introduction of The Knight and The Skull Merchant.

  • Member Posts: 329
    edited April 2023

    CoH just a swf perk not more, I assume so that the boons don't die out, bhvr CoH has a bit of a buff will be honest if someone plays the other boons then it's just because they're playing CoH and think "ok then I'll do it more boon perks on it" but well, what interests me is what will happen to the solo q, anyone who has ever played solo q intensively will notice that you hardly ever heal up, at most under the hook, but then the killer usually comes back and has an easy time, but I will definitely not experience all that, rather watching from a distance with my popcorn how solo q will burn, if I play dbd then only SWF or Killer will also be enough at some point bhvr with the "we want to reduce the gap between solos and swf in which we will nerf things that are so fundamental for swf that it doesn't matter and is vital for solos so that they go under"

  • Member Posts: 4

    I'm a Circle user, I use it because every killer insists on camping, tunnelling and every other tactic that they would cry about if a survivor did it. It allows me to heal and be able to try and protect my team mates who will go down. I'd run Self Care but it got nerfed into the ground like every other perk on both sides to the point it is now irrelevant.

    Not only this, but try solo queueing when all your random team mates ignore you, deliberately sandbag you and farm you because they wanna be idiots as well, not to mention the team mates that give up and move onto the game when they get downed once the whole game.

    Given the amount of time it takes to be able to set up a boon in the first place (Time to find boon, actual set-up then hoping it doesn't get snuffed out etc.) removing the self care option entirely is stupid.

    Myself personally, I would slightly nerf the survivor self heal speed so the highest would be a lowest of 32 secs (whatever this would be in %) for a heal which given Self Care is in the 40s puts this at worse standard healing but still better than self care. I would also make Shattered Hope basekit amongst killers, survivors have the option to break hexes so a killer should also have that for boons. This would force survivors to be a bit smarter about their boon placement and also when to implement it (if they wish to succeed anyway)

    As for all the other perks on both sides, none of these nerfs were needed. Instead of nerfing everything to the ground which then only results in a new meta (which in this instance will be anti heal which even with the revised changes, will be oppressive) to take it's place. BHVR should be buffing other perks to actually make them more attractive to players. Because looking at the perk selection now, I really don't know what my 4th perk will be because there isn't a perk that's overly beneficial due to everything being put to the curb. Less so on killer side but it's still an issue there too.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited April 2023

    With it giving 8 second heals CoH is still going to be in basically every single game, especially with swf groups. Way overbuffed from PTB, it does not need more buffs whatsoever, it needs nerfs. 50% heal was solid but fair.

  • Member Posts: 389

    I see it as a lateral move. It's less good in solo play but stronger in swf. No self healing is a nerf but the altruistic heal speed is pretty nuts.

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    I'm not going to comment on anything else but I'm fairly certain CoH doesn't forbid anyone from self-healing inside its area if they have the means to do so (self-care, med-kit), it just doesn't buff the speed of it, so it most likely means CoH will still be compatible with Exponential (which seems to differentiate between "self-recovery" and "self-healing" anyway).

  • Member Posts: 2,437

    -"But the COH no longer allowing to Self Heal is a bit of an extreme nerf."

    The point is that you need someone to heal you in the boon. This prevents scenarios where you can indefinitely heal yourself. Survivors quickly and infinitely healing themselves breaks the game.

    Let's think back to self care since 2016 for a moment. If heal time is X then self care takes 2x. If two people are healing then that means two people were busy for X healing time (also known as 2X). In other words Self Care was perfectly balanced to two people healing - with the caveat that in the past you could run spine chill and get more checks and great checks used to save 2.4 seconds instead of 1.2 seconds. Even without making any great checks it became clear that when travel time was greater than zero : self care was more efficient.

    What is this change going to do? It will force a player off a generator to heal you. This is a healthy change for the game. In theory the heal time will be something like 0.5X but the travel time will make up for the difference. This is actually a very fair way to make CoH viable but not completely broken.

    The problem really is that you were accustomed to a completely broken perk and want the game to stay that way. You can have old CoH if I can have 2016 NOED back.

  • Member Posts: 7,383
  • Member Posts: 11

    No, as it currently stands in the Devlog. It doesn't allow for Self Healing at the moment. Sadly

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    The description of future CoH doesn't mention self-healing at all, so I seriously can't imagine people with self-care or whatever won't be allowed to self-heal near a boon. And even if you're right about this, considering Exponential allows the "self-recovery" action, which isn't the same as self-healing, so it should be okay I think.

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