QoL changes for killer?

imakepeoplehateme Member Posts: 125
edited April 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Why isn't there an option to remove auto aim?Why can't they make shadowborn a setting,the base fov i ridiculous.

Auto aim messes me up more than it helps.They should change it not only for it to be disabled,but also for lunges to only go of once you release your mouse button.As such you should be able to use your lunge to steer past a hook or survivor without hitting them by accident because the game decides to do so.

The fov is this game is way to low.Im not saying killers should see through walls but the fact that a survivor can literally run at you with decent success(in a horror game btw) is bs.Shadowborn is a perk enjoy by a good chunk of the player base for a reason,it makes the game so much more enjoyable to play,it becoming a setting would just remove some ridiculous techs as well as modernize the game(tell me a modern game with such a low fov).

Keep in mind survivors did receive such qol changes(the hud and visual terror radius),im not saying these changes weren't deserved or that killers need compensation for them,however it would make the killer experience more enjoyable with little impact on gameplay.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Changing the Killer POV affects Survivor stealth, which is part of the core gameplay. If you want the Shadowborn benefit, pony up the perk slot.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,368

    Man i would love some basekit shadow born (playstation player here). I tell u what behavior! fork over some of that juicy fov and we forget all about that last patch.

  • imakepeoplehateme
    imakepeoplehateme Member Posts: 125

    Higher fov makes you more susceptible to flashlight saves and blinds,it's not purely a buff,there also are people suffering from motion sickness due to how constraining it is.Also stealth really?If you are hiding behind a rock or wall higher fov will not help the killer.If you round the corner and try to run into the killer,thats not stealth,that a stupid mechanic that only works on bad killers

  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 760
    edited April 2023

    the visual terror radius and the new hud buff is also (actually much stronger than fov for the killer) but hey only survivors can get buffs right ?

  • Stroggz
    Stroggz Member Posts: 504

    rotating around killers camera with crippled FOV is not stealth its crippled mechanic abuse.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    You are welcome to that opinion but I do not think the game designers agree with you.

  • Seji1556
    Seji1556 Member Posts: 9
    edited April 2023

    You want the BT benefit, pony up the perk slot. Oh wait... That´s the thing with opening this box one time.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Except BT was changed as a shift to combat tunneling off the hook which was a game problem. You just want a wider screen.

  • Severing
    Severing Member Posts: 30

    A 17% FOV increase hardly has substantial impact, if it did, Shadowborn would see greater usage. Besides, the primary enabler for stealth is to break line of sight entirely by moving behind objects, not to run out of the cone of vision.

    Furthermore, stealth is not a survivor's primary defensive or evasive tool, Looping is; and 15 degrees of extra FOV are not going to do anything about that.

    I find no reasonable argument that justifies a FOV slider going from the current 87 up to Shadowborn's 102 ought not to be made.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    To combat people being able to hide under a killers feet, which also is a game problem

  • Severing
    Severing Member Posts: 30

    It can be easily argued that the narrow FOV that enables disorientation by merely running in circles at the killer's face and causes motion sickness to some is a game problem. This argument is nothing more than a double standard.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    So they can just increase base walk speed then? Or when you talk about stealth are you referring to FOV tech?

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    If 17% doesn't matter, then there is no reason to implement it, right? Glad we cleared that up.

    Intended game design. Not a game problem.

    And I could argue that games that used graphics are not accessible to blind people. Not EVERYTHING is an accessibility feature. Lots of games have epilepsy warnings on them for that very reason. The vast majority of people whining about this do not have motion sickness, they just want a bigger screen. It's the video game equivalent of bringing your dog into a grocery store and lying and saying it's a service dog because you wanna bring it with you.

    I'm referring to any element of gameplay that avoids detection from the killer, whether that is hiding behind a rock or muffling your sounds with Bite The Bullet.

  • Seji1556
    Seji1556 Member Posts: 9

    I didn´t write that I want it or did I?

    It wasn´t a problem. I mean you could just pick BT. Bill is even not behind some kind of pay wall. You can just prestige him and take that perk.

    Endless Boon placing is a problem, where is my basekit shattered hope? Gen rush is a problem where is my basekit corrupt intervention? And so on and so on. You see where this is going? This is the problem with opening this baseline box and this was the only thing I was saying.

