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My Attempt at a Pig Rework


Hey Guys Shroompy here! So I haven't written a post like this in a LONG time and to be honest, I kinda miss it. For a while now I've had some ideas on how I'd change a few killers, and after watching a few SAW movies I decided to started playing The Pig a bit more. To my surprise I actually started enjoying her quite a bit, but as we all know she definitely isn't the strongest killer out there, far from it.

So in this post I will be throwing out my idea on how I'd rework the Pig while still following a few rules:

-The gameplay must remain the same or very similar to current day

-The power must still stay loyal to the SAW franchise and Amanda herself

-The power must have its own identity

-The 2 main aspects of her power (Crouching and the RBT's) should synergize a bit better with each other

-Nerfing her

As for the format of this post: Firstly it'll be the power description (as if you were hovering over the power icon). Secondly it'll be a little bit of trivia about the power (such as specific numbers, or to clarify some things to get a better idea on how it would play out). And lastly, it'll be a full add on pass!

With that out of the way, lets get to the rework!


Forever devoted to her master's cause, she punishes the ungrateful and the guilty with slyness and murderous puzzles. The Pig can move stealthily, dash in Ambush attacks and put Survivors in several deadly situations where they must make a choice that will result in either life or death.


Press the Active Ability button to Crouch. Press the Active Ability button again while Crouched to stand. The Pig moves at a slower speed while Crouched. The Pig is granted the Undetectable status effect while Crouched.


Press and hold the Attack button while Crouched to dash and perform an Ambush attack. If a Survivor is hit with an Ambush, they are immediately put into the Dying State and become afflicted with the Dazed status effect.


By default, start the trial with 4 Nail Bombs. Press and hold the Power button to set a Nail Bomb on a valid location in front of you. A Nail Bomb will detonate when any Survivor walks or runs near it, damaging, applying the Deep Wounds status effect, and Dazed status effect to any Survivor within the radius. Survivors can disarm Nail Bombs, returning it to The Pig's inventory. The Pig may also walk up to a Nail Bomb to collect it.

While a Survivor is Dazed, the effects of a Survivor struggling is drastically reduced and the time to wiggle out of The Pigs grasp is increased.


At the beginning of each trial, 4 Drill Chairs and 5 Jigsaw Boxes spawn. Additionally, 4 Sacrificial Hooks are replaced with Angel Traps. While carrying a Dazed Survivor, you may place them onto a Drill Chair or into an Angel Trap which will progress them onto the next phase of a Sacrifice. Doing so removes the Dazed status effect.

Placing a Survivor onto a Drill Chair attaches a Reverse Bear Trap onto their head. Once used, they can't be used again. A Survivor may struggle out of a Drill Chair themselves after some time, or they can be saved by another Survivor. Being saved by another Survivor will keep the Reverse Bear Trap inactive. Struggling out themselves will immediately activate the Reverse Bear Trap, starting a countdown timer.

Any inactive Reverse Bear Traps becomes active once any Generator is completed.

Survivors may locate Jigsaw Boxes throughout the trial to attempt to find the correct key to remove the Reverse Bear Trap. Failing to do so and letting the timer expire will immediately Sacrifice the Survivor.

Placing a Survivor into an Angel Trap gives the Survivor 2 choices. They can either wait to be saved by another Survivor, or free themselves by crushing their own hands. Doing the latter will result in a Generator and Healing action speed de-buff for as long as they're health state doesn't change. Additionally, Great Skill Checks are no longer possible.

If a Survivor is not freed from an Angel Trap in time, they are immediately Sacrificed.

"You will give everything to me, every cell in your body. The marks on your arms, they're from another life. We'll leave that life behind. When you walk down that corridor there is no turning back. Do you understand that?" -Jigsaw's Baptism


This section of the post will diving into the numbers and go more in depth on how the power will work to get a better idea of how it would play out. Since I can't play test these, nothing is final.

Feel free to comment if you see anything that could be easily exploited, or any faults!


Crouching time: 2.7 seconds (Increased from 1.3 seconds)

Standing time: 1.3 seconds

Movement speed: 4m/s (Increased from 3.6m/s)

Terror Radius disappearance: 3 seconds (Down from 5 seconds)

Undetectable linger: 2.5 seconds (Up from 0 seconds)


Charge time: 0.75 seconds

Movement speed: 6.9m/s

Successful attack cooldown: 3 seconds

Missed attack cooldown: 2 seconds

Duration: 2.5 seconds (up from 2 seconds)

Nail Bomb

Setting time: 3 seconds

Disarm time: 3 seconds

Blast Radius: 5 meters

Restriction Zones

Within 16 meters of a Hooked/Sitting/Trapped Survivor

Within 4 meters of a Generator

Within 3 meters of the Hatch

Within 4 meters of a Jigsaw Box

Drill Chair and Angel Traps

Though they have their differences, Drill Chair's and Angel Traps share a few mechanics with Hooks.

