Bug Reporting

Bug Reporting

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Error 8007



  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    i havnt been able to play since the new update 8007 meased us up

  • Member Posts: 5

    It's really frustrating that they also don't say anything about the status of this issue, It has been almost a week since this error started for me and is imposible to play.

    I would love to have some feedback from bhvr, just say that they are on it or something but not beeing able to play, try everything and having no response from the company doesn't make it better.

    I hope this is fix soon, and for the rest of the people that are like me waiting, just be patience guys, sometimes is difficult to find where the errors are.

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,579

    We have acknowleged the issue and confirmed when a fix will be released.

    Comments re cross progression are removed from this thread because this is a bug report, and as such needs to be kept for bug information only.

  • Member Posts: 90

    They did though, they said it might be fixed with the next hotfix. When that hotfix is however, we don't know. Hopefully at some point next week. If it comes on Monday, that's a week we've been unable to play, so that's the minimum we can assume we'll have to wait. Could be 3 weeks though, who knows?

    Looking at how people are reacting to the most recent patch however, I think BHVR is more focused on getting people to stop review-bombing Steam and such right now though, than to get us back into the game, so it's anyones guess when we'll get back in.

  • Member Posts: 19

    I share your frustration. When the issue wasn't fixed by end of work day Friday, it seemed safe to assume we wouldn't be able to play all weekend, but I kept trying to launch the game once or twice per day hoping it would magically work anyway.

    It's definitely frustrating that we have no eta on a fix, and the last update we got was on Thursday, but it was just to say it's being investigated. I think most of us are being patient, but it's not a great feeling to know if we were on a different platform, the issue would have been prioritized and resolved already. It doesn't inspire confidence that we should continue to buy cosmetics and dlc for a game that won't even launch, while everyone else gets to enjoy the update and play as usual.

    This update was huge, and it puts a damper on the excitement of trying out the changes when we're a week behind everyone else due to no fault of our own, and with nothing to show for it. As others have mentioned, we're left missing out on bloodpoint codes, a week's worth of time put into the new rift, and with no promise that it will be made right in any way. It's disappointing.

  • Member Posts: 17

    "Should be available". No explanation, no date. Just a "should be fixed but we don't know."

    We have no idea when the 'next hotfix' will released and surely we won't be compensated for this entire week of being unable to play the game because y'all don't care enough about WinStore players. We're rightfully asking for a simple cross progression because you've done it for platforms that don't even work anymore but still refuse to give it to us when it's more than obvious we've been needing it for years now. Steam players wouldn't be waiting an entire week for a hotfix. It'd be dropped within the hour.

    But sure thing. 5 days without being able to play the game because of error 8007. Good job, BHVR.

  • Member Posts: 5
    edited April 2023

    I actually never ever heard before, that a dev have mannaged to make their own game completely unplayable for a week because of an update. Also that they have the audasity not to fix it ASAP, just because it has such a low priority due to the platform. I guarantee that this would have been fixed the same day if this had been on steam, even if it happened on a sunday. Not to mension the constant need to restart the game due to matchmaking not possible after a few games. bhvr and their spaghetti code game :(

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Member Posts: 16

    Day 5. thanks Mandy for at least posting something recent. i look forward to the day of the hotpatch. ill be on totalwar warhammer 3 in the mean time

  • Member Posts: 5
  • Member Posts: 90

    Wait, I missed this comment earlier.

    I'm not in a position to test this right now, as everyone I know who plays the game via Windows Store are unable to play the game as well right now, but if this is true, that could be bad.

    It suggests that maybe they screwed up our accounts, not our ability to connect to the game. I've seen a few people on reddit mention that they can indeed connect to the game right now, even though they are also on the Windows Store version of the game.

    It might be that they messed up some database containing some of the accounts on Windows Store, but not all. If that's the case, I'm afraid to think what that could mean. If that is what has happened, and they can't recover them...

  • Member Posts: 5

    Same error here.

  • Member Posts: 17

    Another day with no fix and no telling us what happened, just a "maybe we'll fix it next hotfix but who knows, also we're not telling you when it's gonna drop so just deal with it!". Gotta tip my hat at BHVR for showing how much they legit don't care about WinStore players. Amazing job there, guys.

  • Member Posts: 19

    When is the hotfix scheduled to go live?