    They started giving out crutches, because people refused to pick necessary meta perks. It´s only natural that other people want crutches with things they are struggeling with. Or they want theire perk slot free for other perks or whatever.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    Can you give examples of how increasing FOV would impact stealth if there was a counter in place to make walk speed at base a bit better? And also not just stealth maybe being a bit weaker but also how that can justify players having to deal with the game being uncomfortable/unplayable for a slight nerf to a supporting mechanic in the game. The core way survivors avoid the killer is by chasing. Stealth is a supporting mechanic that is an alternative way that can be used for players to have an additional avenue for players to avoid going down.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,322

    How would a higher FOV affect stealth? Being able to see more at the edges of the screen shouldn't really make too much of a difference if you're standing behind something, right?

    I could see some edge cases where survivors could skate by without actually being stealthed because the killer's line of sight didn't quite include them, but that's hardly a "core gameplay" thing, that's an edge case. Certainly the argument could be made that if you don't want to be caught, you should be stealthy with actual cover and some supporting perks, instead of relying on the killer's FOV not quite catching you.

    I'd be interested to hear your reasons for this take, sincerely.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    "Intended game design. Not a game problem."

    Being able to down survivors of hook also was an intended game design, there even was and still is a scoring system to tell if you had a safe unhook or not.

    You can't say it's not a game problem when it litteraly makes some people sick. It's beyond a game problem at this point.

    The barely noticable difference it would make in stealth is so minuscul that it's embarrasing to even mention it

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    hide under a killers feet is not Intended game design....

    I feet like if survivors are under the killer they should get damaged

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,956

    It's a bit weird that an accessibility option like Shadowborn is kept locked behind a perk slot, while survivors get a visual TR and Lullaby indicator. I would love to play the game with 4 perks instead of 3 but the killer's FOV is awful.

    Shadowborn does not give you an advantage other than not wanting to puke every second of the game.

  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 885

    Whoa whoa whoa you want playing killer to not feel clunky and bad???

  • Severing
    Severing Member Posts: 30

    Answer to line 1: Please do take things within context. I was addressing the balance aspect of the FOV slider. From a pure balance perspective, yes, there is no reason to add it nor deny it. From the quality of life point of view there is sufficient reason for its implementation. And you did wholly ignore the latter part of my commentary elaborating that the current FOV is not the primary source of stealth, which should have been your main focus since it seems to be the "core gameplay" you appear so concerned that Shadowborn adversely affects to a significant margin.

    Answer to line 2: Again, double standard. One can state that tunnelling off the hook is intended by design as the hooks themselves permit such tactics. I could say the same about body-blocking someone into a corner until the endgame collapse or just letting all 4 survivors bleed out on the ground. The former is only partially-addressed as of the present whilst the latter two are not at all. Why can a few unfortunate side-effects of flaws in game-design be labelled as "intended" while others are "game problems"? Who is the arbiter? You? Even if not, why is it that you hold this judgement, why one way and not the other?

    Answer to line 3: Yes, unfortunately we do not live in a world where everything is accessible to all. That is the sad truth. However, we can make things accessible within reason, where possible. Such is the case of a mere +15 degrees FOV slider, it bears positive impacts to the entire killer playerbase and only a miniscule, likely to be often unnoticeable adversity for survivors.

    And yes, there will be people using it only for the small advantage of a wider view, some for pure comfort and others for necessity/accessibility. The soon to come visual terror radius will be one such case. Now, do group 1 and 2 render the well-fare of group 3 invalid? Why are the wishes of group 1 and 2 invalid at all?

    Additionally, you cannot state that the majority of people asking for this feature are lying and do not possess motion sickness as that is simply data you do not have. Some do not give a motive, some say they find the current FOV unpleasant, with varying reasons, and others tell of motion sickness. If we go by your dog analogy, we are not passing a dog for a service dog; the dog is a dog and we simply want it in and we are asking it be allowed in because it is, for whatever reason, meaningful to us. After all, is it truly an issue if the dog causes no problems?

    And really, saying that a general collective of people asking for a feature are whining is just rather rude, more so is accusing them of lying without proof. If you believe this accusation to be genuinely true, then with just a smidge more of thought you will realise you cannot test its veracity and it falls apart. If you are conscious that you do not hold the information necessary and still accuse, then it is a false accusation, at which point it is ironic, do you not agree?

    Answer to line 4: If you truly are concerned about stealth universally, I am afraid to inform you that aura perks such as Nowhere to Hide, tracking perks like Stridor or scream perks similar to Infectious Fright or even just the human perks Eyes, Ears and Brain are far greater enemies to hiding than basekit Shadowborn could ever hope to be.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638
  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,322


    No, I'm asking you how the FOV increasing would affect stealth. Not why that would be a bad thing, how that effect would actually happen.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,272

    Hey dont you know survivors totally need swf comm cheats basekit? BT basekit?

    Survivor favoritism denial and a alot of hypocrisy as always lol.