Now it is really hard to play killer

Since the 6.7.0 update 8 out of 10 matches as killer are pretty bad. It doesn't matter who I play with or what strategy/perks I use I still get genrushed and looped for like 5 minutes. I tried to drop chase, but then, that survivor gets right on a gen, I tried different tactics but nothing seems to work. I feel so bad for killer mains rn. Even as survivor, every killer camps hooks now and I understand them because there isn't anything else that they can do. I know people say that we complain too much but aren't video games made for fun? Before this update I had a lot of fun as killer and as survivor but idk what changed because everyone plays very boring now. I guess I have to play survivor until something changes but I don't really have who to play with because my friends don't even want to play the game anymore because everyone camps and tunnels. I hope things will change in the future
They just dont play their own game. The main problem of dbd is the gen speed. The only reason why killers are forced to camp and tunnel is because there is most of the time no other way. If 3 gens pop after you first chase you are forced to camp and tunnel.
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I don't get this woe is me and mine mentality right now. If we have a new thread come up every 5 minutes from someone saying they quit killer or survivor because X thing is broken, then what is the real issue? Are they both right or is this proof that the game is actually getting close to some kind of balance and people don't really like that?
I'm a 60/40 killer pref player and I have to say, this is one of the BEST metas I've ever played in the last 4 or 5 years. All I can say anecdotally is that 90% of my survivor games start with someone DCing or killing themselves on hook. As killer, my games can range from pub stomp to sweat fest but I usually feel in control more or less. Playing with hard regression every game dulled a lot of you guys in my opinion, just like it dulled a lot of survivors when they had a 7 second self heal. You lost your comfortable tools and now you don't know what to do without them. So you're sputtering instead of adapting, both sides.
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I don't know how am I supposed to adapt to this. There is no fun in sweating and playing dirty to win. Where did the casual killer matches where I didn't need to stress too much about gens being done fast? It is almost impossible to be in a chase longer than 20 or 30 seconds and not have a gen or almost a gen done. I don't get it, everything was better before this update.
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The meta on both sides changed.
Survivor went from 2nd chances to gen rush. Killers went from regression to tunneling/camping/slugging.
Depending on the person, those changes could easily make the game be absolutely terrible. We're not close to balance, we've ended up in a meta where neither side really gets to play the game.
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A 20-30 second chase that leads to a down is pretty damn good, and the only way they could have a gen done that fast is if multiple people were on it with toolboxes and bnps, which is possible of course but not likely every match. And even if that is the case, its one gen at the start that gets focused with items. If you're getting dogpiled on generators, maybe you should try something like discordance so you know if people are doubling up?
I don't know, post your gameplay somewhere and get an objective opinion from someone else, maybe having another set of eyes on what you're doing could help you improve? Like I really don't know at this point with a lot of peoples complaints. I play billy most of my games with shadow born, bbq, infectious, and lethal and still win a good chunk of them. I slug when it affords me pressure in a smart way but I go out of my way not to tunnel or camp just for personal reasons and I STILL do alright usually. Some games are going to be a wash, that's for sure. You get into a 4 or 3 man swf with bnps and gen perks, yeah it can fly. But that isn't every game.
Its impossible to say this stuff without it seeming like humble brags but its just true. And I find it really hard to believe other killers aren't winning more than 50% of their games. Makes me kind of sad that not everyone is enjoying the changes, cause I really do think they are so close to being in a VERY good place with the meta. Nurse and Blight are holding them back from making killers better though and I think that's a huge problem.
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Honestly, if youre still complaining about how hard it is to play killer after this update, you should probably either play survivor or just stop playing. I have 3500 hours in this game, both killer and survivor and Im telling you right now, this is the best place its been for killer in FIVE years. Like what?
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Well. I have totally different experience. I reduceed my survivor gameplay, because it's not feasible any more if not playing 4man. However on killer, the games are pretty chill - especially (but not limited to) on strong killers (like spirit). The games looks now like I get strong survivor map, or I win. The game is so much easier on killer (no DH, 100% sure in 1st chase, but probably also later in game as ppl are stopping to play that, heals take ages so ppl are usually injured or gens are crawling = easy quick chases).
Sure. I can always get borgo on Bubba, or badham with dredge. Those games are usually not won. But then I get midwitch/RPD on anyone and it's just free win most of the times.
