Breakable windows for Survivors

I was thinking that considering Killers have to break a wall in order to make certain areas more accessible for themselves, why not add the same mechanic for survivors? Okay, hear me out!
Maps like Garden Of Pain/Joy (depending on which role you're playing as) have infinite windows on main buildings. Why not make those windows breakable for survivors, instead of already open windows. That way they can't be instantly used as an infinite. Some could even be changed into windows that can only be used for vaulting after a survivor has used a Toolbox or Flashbang to break/blast them open.
This makes certain loops a bit fairer and requires actual forethought from the player. It also adds a bit more interaction for survivors and the things they can use on maps.
Obviously, this isn't meant for your average T&Ls or 4-walls. But would be really nice on main buildings, two consecutive tiles that connect a Jungle Gym with another one, and perhaps even on killershack.
I'd love to hear what you guys think! Keep it civil pls <3
Let’s see how many survivors will be left after next update with dead hard and selfheal effectively killed. And then you can ask for next survivor nerfs.
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That's not a nerf to survivors but to the maps that are unbalanced.
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Let's see if devs will need to revert the changes first before you put final nail into the coffin for survivor gameplay...
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That's a bit dramatic. They already changed a lot of the PTB nerfs, and maybe they will again afterward. My point has to do with infinite windows on maps, not the entire survivor gameplay or every window and so on. If you had actually read what I'd suggested you would've gotten that.
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I like this idea alot, You could easily use these to sprinkle in some problems for Survivors.
What if, breaking through a window, opens it up for players, but the Survivor takes damage breaking through the window?
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There's no infinite on any map any more. There used to be one on old Headonfield that allowed you to literally be on that window literally whole game until game shut down (this one got fixed even before the map got shut down).
There's no such a thing in game any more. The closest thing to it is dead dawg saloon main if u know how to fast vault from that difficult side that one window and use it with the other one on bottom floor - but even in this case killers gains a distance a little.
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Well, those strong main uildings got the breakable walls to make the loops weaker already. A number of structures go from safe to unsafe upon a wall being broken. These would also have to be excluded from the get go.
Some of the very strong windows a killer can do nothing else but dumb follow until bloodlust kicks in and/or the window gets blocked might be suitable for that appraoch; the super strong loop is there - but you need to unlock it. Fair enough.
That begs the question: should these loops even exist in the first place?
If you have one super op structure in the map (regardless of it just being there or if it has to be unlocked somehow) but it's also more or less the only really reliable place to get good chase times then that single structure messes up any data big time. Because anyone who can't get to that structure will likely have short(er) chase times, reflected in killrates. Ergo, as long as the killrates are alright on the map, the map as a whole is deemed alright. - Meanwhile neither player side has a lot of fun on those maps.
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Loops like Garden of Joy's main windows shouldn't exist, period.
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GoJ should have a dead zone called main building then? The structure has 2 pallets and that's it.
To make that map fair, all it needs is 1/2 reduction of all the filler pallets. Then it's OK.
However this change should come with balancing of midwitch too. Add 4 vault locations to those 8 long-ass halls and that should level the playing field a little
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2 pallets is pretty normal for main buildings.
And even Ormond with its four isn't as good as Garden of Joy's main.
I think making the rest of Garden of Joy much worse will leave it a frustrating map, though the map does have too many pallets, yeah. I think just making the fillers less reliable would do a lot, especially stuff like the parking lot which is 100% guaranteed.
Or, alternatively, nerf the maze tiles so they spawn garbage tiles. It'd be an alright tradeoff to have a lot of filler pallets but pretty bad maze tiles. Right now, the RNG is very free-floating and tends to spawn multiple good jungle gyms. None of the mazes on shack side are even capable of spawning such tiles as L-T walls.
But really, I don't think that much needs to be done to main building to make it a lot better. On the bottom floor, make only one of the two back windows spawn, cause linking them is great. If that's still too strong, add a breakable wall near the pallet-way back. If you get the kitchen window, it still links to the maze tile and is still strong.
Top window could be nerfed with a breakable wall in the room to the left that would let the killer just drop to the ground, although I don't actually think the upstairs windows need nerfed. I think it's okay for that gen to be really safe.
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You said remove ALL WINDOWS. Which main contains JUST 2 pallets and nothing more? Even Torment creek contains 2 pallets AND a window.
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There are though: Garden of Joy, Swamp and Badham still have them, they don't always spawn but they exist. Edit: I forgot Borgo and DDS.
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Again. Not infinites. They can buy a lot of time, but they are not infinite. Same as saloon one
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I said "Loops like Garden of Joy's main windows shouldn't exist, period."
That's not referring to the concept of GoJ having windows, it's referring to how strong the window loops are. I want the window loops taken down a peg, not for the whole building to lack windows lol.