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Giving up at a higher rate?



  • Emoba
    Emoba Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    It used to be even worse.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Idk, I’ve had SWF‘s insta give up when they see I’m a blight. They all run in and point at hooks, wanting to go next. It’s so annoying. I just want a normal game! Lol

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Yea, the issue is me playing the killer I enjoy. Not the survivors who throw in the towel as soon as they face a killer who isn’t just an m1 killer.

    No, I never played nurse. Don’t enjoy her.

    Literally 95% of the people on these forums will agree that blight is fine, outside of 2-3 addons.

    Yea…. People that put the time and effort into learning his mechanics and skill are going to know that blight is fine… kinda uh… how that works. And the people who don’t think he’s fine are the people who have no clue about blight, how he works, or his counterplay. Perfect example being YOU.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    Out of 10 killer games i played this evening, 4 of them had people give up immediately

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 359

    I've become one of the people who tends to dc. It's very rarely because of what the killers doing unless I just get unlucky with being camped/tunneled many games in a row. Most of the time it stems from what my teammates are doing and as good as the new hud icons are, they don't help me any lol. Just lets me see who or how many aren't doing anything while I'm being chased. Or I dc because I get left on hook. Which happens more than it should.

    This is also, I imagine, the same for many people. One reason why it always seemed like I did it when the killer downed me is because that's when I could see what my teammates were doing.

    It doesn't bother me when people are breaking totems, healing, opening a chest, etc... But the amount of people I see just crouching around is baffling to me. I don't get mad if I think they are new either but many of them are not new.

    I don't dc enough to worry about racking up penalties, usually if I dc once I log off for the day. The bad part is in that over my time in the game I started out completely against dcing. Then I started to do it some as killer back in the day. Now I never feel the need to do so as killer but every other game as survivor and I'm ready to turn the game off.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Players like you confuse me. Like why bother playing the game if you're just going to rage quit the first time you get downed?

    I mean I get noping out late game when it's clear the killer is going to win. But quitting early? Game is still all to play for, I've seen so many people ragequit early then last 3 survs have managed like 3 gens which with another player they could've probably won. Like don't play if every other match you're just going to have a tantrum and ruin the game for the rest of the players.

  • Neltaxis
    Neltaxis Member Posts: 46

    As an early quitter I'll make a list why this happens :

    • 2 people downed in 10 seconds
    • Found 1st after 10 seconds of game
    • Downed after 10 seconds chase
    • A steath killer
    • Survivors doing everything but generator after 30 seconds of game
    • Killer being obviously bad but downing me anyway.
    • Killer doing something very stupid with non-sense (like giving up a chase on a hurt survivor and coming at me full health).

    I play to do do gens. Not running around tables like a brain-dead.

    And so on...

  • hailxsatanxeveryxday
    hailxsatanxeveryxday Member Posts: 913

    I've noticed that I myself have been giving up at a much higher rate, but that's because I've seen a much higher rate of teammates not bothering to save me.

    If three people are on gens and they're all more than half done, fine. If Meg is getting chased by the killer, Ace is on a gen that's 30% complete, and Claudette is crouching in the corner on the other side of the map, and there's no way any of them are going to get to me in time before I reach second hook, I've got better things to do.

  • coolgue1
    coolgue1 Member Posts: 110

    As a new survivor is im put again high skill players playing any op killers myers, bubba nurse good nurse anyway we will legit force kill ourselfs we know we dont stand a chance in the first place if the chase ends short most new players just kill themselvs because what the point of playing if the killer is way better than the surivivor they already go faster than a survivor so at that point ot hopeless for a new player to comuinue with the match take the loss move on

  • VirtuaTyKing
    VirtuaTyKing Member Posts: 465

    This gets thrown about enough at killers so. Skill issue/babies is the reason.

    i have never dc as survivor as I care about ruining others experience.

  • ElodieSimp
    ElodieSimp Member Posts: 385

    Funny thing is a lot of killers like to blow this out of proportion. Most of my killer games go fine, I might get a DC when I heatsink into a survivor right off the bat but most of the time they won't DC or give up on hook and just play normally, I do see a lot of survivors BMing other survivors so usually I'll go for the person doing it. Same with my survivor games, a killer might DC if we get 2 gens done right at the gate. It's all situational. Do I blame people? No, you do you boo-boo.

