current state of keys makes plunder worthless

I can't wait for keys to get reworked (hopefully removed completely), because right now they ruin level 3 plunder, because I keep getting keys which are currently completely useless when I want toolboxes and medkits.
Keys are fine. Addons are still the same aka very strong.
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Bet you can't say that without laughing haha
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outside of blood amber addon? absolutely not lmao.
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Keys really need addressed. They shouldn't be as good as before, but I'd be okay if they, say, slightly speed up opening exits by a few seconds. Nothing huge, but it would make them worthwhile
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Keys doesn't need to be removed. They need an addon pass
We don't have much items as survivors, and the items they are adding are just in-game items that we can't bring with us (ex: flashbang)
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keys should speed up opening chests and the exit gates. they're keys, you use them to unlock stuff faster
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it would not fix problem with finding them in chests (especially green one). Just remove them at this point. Or make them do something totally different/new for a change.
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My only issue with keys is the fact that unless you can find the hatch, there's not really a time in which they're useful. But when you know exactly where the hatch is, THEN they actually work out. It's really rare though, and I agree I think I should be able to find toolboxes and medkits way more often than a key that is rendered useless most matches.
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Ace in the hole exist for a reason you know...
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Yes. It exists. Shattered hope also exists so why did we nerf boons? Blood echo & fearmonger exists so why nerf DH? Potential energy exists so why nerf CoB/OC?
You get the point? Making thing effective only in case you happen to bring a perk to make it do something (it would still not even do much) is IMO very bad design
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Ah the good ol days when all 4 survivors could escape through the hatch
Keys used to be worth it esp when you wanted to escape early ;)
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That worked only if you fixed all 5 gens. That one was the least busted part of keys. Real busted thing was taking 3 BNP's hatch offering and single key - no matter what if killer killed 2 people, the other 2 were guaranteed escape at that point (franklin's or some very sneaky key camping excluded - still this was very unfair).
It's good that hatch/key was changed in this regard. The problem is, that they just removed it and called it a day. Like removing 97% of item and considering it good to be still in a game is.... Stupid I think
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I left the game before the hatch offerings existed and having all survivors leave through the hatch, especially with randoms, was a great challenge. There was an achievement even.
I don't see why the hatch can't be available for multiple survivors if all gens are done and the gates are open. Would make keys useful and add that achievement again
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As a killer main I never had a problem with survivors hatching early. That was just the rules of the game.
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I enjoy my keys with blood amber and aura reading... keep that at least