Please bring back self care with the boon of healing

This is unfair to survivors we need to be able to heal when we don't have a med kit or someone nearby to help as that's not always the case. When you do a boon it usually helps everyone be able to heal but not anymore with the update.
CoH is finally balanced in its current form, and by extension, boons as a mechanics are no longer a failed idea because of a single overpowered perk. Dark Theory can finally be buffed by being given a secondary effect, and they can hopefully start introducing more boon perks again.
If you really want to be healed, try using Bond to help you find teammates and Leader to boost their heal speed, Resurgence or Renewal to heal when unhooked very easily, or Inner Healing.
CoH will never get back the ability to self heal, and it should absolutely stay that way.
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Just use Self Care + Botany
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If only there were a perk you could utilize to heal your with....
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I do not think that not allowing you to heal without a med kit in the boon circle of healing is very fair of an update. I have played probably over 3,000 hours. It seems like all the updates benefit more that the killer always wins the match. Yes, you could run with other perks to be able to heal yourself but it doesn't take away. The fact that is not fair that you load in with a perk that no longer works. Who cares if somebody heals you faster. If you wanted to heal faster you'd bring in a med kit. You're basically going to cause everybody to load in with med kits from here on out. In fact, I'm honestly thinking about not playing this game anymore and it's pretty much the only game I play. And once again yeah you could load in with different perks but that defeats the whole purpose. Why even have Boone circle of healing anymore? It doesn't work.
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With coordination, COH can be used to pull off very quick resets. A friend of mine was playing Huntress in RPD against a swf yesterday and their heals were so quick that I assumed one of the survivors was running heal oriented perks. The 4 man Swf escaped and it turns out all they had were a basic med kit, Botany and COH.
COH is not as “general” as it once was but it still has a place in DBD
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Many people, including myself, played DBD for years without CoH. It's really not needed
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CoH was too strong as a single Perk, its a lot better now. Why should I agree with you the changes should be reverted?
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The issue you call unfair is exactly why the perk was reworked as it was.
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Difference is you played in swf and not soloq. There is a huge difference in playing with comms and without. When survivors can communicate it makes it much easier.
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Heh my only issue is I no longer can use it to save myself from poopy teammates, but honestly of all the changes they made anything healing related wasn't a big deal to me.