    But going out of your way in the forums saying "I just want a normal game" insinuating that you never get any normal games is absurd. People will leave the game for any type of reason, even for a reason outside their control.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    I am telling you, that a GOOD majority of my games, have somebody quit very early on. How is me talking about that absurd, but the actual action of them quitting isn’t?

  • IWasLrft2Die
    IWasLrft2Die Member Posts: 389
    edited April 2023

    I will ladmot, I'm willing to die if a teammate royaly screws me. For example, a teammate hid behind a pallet , refused to move even though I was the one being chased. I got hit because they were in the way. I managed to throw down the pallet eventually but I couldn't move forward because I was blocked in so I tried to vault back but got hit my the killer anyways. First 1 minute of the game in RPD by the front desk. I pretty quickly tried to die. Stuff like that gives me very little desire to stick around

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    go look through blight forums. The large majority on here enjoys facing blight, and would agree he is fine at his basekit. Why do you keep bringing up tournaments? You don’t balance around your top players… where are you stats about pick rates? Lemme guess, some 3rd party site?

    Tell you what, drop your tag, let’s 1v1 and I’ll point out exactly why you think blight is op. You just don’t know the counterplay.

  • smartemarte
    smartemarte Member Posts: 254

    "you don't balance a game around tournaments" the most successful games of all time have been balanced around tournaments because the top players are the ones that point out broken mechanics, things that need to be buffed etc... rather than listening to people who just assume everything is fine because they've dedicated time to it and like flexing in the majority of one sided games on the ladder vs alot of the time beginners. (you)

    they chose blight because he's easier to get a 4k with than all other killers other than nurse, if you really don't understand that then you're just blinded by how much time you've spent beating on solo survivors, only having a hard time in the 1 of 10 games you come up against a SWF.

    there's no such thing as a 1v1 in DBD because the entire game is MADE for killer advantage .... (your ego again)

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Might be your mmr or your killer of choice, because down here in low mmr I haven't seen people giving up much unless to give hatch ! =)

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Then I will ask again, if you want to balance around the top players, what do you think that means for survivors? Survivors dominate the top levels. So all survivors need to be nerfed? DBD is not like other games. It is a 1 of a kind. You cannot balance it the way you do other games.

    There is such thing as a 1v1 lol, call it whatever you want. I’m offering you the chance to be coached / taught how to counter blight. 9/10 times a survivor complains, is simply because they lack the skill to handle the challenge. I want to see how you play against blight, and I will point out what you’re doing wrong.

    Where do I have an ego? Lol

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    My killer MMR is probably quite high. Lot of “go next’ers” wherever I’m sitting. Lmao

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I did see an uptick in Survivors DCing right before I stopped playing... which was over a year ago

    It seems like us players will continue to play a game we don't like (at that moment) for reason we barely understand

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    Understandable, there is no reason to play against a good sweaty blight because the chances of winning for solo survs are very low. It's just a fact. Downs usually come way too fast especially once the good pallets are gone.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    I've played comp for a year and blight is one of the few killers who has most good perks forbidden for him in tourneys. He is the only killer besides Nurse who regularly 4ks even the best teams. Yea it takes time and dedication to be that good but once you reached that level he is far from being "fine", either they nerf all of his add ons or they make his power not being available so fast after using it. For the regular pub survivors he is overtuned af and needs changes.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    According to the last published stats from BHVR, that simply is not true. On the top MMR AND the average MMR.

  • smartemarte
    smartemarte Member Posts: 254
    edited April 2023

    so that comment there just proves that you're not bothered about actual facts and it's "i've spent thousands of hours getting sweaty with blight, so he is fine"

    everyone and their dog knows that Nurse is broken ..... her mechanic cancels out anything a survivor can do as soon as the killer has put enough time in to learn her mechanics ...

    but her kill ratio isn't 100% why ? because she takes time to learn. not HARD to learn all you have to do is spend time learning her and then she is broken, but the fact is that MOST nurses only play a few games and get destroyed by good survivor teams then just swap to another killer out of frustration when they can't be bothered to learn the mechanics. This keeps the figures more level because if we just took the win ratio from the top 5% of nurse killers the figures would be absolutely stupid and atleast 85% win rate.... EXACTLY the same as blight

    When a Nurse killer hits the top they are literally ignoring game mechanics and there is no level of skill that a survivor can bring to escape, it is pure mind games and if the killer messes up. Blight isn't far behind this especially with his addons but you're just ignoring that because you've put thousands of hours into being sweaty with him.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    “This comment proves you aren’t bothered by actual facts”……

    As I talk about the actual facts from BHVR….. what?

