Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Bullysquads are ENTIRELY out of control



  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    This is hard to judge without seeing you play, i rarely lose games as killer but i'm also very experienced and know what to do when games are close. If a team REALLY goes for gens then there is not that much you can do on some maps, especially if they know how to counter camping and tunneling, eg if they're wiling to sacrifice a surv for a 3-man-out. BUT bully squads are rarely a problem except in some very exotic circumstances (like getting The Game as M1 killer). You can usually bait and punish cocky behaviour and those guys are often allergic to gens too, but it's hard to go into details without knowing what exactly happened.

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 772

    Players like this play this game for the soul purpose of bullying. Not to have fun like a normal human but to bully and abuse one sided game mechanics which help them do it.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,145

    Git gud

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Bully squads could be 100% prevented with one easy rule:

    No repeats of characters, perks or items in a SWF.

    The only problem is that the survivor mains go crazy and say you are punishing them for balancing the game.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,618
    edited April 2023

    why are you still playing it? Do lilke i did: UNISTALL, you'll thank me later for this decision, trust me.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,618
    edited April 2023

    1st i stopped 2 days ago so i'm not "keeping coming back", i'm just giving a warning to other people

    2nd why do you bother? i'm giving a personal opinion and this is a forum where people speak about the game, not playing it...

    3rd are you simping for this game?

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    No it isn't. It can be a bit tough on West wing but East is very killer sided. The only thing making them bullies from what you've said is the chat. Just close it and move on. It sucks some people are jerks but you have an easy work around.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    Different platform isnt an excuse; you can lobby with other platforms no issue and isnt an indicator that they arent a squad (plus windows/epic/steam all show this icon for eachother too).

    I think the Jane in this case was just a rando that got abandoned by the trio bully squad, which is why they were the death specifically.

  • Unimatrix00
    Unimatrix00 Member Posts: 459

    Well I'll start with the fact that I actually play the game and enjoy it. Simping for it, no more than you're simping for negativity.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,618

    ok now i'm sure that you are a simp for this game, have a good day

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006
  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    -"The game is not survivor sided- it’s SWF sided"

    Can we not start with this false rhetoric again?

    If Garden of Joy is not survivor sided then why do people always pick that map when they want an easy game? The same goes for The Game, Ormond, Farm maps and the Knight Map.

    The rules for DBD are stacked against killer. The better you play as a survivor the more this becomes easy to notice. Why do "god pallets" exist? It's to literally force the chase to end. The only killers who get to ignore pallets are extremely hard to use so people consider that "fine". That's not ok. Does killer have anything equating to god pallets where they get an automatic win in chases? They get nothing for free.

    While it is true that SWF has a bigger advantage over solo play - good solo players will stomp you as killer if they are efficient and you are not.

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 635

    Game goes for 1 kill average ratio so I'd say get used to it unless you go sweaty.

    You might get advices to not read end game chat or just move to the next game. While it can work in a sense it's nothing but turning a blind eye to the problem with community and game balance. Sure you can come here and complain about it but know that it's survivors who ''bully'' the killer situation and not otherwise and since survivors ''bring the cash in'', don't expect such behavior from their side be punished at all.

    To people who say it's a skill issue - while it may be so, it also demonstrates a good glaring issue with this game. Apparently if killer does struggle in the match there is nothing that game does to help. I'm talking about certain perks that could be made base-kit for killers which currently aren't even used on their own and mostly exist to help beginner and inexperienced killers. The heavily disliked fact is that Basekit Borrowed Time is also a skill issue ( skilled survivors don't get caught or can be body shielded by skilled team mates ) yet since it favors survivor playerbase it stays no matter what.

    OP : I'd say just move on. The sooner you do the better. Don't let those people stress you up, it's not worth it. I'm saying so because there will be no punishment enacted upon them so the only ''damage'' they can do to you depends on how close you take their words.

  • Bjorkenny
    Bjorkenny Member Posts: 13

    Wait for the new candy survivor patch.

    Swf just received a massive buff, they will heal in your face.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,865
    edited April 2023

    “False rhetoric???” The game is imbalanced because of SWF’s- there’s a LOT more of them than 4 good solo players. But you know who the majority is? Solo potatoes. SWF’s are the ones who make killers lives miserable. Why doesn’t the game show who’s in a SWF? Because every killer would dodge those lobbies. WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU? C’mon now- there are no excuses for that. That’s just plain flagrant. Overwatch is another game that won’t show who’s teamed up- it’s an advantage and causes imbalance. Let’s call it for what it is and stop pretending they’re not the real culprit. It’s a totally different game when I play solos vs. SWF’s. Matchmaking is too asss to consistently give you 4 good solos, so when you do go against solo players- it’s mostly a chill and enjoyable experience.