-They still provide Endurance/Haste upon being saved

Drill Chair

Placing Survivor onto Drill Chair: 3 seconds

Free-self action time: 5 seconds

Minimum time until struggle: 30 seconds

  • Refers to how long it takes for a Survivor to be given the option to free themselves from a Drill Chair.

Death timer: 75 seconds

Angel Traps

Placing Survivor into Angel Trap: 3 seconds

Free-self action time: 10 seconds

Minimum time until struggle: 20 seconds

Death timer: 90 seconds

Generator speed de-buff: 20%

Healing speed de-buff: 20%

Reverse Bear Traps

Death timer: 150 seconds

Timer paused when:

  • Being chased
  • In the Dying state
  • Hooked/Sitting/Trapped

Jigsaw Boxes

Search time: 12 seconds

Minimum distance from Drill Chair: 20 meters


In this segment, we'll be looking at every single one of her add ons. The Pig actually has quite a few decent add ons and I aim to keep that. Those that are pretty good I plan on not touching, how ever with the additions to her power some add ons will receive drastic changes.


Shattered Syringe

Symbol of a broken way of life. Reminiscing about her past-self hardens her determination.

  • Reduces the cool-down time of missed and successful Ambush attacks by 25%.

John's Medical File

The medical file of a cancerous man. Fills the reader with dread and recklessness.

  • Increases movement speed by 8% while carrying a Dazed Survivor.

Workshop Grease

A simple tube of grease, used to lubricate the mechanisms of the hidden blade.

  • Increases Ambush attack charge speed by 25%.
  • Decreases Ambush attack miss cooldown by 25%.

Combat Straps

Leather Straps that hold fabric in place for nimbler movement.

  • Increases crouching and un-crouching speed by 30%.


Heavy Duty Vice

A modification for the Angel Trap: A heavier vice that stops at nothing.

  • Increases healing and generator de-buffs inflicted from the Angel Trap by 25%.

Utility Blades

A modification for the Angel Trap: Sharp blades attached to the trap's interior lacerate the victim with every movement.

  • Angel Traps inflict the Hemorrhage status effect until healed.

Large Beaker

A modification for the Jigsaw Box: A larger beaker placed at the bottom of the contraption, a larger size means a larger demand.

  • Increases time required to search a Jigsaw Box by 17%.

Last Will

A latched wooden box with a satin lining, offered as part of a last will.

  • Increases available Nail Bombs by 1.

Rule Set No.2

Not all games need to have the same rules.

  • Disables the Survivors' ability to see Jigsaw Boxes highlighted until their Trap is activated.

"Listen, there are rules" -Jigsaw


Medical Anesthetics

Sedatives meant to be used for medical purposes, how ever now they have a much more darker purpose

  • Survivors' Aura's who are hit by an Ambush are not revealed to other Survivors when they are standing outside of a 16-meter range for 30 seconds.
  • Prevents the Survivor from screaming.

Rusty Nails

A modification for the Nail Bomb: Nails covered with a thick coat of rust. Useless for its original purpose, they now find themselves with a new purpose.

  • Survivors caught within the blast radius of a detonated Nail Bomb suffer from the Mangled and Hemorrhage status effects.

Jigsaw's Annotated Plan

A disturbing, yet brilliant, trap design laid down on paper and annotated by Jigsaw.

  • Increases available Drill Chairs by 1.
  • Increases Reverse Bear Trap death timer by 10 seconds.
  • Whenever a generator is completed, 10 seconds is removed from the death timer of all active Reverse Bear Traps.

Slow-Release Toxin

A modification for the Reverse Bear Trap: A poison that is not fatal but weakens the body and makes it nearly impossible to recover fully from any effort.

  • Reverse Bear Traps inflict Exhausted until removed.

High-Grade Parts

A modification for the Angel Trap: This collection of mechanical parts allows the creation of more secure traps

  • Increases the time for a Survivor to free themselves from an Angel Trap by 25%.

Very Rare

Tampered Timer

A timer that has been fiddled with. A spring in the mechanism forces the gears to turn faster.

  • Decreases the Reverse Bear Trap death timer by 20 seconds.

Jigsaw's Sketch

A disturbing, yet brilliant, trap design sketched in details on a sheet of paper.

  • Reveals any Dazed Survivor within 10 meters of a Jigsaw Box through Killer Instinct.

Amanda's Letter

A blackmailing letter for the attention of Amanda. Fills the reader with rage and focus.

  • While crouched, reveals auras of Survivors within 16 meters

Video Tape

A recording of Jigsaw, explaining the game's rules to Amanda. Reminiscing about her past-self hardens her determination.

