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When will there be a update that prevents camping

Member Posts: 1,780

I get there's the strategic camping you know a survivor is near by so you sorta stay near the hook your moving around ready to attack. Then there's camping just sitting there not moving all match. BHVR wanted to prevent slugging by making Unbreakable base-kit it flopped because of the finishing mori well try testing something that removes camping and not the good kind like I don't know if the killer stands still infront of a hook for more then a minute or something they I don't can't use their power or just something that forces the killer to move and actually do something that isn't standing there. Camping is boring as survivor because of the fact your not doing anything still useful since your wasting the killer's time at least but still boring and I seriously don't get why killers do it in the first place.

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  • Member Posts: 136

    Playing against an aggressive swf team isn’t the situation where camping and tunnelling is a huge problem though. I’m sure they would actually expect you to do so if they’re playing that way. Comp-like style.

    There needs to be a way to disincentive ‘lazy’ killers who are just looking for an easy win or just ensure others have a miserable time.


    Camping - All killers powers can’t proc around a radius of a hooked survivor. Not just certain ones like dredge or artist. It’s currently really inconsistent for some reason?

    Tunneling - If there are at least 3 survivors in match, no blood points are given if the same person is hooked twice in a row.

    Something like that.

  • Member Posts: 2,073

    Camping could be partially combatted by just increasing the hook timer.

    Sure, there's an argument that survivors aren't going to want to hang on hook for longer if the killer does camp, but the only way to really fight camping is to make it less efficient than leaving the hook and pressuring the other survivors.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    They are valid strats to use and yes they don't want to fully make it impossible to camp, slug, or tunnel and they don't want to make a punishment for those who use them toxicly but also punish those who use them in the proper situations.

  • Member Posts: 300

    Said tunnlers/campers are the very same ones who qq about bully clicky,sabo, toxic swf squads and cry nerf survivors. How does anyone even find it fun to just camp or proxy camp and only get like 9k points for it lol.

    Even if people do gens cause of face camping ( those spoil no skilled bubba players especially) The other survivors get punish too since no emblems for anything can be gotten and its lame when in iri ranks depiping for scummy killer plays as a survivor. Yet a killer can still most likely pip or safety pip doing that

  • Member Posts: 2,212

    They should do something about facecamping, but also they aren't going to sadly.

    In fairness to them, it's not a completely straightforward problem. I think ambush camping with a stealth killer fits the game's theme well, likewise if survivors don't go for the rescue until a hook state is almost finished I think it would be crazy not to expect the killer to camp the hook. There's also post 5 gens, if you have a survivor on the hook and the doors are open, there isn't much else to do that makes sense.

    On the other hand, if BHVR put in actual punishments it would make it clear where the line is between acceptable camping levels and abusive camping.

    Examples: if the killer is within the 9 meters of the hook for more than 30 seconds per stage, the timer stops and the killer's aura is shown. That would require the killer to move, but also allow them to come back into the zone while chasing a survivor, or if they wanted to try and set up a trap, or if the timer was ticking down on the survivor.

    But I think there some other methods that could work:

    Simplistic approach: remove hook grabs (doesn't solve Bubba)

    Make the first survivor hooked have a considerably longer timer (first hook facecamps are the biggest problem).

    Totally different approach, make all survivors have considerably shorter hook timers, but they don't start until the killer has hit a different survivor.

    Buff reassurance considerably (I don't think this should be solved via perks, but that's the route BHVR normally goes). Increasing distance is the obvious, but I think a better idea would be a reassurance that survivors can see, but the killer doesn't. On the killer screen the timer keeps ticking down, but freezes at the last moment.

  • Member Posts: 1,141

    Imo there's a bit more to it than this. With passive slowdown perks like deadlock corrupt or no way out it can be very unrealistic to just smash through the gens and for sure get a 3 out, particularly for solos. And remember that's a 1k, camping is a strategy that really deserves zero kills, but as bubba or some others it secures one anyways. It's also a strategy that's very obvious for new killers and stomps new survivors, who (theoretically) get matched bc of MMR. It's obviously a skill issue technically but I think that's a shame that new players have to be faced with such an uninteresting strategy, I would imagine that the devs don't want that either

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    Removing unhook grabs from healthy would be a start. You could still trade. And self healing is rarer now, so keeping survivors injured to prevent unhooks is more viable.

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    There won't be, because bhvr slapped anti camping on a licensed perk, nerfed it before release and called it a day.

  • Member Posts: 4,694

    I hate this mentality because literally only one thing was ever tried, six years ago. That didn't work, so now everyone's just collectively shrugging their shoulders going 'Well, good try, gg no re'.