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I agree with you, its completely dependent on how someone takes the game or personally decides to play it. But my argument would be that the majority of players lack certain fundamentals because they relied so heavily on the things that were baked into the game to protect them. I feel for the people that say they aren't having fun because they lost X thing, but blanket statements on your experience being weaker as a whole don't really stand on those laurels alone. If you can't cope without that thing, that isn't a statement on the games health, its personal. Doesn't mean you're bad, just that you need to find alternatives or improve in other places.
We have this coming from both sides, meaning they're both missing this safeguard. I can relate. When the kicking/pop meta died like 4 years ago or whatever, I felt lost as a killer. I played Ghost Face with surveillance/pop/bbq/bamboozle, and I felt unstoppable and thought I was really getting good. Then they nerfed it to the ground and I realized how ineffective my pressure skills were and my game sense was ass without bbq telling me where to use pop every game. I decided to quit for a while cause I blamed the game, not me. When I could have been taking my chases smarter, or dropping bad tiles faster, stuff that I didn't have to do when I could just POP everything if I just got the smallest snowball going.
I understand why people are saying that balance isn't nerfering both sides at the same time but these were things that were both massively unhealthy for the game as a whole. 3 gening isn't particularly fun for either side, at least for me. And hitting a survivor and watching them heal back to full while in chase is probably one of the most demoralizing things that can happen while playing killer. These were addressed pretty well in my opinion. medkits were broken for way to long and coh should have never let you self heal. I think the DH change was harsh tho.
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Killer does feel a bit less fun. You have to me more precise and there's much less room for error nowadays it seems. You kinda have to sweat more than you did years ago imo. I still primarily play killer but it's getting less exciting and more frustrating
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I follow the BP bonus cause I really don't care which side I play and right now I'm having this most fun I've had since pyramid head came out. My survivor matches have a lot of camping and tunneling but thats nothing new just a little more frequent than before. My killer matches are fun too. Throw on corrupt and deadlock to slow the game down and couple locater perks and just chase as much as I can.
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I totally disagree:
This is my usually experience this patch... No camp, no tunnel. This is just most fresh game. But others look very similar...
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Well, to be fair, spirit isn't necessarily indicative of general gameplay
I do mostly gravitate to the weak killers though (Trapper, myers, pig primarily) so that also skews things. Not having much gen regression super hurts those killers
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You are asking for blanket buffs.
Also I have similar (not same - spirit is indeed strong - even with brown addons - imagine I brought MDR+amulet) results with Bubba, Legion, Pinhead, Plague, Doctor. Other killers I play are a bit behind, but still - no problem with playing them.
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Yeah the killers I primarily use are very weak. They could use some buffs
And to be clear, I'm not saying it's unwinnable with them. I can still get pretty consistent 4ks with each but it's a lot more tense and punishing nowadays imo than it was a while back
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Maybe your MMR changed? From what I can tell - it feels like there's more SWF players (because soloQ is insufferable - at least for me - at least I personally stopped soloQ altogether now) - which is double-edged sword, because u can abuse their altruism.
Sure - if you get more wins, you will face a bit better survivors. But I still win most of my games (but - I also get 0K from time to time)
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Yeah I have no idea. I'm still getting about the same 4ks most games but it's getting much more sweaty getting a 4k (and not in a way I'm exactly excited about)
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Where are you guys when I play?! Cause I've seen more killer 4ks then ever before
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Can I ask you a question tho? What is with this randomness in matches. I played 2 matches with nurse. The first one ended in like 4 minutes with a 4k and the other one ended with only 1 hook against a genrushing squad
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The one thing I've noticed is more and more killers disconnecting because they can't keep up, but I'm sure once MMR fixes it's self, they'll enjoy it again. The changes stop people with a lack of skill (on both sides) from getting an easy win. If I play survivor, I'll throw those gens out, because killer is gonna tunnel anyway and a survivor is going to DC usually, so I'll get them done as fast as possible. If I play killer, I don't sweat my ass off and I don't tunnel. I will camp once all gens are done, if I haven't had a kill. But in general I play for fun. I don't care if I win or lose, as long as I don't depip.
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Randomness is always going to be an element of this game, its in fact a huge gameplay mechanic. Maps are random, tiles are random, teammates are essentially random in solo Q, as are spawns for the most part. MMR isn't entirely accurate with skill, and some metrics found that a soft cap is implemented that makes the system really no different than the old ranking system. Essentially we are either playing against New players, bad players, and decent player. New is pretty self explanatory, they have little to no experience. Bad is people who have played for some time but still hover on the lower end of the spectrum in terms of skill. Decent is people who can survive a trial semi consistently and have decent to very good looping skills and understanding of game mechanics.