    Even a ballpark estimate would at least give us a date range that we can expect a resolution.

    I understand schedules can change, or that unforeseen issues can arise while trying to fix the bug, but currently those us not privy to the internal process/schedule have no clue when the hotfix will go live, and so we have no end in sight to the problem.

  • Member Posts: 14

    Bonsoir à tous, It's been 1 week now that we can't acces to the game, after this bad experience with the support (like what the problem comes from Microsoft or my internet connection), I decided to not support Dead By Daylight anymore, I mean no longer buy skins/rift. But hey, I guess if our demands aren't fixed I think they'll totally forget about this message.

    What a shame !!

    Thx Dev, support.

  • Member Posts: 14
    edited April 2023

    If we look at the old hotfixes after a big update, it happens 1 week and 2 days approximately, it all depends on when the bug report was transmitted to the devs, I'm afraid that if they solves the problem, that could work again at the end of the week.

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,579


    Players affected with the 8007 Error on Windows Store (only), can contact our Customer Support Team for manual assistance prior to a hotfix.

    Please give our support team as much information as possible - Error Code, player ID, name on platform, cloud ID etc. They will need this information in order to access your account.

    Dead by Daylight

  • Member Posts: 17

    I've contacted Customer Support way before coming to the forums and the only answer I got was an automated response and then an entire week of silence but sure thing, I'll contact them again.

  • Member Posts: 11

    No predictions to fix the bug.

    Don't be surprised to go another week without being able to play.


  • Member Posts: 17

    First we can't get the Meet your maker cosmetics for buying the game, or the board game Dwight charm, now we can't even play the game for over a week! We're second class citizens

  • Member Posts: 17

    how can we get our player cloud id without launching the game LOL

  • Member Posts: 5

    Still getting no help whatsoever from the customer support. Literally just asking if I restarted my router and have my windows updated. The level of incompetency here is unreal. How are you gonna tell us to go to your customer support to fix it and then have your customer support do absolutely nothing to fix it?

  • Member Posts: 19

    I submitted a ticket with customer support the night of the 4/18 update and tried the troubleshooting steps provided several times.

    Per Mandy's last update, I've replied back requesting if there are any additional steps I can take to resolve the issue.

    This update suggests there is a manual fix we can apply until the hotfix is released, is that correct?

  • Member Posts: 11

    Howdy all,

    ive just been through with customer support and been provided similar trouble shooting to be advised they’re still investigating this matter and will update me when they have information. So nothing here has really changed.

    I really hope this gets fixed soon as this is wild. I also hope maybe this provides an indication for behaviour to consider putting our details on a server to shift platforms or something in the near future.

    for now my fingers are crossed we have a fix by maybe tomorrow!

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,579

    It's a fix from our tech team that is more account specific.

  • Member Posts: 11

    Thank for the update Mandy,

    I've sent through all required information back to support but have not been provided a trouble shooting specific to my account how can I access this?

    thank you in advance.

  • Member Posts: 19

    I submitted a ticket with customer support the night of the 4/18 update, and tried the troubleshooting steps provided several times.

    Per your update, I've replied back requesting any additional steps I can take to resolve the issue.

    This update suggests there is a manual fix we can apply until the hotfix is released, is that correct?

  • Member Posts: 17

    Done that way before coming to the forums and the only reply I got was silence since Wednesday. No contact except an auto response saying 'someone is looking into your request'. Good Customer Support right there, guys.

  • Member Posts: 11

    Cool, but how do we contact customer support?

    At least leave us an instruction on how to do this.

  • Member Posts: 5

    Customer support just told me to make sure windows was updated and make sure the game is updated basically.... ######### is this behavior

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,579

    the link is in the post - the yellow links at the bottom

  • Member Posts: 4

    I'm not sure if the Windows Store version just isn't prioritized because the dev team is under the assumption that we're all freeloaders who got this game from Game Pass, but I've purchased this game on Xbox, PC, PS5, as well as a number of different skins. I purchased the game with the thought process that I wanted to show support to the development team rather than continue to utilize my Game Pass, a decision that I'm now regretting because the support simply isn't there.

    While I appreciate the update, as others have said, how are we supposed to access our Cloud IDs when we can't even get into the main menu to access our settings?

    With the amount of Windows Store players growing (this thread has gained exponentially more traction than prior Windows Store issues so I'm only presuming here,) the excuse of being an 'indie' company isn't plausible anymore with the years of commercial success this game has had as well as the number of employees BHVR employs.