    Why do you keep bringing up nurse? We aren’t talking about nurse. Blight does not compare to nurse. Blight does not teleport through walls, pallets, windows, etc.

    I’ll ask again for a 3rd time since you keep dodging the question. If you want to balance around the top of the MMR, where survivors hard dominate, what nerfs does that mean for them? Don’t talk about blight, nurse, or killers.

  • smartemarte
    smartemarte Member Posts: 254

    you're being selectively naive with their stats... if you honestly don't think that the majority of nurse and blight beginners are the only reason their win rates are brought down then you're either deluded or blinded by the hours that you've put into him.

    when he has an ability to reset his charge on a hit.... that is stupid when he can COMFORTABLY 4k even good teams without any perks .... that is stupid

    when you cant outplay a blight because his mobility (once learned) means he can hug tech corners and loops that is stupid

    I compare him because as soon as the player has spent enough time learning his mechanics it is exactly the same as nurse, it comes down to pot luck on the killers decision of which way he will go, there's hardly any level of skill a survivor can bring to it you are going down if you don't GUESS which way he's going. Thats not a good game mechanic, that's just good for ego killers such as yourself that spend thousands of hours on the #2 killer and claim you're only winning because you're better than all the survivors and not because he's over tweaked especially in solo survivor games.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,327

    Yep, IDK what it is. Also, I've noticed that almost no one bothers to go for hook saves?! Even with kindred when they KNOW it's safe. I sometimes genuinely feel bad for their teammates, and for hooking them 😅

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Ok buddy. There’s obviously no point in continuing this conversation with you. Have a good day. :)

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792

    I feel like people have been saying this for a year now lol

    I have some days I play where people are DCing or quitting often, and other days almost everyone seems to be putting in an actual effort.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    those stats don't say anything, and they're one of the reasons this game is unbalanced. You can not just look at numbers but don't know how to interpret and use them. Blight is one of the hardest to learn killers and according to the stats, Nurse is one of the weakest killers in the game, but i guess everyone with over 100h in this game won't believe that. But yeah maybe we should buff Nurse and nerf Sadako :D

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    lmfao. I don't think you realize how few players have put the time into blight to understand the collision of many things in the game and play around it accordingly. Is alch ring and c33 broken yes, but blight can be abused via his collision and rng and not understanding that is a big part of him being so free once learned to the extent hugtechlover has.

    Go on, name the collision of every object at every angle, I'll wait.

    Oh wait you can't, because even 99% of blight mains don't know it and it really is just a knowledge gap on 99% of survivors as well. The comp players that I have gone against haven't put in the effort to learn blights collision to a decent extent, how would I expect you to understand any of it? There is at the very least one play on every map that survivors didn't use blights collision against him, even the most solid of maps. Then there is things like eeyrie(which is deceivingly slippery) swamp and yamaoka that have extremely abusable collision.

    The stats don't matter but everything outside of c33(even though alch ring is op) leaves a lot to be desired from survivor side. Good survivors typically just play vs blight like he is nurse, but also pre throw, which is not optimal unless the survivor is at very selective loops.

    If you can't look at the outside of every single loop and understand what the blight has to work with, you are not playing well enough vs him. Cowtree being a big one that survivors should never get hit at, ever.

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,083
    edited April 2023

    As a killer main, I would say significantly less compared to last year. Last year, it was very common for people to give up early into the match but now most of the survivors play it out.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    It's quite telling of this player bases skill for nurse to be as low as she is. Her skill floor might be the highest but it's not hard to reach and her skill ceiling is laughable compared to blights. I can only chalk it up as newish players finally giving into playing nurse and giving up after 5 games.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    If we ignore c33 and alch ring then blight is the pinnacle of this game. It's unfortunate so many players are less than even a casual level in this game.

    The thing is, most blights are awful by my standard. Most being probably around 90% if I am putting it against my better estimation. But on the other hand at least 95% of survivors don't have any clue on what to do against a good blight. Some of that is from people not trying to learn and some of that is from how little survivors get to go against an actually good blight.

    I get it, your teamates probably don't even know what collision is and thus they can't even do a basic pluto at most shacks, but that's really not your fault it's theirs.