    And as far as maps go: Auto Haven Wreckers Yard, Midwich, Lery’s, The Artist’s map, Haddonfield, The Game (goes both ways- especially for Meyers, Pig, Hag, Doctor, Skull Merchant, etc. and any pallet builds [enduring, spirit fury, nemesis, brutal strength, etc.]. Killers have their fair share of maps, plus the new and future updates are nerfing loops and shrinking more maps. Maps mean nothing in 2023. I bet you if anything, it’s the SWF’s who you are protecting who bring the most map offerings, cause I don’t see it too often in solo que, that’s for damn sure.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    -"it’s the SWF’s who you are protecting who bring the most map offerings"

    You have me all wrong.

    1. The game favors the survivor over the killer when you reach above average skill level.
    2. SWF breaks DBD even more
    3. Stong perks like DH, Deliverance, Reassurance, etc., all massively imbalance the game unless the killer is playing Nurse/Blight with meta perks. Strong items have the same effect. Survivor sided maps have the same effect.

    A number of people want to say : SWF is better than killer which is better than solo survivor. That's just not true if you are playing against very good players. One single mistake as killer often costs you a kill. That is what I meant when I said "false rhetoric".

    -"Lery’s, The Artist’s map, Haddonfield, The Game"

    These maps are massively survivor sided. The only exception is when you pick Lery's with ghostface - otherwise that map is a survivor playground because one side of the map is impossible to defend. It is absolutely a "3 gen or gtfo map".

    Crow map is less crappy than it was before but is still overall too big and it is easy to make a "Y" gen where old killers can't defend the gens.

    Haddonfield is a "3 gen or GTFO" map. Also if the basement of pain is on the Myer's side of the street then it is impossible to hold that side so you don't even have a proper 3 gen.

    The Game is killer sided if you are Nurse, Blight, Nemesis, Huntress, PH and probably someone else Im forgetting. These killers can play the game with no addons and be fine. Most other killers would get stomped on this map.

    Take legion for example.... this map will absolutely destroy you unless you have Iri button (Iri button base kit for Legion when). But the map is "fine" if you have Iri button. That's not right.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,865

    @DBDVulture Crow gets it. He understands.

    I stand by what I say, and I’m going to keep pushing this narrative as long as game developers are going to keep pretending like grouping up isn’t an advantage and causes an imbalance. When they pair it up with terrible matchmaking, then it becomes a recipe for disaster. I’m sorry the game sucks at high level for killers, but the games sucks even more at low-mid level for survivors. AND BOTH are caused by the improper balance of SWF’s. I swear the consistent potatoes you get as teammates, do more damage to the team than any killer can. They practically give the killer the W with the lack of communication, ragequitting, cowardice, and lack of game sense/awareness. They can’t even take advantage of anything you deem survivor sided such as Ormond. Put Pinhead on that map and watch them ragequit or let go on hook once they got caught first and see he has Plaything. A 3/4 man SWF isn’t doing that. You’ll find out if you don’t do the lament box, 8 times out of 10 NONE of your teammates will do it. Onryo? You think solos strategically do TV’s in between gens to cut off her map control? No. Plague? Always cleansing to give her, her power- then will come and save infected you off hook 10 seconds right after, cleanse again, thus giving her power twice in less than 45 seconds. Nice. Always hiding, self caring, and COH’ing, and too brain dead to take advantage of a “survivor sided” game. And that’s the problem right there Vulture- all these resources put into play for those who need it most (the majority of the player base), and they don’t use it to their full potential. Who does? SWF’s do, on top of already having the one thing that Trumps ANY killer or survivor perk- Communication.

    Four good solos are practically unicorns. They’re not encountered often on the low to mid level, otherwise I’d see more of them in my matches when I’m survivor. Huge difference from now and the days of red ranks. Red ranks I consistently saw good players in the majority of my matches.

