BHVR, please address tunneling if you don't want to lose players

I'm tired, every game is the same, a lot of killers tunneling since the start because "is the way to balance the game" mindset
Some of my friends already quit because they don't have fun in being tunneled and not being able to play the game and I think I will do too. Why would I play a game where I can't even play thanks to another player?
Try having your entire team slugged almost every single match. Believe me, its far worse. The past 3 days now, more and more killers end up slugging my entire team and bleeding us all out. Even Unbreakable is useless. Wraith, Spirit, Myers, Blight, Legion, Plague, Nurse, Ghostface, Deathslinger, and Bubba to name a few of the killers I went against only to have us all slugged with slow down healing perks on top of it.
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Yeah this patch has made recovering from STBFL camping situations with anti healing near impossible at times.
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It feels like it's always one or the other these days. But as obnoxious as 4-man slugging is, at the end of day tunneling is a much more serious problem. There's generally very few reasons to commit to slugging everybody from the start other than to grief. Meanwhile, in Year 7 DBD, there's no reason not to tunnel.
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A Killer wanting to Kill you is part of the game, You are playing the game even if you do get tunneled.
But I agree, there isnt much the team can do to save a person who is being tunneled, bHVR you should improve that part of the game.
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I think bhvr should put more preassure to pain ad suffering delivered to survivors since Entity is suppoused to feed on emotions. Being killed brings no emptions. Main goal for killer should be chaseing survivors, hitting them and hooking. Sacrifice should be only the last resort when survivrs are starting to loose hope.
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And how would that look in game?
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Like no sacrificing? There was suggestion of ghosting, teleporting survs that are on hooks, or just not progress hook stages untill endgame? Lot of things can be done to achive that goal, some of them needs more some needs less balancing but it isnt impossible to achive and it is not unimaginable.
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Nah, I dont want any of those. It will turn Killer into a game of no agency or choice. Killers should be able to dig their heels in sometimes, I much rather bHVR allow that my respecting the Killers choice but giving that counter play by survivors.