    The difference between something like league and dbd though is that way too many people are bad and are not trying to get better. "High mmr" isn't even good survivors for the most part, just people running the best stuff available in a swf. I can lower my mmr or raise it to the max and all I will receive is efficiency on the survivor side not a noticeable increase in chase skills, including comp players. I remember running alch ring/iri tag for the second time quite a while back, going into it expecting the easiest of games. But I went against a god tier survivor on Zarina who absolutely 1v9d the game for the survivors. Not because they had the capability to loop m1 killers which is beyond easy but because they were able to absolutely destroy me in so many ways as blight on suffo pit I wasn't even a little tilted. It's just these survivors are so few and far between this game lacks substance for me at the moment. I am simultaneously playing the most skilled killer in the game by far and giving survivors the highest possible ability to improve by playing blight with low tier add-ons.

    Seriously, if I went against these god chasers and not these bots/efficient teams who lack the real skill I desire to play against I would be inclined to play this game much more. As it stands I just can't bring myself to care with the current player base.

    Keep in mind I have maIned several killers before blight ranging between hag and blight which have opposite play styles. But if I play Bubba it's more on the survivors to make a mistake, more than it is for either of us to be in a skilled chase in which both of us can make a skilled play at the same time.

    I'll probably pick up killer and not just survivor for a bit after the patch drops, but this is literally the only game I have ever complained about how terrible my opponents are(on boths sides).

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    It’s funny, my win streak was ended by a group of these survivors on suffo pit. They absolutely destroyed me in chase. Granted they had the nastiest RNG spawn of a middle I’ve ever seen; they never made mistakes that I could capitalize off. And they “caught” a blight a couple times. xD

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,218

    The main problem is how easy it is for a bad Blight to still win against their 'equal' MMR survivors. When bad Survivors can't practice against equal skilled oppressive Killers, and just get facerolled without effort, they aren't going to ever learn how to beat those Killers. That is what I am talking about with the disengagement. They aren't ever going to learn to get better against oppressive Killers because they never get the opportunity to.

    Also the oppressive Killers lack the 'opposite side' learning that many other Killers have. When I play Plague/Huntress I learn as Survivor to circle small rocks when I just need to delay. When I play Trapper or Ghostface or Hag, I learn how powerful 1 player 'harassing' the Killer's power can be. When I play Blight, I learn 'Survivors die lul git rekt'.

    I still think there is greater skill in the execution of Bubba, because early saws that hit on the last second of the third charge take a lot of practice without being oppressive. With the Bubba you learn from both sides whether to greed or drop pallets. That is tough (other than on Borgo/Garden of Pain) because you run out of pallets and/or hook states sooner than later, so it still feels like it is in the better sides' camp.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    It's a toxic survivor trick to inflate kill rates and force killers to get nerfed because Behaviour only looks at numbers and not why. The worst part is it's worked once before, and they're probably doing it now to try and revert the healing changes, or to get killers nerfed to a worser degree to compensate.

    That said, not every survivor is one of these fucksticks.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    Bad blights literally don't know what a shoulder filck is and any sort of movement from the survivor side is a free dodge. I went against a "bad" c33 and adrenaline vial blight a few months back is it was a free win. C33 is the only add-on that makes blight free in a equal skill match below high mmr, alch ring is awful in low tier. The issue is that survivors simply haven't tried to learn the character with the most complex interaction in the game by far. Comp teams I go against pre throw on the most anti blight tiles in the game(yeah I know it's not team eternal but the point still stands). No one wants to learn how to play against him because it's too much effort. Yes his top few add-ons are beyond op but that doesn't excuse even 6k hour survivors not understanding how to play vs blight at all.

    Regardless of whether blight is oppressive he still has the highest skill ceiling for survivors to play against. Playing vs better players on a high skill ceiling character and watching videos on twitch and youtube are universal ways to improve massively in any game.

    Bubbas skill ceiling isn't even licking blights feet and playing survvior vs even the best of bubbas is rather free on majority of maps.

    I just can't stand how low the skill of both sides in this game are even when including the average high mmr players on both sides. It's just so sad, genuinely. Survivors simply have the most room for growth vs blight and Killers have the most room for growth playing blight.