    SWF’s are why I don’t like playing killer. If I lose, it’s usually a stomp- rarely a close game. If I win, it’s usually a sweat fest and not enjoyable. I feel like a played 3 games in a row after just playing ONE match. Too stressful. I don’t understand how killer mains do it. When I go against solo’s who know how to play and use whatever is at their disposal, I enjoy the killer experience the most- win or lose. It’s the perfect tempo. Now going against solo potatoes is nice and an ego boost (NGL), but too often I have to let the last person or last two go because their teammates either ragequitted or were just somewhere hiding and not participating/helping. I totally understand their woes for having to endure that, so I become empathetic. But the game is not fun having to deal with that for 2 or 3 matches consecutively, so i turn it off.

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    Looks like the bully squads will remain as strong as ever next patch with CoH being buffed (!!) to favor premade/coordinated groups (EIGHT second heals), meanwhile genrushing remains entirely untouched. The loss of several gen regression perks for killers is going to be truly devastating, I see very little reason to pick anything but Deadlock in the immediate future.

    The few people in here who lack the empathy or understanding to grasp what I'm going through should seriously consider two things:

    1) Why can't matchmaking/MMR adapt despite this type of experience being the norm for me?

    2) Why should I NOT be allowed to pick NOED while survivors get to borderline cheat at the game with perks like CoH and Dead Hard? I never see you condemn survivors for using these perks but the moment a struggling killer like me brings this perk I'm suddenly the villain? What is wrong with you?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
    edited April 2023

    1) Because it isn't designed to. The MM prioritizes queue times over balanced games, doubly so if you get backfilled. To me, it's still likely that these games are completely winnable. However, without any footage, it's difficult to say for sure.

    2) I didn't see anyone paint you as a villain for using NOED, although I admittedly stopped paying close attention after a bit.

    Oh, and a quick question. Did you mean to say that CoH was buffed?

  • IrlClownMain
    IrlClownMain Member Posts: 21

    In the first match you ran NOED and rancor...? if you're that concerned with winning, why did you run an endgame build without No Way Out? Also, their perks weren't even anything that strong, other than a few meta perks and an okay medkit. Maybe they just outplayed you

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,291

    The game is extremely survivor sided in its current state and bullysquads know it damn well. They show no remorse when it comes to exploiting their busted role.

    You admit that you started camping in the first game, and it's clear from the point total that you tunnelled the adept Jane out immediately.

    The reason you're 'struggling to down anyone' is because you're inflating your MMR by resorting to cheap, hard-to-counter tactics that net you kills you don't have the skill to secure straight. You're playing above your skill rank.

  • smartemarte
    smartemarte Member Posts: 254

    "dead hard is over used" pretty sure that's the complaint of killer mains? that's a "bully squad" and only one of them has it

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Great example that the term "bully squad" has no meaning. Nowadays everything a Killer dislikes is called "bullying".

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021
    edited April 2023

    Yes, CoH got buffed. They doubled the healing speed within its aura at the cost of removing selfheals. It used to be 50%, now it'll be 100%. Premades can meet up at the boon and heal up twice as fast now.

  • NotAnotherDoctor
    NotAnotherDoctor Member Posts: 291

    "Dead by Daylight is a bully simulator and nothing else."

    Well said.

    I made a post similar to this yesterday about the constant sqauds and all people ever say is "take this as an opportunity to get better" which is total BS, this game is favoured towards swfs (not solo queue, solo queue is a mess too) and they know exactly what to do to ensure the worst possible experience.

    I uninstalled, I suggest you do the same for your own sanity

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    It is not buffed.

    It had the single strongest effect in the game removed from it.

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    If you ask me it merely got readjusted. They literally increased the healing speed to compensate for the loss of selfcare, it's still completely busted and will be used by SWFs to the fullest extent.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 690
  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    The self heal is what people care about though.

    You can heal with We'll make in 8 seconds and it has been like this for years, but nobody complains about it, while most people would agree that it is a good perk it's not a meta perk. Sure, you have to unhook and than it is only active for 90 seconds, but CoH need blessing, can be snuffed and both survivors need to travel to the affected area, so I would say both have their up- and downsides and I personally I wouldn' t pick CoH over Wmi (but I don't like boons in general, so I might be biased).

    I've heard the concern that CoH could be used in certain anti slug builds (with soul guard and wglf maybe?) and I'm not sure how realistic these concerns are, so maybe CoH might need adjustments for specific situations, but overall I don't think it will be a problem (or even used much).