    I sincerely hope that with this hotfix, comes an announcement for Windows Store players to port our data over to Steam. The usual song & dance of fixing of the bug later down the road with radio silence as to what happened or future action items, particularly for Windows Store players, has grown to be incredibly old and it's clear that players are not happy.

  • Member Posts: 5

    Why post that customer support would help with a fix when they clearly don't know what they are doing? I got in contact with customer support after Mandy told us we could for a fix, and they just said things along the lines of, maybe it's not updated, maybe your wifi is bad, maybe your windows isn't updated. When I told them that this issue wasn't on my side, that several other people were having it, that the community manager told me to go to them for help, they stopped replying to my emails. A week of waiting, with hopes of a fix, and absolutely nothing. I am beyond frustrated with you guys here, I have probably given you guys over $300 at this point, on chapters, cosmetics, buying the game on different platforms, and I get treated like a second class citizen here. What am I supposed to do and think from this point forward of you guys? Definitely gonna be hard to want to buy any new chapters now, because I'll always have a fear that I just won't be able to play what I put my money to. A week of "just wait for the hotfix, whenever that is," has probably been the closest thing to making me just drop your game than anything else. Bad changes, two bad chapters in a row, I could stomach, but this? I'm debating just saying forget it and washing my hands of this game. Not like it matters anyway to you guys.

  • Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2023

    same issue here

    As everyone im a windows player

    Post edited by PabloEsquivel on
  • Member Posts: 17

    An entire week and nothing has been resolved, the Customer Support Team promptly ignored my request and honestly, I'm just done with this game. Congratulations, BHVR. If you were planning to lose an entire player base because you don't care about us, you're doing it perfectly well.

  • Member Posts: 2

    Don't listen to Mandy or bother with Customer Support. They will just run you in circles with random troubleshooting that will do nothing, and then drop you telling you to contact windows support. Don't waste your time, they will just act like the problem is on your end or Windows'.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    I have tried several emails worth of fixes from customer support, which essentially ended with "there isn't much we can do until the next hot fix." So if you're having this issue it seems all we can do is wait it out. Something I do not appreciate my original comment I spent a paragraph at the beginning talking about all of this but also mentioned at the end cross progression to Steam would be nice, so they deleted it. Trying to suppress the player base, especially those just looking for a dang fix to play the game, is not a good look.

  • Member Posts: 11

    The bug has been fixed in my account.

    I hope you can also solve the problem.

    Thank you, Mandy, and thank you to the entire support team. See you all in the fog. XO

  • Member Posts: 17

    I just got a reply asking for my Cloud ID when the main problem is exactly not being able to start the damn game lmao

    What a laughable support and dev team. I'm honestly done. Good luck for anyone still trying to play this game, you'll need it because you won't have any support.

  • Member Posts: 12

    It is not fixed on my account as of 2 seconds ago I'm literally crying

  • Member Posts: 19

    This comment and waking up to see there was an update for the xbox app had me hopeful when I tried logging in this morning, but I'm still getting the 8007 error.

    Did you do anything that led to your account being fixed? Did you have your cloud ID saved somewhere and support was able to do something from there? Or did it just magically resolve on it's own?

    I've heard nothing back from the email I replied to yesterday - Should I even bother trying to contact support on a new ticket?

  • Member Posts: 11
    edited April 2023

    I sent the information about my account again, such as my username, player id.

    Then they sent me an e-mail asking if the fix had worked, and that it could help fix the problem of the other players.

    Be patient, they are trying to fix this as soon as possible.

  • Member Posts: 19

    Thank you for coming back to reply. Glad the fix worked for you and hope it'll work for others too. Going to try reaching out to support again.

  • Member Posts: 19

    I tried reinstalling again for maybe the 10th time (I've lost count) and encountered this error again. Wanted to share here in case it helps with anything/is related to the 8007 error in some way. This error was occurring mostly on the day of the 4/18 update, and I tried every troubleshooting step I could on the microsoft side to resolve it. No steps I took directly resolved it, and at some point the install worked again. Since then, most days that I tried reinstalling, the install error did not occur and the game installed without issue. I briefly encountered the install error (for about 30 minutes or less) over the weekend, and did not see it again until just now.

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