    The sad fact of dbd is the 99% of the player base on both sides just isn't good.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Bad blights do not win against their equals. Bad blights do not win period. It’s the same as nurse. A bad nurse / blight is the easiest killer to bully. Played against a brand new blight last night and he didn’t get a single down. They proclaimed they are never touching blight again, and this is the most common outcome with blight.

    Bubba more skill expression than blight? I guess you’re entitled to your opinion..

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    "No one loads up DBD to sit on hook for 2 minutes, or to be run down off hook before they have a chance to establish a safe loop."... Well they should because its part of the game and could happen, its not an excuse to quit just because they didn't get exactly what they wanted from a game, where the mechanics are well known and clearly defined.

    If someone queues up for a game of DBD with the expectation that they won't potentially hang on hook for 2 mins or be caught again after being unhooked then... well, and I say this as un-apologetically as possible, they're a fool... these things are part of gameplay and have been for a very long time.

    "If you're slow to leave an area, a Survivor is going to assume you'll come right back to hook when they get saved." Again its not the killer's job to satisfy the wants of the survivor player and vice versa. It can be a very smart play if you aren't occupied by something else to return to the hook after an unhook, there are 2x survivors nearby one of whom is injured.

    Defining someone else as scummy because they don't play to an individual's personal game preference is a really bad mindset to have and doesn't excuse the quitting player's so called impatience.

    Its just poor sportsmanship, rage quitters have a million excuses that always seem to absolve them of any wrong doing and justify their rage quitting. The inability to move on after a previously disappointing game is a big one.

    The last point is about how mechanics interact and that's always open for discussion and refinement but again its still not an excuse to quit.

    If a player is signing up to a game with the expectation that it'll play out the way they want it to and anything else is unfun or annoying then maybe its time for a break, if that scenario is wearing their patience thin, then its really time for a break.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,218

    I mean I don't know what you are looking for in DBD. This is one of the main reasons people call it a party game, as investing time into developing skill is mostly unrewarded. Especially if you compare it to say Starcraft (solo) or Counter Strike (team). Just goof around and have fun, that's what the game is for.

    You are right on the first point, in that bad Blight's don't win against their equals. They dominate their 'equals'. Even a bad Blight can crutch on the basekit 4.6, unlike Nurse at 3.85 or say Spirit at 4.4. Now when I say bad Blight, I'm not referring to someone who hasn't even learned the kit of the Killer. I'm talking about people who have the bare minimum hours in a unique Killer to use their power. They may not have figured out all the ins and outs, but they can use the power functionally. They are bad at the Killer, but can use the Killer, as opposed to the M1 framework alone. Not even knowing how to play the Killer is part of the learning curve to develop a new skill. I don't think it is a fair comparison to include say, a Survivor who doesn't know how to progress gens and hides in the corner all match. It is the same for Killers who don't know the basics of their selected Killer. (Arguably it may be more akin to a Killer not understanding how to hook, but nonetheless the not knowing how to play isn't the same as knowing and failing.) Your example is a player who didn't know how to play Blight, and gave up on learning how to play Blight. My stance is they weren't a Bad Blight because they were never a Blight to begin with, they were just there for the test drive, as they even admitted they were giving up on learning the Killer.

    Also when I say Bubba has more skill expression than Blight, I am referring to how much effort and knowledge you need for results (in an average match). Blight needs minimal knowledge for results, Bubba needs far greater mastery to reach even similar heights (outside of cheesing a facecamping build in low MMR, but again we are using the 'average match' metric). Since it is harder for Bubba to get the same results, it takes more skill, thus the skill expression, than the Blight player reaching the same goal. Both can defeat (most) SWFs, but the Blight can make massive mistakes along the way in comparison to the Bubba. If the opposing Survivor team is say a 9/10, the Bubba has to climb from maybe a 5 up to 9 to compete, whereas the Blight only has to climb from 7.5/8 up to 9. The larger the gap from possibility to execution, the greater the skill expression. 'Weaker' Killers under that definition always have more skill expression because they have a tougher road to travel. The exception is when a Killer is so weak that they can't even get kills (say a 1/10 only able to reach 6/10 tops). I know many people like to trash Skull Merchant and Sadako, but I don't even think they are that weak. Also, since I use an 'average match', that gets to ignore the extremes of the Toddler with a controller unskilled end, and the comp sweat squads end. (If we were to include Toddlers and comp teams it wouldn't be 0-10, it would probably be -100 to roughly positive 30.)