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021
    edited April 2023

    Thanks for proving my point. Instead of 16 second heals survivors will be able to do it at an even more absurd pace now. And don't forget the free aura reading they get to coordinate it with randoms. The perk will remain an issue, especially on multi-leveled maps where the killer has to waste so much time on going upstairs just to snuff out the totem while everyone below him gets to profit off the effect until it's taken care of.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    That is not even close to making up for the loss of Self-Healing.

    That's what made CoH absurd.

    These 8 second heal times are really 30 seconds since they require two Survivors and the time to set-up a Boon. That's not even accounting for travel time or if the Killer snuffs the Boon.

    The perk is good. I wouldn't mind seeing it go to 75% but it definitely didn't get buffed.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 690

    Pretty sure they removed the general heal increase and made it only apply to others. So you take that and the fact that you can't self heal, along with you having to find a totem and boon it, and I just don't see this perk being very good.

  • MrPsych
    MrPsych Member Posts: 265

    That still requires someone else to not do anything to go and heal them. Totems are not always easily accessible, nor will they allow survivors to heal in front of the killer like COH used to do in its early days. You seriously think survivors will perform altruistic healing right in front of a killer?

    And if you think this is unfair, then surely We'll Make It is also an unfair overpowered healing perk. 8 second heals for 90 seconds after an unhook! Inconceivable!

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,367

    Saw this video recently. You might give it watch.

    "The Downfall of Bully Squads"

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    -"developers are going to keep pretending like grouping up isn’t an advantage and causes an imbalance."

    For the first 4-5 years the devs said : SWF offers no advantage. Then they said, "oops it gives up to a 15% increased escape rate- our bad."

    -"the game sucks at high level for killers, but the games sucks even more at low-mid level for survivors"

    And the problem here is that they balance the game around the bad players and ignore the high level experience. This causes high level killer players to quit.

    -"Four good solos are practically unicorns."

    The MMR system encourages people who hide in the corner to rank up because escaping is the only metric. Once upon a time you needed to do well in 4 categories to rank up. So only the good players were red and those who were corner campers got to maybe green if they got carried.

    "SWF’s are why I don’t like playing killer"

    And the problem is that the rhetoric they gave us was that first they were going to make solos closer to SWF and then they were going to buff killers. Where did that part go? They nerfed killers to the point where gen defense is impossible and gave survivors a slap on the wrist.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    Putting aside whether these were actual bully squads or not, I love how when killers complain about bullying or toxic behavior they get told to grow thicker skin, git gud, or get off the internet but when survivors cry about face camping, getting bled out or beat on the hook it's wahhhhh BHVR please do something make it so killers can't use their powers at hook, take away the Leatherface masks, give me basekit unbreakable so I can't get bled out!! Wahhhhhhhh

  • Skill_issue
    Skill_issue Member Posts: 542

    not sure that 2nd group is jane was going 4 her adept and they didnt havw op addons...end game chat doesnt make them a bully squad

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,123

    Chill out on playing Killer for now, devs will only panic once the Killer population drops and people start complaining about queue times again.

    Or dodge lobbies that look like premades or anyone that seems to be above your skill level.

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    I've been doing both things already. Haven't played DbD since RE4 remake came out, before that I've been dodging lobbies nonstop if I saw anyone with either a high prestige level or a combination of items I didn't like.

  • Aceislife
    Aceislife Member Posts: 264

    Look at the amount of BP you got compared to the survs. I'd say you played great.

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    At this point I hardly even care about bloodpoints considering how overinflated the ingame economy is. What I care about however is my personal enjoyment of the match. I didn't have fun and the postgame conversations only made my mood worse. No amount of bp bribery can make up for that.

  • Aceislife
    Aceislife Member Posts: 264

    Not about bribes, BP indicates how well you did your 4 main objectives.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,610

    Looking at the screenshots, I can tell they are childish jerks but they don't look like bully squads.

    The items nor the perks fit a team made to "bully" a killer.

    If it makes you feel better, these are the kind of players who DC the minute it doesn't go well for them or stay silent in the chat when they have been destroyed.

    They are not worth the space they are occupying in your mind. What's the word? Rent-free?

    It used to be, before the 1K hour mark, I had trouble with some kinds of survivors. After a while (more than 3K hours now) it went better and now my favorite kind of opponents are the "bullies", the real ones. They are so predictable I'm amazed the rare times I only get a draw against such a team. I've killed these with a bunch of different killers, including Trapper (that's how "easy" they can be.) Strangely, it's more difficult when I'm on Nurse as they tend to be way more careful against that killer.