    Have the hook timer slow down dramatically if the killer is by the hook and ALL other survivors are on gens. Bam. Done.

    Killer isn't by the hook? Hook timer works as normal.

    A survivor is baiting the killer by the hook? Hook timer works as normal.

    Killer is chasing someone? Hook timer works as normal.

    Literally only camping gets gutted.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Yeah I would have to agree.

    There even is already something in the game like this. The killers chaser emblem gets penalties when they are around a hook and no other survivors are near

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    Tell that to some of the Survivors that want Camping punished

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    I mean I doubt they're ever gonna do anything that outright prevents camping. The killer is always going to be able to stand near the hook, I don't know of much they can do to prevent that. They may add more perks to punish it though.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I know.

    What i'm saying is there is already a system in the game that detects if a killer is camping for no reason they can use for anti camp mechanics

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    Everytime we try ways to severely curtail camping, survivors weaponize it to the point that it negatively impacts the gameplay experience of killers in a bad way.

    That's why the devs are very cautious with even adding perks that are meant to mitigate it. When Reassurance was in ptb survivors almost instantly got it nerfed cause they turned it into a hyper offensive weapon that messed up the flow of games too much.

    That's how unhinged people get in this game, we can't have solutions to problems without folks trying to bend them into hyper competitive weapons that ultimately cause the situation it is trying to prevent to become much worse for one or both sides. The design of the game needs to change to actually completely remove camping, but the moment they do make that change they'll need to address basically everything else related to it.

  • Member Posts: 136

    Yeah it’s a good point, it’s tough to keep track and I’m guilty of unintentionally ‘tunneling’ myself sometimes.

    There have been some good suggestions from others here though like buffing reassurance and getting rid of healthy hook grabs. Either way it’s good to see others ideas.

  • Member Posts: 2,073
    edited April 2023

    Every time

    This was tried once by the devs on a PTB like 6 years ago. It was heavily flawed, didn't make it to live, and exactly zero more attempts have been made since.

    When Reassurance was in ptb survivors almost instantly got it nerfed cause they turned it into a hyper offensive weapon that messed up the flow of games too much

    This never happened. There was never any evidence of this actually occurring, and was an invented possible scenario to keep Reassurance from being pushed to live in it's original form (that might have been effective at it's job).

    At best, the perk has the possibility for griefing *if* at least two survivors and the killer were all in on it. The fix, which was mentioned a lot at the time, was to allow the hooked survivor to cancel the effect as an opt in system, which solves any griefing issues in one shot.

    Instead, the fearmongering that camping was actually getting addressed got the perk gutted into being basically ineffective in most camping situations.

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    It was tried more than once and didn't make it to live either time because of the way people used it.

    While you feel their is no evidence for Reassurance, that is exactly what happened during that ptb. Fearmongering had nothing to do with it because as I said, the player that actively seeks to hard face camp you will still do so no matter what state that perk shipped in. What it did do though was get used by survivors to make legitimate hook defenses against people basically running up the moment they got the person on the hook a scenario where the killer essentially had no good options and positioned the person on the hook to be camped in situations they otherwise would not have been.

    Like if you think killers have enough vocal power to sway the devs you're out of your depth. If that were the case they certainly would have made use of it to get a million other things than a nerf to Reassurance a perk that even if it shipped in its ptb form less than 10% of players would probably bother equipping it. The devs never promised to remove camping and have on many occasions said that they were looking into and testing ways to mitigate it. They have delivered on some mitigation that helps, but I don't see you getting what you want unless they change how gameplay works. Which means changing things connected to and even then you may still not actually get a total solution.

  • Member Posts: 2,437

    What did the last patch do? It nerfed generator regression peks by ~75% and did not adjust gen rush perks.

    I can't guard the generators anymore so I have to guard hooks.

  • Member Posts: 296

    Gens going faster than a F1 tyre change is the biggest reason for camping. There is no incentive to chase survivors. 1 chase = 3 gens completed.

    I don't camp because I don't care if I win or lose but that to me is the problem.

  • Member Posts: 30

    I cannot think this countermeasure to camping to be good one. It does not actually prevent camping and for many killers it hardly makes a difference, this only makes it obnoxious to maneuver around the hook for the killer. Playing as the killers that do have it, it is rather irritating trying to use a power in a direction facing away and being unable to do so because you just hooked someone and now have to walk X metres because reasons, potentially losing the timing for your power in the process.

    If you want an actual anti-camping measure, look no further than the Cages of Atonement, they are far more effective against camping while also being undisruptive to killer gameplay. Hooks are and have always been what enables camping and they are the core of the problem, not killer powers.

