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Hook timers, kinship and reassurance need to be looked at

This is getting me severely tilted. I just came out of a streak of 3 matches where the killer did nothing but camp, gave up all 5 gens for a single kill, used No Way Out to cheese a second kill and camp a second time. To add salt to the wound, two of them - different people both - said in chat "gg <3". These people are not playing to win, but to tilt people off, and the worst part is that they are successful at it, at least getting a tie out of their shenanigans.

Honestly, hook timers should be massively extended if the killer remains on the vicinity of the hook, and/or kinship and reassurance need a rework. Probably a good change would be changing kinship to trigger if the killer stands near the hook for too long, and reassurance may need a range extension and/or a time increase.

It's depressing to carry one of these perks only to see that, in the grand scheme of things, they did nothing to affect the outcome of the match. I'm carrying around a perk that 85% of my matches it does nothing only for it to do barely anything the one time it's supposed to help. If I carry one of these, I don't mind if I die, but at the very least I should be able to last long enough on the hook to let everyone else escape if the killer is just staring at me to death.


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    Hook timers should have been extended alongside longer generator times without perk interaction. Not by much but that definitely boosted camping.

    and yeah, Reassurance needs a little greater radius and shoud affect basement without having to go down completely.

  • Adagio_InDminor
    Adagio_InDminor Member Posts: 27

    Has anyone suggested something similar to Pyramid Head in that if a killer camps a hook after an amount of time the hook drops and respawns somewhere else? It shouldn't work after End Game timer of course. I play killer too and sometimes just securing 1 kill when I've been Seal Team SWF'd is all I can walk away with.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    People have suggested it to death.

    The problem is that you're actively suggesting something that means that killers aren't allowed to defend their hooks even if they play normally and just happen to deal with people constantly hook swarming. Please consider that every time the devs have put something in to hyper discourage camping that was purely punitive in nature survivors found ways to turn it into no win situations for killers who wanted to play normally. While not doing much of anything for people who only face camp just to bother people.

    We've tried having long hook timers, stopping hooking timers indefinitely, making them go extremely slow. All of these resulted in overall worse gameplay for the majority of killers while doing basically nothing for either the hard face camping or the camped survivor. The place we're at is probably the most reasonable it can be without generally making the overall experience worse.

  • Adagio_InDminor
    Adagio_InDminor Member Posts: 27

    I mean, I see your points but isn't playing "normally" hooking surivors and then defending gens? Who defines what normal is though? Which could also apply against my argument. :) Maybe it's better I call it "the spirit of the game" defending gen progress whilst downing and hooking survivors.

  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 389

    I still think there's a way to do it, they just haven't figured out yet, or are too afraid of making it overly complex.

    In my eyes it's very simple. The game keeps track of survivors and the killer's location anyway: If the killer spends too much time near a hook, the timer stops indefinitely.

    If survivors are near the hooked survivor while the killer is nearby, the timer continues as usual, which would encourage people to just do the gens and leave as soon as possible instead of wasting time waiting for a rescue that's not gonna happen anyway. We can even make the stopped timer from before restart the moment there's survivors nearby just in case the game triggers the anti-camping tool at the wrong time, like when the killer is trying to leave but survivors are rushing the hook.

    There's other options like freezing or decreasing the BP gain of the killer while they camp, while the camped survivor gets Distraction points for as long as the killer remains nearby, so there's no situations where someone gets camped from minute 1 and leaves with 3k BP while the killer leaves with 20k.

    None of this will solve 100% of the problematic situations, but I genuinely believe they'd be better systems than what we have now, which is... literally nothing. And it's not like I'm asking for some state-of-the-art technology, the game does keep track of players already, there's no reason why it can't handle "If killer near hook = bad, if survivor + killer = ok"

  • Hex_TunnelBait
    Hex_TunnelBait Member Posts: 36

    I suggested that the survivor's hook timer should slow based upon the number of remaining gens if the killer stays within, say, 12 meters of the hooked survivor.

    The amount could be 1 / (number of gens remaining - 1). For example, if a killer face-camps at 5 gens, then the survivor on hook's timer will decrease to 1 / (5 - 1), or 1/4 of the normal speed. If a killer does it at 3 gens, it's 1/2. By 2 gens remaining, the hook timer is 1/1 speed, or 100% speed, so that late-game camping is unaffected if a killer just needs to secure a kill.

    I also think that the survivor that is face-camped should receive constant BP for distraction points. There should be no reason at all that I get face-camped by a Bubba at 5 gens and leave the match with 1,200 BP whereas everyone else is over 10,000. It's not my fault that the killer chose to camp, nor is it my fault that my teammates couldn't get passed the camping to get me. It's also because the killer camped me that they got to progress objectives without issue lol.