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    It's not really a question of whether or not something is a part of gameplay, nor is it a question of whether or not it is a smart play.

    People play video games because they are enjoyable. When the game stops becoming enjoyable, people stop playing.

    It's really that simple.

    I didn't comment looking to debate the ethics of rage quitters--there's no question they're detrimental to everyone else's experience.

    OP was asking why people rage quit. If they're encountering it every game, there is a real possibility their in-game decisions are contributing to the frequency of rage quitters in their games.

    Whether or not OP wants to change their in-game behavior to minimize the occurence is up to them. They're no more or less responsible for everyone else's enjoyment as the other players in their game. If you're going to make the argument that Killers are not responsible for the Survivors' fun, you should recognize that ragequitters hold the same exact opinion about the other players in their lobby. They'll continue to rage quit, because they need only care about whether or not they are enjoying the game.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    There is a difference between not caring about other people's enjoyment and realizing that you aren't responsible for their enjoyment. I didn't say only killers shouldn't feel responsible I clearly said that goes both ways. Even so, no player is responsible for the enjoyment of another is the point. "its not the killer's job to satisfy the wants of the survivor player and vice versa." <- the original quote.

    Because what you find fun in game, others may not and that's ok. What they find fun you may not and that's ok too, these differences are what makes online gaming a varied and interesting experience.

    That's where we get back to why people rage quit... you gave the example of patience running out explaining why they quit and that patience runs out because they have built up resentment about negative game experience. This is because they didn't want to play a game they thought wasn't fun.

    "There are a lot of reasons a Survivor will instantly give up, but most of them stem from a lack of patience.

    Either they're always impatient, or they've already played out some games against scummy Killers, and their patience has run thin.

    Do you typically roam close to hook looking for any nearby Survivors, or just outright proxy camp?"

    This is a really lame reason to quit and not really an excuse, a mature person would understand that they are getting tilted or impatient and stop playing before queueing up for the next match... while an immature person gets angrier about not getting what they want from the game and rage quits halfway through.

    The fault lies purely with the person engaging in the quitting

    "OP was asking why people rage quit. If they're encountering it every game, there is a real possibility their in-game decisions are contributing to the frequency of rage quitters in their games." A possibility but the point I'm making is that, this shouldn't bother the OP, neither should the OP change up how they play if they find it fun, especially just to meet the demands of someone who rage quits because they didn't get what they wanted from the game.

    The example you are using to make your point is that players don't like some game elements and if you utilize those game elements people will quit, which is probably true but your emphasis is on the OP realizing this and kinda suggests they should change how they play. (Given your example of what you defined as "scummy" play)

    Whereas my point is just the opposite in which the OP shouldn't really worry about it and just play how they enjoy playing, quitters be damned.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    I agree, I don't think OP should worry about it. There are enough other comments in the thread echoing that sentiment--don't really feel like I needed to preach to the choir. OP would likely decide that on their own, regardless.

    It doesn't hurt to be aware of causality, tho.

    Additionally, unless BHVR can remedy the problem, players are obligated to take responsibility for their own actions.

    If someone is doing something blatantly unenjoyable to their opponent, they shouldn't be surprised when their opponent refuses to participate in normal play.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    I come from league, I want to improve my skill and I want survivors to be able to so as well. There are too many killers that deny skillful game play in this game.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Sure it doesn't hurt to be aware of why people may quit but you can't apply causality to those assumptions. People quit even when you aren't engaging in play others might consider scummy. Correlation doesn't equal causation.

    Players are obligated to take responsibility for their own actions regardless of what BHVR do. But they don't have any obligations toward another player's fun because other players may not share their version of fun.

    Define blatantly unenjoyable, It's just as likely the reason for players quitting is when their prospects of winning diminish, moreso than perceived unfun play. "Unfun play" usually gets used as a convenient excuse to justify quitting over loss and bolster the ego against having lost.

    This goes doubly for people who just assume they'll be camped or tunneled because the killer doesn't immediately start leaving the hook.

    Furthermore the term proxy camping is a such a ridiculous concept because making the hooked survivor part of your new gen patrol is a good idea, because if you don't find another survivor on a gen you're likely to find on near the hook, yet it also gets thrown into the "scummy play" excuse bag with the rest.

    I'd go as far to say its just as valid a reason that people start to see more quitters simply because they get better at the game and start getting more downs which makes people quit more.