  • Member Posts: 2,073

    If it ever happened at all there would've been evidence. Somewhere, Reddit, Twitter, video or twitch vod, the forums. People love to show off stacking everything for 12 minute heals or 350% move speed. It would've made for good, easy content... Especially if it was 'omg rampant, everyone is doing this on PTB, abuse everywhere!!!'

    You're claiming it happened, so show me. I've asked at least 6 different times since that PTB for anyone to provide evidence that this occurred, no one ever has. Maybe you'll be the first, but I sincerely doubt it.

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    Reassurance is still good against camping though? If survivors are actually doing gens then that extra 30 seconds is pretty big.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    You can't really prevent camping with how the game is currently designed. Hooks are an objective for survivors as they must rescue their teammate or let them die. The nature of this means that the killer should always be able to punish survivors who take too long to go for the rescue to force out a hook state or even a sacrifice.

    The devs would have to balance the game around hooked survivors naturally respawning without other survivor input if they wanted to remove camping which wouldn't necessarily lead to a better game itself.

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    Probably never, because it's a "valid strategy"(c) and otherwise killers have to put slightest effort to win the game.

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    Oh, I'm very aware.

    At this point the videos are folks who come to the thread later.

  • Member Posts: 300

    or you know just simply let the entity teleport the survivor to a different hook similar to pyramid head cages if he tries to camp? Or make deliverance and DS base kit . 2 easy fix to help on camp/tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 99

    All they need to do is make it to where no Killer can use their power anywhere near a hook. Twins already has this restriction. Just give it the rest of the Killer roster (Trapper Included with the basement BS). Done.

  • Member Posts: 761

    You're basically asking for an update where camping is 100% beyond a shadow of a doubt impossible, but that simply is never going to happen. The devs have said that camping is a viable strategy. And i'd even go as far as saying that its only a lower mid tier strategy since even slightly competent will either find a way to save their friend or slam 2 or 3 gens in the two minutes the killer just wasted camping.

    Camping, as a strategy, is never going away. It's time survivors made peace with that

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    You do know that wasn't gaslighting...that was actually happening on the PTB hence why people both Survivors and Killers were complaining about it and why it was changed.

    Someone already posted two videos a few posts up.

  • Member Posts: 20

    And those players would have been permabanned if that happened in live because it's literally working with the killer AND holding players hostage. if certain mechanics should never be added to the game because they can be abused we should be able to go through killers so killer players no longer body block a survivor in a corner whenever they get mad they lost.

  • Member Posts: 894

    Dude just get over it. Camping is a legit strategy and can easily be stopped by gen rushing. If you're the unfortunate one on the end of the camping I get it, but it is what it is

  • Member Posts: 1,129

    M1 Killers without chase potential or mobility rely on it to get kills.

  • Member Posts: 2,501

    Look at the image on Reassurance. That is as close as you'll get. More than likely never going to happen this far along in the game's life, but who knows?

  • Member Posts: 2,212

    I'm one of the people who came to the thread later and it feels like you didn't watch your own videos.

    The first video the creator is generally enthusiastic about reassurance and how it will nuke camping. He even talks about wanting it to be a base kit mechanic and not a P2W feature.

    The second video talks about a hypothetical possibility. Something that could happen. For it to occur you'd basically need a SWF that was dedicated to griefing the person on the hook. They could already do this via body blocking and like body blocking it could be made bannable (or if even we don't get to that stage, many people have pointed out easy ways to get around it, such as still allowing kobe attempts or 2nd stage hook check failures).

    The third video the survivors are working together to test out the feature. The survivor on the hook is not being held against their will and they start off talking about how amazing it will be against campers. They are intentionally trying to test out a hypothetical, not so much actual gameplay. It's also cut together of various matches so it's hard to tell for sure how long they make it actually work, but pretty clear evidence the killer frequently manages to hit/catch survivors as they are coming in for the reassurance.

    You accuse @AmpersandUnderscore of bad faith, but neither of your videos actually disprove his point that there is zero evidence. Here is his original comment

    This never happened. There was never any evidence of this actually occurring, and was an invented possible scenario to keep Reassurance from being pushed to live in it's original form (that might have been effective at it's job).

    At best, the perk has the possibility for griefing *if* at least two survivors and the killer were all in on it. The fix, which was mentioned a lot at the time, was to allow the hooked survivor to cancel the effect as an opt in system, which solves any griefing issues in one shot.

    All of this is still true. It's an invented, possible scenario, those videos you show were testing it out by working together, not holding a survivor captive. Then, as he mentions, even as a possibility it would require a pretty rare combination and, as others have outlined, there were incredibly simple fixes.