  • Survivors begin the trial with Reverse Bear Traps installed.
  • Does not spawn Drill Chairs.

Ultra Rare

Bloody Bullet

A wound caused by Amanda failing her last test. Despite this, she doesn't learn from her mistakes.

  • Survivors are no longer able to free themselves from Drill Chairs or Angel Traps.

Amanda's Secret

A black metal box containing a knife and various medical supplies, such as bandages and compresses. Deep cuts reduce stress and awaken the senses.

  • Whenever a Survivor is rescued from a Drill Chair or Angel Trap at least 32 meters away from you, the savior screams and suffers from the Exposed status effect for 60 seconds.


Well damn you made it all the way to the end! I would ABSOLUTELY love your feedback and questions regarding this suggestion. Of course its a bit out there, and there are most definitely things I overlooked so if you spot any of them, feel free to let me know and I'll make sure to fix it up.

With that being said, thank you for reading <3


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited April 2023

    This is way, way, way over complicating something with a simple solution. The devs typically don’t do changes this extensive either. These level of reworks are usually reserved for killers with fundamental flaws like Skull Merchant, Pig is not fundamentally flawed in design.

    All she needs is her crouch move speed increased, increase the charge speed of her ambush and it’s move speed, remove the sheathing sound of her crouch, and finally move the roar to the end of the charge bar instead of the beginning.

    That’s really it. If you wanna get extra snazzy she could use some addon changes. Her core issues are just how bad her crouch and ambush is.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,474

    I'm well aware that this is over-complicating things, but that's kind of the point. I wanted to fantasize about what it would be like if I myself were able to create the Pig from the ground up while staying faithful to the SAW franchise but also make something thats enjoyable to play as and against, while also feeling rewarding. To me a good character design is something that's easy to grasp for a new player, but still provides a challenge to master for experienced players which this rework also achieves.

    Simply doing a few number tweaks wouldn't necessarily fix her without just making her frustrating to go against. Doing all the changes to her crouch/ambush that you listed simply encourages to use her Ambush at loops and for a Survivor to just run away from it (more than they are already). Not to mention that removing her sheathing sound removes feedback which might not be OP per say, but just makes it feel unfair. This is perfectly shown with Hag and Rusty Shackles.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited April 2023

    If it’s just for fun/fantasy that makes sense, I just don’t see it in terms of practicality.

    I disagree, number tweaks would fix her and that would not be remotely frustrating to go against. It would be a mind game of if she was going to ambush or go for the m1 and trying to time the crouch during a line of sight loss to catch them off guard from running. Removing sheathing sound actually adds skilled interaction instead of spoon feeding it to the survivor. They would have to watch her and be weary of a LoS break crouch. I actually don’t see an issue with Rusty Shackles. Hags issues are more in her base design.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    finally move the roar to the end of the charge bar instead of the beginning.

    don't you dare to touch my roar

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I think it makes sense from the movies... to say the least

    But then again... it kinda comes off as to much from a gameplay perspective

    The Angel Trap was meant to be unescapable

    The Drill Chair was just a distraction... "make your choice"

    But yea... her Crouch and Dash are her biggest issues

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,474

    It sounds like a lot but essentially I'll boil it down to this:

    Angel Traps replace 4 hooks, kind of like Scourge Hooks.

    Drill Chairs spawn on their own and act to set a RBT, once its used it cannot be used again. 4 Drill Chair's spawn per game, giving you 4 RBT's to work with.

    Both Angel Traps and Drill Chairs are only accessible if a Survivor is Dazed. At its core, they do still function as a hook. Meaning downing some one who is Dazed and placing them in a Drill Chair for example is the same as if they were placed on a Hook.

    Dazed is applied via Nail Bomb's or Ambush. Think of it like Nemesis' infection, where its a mean to start dealing damage using his power.

    Like the Angel Trap, you can escape a Drill Chair on your own and its guaranteed to get out after a certain time. Just like hooks they still provide Haste and Endurance as an anti camp/tunnel tool. The thing is if you do escape on your own from either, you suffer the consequences. With a Drill Chair, you automatically start the timer of your RBT, (As opposed to having to the timer starting once a gen is popped) and with an Angel Trap you heal and repair slower, and are unable to hit Great Skill Checks.

    As for what the Drill Chair is, it made a brief appearance in the first movie. If you're wondering what it would look like here it is:

  • Ithiria
    Ithiria Member Posts: 236

    A lot of this is too much imo

    I don't think pig needs much work at all. I think a 24m terror radius, a bit faster crouching movement speed, and moving the roar to the start of the attack alone would do a lot for her.

    She's also the kind of killer that you have to be careful with buffing because she statistically performs really well, and perk setups like plaything sloppy with tampered timer are actual cancer to play against.