The problem is that most of the player base is DECENT, which also encompasses highly skilled or great because the mmr doesn't track that difference, only major ones. So one game you could have 4 decent players that look like potatoes compared the next group you get. That's my understanding at least. So you'll face drastically different levels of players, even on the highest mmr scale. And swfs changes everything when it is competent people.
As for your games, getting 1 hook with nurse in a 4 or 5 minute game (assuming it was short because you were gen rushed) is pretty definitive that you aren't particularly good with her. She's still the best killer in the game and any decent nurse can do a lot of damage with her, even perkless. You probably played 4 easier opponents the first match , even though they were close to similar mmr. Then your next game was better players but still in that mmr bracket. It can jarring to get a 4k easy one match and lose your pants the next, I know, but that is how it works. You wont win every game, you wont lose every game. And I'd be willing to bet you win most of them.
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I did before recent updates and I don't know why. I think I play the same. Before this year I would 4k almost every match and get a merciless but things changed drastically
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I understand if you don't want to sweat, but your a single killer, you can't just have a "low stress" game. There's a lot the killer has to take care of. besides you power and you perks, you are the one who judges the Trial's pace, now survivors have their little way of setting the pace, there's four of them. I could understand if you love playing killer, but if you are looking for "low stress" games, stick to survivor. They're expendable, not everything is on you, and the team shares some of the torture and the gnashing.
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I would love to, but most survivor games end up getting tunneled and camped
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I strongly disagree with you. A perk system can and should ease pain points that players have with the game. Don't like not knowing where to go to get into your next chase? That's fine... run BBQ or some other info perk. Don't like it when the killer leaves you on the ground? Run Unbreakable, Tenacity, and the like. Don't like losing gens so fast you feel like you have to play absolutely ruthless to have a chance? That's what slowdown and regression is for. Don't like getting downed again without at least a chance of doing something in chase? Run self healing. Not everyone's tastes are the same. This isn't necessarily a git gud issue. Some players who are complaining probably could deal with whatever their pain point is that was dealt with with a perk, but simply don't want to so they won't. Video games are supposed to be fun after all.
Also, Pop and BBQ are actually some of the healthiest killer perks in the game bar none. They should have rebuffed at least Pop this last patch.
3 genning, medkits, and coh changes were all... at least decent. DH they took the wrong way, but it did deserve a nerf.
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Sure, they should and they do to a certain degree. But wouldn't you say its better to be an overall more skilled and consistent player in your fundamentals than having to run bamboozle or windows with every build? Knowing what tiles are worth playing and which chases are worth taking is easily the strongest skill to have in this game, especially as a killer. No perk tells you which survivor is the weakest on the team, that's something you learn by playing.
I agree with you on Pop and BBQ, they incentivize multiple chases and hooks. The only problem with them is nurse and blight exist. And you can say any killer perk in the game and I'll say that right back to you. Cause they are the issue when it comes to making more perks that reward healthy play. You'd just be making those two even stronger and that's not great. They are the best at getting multiple hooks so you're essentially buffing them when you go down that lane.
To the pain points thing, I'd say we still have many ways to deal with our short comings or annoyances. In regression and gen defense we still have dead mans switch, Deadlock, Corrupt, Pain res is still pretty good, Thrilling, discordance, jolt, pop has been coming back, I've seen eruption still carry some games even. To that though, I'd really like to see them make call of brine better and overcharge, I hate having dead perks that just collect dust and they bullied those two out of the game.
Essentially you're right, perks are crutches in some way to make up for a shortcoming a player or killer has. But if you can play without that crutch, you'll only get stronger. No hate on the crutch but some of them are almost considered staples at this point and no one likes loading into a game and seeing 0 perk diversity from either side. Lately its been fun seeing what everyone has decided to run at the very least. yeah, most still bring whatever is the best but some people have been going outside of the box and that's been pretty interesting.
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who are you trying to fool by saying you won without tunneling and camping? It is clear from the screenshot that two people received only 7-8 thousand points each, did they even manage to touch the generators? I can provide a screenshot of what games without camping and tunneling actually look like, and such matches stretch out for 30+ minutes.
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Why would I do that? That was regular gameplay. This happens normally if you get 2 quick downs and team needs to recover/unhook/heal instead of doing anything useful. As you can see, the other 2 got only 10k more (because they probably got the unhooks). It's not that hard really
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Lmao imagine playing killer and saying it's to hard and genrush is to hard-core. Everything survivors can do is easily mitigated or countered. Everything. Or has just plainly been nerfed.