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    I posted three videos out of many that came up, as I stated it's game breaking effects are documented pretty well. I don't care if you disagree with me and I have nothing to prove because ultimately regardless of how either of you feel the scenarios were there, they were documented and more than anything the devs made the judgment call.

    If you want to believe it is because killers whined that's your business. If you want to say there is no proof even when given the starting point then I got nothing that will convince you.

  • Member Posts: 8

    With any luck, never. That would be one of the few things that actually would kill the game. Twins can't camp, no ability near hook, no one plays it. Drone merchant can't camp, no ability near hook, still to this day never seen one in game, no one plays it. Camping is a necessary part of the game, its why it takes 60 seconds for a hook stage, so that you have to camp.

  • Member Posts: 136

    Well I can’t imagine getting rid of hooks is a realistic suggestion, could be wrong?

    But yeah the whole point is to make it annoying for killers to want to be around hooked survivors so don’t get what the argument against it would be? One problem I see with it is that ranged killers and others could charge their power just outside of the radius and shoot in leaving the change more of a nuisance rather than effective.

    Other ideas such as buffing reassurance and getting rid of healthy grabs are good and maybe the solution is lots of little things and new perks like that if no one can think of a one-all-be-all solution?

    Just today a doctor was spam shocking me so I physically couldn’t unhook the survivor at all due to the spam scream animation. The survivor died and the killer got a 4K, surely this isn’t the way the developers want killers to be playing or ‘winning’ their games.

    Irregardless it’s good for these discussions to happen I think.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    I read somewhere - and sorry, I cannot remember where - that the devs are looking into an anti-camping mechanic. I don't know how it's gonna look, but no skin off my back since I don't camp anyway.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    You can't 'prevent' camping any more than you can 'prevent' genrushing.

    It's a valid tactic, and in some cases, the only tactic. During endgame when the killer has no other objectives to defend other than the hooked survivor, or when the killer can see all other survivors approaching the hook for the save.

    The problem is exploiting this to bait survivors or force a sacrifice on first hook. Camping can't be 'prevented', but it should be 'punished' in the form of a higher cost for doing so, or not such an oppressive 'reward'.

    One thing that could help is the removal of healthy hook grabs. It's not fun for either side anyway dancing around each others ping like that, and the killer doesn't deserve to score two hooks out of camping one. A hook trade is still guaranteed, so the killer will still have at least one survivor on the hook, so it's not 'preventing' camping. It just means it doesn't 'pay' as well.

    Secondly is disabling certain killer powers by the hook. Most newer killers have this anyway, and you'd really only need to extend it to Bubba and Billy anyway. Make it so they can't charge up the chainsaw within 10 meters of a hooked survivor. If they want to use their power at the hook, they need to start their sprint further away from the hook and run in, giving survivors a window to react and dodge our of the way.

  • Member Posts: 185

    Pretty much all killers of the roster cannot win a game without camping/tunneling at a good MMR.

    You do not even see how OP the survivors still are...

  • Member Posts: 136

    I get there is a time and a place for camping/tunneling. Particularity against tough teams, comp and just those games where gens are flying and there’s no other option. It has its place I’m just hoping there’s be a way to discourage people from easily doing it right from the start or circumstances where it doesn’t call for it because it might sound petty but outside of those specific situations it just sucks to see. No skill, no fun. Borderline exploity.

  • Member Posts: 185

    There is, patrolling and defending gens must be more efficient than camping/tunneling.

    It is not the case anymore with the huge regression perks nerf.

    If you play a killer that cannot, power wise, end chases in less than 30 seconds, the game is a guaranteed loss if you do not camp/tunnel the 1st survivor out of the game.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    But it is absolutely the case with healing nerfs. Survivors have less chance to recover from your attacks, which makes directly pressuring survivors off gens (as opposed to say indirectly pressuring gens via Pain Res and camping) much more effective.

  • Member Posts: 185
    edited April 2023

    A good survivor doesn't need to be healed to hold a chase for 30 to 45 seconds against most killers.

    At high MMR they never heal and use resilience to boost the gen rush. They also use adrenaline to get a free heal when all gens are done. Pair this with communication (if SWF) and they can leave the generator they work on 10 to 15 seconds BEFORE the killer is there, drawing huge distances, enough that the killer needs 20 seconds to catch up.

    Only noobs are looking for heal every time they are injured.

    When a gen can be done in 40 seconds and when there are 15 safe pallets per map, the pressure is against the killer, not the survivors.

    Survivors have so many tools to be invincible... Play killer, you will see it by yourself.

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