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The problem with your stance is that there are a ton of pain points in this game that can't get solved by getting good... but can get solved with perks. If Behavior decides to kill the perk(s) you used to solve your pain point, you as a player are now in a terrible situation where your choices are: you quit the game, or play anyway... hoping you don't run into your pain point, suffer if you do... and probably quit after getting absolutely fed up with the game.
Combine the above with the fact that Behavior has been on an absolute war path against any perk that is meta AND a handful that absolutely aren't, they have created a ton of player resentment. That's literally never a good thing. Especially since they've made the least healthy meta I've ever seen.
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Hey, sorry to bother but I have another question, It is not really DBD related but is it possible to delete a discussion posted by me?
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I've just learned to take the game chase by chase. Technically its deranking ig since I'm not trying anymore, but I'm having a lot more fun just chasing and stabbing players as Pain Train Legion.
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Lol this describes the current issues perfectly. Killers are in control because of how busted things are. Your survivors dcing or killing themselves on hook, symptom of killers being to strong, and undesirable behavior...might aswell go next, don't feel like sitting on a hook/tunneled until dead or getting camped.
For thw crying killers: I really don't understand the crying about "genrush" it's literally the objective and essentially the only thing to do in the game, run from killer, do gen, save hooked/heal. Rarely if ever do I have a game where players ignore the person on hook if the killer isn't doing their dumb stuff.
If you're a killer main and you don't come out on top in most current games, you're legit bad. Play survivor, MAYBE you'll have more fun
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Everything about the problem is in your build, just look at your Killer, then your perks, then your addons.
Look at what you have, and then see how much altruism they gave you.
Then, it's enough to know you only win because of meta, end of the argument.
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My addons? Should I have taken MDR+amulet? I think I took one of the weakest addons in game. Same about map offering - I didn't choose Gideon (some ppl still consider it survivor sided - so this is for them).
Also this whole thread is about killer being way too hard and basically unplayable - that doesn't look to be true if such a stomp is possible with ######### addons...
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Try playing Pig with no addons and no gen regression perks, you'll see.
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Pig seems decent from my encounters...not entirely sure the addons and stuff they run. The rarest killer I see has got to be Billy, and there's probably a reason for that, Billy matches don't seem to go too well for them...
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Billy is all about skill and succesful mind games I think, like I have none of those 2 and got obliterated instantly by Ace.
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"try playing soloQ with just no mither then"
What does that have to do with anything? I don't like pig. I do play weaker killers, but not pig. But I can play clown from time to time and even if he's much weaker - it's still very much possible to win. What absolutely makes no sense is saying that killer can't win anything when picking weak killer AND handicapping myself - and demand for devs to change things so that it's suddenly possible.
Maybe do not handicap yourself if you want to win so much?
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I did and escaped lol, I'm so gud at this game.
And no, the Killers are weak, the maps are terrible and the survivors perks are way too efficient.
A new player don't have the best perks nor 100000 iridescent addons, even after playing 100 hours, it's either have incredible skill or play Nurse.
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I have exactly the opposite experience. And I have waaaay more the 100hrs on killers alone (being survivor main).
Now show me the stats - out of 10 soloQ games in a row with no mither and no other perk - how many did u escape? I would guess it would be around 1/10 if you are lucky.
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I only escaped 1 time, and just because my teammate had a David Looper King that was giving the Killer an immense feeling of weakness.
I don't even saw the Killer, I think it was a Knight or something similar.
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ok. So getting super hard carried against killer that can't finish 1 chase is "i'm so gud at this game". I think it does not make sense to continue with this debate
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Damn you're really taking this thing so seriously, chill out.
You don't have to be a genius to understand I was joking there.
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Try solo queue
However I find much success against genrushers by equipping rancor, game Afoot, remember me, and NWO
This is especially going to be a much better strat thanks to the remember me buff as well
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I just started playing at the beginning of the blood moon event. I play Surv. At the beginning it was fun and scary, made it out probably 45% of the time. Was being put up against players just as new as me and I could definitely feel it mid game. Chase was exciting because sometimes I would actually succeed. Now? I'm burnt out already. I simply do not survive unless the killer is friendly. I die every match. Went from playing all day to only being able to put in 2 matches before I accept defeat. I last about 7 seconds in chase and yet it has been decided that I am a god survivor and killers should get to have a heyday with my corpse. And I'm typically playing with at least one of my friends who started playing at the same time as me, when we 4 man swf on the weekends it the same story. Squad wipe for the killer. I really have no idea what you're talking about man